Angelo Di Vita
The clown show that is the Church fo God continues on unabated! Woo Hoo!
Splints and splinters are the name of the game.
Such an amazing legacy Herbert Armstrong has unleashed on the world!
Check this out from UCG's member update about a UCG rogue minister.
At this time, too, it is necessary for us to remind you that the site being advertised inSabaudia is not a United Church of God Feast site. Neither Angelo Di Vita, nor his church, which continues to errantly use our name, are part of us or affiliated in any way with UCGIA, and Mr. Di Vita is no longer a minister in the United Church of God, having had his ministerial credentials revoked by the Council of Elders in December 2023, for several ethical violations. He has declared himself “autonomous and independent” from UCGIA. Thus, his Feast site or anything associated with him and his church is not part of us.
What good does revoking preaching credentials do in the Church of God movement? It did not matter when their credentials were revoked when they left or were kicked out of the mother church, the Worldwide Church of God. It did not even matter when ministers were kicked out or left the Radio Church of God. It never mattered when Herbert apostatized from the COG7.
It has never worked as hundreds of splinter groups left other splinter groups with all of them keeping their credentials intact. Not one of them ever had the decency to stop preaching since they had no credentials to do so. They just formed new organizations, set up their own rules of engagement, and did what they wanted to do.
UCG's stance that they revoked Angelo Di Vita's credentials is useless. They never set an example for him to follow so why should he listen to them?
Bunches of us have gotten ordained by Universal Life Church, but it's more of a freak out or shock value thing. The funny thing is it's probably worth more than my Ambassador College credits.
So many of these guys have "left the church" multiple times, and that fact somehow doesn't register with them. I'd say that they need to read David's example with respect to Saul, but Saul actually was the Lord's
Annointed, and nobody in Armstrongism ever was.
Never set an example? No! Angelo is following his mentors' example PERFECTLY!
Why should we listen to them? Why should we listen to any ACOG or former ACOG? The first bunch is brainwashed and the later are consumed with hostility.
Since you found a photo of this "rogue," he must have a "rogue" Feast site page somewhere. Where might it be?
why anyone would want to attend a Feast with these sphincter groups is beyond me.
UCG or UCGia or whatever offshoot/splinter-of-a-splinter should have also spent this same energy on seeking out another earlier rogue element within...when a "rogue" Elder Steven Allwine declared himself "autonomous & independent" enough to function as a one-man firing squad to execute the dear treasured fellow UCG member, Amy (his late wife). He was rogue enough to issue her a wrongful "death sentence".
If UCG whichever, has internal microscope to peer into Italian independent feast sites, could they also have probed rogue Stevie-weevie back when Amy was starting to get sick of web threats BEFORE he became her one-man firing squad?
Chasing gossip ? Not exactly The Journal.
He is out! And yet, "members" in good standing show up dressed like hookers, hippies, and weirdos to the feast.
6.30 pm, My experience while attending the WWCG was that life is cheap. One minister threatened me with expulsion for bringing up the topic of a sinning brother, without even a name or details being given. Like the Pharisees, doctrines matter, but people don't. Steven Allwine behavior shouldn't surprise those familiar with these cults.
So any indication what these “ethical violations” were?
Is that DOLLY PARTON standing behind his right shoulder??? I didnt know she was in the Italian UCG!
Did you chase gossip about Martin Luther, or John Calvin, or the Popes, or Billy Graham or Jim Bakker or Joyce Meyer when you decided to join COG?
Haven't you been secretly harboring gossip about Joe Biden & Hunter Biden when you vote for Trump, defying your COG anti-voting directive?
Don't you likely accept the gossip about Edward Snowden or of Julian Assange or of Greta Thunberg? Don't you gossip about P.E.T.A. or about electric cars? Don't you harbor gossip about Ted Kennedy at Chappaquiddick?
Don't you gossip about the NFL referee who makes a field ruling against your favorite team?
Don't you gossip about Putin, & Justin Trudeau, & A.O.C. & Elizabeth Warren & Charles Schumer & Jeffrey Epstein & Harvey Weinstein & the late Hugo Chávez?
And don't you gossip about how men who wear white dress shirts are liberals if they won't wear the goofy blue dress shirts that conservatives wear now, to identify with the "blue collar working-man" when you guys distance yourself from white-shirt wearing "elitist liberals"?
Why is it "gossip" to examine UCG's unfair stance against the decent fella Angelo Di Vita? (or to remember & never forget the rotten Steven Allwine)
Why do COGers pretend that they don't gossip?
What's wrong with Hippies???
Comment was made saying: "...Splints and splinters are the name of the game..."

Amen to that splints and splinters: words not used when the United Ass. was established in Indianapolis in 1995; however, a memo sent to Victor Kubik by a minister regarding United's hopes for Indianapolis, was read by Vic on May 2, 1995, the last day of the Indianapolis Conference, to all attending (included about 150 “elders,” mates, etc.).
Interesting, that the phrase "factions and factions" was used in lieu of those words “splints and splinters.” At least, one minister may have had "eyes/ears" to see/hear.
CAN IT EVER BE? That cohesive, Christ-led entity that we all want so dearly? Or does Indy seal our fate to factions and factions? The hopes are high, the stakes are critical. Indy will be either a dawning of a New World Tomorrow, or the proof of our folly.
PIE IN THE SKY is what the detractors say. Some of them are us, you know. Our “leaders” have already laid foundations and are even laying superstructure. The meek words of just a few weeks ago… “We’ve just started this in case it’s of any help, but we’ll gladly dissolve it” are seemingly replaced with corporate structure lauding the wisdom of “follow me.” Has “unity” already slipped to a cliché, a buzzword of egotists? I’ve seen that once people invest time, money and gain supporters they “have God’s blessing.” After all, they prayed about it.
Dissolution of their structure for a greater cause becomes too great a defeat. The show must go on.
WHAT IS INDY? It’s a chance for a ground up, New Testament organized body of believers.
WHAT WILL INDY BE? I know what you and I want it to be. But do you know what many see it as? Separate leaders of several pre-formed groups pushing their system at each other, followed by the winner selling it to the ministry. The ministry is invited to view the outcome and cast in their lot, depending on who "wins" and if they like the smell of it.
WHO LOOSES IF INDY FALTERS? The churches back home. The little flocks who are staking their faith in Indy. The loyal pastors who have forfeited everything to wait on Christ and to come learn his will for their next step. I hope He’s there. He resists the proud and gives grace to the humble.
Just some concerns and fears…I don’t know what it WILL be, I know what it MIGHT be and what it CAN be. I’ll be there in support. Be careful who gets control. Make sure it’s God.
That memo warned: "...Be careful who gets control."
With the passage of time, it appears God had no control, nothing to do with the United Ass. and/or any of their splits, splinters, or factions. Time is telling...
If God wasn’t in control, then may we look forward to the fulfillment of Jesus’ words stating the following?
“…Every plant, which my heavenly Father hath not planted, shall be rooted up.” Matthew 15:13
Time will tell…
Continuing some other thoughts about: "...Splints and splinters are the name of the game..."
A partial transcript of a sermon on God's Government given in 1997, regarding the United Ass./splinter, said the following about the United Ass"s creation and what was to follow.
"...You know; we have after the demise here of the Worldwide Church of God, and all of the split-ups and all of these different organizations. You notice: I did not call them churches, because they are not churches. They happen to be, or have some Firstfruits in them, but they are not led by God’s Spirit at all!...
...They’re still stuck back there in the sixties and the seventies. That’s where they’re stuck. That’s where all of these little organizations are. They have some truth, but they’re not being led!
Then, you look at UNITED! Now, I’m sure I’m going to offend a lot of people who will hear these taped sermons later out there, but this is a real mess! None of these men were even considered to be chosen by Mr. Armstrong; were they? None of them were, but they all voted themselves in anyway; didn’t they? Now, that’s not such of a firm foundation to have when you have to vote yourself into office.
Where was God?...
...All of these ministers who went with UNITED: they never liked being under authority and they wanted their say-so. They wanted their opinions to be heard, so they all joined in one big mass.
Now, why start a church like that?...
...I look at this as: “This is the ‘Boys’ Club!’ We’re going to do it our way,” and they’re not going to give up that RULE. Now they all think that they have the authority and that’s really a shame.
What’s their first agenda? “We’re going to pay ourselves very well!” Some of their literature came out with the ranges of salary. All I can say is: “Friends, it’s a non-profit, ‘church,’ organization! Why are any of you paying yourself that much? Well, it’s free money coming off of the backs of the members, isn’t it? The members through God’s Spirit are loyal and they tithe. What are you doing with it?”
Well, one of the first things that they want to set up is, of course, their retirement fund. It’s one of the first things and, when you look at their budget after paying the ministry, there’s really no more money. There’s really not that much money to do anything, any work, whatsoever..."
...Satan’s ways don’t work and everything that United has proposed to be their foundation of government within their “church” is all devised by Satan. It will not work and you will see that!...
...They’re all out there politicking to get into position so they can be the president and the same thing will happen to them. You’ll have this: turnover, turnover and turnover! Why?
Because God never placed anyone in charge!...
...It wasn’t even started properly and there are many, many more. They’re over forty thousand people sitting at stay-at-home churches and they already know GLOBAL, and PHILADELPHIAN, and TRUMPET, and INTERNATIONAL, and UNITED and the Worldwide Church of God. They’re not right, and they know it!..."
In 1998, my wife and I had the opportunity with two of our daughters to visit the Sabaudia, Italy Feast site and met Angelo, the Feast Coordinator at that time, assisting Carmelo Anastasi. We enjoyed their messages, and fellowshipping with them. Like so many of us, they were striving to do the best they could with what they had, and life went on; however, will any of these trends, mentioned in the 1997 transcript, continue to occur in the United Ass.?
Time will tell,
3:49.00 said "And yet, "members" in good standing show up dressed like hookers, hippies, and weirdos to the feast."
You don't have to worry so much about the members who are dressed like weirdos, it's the weirdos dressed like normal people that you have to watch out for.
a fantastic well written compendium of 2 notes John, thanks
Angelo & Carmelo seem nice in your notes
Tonto yes that Italian lady behind Angelo looks all as cute as our Dolly
or maybe she is Lidia Bastianich the cute cooking lady, rousting up a tasty ex-UCG Italiano potto-lucco de fiesto tabernacclo
Hooters b'gooters, Batman!
This is Don Vito Corleone. If I hear any more complaints about Angelo Di Vita, that person will wake up with a horse's head in their bed. Capishe?
Soupy Sales, Monday, February 12, 2024 at 1:16:00 PM PST, said:
; 2:2
; Romans 7:21
; James 4:5
, etc.) flesh and blood, because other "sources" of evil in our lives are involved and Jesus clearly understood that. We, like Adam and Eve who initially only knew "good," but had to experience and learn to hate evil, are what? We are learning to hate evil.

; Isaiah 10:14
), and under a curse (Zech 5:3
; Gal 1:4
"...a fantastic well written compendium of 2 notes John, thanks
Angelo & Carmelo seem nice in your notes
You are welcome, Soupy Sales.
Here's a little update: Carmelo has since deceased, but I liked the way people were treated by both men.
Jesus tells us to "love one another." We may not like what people do, but Jesus knew what He was talking about. We don't wrestle (Eph 6:12
Stephen understood who the real enemies were, too:
"And he kneeled down, and cried with a loud voice, Lord, lay not this sin to their charge. And when he had said this, he fell asleep." Acts 7:60
Paul experienced a lot of evils in his life; however, he understood what Jesus' God, His Father, was doing to reconcile this world to Himself:
"To wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation." 2 Cor 5:19
Will that God succeed with reconciling of this world currently controlled by its god (2 Cor 4:4
It does not look like it today, but we've not seen the "end of the matter," but...
Time will tell...
MIKEY! you do NOT come out here to Vegas, and talk to a guy like MOE GREENE like THAT!
Assuming alot and knowing nothing.
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