Thursday, February 13, 2025

Catfishing In Africa: Catching Bobs top WITCHDOCTOR evangelist Evans in another sex scandal

The African boondoggle that is the improperly named "continuing" Church of God continues to be a den of intrigue and deception by those in Africa towards God's most important man to ever walk this earth, the Great Bwana Bob, the Chief Overseer of the African version of the improperly named "continuing Church of God". 

Below is a link of Terry Nelson's son catfhishng Evans Ocheing. The Great Bwana Bob has reatedly and publicly denied that there is any corruption in Africa with hsi leaders. The Nelsons know otherwise.

Terry Nelson hopes Bob Thiel will see the light and that the CCOG Brethren will wake up and quit supporting Satanic corruption. 

This same thing happened over a year ago with Joy Elizabeth of Nairobi, but Bob Thiel says everything is a lie. 

It's also known that soon Big Boss Evans Ocheing is coming to Malawi to straiten out the mess of Radson Molowzoa's current wife which Terry Nelson exposed years ago and of which, Bob Thiel believes it's his Cousin.  

It's well known that the two top CCOG leaders in Malawi have already told Bob and Evans the truth. 

Will Bob Thiel ever wake up? 

Remember Bob Pride comes before the Fall Proverbs 16:18

Here’s the link to the video that Asher Nelson did. It is too large to embed here:

The Lu Ęlẹṣẹ That Is The "Continuing" Church of God


God's most perfect church continues to be a den of iniquity.

From Karl Kolechek

Bobby Thiel's Fake Evangelist Evans Ocheing is coming to Malawi soon, according to 2 top CCOG leaders. They say Evans has to find a way to cover up Radson Molowzoa's marriage to Patrisha Sambani. As Terry Nelson warned Bob Thiel over 2 years ago, Radson married Patrisha Sambani, the woman he committed adultery with when he was married to his ex-Priscilla. Bob believed the story and that this was Radson's cousin. Also, the 2 CCOG leaders told Bob and Evans about the whole mess, so Bob is without excuse. It can't be Talebarering Bob when it's the truth!!!!!! 


Dave Pack in all of his idiotic glory


Wednesday, February 12, 2025

The Incredible Human Paradox

The Incredible Human Paradox 
By ACM, 11-Feb-2025 

Herbert W. Armstrong's book, The Incredible Human Potential, paints a grand picture of where true Christians are headed: becoming part of God's divine family and ruling the universe with Jesus. The idea at the heart of the various offshoots of the Worldwide Church of God (WCG) is that God is currently working with a select few, the members of the true Church of God. These "called" individuals are destined to reign with Christ after his return, helping him guide humanity toward its full potential during the subsequent millennium and beyond (1). 

While the book ostensibly pertains to all of humanity, the impetus is on what the reader must do to be part of the better first resurrection and become eternal members of the divine ruling family in the Kingdom of God. It sounds inspiring, but there's a catch. The WCG doctrine that God is calling a few in this age and the rest of humanity later after the Millennium, despite its apparent empowerment, actually creates an apocalyptic mindset that can be surprisingly disempowering. The overwhelming emphasis on a future role in helping the world can lead to neglect of present-day concerns and a sense that those not currently "called" are somehow on the sidelines. 

This article examines a paradox, contending that the apocalyptic worldview held by the defunct WCG and the plethora of active splinter groups, intertwined with the doctrine of calling, ultimately hinders human potential. This future-oriented focus can make the present feel less significant, encouraging a "wait it out" attitude that keeps individuals from fully participating in the world and achieving their potential here and now. Furthermore, the WCG approach to public preaching, being directed towards a world they deem "uncalled," raises questions about the sincerity of their message. If God is not calling the majority of humanity — and thus a humanity that cannot be converted — the religion’s evangelistic efforts appear disingenuous, serving primarily to fulfill a perceived duty rather than a genuine expectation for conversion. 

The Problem with Apocalyptic Worldviews 

With their emphasis on an impending end of the world, apocalyptic worldviews can sometimes lead to a devaluation of present-day concerns (2). This can manifest in various ways, from disengagement with social and political issues to a deprioritizing of personal well- being. For example, some individuals holding apocalyptic beliefs may deprioritize retirement savings (3). This can result in financial insecurity in their later years, leading to dependence on family members or government assistance and creating unnecessary stress and hardship (4). 
Apocalyptic worldviews can foster disengagement and apathy. The expectation of an apocalypse can push individuals to feel detached from worldly affairs, leading to reduced civic participation and a lack of effort towards positive change (5,6). Such disengagement is an obstacle to progress on a range of critical challenges, including those of a social, political, and environmental nature. 
Anticipating the end of the world can generate significant fear and anxiety (7, 8). This constant state of worry can have a detrimental impact on mental health and well-being. Fear and anxiety can lead to social isolation, difficulty concentrating, and even physical health problems (9), hindering individuals from living full and productive lives. 
The Trap of Future Focus 
The "Incredible Human Potential" vision certainly paints a compelling picture of humanity's destiny, but its focus on a future apocalyptic scenario can have some unintended downsides for the present (10). This perspective can diminish the view of a person’s potential today, create an over-reliance on outside forces, and even devalue what we accomplish in our lives. 
WCG's apocalyptic worldview, almost by definition, suggests that humans in their present state have severely limited potential (10, 11). This can be a disempowering idea, discouraging personal growth and the pursuit of goals that aren't directly tied to this "World Tomorrow" they talk about. If one views the present as merely a fleeting prelude to a future utopia, it can diminish the motivation to invest in personal development or contribute meaningfully to society today. The WCG approach also stresses how futile human willpower is and how we absolutely need the Holy Spirit for any real transformation. While that can be comforting for some, it can also lead to feeling helpless, dependent, and like you don't really have much control over your own life. When individuals believe they are incapable of effecting positive change without divine intervention, they may become passive and less inclined to assume responsibility for their own lives. 

This worldview can also diminish the value of human achievement. By attributing all meaningful accomplishments to God and focusing on the resurrection, the WCG approach risks devaluing human effort and ingenuity (12). This can lead to being dismissive of others and a diminished sense of pride in one's own accomplishments. By attributing positive changes in its members’ lives solely to divine agency, the church risks overlooking the crucial role of human agency and personal effort in achieving such transformations. 
Moreover, the belief in the timing of a person’s calling, with its emphasis on a select few being chosen in the present age, can foster fatalism and acceptance of suffering (13). It can create a sense of detachment and hinder action on pressing social problems, as individuals may believe that suffering is an inevitable component of God's plan. 
Helping Humanity... Later 

The WCG doctrine of calling, with its emphasis on a future role in helping humanity during the "World Tomorrow," can devalue present-day action and create a "waiting" mentality (14, 15). The potential consequences of this delayed focus on helping humanity, include missed opportunities for growth and impact, social isolation, and a disingenuous approach to evangelism. 
By prioritizing a future role in the resurrected world, the WCG approach devalues addressing current global issues (15). This can lead to a sense of detachment from present-day suffering and a reluctance to engage in efforts to alleviate it. While the desire to help humanity is commendable, delaying that help until a future time can result in missed opportunities to make a difference here and now. 
This future-oriented mission, coupled with the belief in the exclusivity of their calling, can also lead to social isolation (16). When individuals believe they are part of a select group destined for a unique future, they may distance themselves from those outside their community. This can limit collaboration and hinder efforts to address global challenges that require collective action. 
Furthermore, this emphasis on future roles can lead to missed opportunities to utilize members' talents and skills in the present (17). When individuals believe their primary purpose lies in a future world, they may neglect to develop their potential and contribute to society in meaningful ways in the present. This limits their personal growth and their ability to make a positive impact on the world around them. 

As mentioned in the introduction, the public preaching efforts by WCG offshoot sects, directed towards a world they deem "uncalled," raises questions about the sincerity of their message (18). If the majority of humanity is not currently being called and thus cannot be expected to repent, be baptized and receive the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, then the church’s evangelistic efforts appear superficial and disingenuous, serving merely to fulfill a perceived duty rather than a genuine desire for conversion (19). 
What exactly is the call to action when preaching to the uncalled? Is it to partially repent, but not be baptized? Is it to obey God with your limited human effort even though you won't have the benefit of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit to truly keep the spirit of the law, but at least you'll be able escape the Day of the Lord? On a side note, the last statement is often the call to action for the membership of a WCG offshoot, creating another paradox internal to the church: the message of human inadequacy coupled with the message of striving to please God resulting in a perpetual feeling of guilt. 
Human Effort Drives Transformation 
While this article presents a critical opinion of the WCG apocalyptic worldview, it's important to acknowledge alternative perspectives and counterarguments. This section explores a more balanced view that values both future possibilities and present-day challenges, highlighting the importance of human agency and providing examples of human-driven transformation. 
A balanced worldview acknowledges the potential for future transformation while recognizing the urgency of addressing present-day concerns (15, 20). It encourages individuals to engage with the world around them, seeking to make a positive impact today while remaining open to future possibilities. This perspective recognizes that human potential is not limited to a future role in a utopian world but can be realized in the present through personal growth, social responsibility, and active participation in local communities. 
While acknowledging the role of faith, it's crucial to highlight the value of human effort in creating a better future (21, 22). Throughout history, individuals and movements have made significant contributions to society through their dedication, ingenuity, and perseverance. From scientific breakthroughs to social movements, human effort has been instrumental in driving progress and improving conditions. 
Examples of human-driven transformation abound. Secular self-help and therapy provide individuals with tools and strategies for personal growth and overcoming challenges. Community support and social movements empower individuals to work together to address issues and create positive change (23, 24). Humanistic psychology emphasizes human potential and self-actualization, encouraging individuals to take responsibility for their own lives and strive for personal growth (25, 26). 
By embracing a balanced perspective that values both faith and human agency, individuals can navigate the complexities of life with a sense of purpose and empowerment. This approach encourages engagement with the world, fosters personal growth, and promotes a proactive approach to shaping a better future for oneself and for humanity as a whole. 
Realizing Potential Today 
This article has briefly considered the paradox of "The Incredible Human Potential," arguing that the WCG's apocalyptic worldview and doctrine of calling can inadvertently limit human potential by overemphasizing a future-focused perspective and neglecting present-day realities and needs. 
We've examined how this worldview can lead to a devaluation of present-day concerns, disengagement from social and political issues and a diminished sense of personal agency. We've also touched upon the potential consequences of a delayed focus on helping humanity, including missed opportunities for growth and impact, social isolation, and a disingenuous approach to evangelism.   

This article encourages a more balanced perspective that values both future possibilities and present-day challenges. It emphasizes the importance of human agency, personal growth, and engagement with the world, urging readers to seek and embrace their full potential here and now. 
Critically examine the implications of your beliefs on your life and your engagement with the world. Take an active approach to shaping a better future, both for yourself and for humanity as a whole, recognizing that human potential is not limited to a future utopia but can be realized in the present through conscious choices and meaningful action. 
1. Armstrong HW. The Incredible Human Potential. Pasadena, CA: Worldwide Church of God; 1978. 
2. Shanklin T. Staying Focused in the End Times. Shanklin Ministries. Accessed February 10, 2025. 
3. Focus on the Family. Preparing for the End Times. Focus on the Family. Accessed February 10, 2025. 
4. Diem T. Real Life Examples of What Happens When You Fail to Save Enough for Retirement. Machen Wealth Management. 2023. Accessed February 10, 2025. save-enough-for-retirement 
5. Bouchet S, Pishchikova A. Engaging apathy: Addressing the disconnect between civil society and societies in the Eastern Partnership countries. October 9, 2020. Accessed February 10, 2025. %W2520EaP%2520civic%2520engagement%2520-%25209%25200ctober.pdf 
6. Journals. Civic apathy: A threat to democracy in South Africa. Accessed February 10, 2025. 
7. McLean Hospital. Fear & Phobias. January 18, 2025. Accessed February 10, 2025. 
8. Mental Health Foundation. In the face of fear. Accessed February 10, 2025. 
9. Delagran L, Towey S. The impact of fear and anxiety. Taking Charge. January 18, 2025. Accessed February 10, 2025. 
10. Reid E. Living Fully in the Present: A Call to Reevaluate the Christian Preoccupation with the End Times. Medium. Accessed February 10, 2025. christian-preoccupation-with-the-end-times-9c203397bca2 
11. Scielo. Experiential and existential time: A theological reflection on apocalyptic eschatology and the resurrection of the dead. Accessed February 10, 2025. 7000300101 
12. InstantInput. Types of Civic Engagement. Accessed February 10, 2025. 
13. JPIA. Apocalyptic Violence: The Case of Waco. Accessed February 10, 2025. 
14. European Academy of Religion and Society. Apocalypse Now: Religious Predictions and Their Significance for Society. Accessed February 10, 2025. predictions-and-their-siqnificance-for-society/ 
15. Wayment TA. The Apocalyptic Imagination in the New Testament. Religious Studies Center. Accessed February 10, 2025. 
16. Ditommaso L. Apocalyptic Thought after Revelation. Bible Odyssey. Accessed February 10, 2025. 
17. Berg AT. Two Massive Missed Opportunities by the American Church. Andrew T. Berg. Accessed February 10, 2025. by-the-american-church/  

18. Difommaso L. Apocalypticism in the Contemporary World. In: McAllister C, ed. The Cambridge Companion to Apocalyptic Literature. Cambridge Companions to Religion. Cambridge University Press; 2020:316-341. 
19. LCG. Fourteen Signs Announcing Christ’s Return. Living Church of God. February 10, 2025. christs-return/content 

20. UIS. The Future of Work: Leveraging Human Potential with Al. University of Illinois Springfield. Accessed February 10, 2025. https:/ leveraging-human-potential-ai

21.McKinney P. Imagining a Better Future: Keys to Human Progress. Phil McKinney. Accessed February 10, 2025. keys-to-human-progress/

22. Integrative Psych. Secularity's Influence on the Moral Compass of Society: Navigating Values in a Changing World. Accessed February 10, 2025. https://www.integrative- values-in-a-changing-world . 

23. ActionAid. Social Movements Engagement Guidance. Accessed February 10, 2025.¥%20Movements%20Engagement %20Guidance%20-%202024.pdf 

24. Commons Library. Leading Change: Leadership, Organization, and Social Movements. Accessed February 10, 2025. organization-and-social-movements/ 

25. Simply Psychology. Humanistic Approach. Accessed February 10, 2025. 

26. Humanistic Psychology. Accessed February 10, 2025. 

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

It is not easy being a Church of God self-appointed prophet


LCG On Agape Love

Doug Winnail has the following up about "agape love".

What the World Needs Now: Bible prophecy reveals that “in the last days perilous times will come” because people will be selfish, materialistic, proud, unthankful, unloving, and brutal (2 Timothy 3:1–5). Our world today is angry and increasingly violent, which only engenders more strife and hurt. What the world needs now—as a song title goes—is love! Real love—agape—is an unselfish, outgoing concern for others. This kind of love does not envy or hate, but is patient, forgiving, kind, and caring (see 1 Corinthians 13). Godly love is one of the fruits of God’s Holy Spirit, and it promotes peace of mind and peace between human beings (Galatians 5:22–23). The Scriptures remind us that “the whole creation” is anxiously awaiting the arrival of the sons and daughters of God, “who have the firstfruits of the Spirit” (Romans 8:19–24; 2 Corinthians 6:18). These loving and caring leaders will rule with Jesus Christ in the coming Kingdom of God. Let’s prepare to be there.
Have a profitable Sabbath,
Douglas S. Winnail

Given the task record of Rod Meredith while in the Worldwide Church of God and his heavyhanded mistreatment of members and ministers, is it possible to look towards the Living Church of God or even any Church of God as standard bearers of agape love? 

Does Gerald Weston practice it? Does Gerald Flurry? What about Dave Pack? What about Bob Thiel? All of these guys seem to be in a constant state of anger, lashing out at everyone and everything every time they open their mouths. 

From Herbert Armstrong and on down through the ministry to today's splinter leaders, none exemplified agape love. United Church of God is no better than Flurry, Pack, or Thiel.

How can we ever trust these guys to be 'loving and caring rulers' with Christ in some mythical kingdom to come when they are so abusive in this age?

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Well, Crap! Jesus May Not Be Returing On Thursday!

JC may not be here on February 13.
How quickly this changed from claiming the date was assured

Saturday, February 8, 2025

AI COG Deep Dive: Church of God, The Eternal’s 50th Anniversary – A Study in Contradictions, Stagnation, and Personality Cults

Church of God, The Eternal’s 50th Anniversary 
– A Study in Contradictions, Stagnation, and Personality Cults

It’s time to take a deep dive into the claims of Church of God, The Eternal (COGTE) and their enthusiastic defense of Raymond Cole’s legacy. For decades, they’ve touted themselves as the “faithful remnant,” holding fast to the doctrines of Herbert Armstrong as if they’re the only ones with the secret truth. But let’s take a closer look, shall we? Spoiler alert: the emperor has no clothes.

No “Work”? Just Sit Tight and Wait for the Two Witnesses

Raymond Cole, in his infinite wisdom, decided that the Great Commission—Matthew 28:19-20—was a suggestion, not a command. Instead of evangelizing and spreading the gospel, Cole proudly claimed that starting a “work” would be contrary to the will of God. Why? Well, because apparently, anyone who tries to spread the gospel without God’s “divine commission” is just being presumptuous. According to Cole, that’s “presumption,” not faithfulness.

And how do we know that his take was correct? Because “presumed works” have been “pathetic.” That’s right, other people who tried to preach the gospel have failed, so clearly, God doesn’t want us to do it either. Forget about being salt and light in the world (Matthew 5:13-16), we’ll just wait for the two witnesses and a mighty angel to handle the gospel proclamation while we sit back and watch the show. After all, we’re so spiritual that we don’t need to do anything—God will take care of it for us.

The Doctrine of Stagnation: Same Old, Same Old

One of the most puzzling things about COGTE is their unwavering commitment to the exact same teachings that Raymond Cole embraced when he started the group in 1975. Cole proudly declared that he was sticking with Herbert Armstrong’s message because “the doctrine” was the true revelation from God. Of course, it’s a bit awkward when you realize that Armstrong’s teachings were largely based on a blend of legalism, British-Israelism, and prophecy speculation that doesn’t exactly scream “gospel of grace.”

But hey, consistency is key, right? If it worked for Armstrong in the 1930s, it must still be just as relevant in the 21st century. Forget about any theological progress or growth; just keep parroting the same message over and over, year after year. After all, the truth is unchanging… right? Except, of course, when it’s convenient to twist scripture to support your agenda.

Raymond Cole: The Self-Appointed Leader and His “Divine” Authority

Let’s be clear: Raymond Cole was self-appointed. Despite the group’s claims of being divinely led, Cole’s leadership was never sanctioned by any higher authority. In fact, he was defrocked by the Worldwide Church of God (WCG) and had his ministerial license revoked, meaning he was not allowed to represent any church in any official capacity. Yet, in typical cult fashion, Cole was able to convince a group of followers that his teachings were the only correct path, regardless of his lack of legitimate authority.

It’s fascinating how a man, who was removed from a position of power, can reassert that very power by claiming to speak with divine authority. But don’t worry, we’re told this is not a personality-driven group. If it looks like a cult and smells like a cult, it’s definitely not a cult, right?

But let’s get to the heart of the issue: Cole’s stance that God’s Church is a spiritual organism but also managed through human-led corporate structures speaks volumes. His authority and his group's continued existence are built on the shaky ground of human leadership, not divine mandate. If you need a legal entity, tax exemptions, and personal authority to fulfill a divine mission, maybe you’re doing something wrong.

Cole, in his writings, made it clear that he wasn’t about starting a “new work” or deviating from Armstrong's teachings. Instead, he championed a “faith once delivered,” focusing on preserving Armstrong's doctrines rather than engaging in the active, outward-facing mission Christ gave His followers. While other Christian groups are out preaching the gospel, COGTE preferred to wait passively, believing that God would bring in people when He deemed it appropriate. This passive approach to evangelism begs the question: if you truly believe you’re the “true” church, why wouldn’t you make an active effort to share the gospel with the lost?

The Shifting Personality Cult: From Cole to Brisby

But it’s not just the doctrines that haven’t changed. The cult of personality surrounding Raymond Cole has simply been passed down to Jon W. Brisby, who became the leader after Cole’s death. While Brisby may have inherited Cole’s position, the group has done little to change its fundamental focus on personality-driven leadership. The group still revolves around the leader rather than Christ, and the claim that COGTE is a “spiritual organism” rings hollow when you see the clear physical structure and leadership hierarchy in place.

Brisby, much like Cole, seems content to hold onto the same old teachings and avoid any real outward action. Instead of addressing the need for evangelism, Brisby maintains the same isolationist mentality that Cole promoted. The focus is still on keeping the “truth” intact rather than on actively engaging with the world or advancing the kingdom of God. The transition from Cole to Brisby has been seamless—not because of any spiritual growth, but because it’s all about preserving the group’s image and authority, not about expanding God’s work.

The Church Is Not a Physical Organization, Unless It’s Convenient

One of Cole’s key teachings was that the Church is a spiritual organism, not a physical organization. And yet, in what can only be described as a divine contradiction, COGTE went ahead and created a legal non-profit corporation. Yes, while preaching the gospel through spiritual means, they had no qualms about registering the group as a physical organization for tax benefits. But don’t worry—this is apparently totally fine, because, as Cole himself put it, “creating a manmade legal entity has no bearing upon how God views things.” Right. That’s like saying, “It doesn’t matter if we take the money; we’re just doing it for the ‘spiritual’ benefit.”

The contradiction is too glaring to ignore. If the church is truly a spiritual organism, why is there a physical structure to manage tax-exempt status? The legal registration has everything to do with power, money, and convenience, not “spiritual” concerns. Let’s face it, they didn’t just register for the tax break—this was about securing the institution’s power and its place in the corporate world.

Conclusion: A Spiritual Legacy Built on Shaky Foundations

Ultimately, Church of God, The Eternal is a prime example of why “doctrine” and “tradition” alone can never replace the call to live out the full gospel. Their refusal to embrace the evangelical mission, their insistence on the superiority of their “spiritual organism” while maintaining a physical legal entity, and their blind devotion to Raymond Cole, correction, Jon W. Brisby as an infallible leader all paint a picture of a group that values consistency over truth.

In the end, what we have here is not a “remnant” of the true Church but a group that has erected a spiritual mausoleum around a long-dead set of teachings. They are so focused on preserving a legacy of doctrine that they’ve forgotten the very call of Christ: to go into the world and preach the gospel to every nation.

But no worries—while they wait for the two witnesses to do the hard work, they can keep reading the same old articles and pretending that their brand of “truth” is any less manmade than the corporate structure they’ve set up. If you’re looking for a church that’s truly committed to Christ’s mission and not just to preserving human-made traditions, it’s probably best to keep looking.

Let’s just say this: If you ever find yourself needing a laugh at the expense of a group’s inability to practice what they preach, look no further than Church of God, The Eternal. Just don’t expect any evangelism—those two witnesses are still on the clock.

50th Anniversary of COGTE

Sideshow Bob Wants Us To Believe He Might Be Elijah. But, He might Not Be. But Really He Is. Maybe. Maybe Not

Here we are again.  God must be rolling his eyes once again at the sheer grandiloquence of our very own self-appointed Elijah. I can see God sighing heavily as he gets out his enormous bingo card to tick off another box with one of many hundreds of Elijahs the Church of God has produced over the decades. Sadly, some church members see this as a sign that this has to be God's true church because you never see Elijah appearing to other Christian churches. 

Our most highly favored gift to humanity is back tooting his itty-bitty horn trying too hard to get our attention so that we recognize his awesomeness. The church apparently needs Elijah to appear and whip the church into shape, and the Great Bwana Bob Mzungu Thiel is just the man! Woo Hoo!

Although people, like the discredited Ron Weinland and David Pack have claimed to be ‘Elijah,’ neither of them are. 
Yet, the Bible does show that there will be an ‘Elijah’ who is alive before Jesus returns and that it is likely that he will be one of the two witnesses. And as Jesus is likely to return within the next couple of decades, it is reasonable to consider that he must be alive today. 
Could he be one who has restored information on church history, doctrine, prophecy, and the reason that God created anything? Could he be one reaching people around the world with the Gospel of the Kingdom of God in over 1,000 different languages? Or has God not chosen to have him do much at this stage?

The Great Bwana and Elijah To Be then drags out Buffy McNair and Dibar Apartian  to prove to us that Herbert was not the Elijah to come and that one bigger and better was to come:

Was it Herbert W. Armstrong? 
Did Herbert W. Armstrong ever think he might be Elijah? 
Most definitely. 
The late evangelist Raymond McNair admitted:

However, on occasion, Mr. Armstrong may have expressed some doubt in regard to his calling and ministry, concerning himself being the end-time “Elijah,” (McNair, Raymond. Was Mr. Armstrong Who He Said He Was? Ad in Connection’s section of The Journal, June 30, 2004). 
Yes, HWA expressed some doubt–not simply may have. Herbert W. Armstrong admitted to Aaron Dean, his long-time personal aide (and Aaron Dean told me this personally on several occasions for over the past two+ decades) that he might not have understood the biblical passages on the Elijah correctly before he died, and that God could raise someone else up to fulfill the Elijah role. Furthermore, HWA specifically expressed doubt to the late evangelist Dibar Apartian (and who also told me). Dibar Apartian did not believe that HWA was the Elijah when we discussed this several times and he agreed with me about this.

The Great Elijah Bwana then pulls one of his gaslighting stunts to make you believe you are wrong to think he is going to be the Elijah.

HWA, himself, wrote:

Jesus shall come, SOON NOW, to RESTORE ALL THINGS! He did NOT restore all things when he first came. John the Baptist did not “restore all things.” But the one who was to “restore all things” just before the “day of the Lord” and preparing the way for Christ’s second coming, was YET to come, in the future, as Jesus said. Now what are the “all things” to be RESTORED? “Restitution” means restore to a former state or condition (Armstrong HW. Brethren & Co-Worker Letter, August 24, 1982). 
Note that HWA states ONE (Elijah) comes just before the day of the Lord—an event that still has not occurred, hence some additional restoration beyond what HWA did is needed–and this has been happening in the Continuing Church of God. CCOG has restored more than any COG in the 21st century and under the human leadership of Bob Thiel it continues to do so. In time, God will make the final Elijah clear to all willing to see (this is NOT saying that he MUST be Bob Thiel–but we believe it will be a leader in CCOG).

It's all about me, but not about me, even though it is about me, but shouldn't be.

Deep down, you know he is referring to himself above all others. There is NO ONE in the improperly named "continuing" Church of god that could ever step into such shoes. His narcissism and vanity would never permit such a thing.

There is a 21st century Elijah, and that individual would be expected to be part of the Continuing Church of God.

He continues on: 

Sadly, just as many would not hear Elijah’s nor John the Baptist’s messages, relatively few will pay much attention to the end time Elijah as well. 
That is not a surprise as most Christians in the end times were to be Laodicean, and Jesus warned the Laodiceans since they would not ‘get with the program,’ that they would be punished (Revelation 3:14-18). 
Of course, if you are willing to believe the truth and do what the Bible teaches, that does not have to include you.

Fortunately for the world, and particularly the churches of God,  no one needs to heed any warning or Elijah gobbledygook that Sideshow Bob proclaims. In the grand scheme of things, it is all worthless words. 

The Elijah’s restoring of “all things” means that he is to be restoring information that the true Church of God once understood, but later must have lost or misunderstood. 
The problem is that just as many would not hear Elijah’s or John the Baptist’s messages, relatively few will pay much attention to the end time Elijah as well.

No, Bob is not Elijah. No one in the improperly named "continuing" Church of God is Elijah. No one needs to heed any warning that comes from this self-appointed, illegitimate, non-ordained, narcissistic church leader. Everything is always about him and how great he is. It isn't and never will be.



Thursday, February 6, 2025

The Cult Next Door: Interview Seth Forrestier


"All Going to Burn", The Cult Next Door, 5 Feb 2025 [1:18:07] "In Ep.50: 'All Going to Burn,' we sit down with Seth Forrestier, a former fourth-generation member of the Worldwide Church of God & its offshoots. Seth shares his experiences growing up in these high-control gr…"(Audio links in comments)
byu/CultPodcastsBot incultpodcasts

Nanci's Story: Feast of Tabernacles, the church's strict doctrines, and the lasting effects of religious indoctrination

Discover the captivating story of Nanci, a former member of the Worldwide Church of God (WCG). In this eye-opening interview, Nanci reveals the challenges of growing up in a high-control religious environment, the impact of the church's teachings on her family, and her courageous decision to break free.

Hear firsthand accounts of Nanci's experiences with the Feast of Tabernacles, the church's strict doctrines, and the lasting effects of religious indoctrination. Witness her inspiring journey of self-discovery, healing, and finding a new community of faith.
If you're interested in stories of resilience, religious deconstruction, or the power of finding your own voice, this video is a must-watch!

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Dave Pack: Young People In The Church Will NOT Be Part Of The 144,000. WUT?????


Imagine being a young person sitting in church services and hearing this kind of bullshit! 
Armstrongism is vile to the core

Crackpot Prophet Tries To Hint Loma Armstrong Dreamed About Him Starting A Second Endtime Work

California has always been known as the land of fruits and nuts, and when it comes to a certain self-appointed Church of God leader, the nuttiness just gets worse by the day. No one could have ever imagined that a resentful lay member would self-appoint himself as the end-time leader of a splinter group. Stung by the fact that not one single Church of God ever made the decision to ordain him, he has had to invent all kinds of atrocious claims to legitimize himself with the Church of God movement. From dubious "theological" diplomas from a diploma mill in India to the dubious double blessing by Gaylyn Bonjour, the outlandish claims continue to pile up like bodily deposits in an outhouse.

This time, the Great Bwana has made the outlandish claim that Loma Armstrong may have dreamed about him starting an end time work.

When believers read about dreams in the Hebrew scriptures, they realize that God has actually used them.

But, some in the various COGs have commented that they do not care to know about dreams in this century.

Do dreams and prophets have any place in the Christian Church today?

Did any dreams precede the start of the old Radio Church of God? What about the Continuing Church of God (which did not officially form as a declared entity until December 28, 2012)?

I had a couple of dreams prior to the start of the Continuing Church of God, and also someone I did not know, who lived in New Zealand, had one prior to that start as well. 
Though many discount all dreams, many also forget that Herbert W. Armstrong believed that his wife Loma D. Armstrong had a dream from God, although it took him some years to accept the validity of it:
Within 30 or 60 days after our marriage God spoke to my wife in what might have been an intense unusual dream, or a vision — but it was years later before we came to realize that this really was a message from God. (Armstrong HW. Brethren and Co-worker letter, November 28, 1956)
One night my wife had a dream so vivid and impressive it overwhelmed and shook her tremendously. It was so realistic it seemed more like a vision. For two or three days afterward everything else seemed unreal — as if in a daze — and only this extraordinary dream seemed real.
In her dream she and I were crossing the wide intersection, only a block or two from our apartment, where Broadway diagonally crosses Sheridan Road. Suddenly there appeared an awesome sight in the sky above. It was a dazzling spectacle — the sky filled with a gigantic solid mass of brilliant stars, shaped like a huge banner. The stars began to quiver and separate, finally vanishing. She called my attention to the vanishing stars, when another huge grouping of flashing stars appeared, then quivering, separating, and vanishing like the first.
As she and I, in her dream, looked upward at the vanishing stars, three large white birds suddenly appeared in the sky between us and the vanishing stars. These great white birds flew directly toward us. As they descended nearer, she perceived that they were angels.
“Then,” my wife wrote a day or two after the dream, in a letter to my mother which I have just run across among old family pictures, “it dawned on me that Christ was coming, and I was so happy I was just crying for joy. Then suddenly I thought of Herbert and was rather worried.”
She knew I had evidenced very little religious interest, although we had attended a corner church two or three times.
Then it seemed that, from among these angels in her dream, that, “Christ descended from among them and stood directly in front of us.
At first I was a little doubtful and afraid of how He would receive us, because I remembered we had neglected our Bible study and had our minds too much on things apart from His interests. But as we went up to Him, He put His arms around both of us, and we were so happy! I thought people all over the world had seen Him come. As far as we could see, people were just swarming into the streets at this broad intersection. Some were glad and some were afraid.
“Then it seemed He had changed into an angel. I was terribly disappointed at first, until he told me Christ was really coming in a very short time.”
At that time, we had been going quite regularly to motion – picture theatres. She asked the angel if this were wrong. He replied Christ had important work for us to do, preparing for His coming — there would be no time for “movies .” (Those were the days of the “silent” pictures.) Then the angel and the whole spectacle seemed to vanish, and she awakened, shaken and wondering!
In the morning, she told me of her dream. I was embarrassed. I didn’t want to think about it, yet I was afraid to totally dismiss it. I thought of a logical way to evade it myself, and still solve it. …
Do not hastily ascribe a dream to God. True, the Bible shows that God has spoken to His own chosen servants by this means of communication — primarily in the Old Testament, and before the writing of the Bible was completed. But most dreams mean nothing. And false prophets have misled people by telling false dreams, representing their dreams to be the Word of God (Jeremiah 23, where God says, “I am against prophets who recount lying dreams, leading my people astray with their lies and their empty pretensions, though I never sent them, never commissioned them” — verse 32, Moffatt translation).
Certainly I did not ascribe this dream to God. It made me feel a little uncomfortable at the time, and I was anxious to forget it — which I did for some years. I was twenty – five at the time. God left me to my own ways for five more years. But when I was age thirty, He began to deal with me in no uncertain terms… (The Autobiography of Herbert W. Armstrong, 1973, pp. 187,193-194).

Loma and Herbert W. Armstrong were married in 1917. They were specifically told that they would have a work to do. Furthermore, the bright lights in the dream may have had to do with doing a work (cf. Matthew 5:16)–a work that seemed to vanish and return (flash). 
Thus, there was a dream from God given to a woman in the 20th century that preceded the start of the old Radio Church of God that Herbert W. Armstrong led. The Radio Church of God represented the start of the Philadelphia era and the Philadelphian work–a work that is not finished (cf. Matthew 24:14-15)–and Herbert W. Armstrong claimed that a dream given to his wife was from God, prior to the start of the Philadelphia era.

Who knew the crackpot prophet from Grover Beach/Arroyo Grande was the "work that is not finished". See, I told you it just gets nuttier and nuttier!

Now, consider that since the Philadelphia era was raised up after Loma Armstrong’s dream, a question to ponder is, would God do anything similar to point to the continuation of the end-time COG remnant of the Philadelphians? 
Consider that in Loma Armstrong’s dream that there were two sets of flashing stars–there were two parts to the dream. Herbert W. Armstrong is now dead and there was a pause between the work God had him to do and the completion of the final phase of the work to finally fulfill Matthew 24:14 (cf. Isaiah 29:14).

Herbert W. Armstrong mentioned the dream from time to time publicly, here are two nearly identical accounts:

I’m usually pretty skeptical about God speaking to anyone today in visions or dreams. God speaks to us thru His Son, Jesus Christ — the WORD of God — and the Bible is the written Word. I didn’t really believe it then, 38 years ago, but subsequent events have verified that God did speak to my wife at that time, shortly after we were married, revealing thru an angel that He was calling us to the mission of WARNING the world of the fast-approaching END OF THIS WORLD, the Coming of Jesus Christ, and the world-ruling Kingdom of God. At the time I was unconverted, not bothering to attend church, interested only in business and making money. I was embarrassed — a little awed — but immediately tried to put it out of my mind. But at age 30 God took away my business, struck me down, took away my idol of money-making and business prestige. (Armstrong HW. Co-worker letter, November 25, 1955) 
I’m usually pretty skeptical about God speaking to anyone today in visions or dreams. God speaks to us thru His Son, Jesus Christ — the WORD of God — and the Bible is the written Word. I didn’t really believe it then, 38 years ago, but subsequent events have verified that God did speak to my wife at that time, shortly after we were married, revealing thru an angel in a vision that He was calling us to the mission of WARNING the world of the fast- approaching END OF THIS WORLD, the coming of Jesus Christ, and the world-ruling Kingdom of God. At that time I was unconverted, not bothering to attend church, interested only in business and making money. I was embarrassed — a little awed — but immediately tried to put it out of my mind. But at age 30 God took away my business, struck me down, took away my idol of money-making and business prestige. (Armstrong HW. Co-worker letter, February 21, 1956) 
Notice that the dream was to go until the end of the world and the coming of Jesus–since Herbert W. Armstrong has been dead since January 16, 1986–if the dream was from God then, does it not make sense that the second half of the dream would be fulfilled by another? Like in the 21st century? We in the Continuing Church of God are fulfilling that second part of the stars.

The bullshit just keeps piling up:

Perhaps it should be mentioned, Herbert W. Armstrong had more information about what I am referring to as the first set of stars in the dream. He wrote:

It was a dazzling spectacle … People by the hundreds came running into this broad intersection looking up to see the strange phenomena … A vast multitude of eyes were upon us … I have only come to believe that this dream was a bonafide call from God in the light of subsequent events. (Armstrong HW. The Autobiography of Herbert W. Armstrong, 9th installment. Plain Truth, August 1958, p. 18).

Eyes of a vast multitude suggest that the dream was saying, that the work to be done was to have a witness to many. This happened with the old Radio and Worldwide Church of God under Herbert W. Armstrong’s leadership in the 20th century. The second set of stars in the dream, which he did not mention in the August 1958 Plain Truth, article, but did in his published Autobiography, may pertain to what I have called, for years, The Final Phase of the Work. But even if it had applicability to the ministry of Herbert W. Armstrong only, the dream, which shortly before his death he confirmed he believed was from God (per Aaron Dean, who I discussed this with on October 30, 2015), shows that one did precede the Church of God work he was involved in. 

Consider that Herbert W. Armstrong concluded that his wife Loma’s dream was from God. He also believed the first part of it had to do with the start of the Philadelphia era of the Church of God via the Radio Church of God. He did not discuss the fulfillment of the second part of the dream directly, however he taught another work would be done.

Consider that since Herbert W. Armstrong did not teach that the second part of his wife Loma’s dream was fulfilled and that he also taught a greater work was going to happen after his death. It is greater because it will fulfill Matthew 24:14, etc. That is the work that we in the ContinuingChurch of God are leading (see The Final Phase of the Work and Preparing for the ‘Short Work’ and The Famine of the Word). It appears that the second part of Loma D. Armstrong’s dream was pointing to the Continuing Church of God–the group that best represents the remnant of the Philadelphian portion of the Church of God. As far as radio and new doors in television and other media, check out the CCOG Multimedia page.

Bob Thiel and his little group are NOT a second work and are not here to complete any "work" that Herbert never finished. These are just more self-aggrandizing lies that Bob continues to tell in order to legitimize his apostate ministry.

The Armstrongist god has to be the weakest god that anyone could invent. Why would a supreme God need some self-appointed fool from the middle of California to redeem humankind with some kind of final work? That's a direct spit in the face to the hundreds of millions of Christians down through the ages who have lived and died in faith.

Imagine the Christians currently being slaughtered in Nigeria who, if only they were in the right church, their deaths would not be in vain. After all, they are only so-called Christians.

These very simple words from Romans condemn the lying false prophet masquerading as an agent of truth:

"For such people are not serving our Lord Christ, but their own appetites" Romans 16:18 

The comment made the other day from a reader here perfectly describes Bob Thiel and his insatiable appetite for attention:

Bob isn't a COG minister. He's a COG layman who worships COG ministry, and who deeply resents the fact that no COG minister would ordain him into that ministry, so he has invented Gaylon Bonjour's mythical double-blessing and has filled his brain with delusions and dreams of prophethood. His responses are pathetic, but they aren't saddening, they are infuriating, as he seeks to ruin other people's lives by turning them away from Jesus and toward Bob.




Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Cult Explosion (1980)


Cult Explosion looks at religions groups considered by some to be cults include Hare Krishna, the Manson Family, the People's Temple, Scientology, Christian Science, Unity, Worldwide Church of God, Jehovah Witness, the Latter-Day Saints, the Unification Church, and Transcendental Meditation

Monday, February 3, 2025

Oh, Noes!!!!!!!!! Gary Leonard And The Satanic Hoard On This Blog Are Picking On Me! What Ever Shall I do???????????


Ghastly days! Whatever shall I do now that the Great Bwana Bob Mzungu Thiel has written another screed about me and the reader/commenters on this blog? The world is a terrible place, and this blog is making the Great Bwana's life a living hell. Who knew?

Anyway, the sun is shining brightly here in Southern CA, and life is good, though apparently not so good in Grover Beach, CA, where God's most incredible COG leader to ever walk this green earth channel's dreams and visions from some unknown entity he deems worthy of telling people about. 

The entity fed this hilarious headline into Bob's amazing brain early this morning, "Things Satan does not want you to believe are not believed by all but the Philadelphian remnant"

In his mind, big ol'meanie Satan is on the warpath against him and his perfect little church, the best embodiment of 1st-century Christianity the world has ever seen. The creature he calls "satan" has apparently taken over the minds of everyone on this blog and has directly mind-melded with us to pick on Bobby and his amazing "work".

Satan does not want people to be in the Kingdom of God. He does not want Matthew 24:14 since it will be a countdown for his end. 
He wants to dissuade you and others from being in that Kingdom or supporting the most faithful proclamation work. 
How does he do that? 
Through lies and false witnesses.

This entity he calls "satan" is out to get everyone, including everyone on this blog, though apparently it has already won that battle. At least in his mind's eye.

While you might think you are immune to Satan, remember that the New Testament teaches:

8 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. 9 Resist him, steadfast in the faith, (1 Peter 5:8-9) 
Satan does not want you to truly have faith in God or His word.

I think the verse he quotes above encapsulates why we do this blog. The Church of God is filled with devouring lions seeking to destroy all they come into contact with through heretical doctrine and outright drivel they deem God-inspired.

Now the fun begins:

...throughout history, God’s true church has been spoken against in many places. Notice confirmation of that as far back as the Book of Acts where the true church is called “this sect”:

22 … concerning this sect, we know that it is spoken against everywhere. (Acts 28:22) 
Some of Satan’s allies at Banned by HWA website and other places continue to post lies about those of us in Continuing Church of God (CCOG) as well as other COGs. 
Yes, some who claimed to be with us in the old Worldwide Church of God, as well as some who claimed to be with us in the CCOG have turned aside and became false accusers. The Apostle John ran into similar issues as he wrote:

19 They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would have continued with us; but they went out that they might be made manifest, that none of them were of us. (1 John 2:19) 

Bwana Bob does not understand that many of us here"went out" from the lies and falsehoods of heretical doctrines and found true rest in the One that the church claimed it was following. The ministry in the Church of God was a cesspool of bad actors - though I will say there were a lot of good men who tried to do their best over the decades and who were actual agents of grace to church members. Sadly, most of those men were gradually beaten down or driven out by the corrupt leadership over them. There was nothing godly about church leadership.

That is consistent with Satan’s hope as he is called the “accuser of the brethren” which he does do day and night (Revelation 12:10), so it is no great surprise if his lying human assistants spread lies regularly. 
If you are not part of a COG (Church of God), Satan hopes you will dismiss the true Christian faith as a false cult–this is something he and his followers have done throughout history.

The true Christian faith is NOT to be found in the misnamed "continuing" Church of God. It isn't there and never will be until Bob Thiel repents of his lies and delusions of grandeur. 

Jesus, Himself, said that people who claimed to believe the Bible often denounced God’s prophets:

11 Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake. 12 Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you. (Matthew 5:11-12) 

Bob, you are NOT a prophet of God. You have never been one and never will be one. That is an immutable fact.  

Notice the following evil that was posted at Banned by HWA:

Bob Thiel has lied to us from day one about God speaking to him in dreams, that he is the only COG doing the work, that he is a prophet, that he is Elisha, Elijah, Zephaniah, Joshua, and many other appropriated personalities (about the only thing left to call himself is Legion). Has Bob ever apologized and will he EVErRapologize for lying to us? 
Now the above is false witness from Gary Leonard (the webmaster of the above site and the one who posted that). 

You are gaslighting your naive followers if you deny you have appropriated the names and characteristics of the prophets mentioned above and others where you claim you are the modern-day reincarnation. You are not even worthy of being mentioned in the same sentence with any of them

Satan hopes you will believe lies. 
One of the Ten Commandments is, “You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor” (Exodus 20:16). 
Yet repeatedly, Gary Leonard has borne false witness. 
There is no point in me, Bob Thiel, apologizing for telling the truth.

And yet, here you are, doing it once AGAIN! 

The Bible, which the Great Bwana leads us to believe he thoroughly believes in, has this to say about the lying Church of God false leaders and false prophets:

“Beware of the false prophets, [teachers] who come to you dressed as sheep [appearing gentle and innocent], but inwardly are ravenous wolves. Matt 7:15 Amplified Bible

“Be wary of false preachers who smile a lot, dripping with practiced sincerity. Chances are they are out to rip you off some way or other. Don’t be impressed with charisma; look for character. Who preachers are is the main thing, not what they say. A genuine leader will never exploit your emotions or your pocketbook. These diseased trees with their bad apples are going to be chopped down and burned. Matt 7: 15-16 Message Bible

Notice the following gaslighting by how he deviously uses certain words to dance around what he really believes:

The second is that I never said I or the CCOG were the only ones doing the work. What I have said is that the CCOG best represents that Philadelphia remnant and that we are leading the final phase of the work. 
Gary Leonard and those who believe his lies need to repent.

Of all the things I may have to repent of, calling you out as a liar and false prophet is NOT one of them and NEVER will be. You are exactly like Dave Pack and Gerald Flurry, who are also proven liars and false prophets.

He continues on trotting out Gaylyn Bonjour as legitimizing his prophethood status by reportedly asking God to give Bob a double blessing and then has this to say:

And that includes what I have written about him, dreams, and the prophet matter. My teaching about what happened is accurate and not false. I have not lied about this. 
The Book of Proverbs teaches:

16 The lazy man is wiser in his own eyes
Than seven men who can answer sensibly. (Proverbs 26:16) 
Satan hopes that YOU will be lazy and not believe. Satan hopes YOU will not take the time to check out the truth on this. Satan does NOT want YOU to accept that God really has been providing and fulfilling dreams in the 21st century.

John D had this to say about you, Bob Thiel, on the Church of God Perspective blog:

Bob Thiel wants to pick on anyone and everyone in order to justify his own beliefs and vaunted ego. However, the fact is that he is a liar, he does not care for the truth, or accuracy for that matter, and he constantly compares himself to others.

12 We don’t dare class or compare ourselves with some of the people who advertise themselves. In measuring themselves against each other and comparing themselves with each other, they are simply stupid.
~ 2Co 10:12 (CJB)  
Bob Thiel Is Still a Liar and False Prophet

John D also had this to say about you:

Lies of the Prophet 
I’ve already discussed more than once the big one. If he is a prophet, then what is his message? A prophet, after all, is one who utters or speaks for God. So, let’s see what the message is! Lay out your “prophecies”, Dr Bob, so that those with discernment can see! 
All along, his “credentials” have been exaggerations of different events. For example, he makes a big deal of being anointed, but he was anointed for something completely different, even he has admitted before. He makes a big deal of the anointing minister calling for a “double portion” of God’s Spirit. 
OK, but so what? If I am anointed for a head cold, can I really take that as a validation of something completely unrelated? Even if the one doing the anointing has no clue about the matter? Does God really work that way? 
Well, now he is claiming to be “ordained”. The lid is off, folks! He has clearly crossed the boundary of stepping on the line between truth and fiction and proclaimed a complete lie! 
No one has ordained you, Dr. Bob. Get over yourself! 
In fact, how many prophets in the Bible were ever ordained? Frankly, I can only think of one, Elisha, who is also the one whom Thiel likes to compare himself with. Even then, it was a prophet ordaining a prophet, not a priest or even a Levite! 
There is a good reason for that, in fact. Prophets always came from outside of the system because their primary function was to sound a warning when the system itself broke down. The civil government was supposed to keep the religious order in check, and vice versa. When both failed, God sent prophets to warn and rebuke. 
As a consequence, prophets worked outside of the system. They did not break away and create their own country or their own organization for worship. Would You Hire These Liars to Teach Your Children? Some people obviously worship a “god” who approves of liars.

Wallace Smith, a minister in the Living Church of God had this to say about you, Bob:

Perhaps it should be said that I am aware of individuals who claim “dreams” which they hope to convince others are such “special revelations.” Of course, we are to test such things against other criteria and, again, all I have seen continually fall short when they are examined. (That, or the claim is beyond examination, making it unable to be tested.) 
As one example, I’ve heard of one who claims that he dreamed God would exalt him above the leaders of the Church when he, supposedly, had no beef against them at that time. Yet, years ago, at the very time this fellow claims he had the dream, this same individual personally expressed to me his beef and his intense frustration that Church leaders and the Council of Elders did not accept his interpretations of prophecy. Such a dream during such days strikes me not so much as prophetic as very, very human. (I should add that I mentioned to him at the time my concern for his attitude about the Church’s leadership, and maybe I could have done more to help him see it. I don’t know.) About that same time Mr. Dibar Apartian warned me over lunch, as did others, that the fellow apparently thought himself a prophet, many years before he left the Church and began claiming to be just that. Again, for such a one such “dreams” of personal glory seem easy to imagine — given simple human nature, it would almost be surprising if there weren’t such dreams accompanying such attitudes and personal ideas. Even ignoring other factors (and, wow, in that case are there “other factors”) that make it all the more clear, I’m sorry but such “revelations” are simply not convincing, and don’t even come close to fitting Mr. Armstrong’s clear, biblically informed definition.  Plain truth about “Prophets” from Herbert W. Armstrong

The very church that Bob Thiel apostatized from knows him to be a false prophet and a liar. That's pretty damning! Even worse for Bob,  Dibar Apartian knew Bob was not a prophet, and yet Bob claims Apartian fully endorsed him as a prophet. Bob continues to be a liar. 

Wallace Smith also says this in another article:

"Other titles have come and gone… Various Self-Appointed Prophets and Luminaries of Imagined & Alternate Realities (L.I.A.R.s) have declared or implied that they have been given the title of or are the prophesied individual Elijah, Elisha, Zerubabbel (son of Shealtiel, though I wonder why one prefers the spelling in the Catholic Douay Rheims: “Salathiel”; interesting, that), Joshua, et al. Maybe you have heard a title I haven’t. If so, I’m not sure I want to know… 
That none of these who consider themselves Prophets actually are any of these people or have any right to any sort of title is one thing. But the point of post (which I thought I would never get to!) is that it is yet another technique and not just a personal obsession. Sure, it generally represents a delusionary mindset and an incredible ego, but it also adds a level of “excitement” to the Self-Appointed One’s self-appointed “ministry”: Wow, this is a guy spoken of in the Bible, itself! More importantly, it has the potential to lend an authority to the individual’s words that neither the individual nor the words have earned."

And a little later, this: 

"It is not that there are no titles in the Bible and it is not that the Bible cannot make a claim about an individual in our day. It certainly can and it certainly does. But how terribly badly some lust after being such an individual! In some cases they must search the Scriptures seeking out what they can apply to themselves. In other cases, they simply seem to have an ego and pride that the devil can take advantage of, “helping” them to “see” themselves in God’s own words (and in some cases, in the words of heathen “prophecies,” as well) over time. 
It is a useful technique for Non-Prophets because increasing their credibility—being taken seriously—is vitally important to them. However, they have not earned the sort of credibility that justifies their self-declared “Prophet” status. Consequently, they must seek out other sources of credibility that can give them a short cut. For instance, it would be difficult to earn the sort of credibility the Two Witnesses will eventually have when God empowers them (cf. Rev. 11:3). Clearly, Revelation says the Two Witnesses are a couple of fellow who should be listened to." 
"Not all Non-Prophets feel the need to take a title on themselves, to be sure (I won’t speak to the temptation they may have to do so, as I do not know) as it takes a really special level of self-delusion (or, on the flip side of the coin, a special level of confidence in one’s powers of con-artistry). Nevertheless, it is a technique that is on display out there in the Parade of Self-Appointed Ones time continues to present to us."  Techniques of Non-Prophets: Got Me a Title!

Bob's hilarious screed continues on about how we mock his dreams and revelations he channels from the entity he follows and then says this:

Those who believe the false assertions at the Banned by HWA website are among those that love and practices lies. 
Those who do so should repent. 
Jesus taught:

44 But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you, 45 that you may be sons of your Father in heaven; for He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. (Matthew 5:44-45) 
Gary Leonard remains in my prayers.

Anyway, what Satan continues to hope is that you will believe lies, not believe that God actually has sent fulfilled dreams to those in the Continuing Church of God, and that you will not look into the details to see if it is so–like the Bereans of old did in Acts 17:10-11. 
If you are not part of CCOG, Satan wants you to stay away from it. 
He does not want you to be dedicated or noble enough to see if what is written here (and in the related links) is really true.

Heck, even God wants you to stay away from the improperly named "continuing" Church of God. 

I have no fear of the god that Bob Thiel follows. We will continue to call him out as the liar and false prophet that he is.
