Driven by the Spirit of Error, false prophet and false apostle David C. Pack thinks to change times and laws. He teaches doctrines of demons. He continually takes away from the words of prophecy in the Bible. He adds unto the things written therein. A double-minded man unstable in all his ways, he seduces sleepy minds with cunning craftiness as he lies in wait to deceive. Oh, how he covets the treasures of his lying tongue.
A wicked corruption has infected The Restored Church of God. The whole head is sick.
Pastor General David C. Pack has a corrupted mind driven by a corrupted spirit speaking corrupted words, forming corrupted doctrines for a corrupted organization enabled by corrupted hirelings that feign corrupted agreement before a corrupted people waiting for a corrupted savior to appear with a corrupted kingdom ruled by a corrupted god.
David C. Pack brings in damnable heresies using his pernicious ways. He is deceiving and being deceived. By his fruits, you know him very well.
During “The Greatest Untold Story! (Part 488)” on December 30, 2023, David C. Pack manipulates, distorts, obfuscates, lies, and blasphemes to serve the purpose of proving that Jesus Christ will return at sunset on April 13 [Abib 15], 2025. “That day” is the Day of the Lord, which begins the 7-Year Kingdom of God.
That may sound routine for him, but what it took to get there is far from it.
The only way he found to make all the Bible verses fit his latest narrative was to nudge the start of Passover just a tiny bit. Only a few hours, really. A change so subtle in the intentionally confusing manner he presented it that some brethren might not even notice. Utilizing the reinforcing tactic of repetition, David C. Pack forces the Scriptures to bend to his will to offer a corrupted Passover his adoring worshippers in The Restored Church of Another god.
The emphatic nature by which the corrupted Passover of Part 488 was taught is surreal to observe. David C. Pack was so convincing in his earnestness that I was compelled to listen to the 30-minute portion again to see if something critical was missed that would reveal a logic to the gaslighting.
No matter how you adjust the lens or, which way you angle the prism, or how many asterisk caveats you note in the margin, no matter how thick the layers of background context you insulate between his fraudulent words, there is no way to see what David C. Pack preaches as being true.
During Part 488, he teaches that Jesus Christ will return and take the Passover symbols on Abib 15, and for Him to do otherwise would be a terrible, unlawful example.
Despite RCG’s literature explaining the Passover symbols are to be taken on the fourteenth, despite the Spring Holy Day schedule on listing that Passover is observed after sunset at the very beginning of the fourteenth, David C. Pack shouts and vigorously points out that the Passover and the Second Passover both take place on the fifteenth of the month. The Bible proves David C. Pack is a liar.
Part 488 – December 30, 2023
@ 1:20:20 “For this is My blood of the New Testament which is shed for many for the remission of sins.” Ready? That’s the symbols. “But I say unto you, I will not drink henceforth of this fruit of the vine until THAT DAY when I drink it new with you in My Father’s kingdom.” So, Christ is gonna keep the Passover either illegally and unlawfully on Abib 1, or He's gonna do it on Abib 15.
It would be biblically illegal and unlawful to take the Passover on Abib 15 or Abib 1 instead of Abib 14. The brethren were observing Abib 14 before Herbert W. Armstrong was in diapers. The first time.
The Bible is clear when Passover is to be observed.
Leviticus 23:5-6
In the fourteenth day of the first month at even is the LORD'S Passover. And on the fifteenth day of the same month is the feast of unleavened bread unto the LORD: seven days you must eat unleavened bread.
Numbers 9:5
And they kept the Passover on the fourteenth day of the first month at even in the wilderness of Sinai: according to all that the LORD commanded Moses, so did the children of Israel.
Ezra 6:19
And the children of the captivity kept the Passover upon the fourteenth day of the first month.
Jesus Christ was never going to take the Passover on Abib 1. This is David C. Pack vehemently dismantling his own teaching from a week ago. He attacks the false premise he created with faux-righteous indignation as a means of psychological manipulation.
Without any set-up or explanation, David C. Pack reinterprets his own version of the Scriptures and concludes that Jesus Christ will take the Passover on Abib 15. He needs the Passover to be Abib 15 for his entirely fictional timing construct to work.
Maybe that idea was born from the same Spirit of Error that moved the Second Passover last year from Iyar 14 to 15. Or when he temporarily moved The Last Great Day from the fall and tacked it to the back end of the Days of Unleavened Bread. There are elements of Part 488 that should sound eerily familiar. We will see if The Night To Be Much Observedreceives another logic strangulation.
@ 1:22:14 We read this on the 14th because Christ had to die. And Christ died almost exactly when the 15th came.
Almost exactly?
Jesus Christ died on the cross on the fourteenth of Abib. Joseph of Arimathaea petitioned Pilate for permission to take His body. They took His body down and moved it to a tomb where He was wrapped in a shroud, and the stone was rolled over the entrance before sunset. Did all of that take two minutes? Ten minutes? A half-hour? An hour? Almost exactly when the fifteenth came?
David C. Pack is so desperate to associate Abib 15 with the death of Jesus Christ that he bends the timing to make it seem like it fits. He is playing a perverted shell game with words. This will not be the only time he distorts reality and contradicts his own literature.
The True Jesus Christ—Unknown To Christianity by David C. Pack (p.163)
Between the ninth and twelfth hours (3:00-6:00 p.m.), Christ died (Luke 23:44-46
). With Governor Pilate’s permission, Joseph of Arimathaea procured the body, wrapped it in linen (John 19:40
) and placed it in the sepulcher (Luke 23:50-53
). By the time the burial was complete, the Sabbath “drew on” (vs. 54). Thus, the burial took place on Passover day, shortly before sunset.
Sunset in Jerusalem on Passover 2024 is 7:13 pm. Does 73 minutes accurately describe “almost exactly?”
@ 1:22:40 “I will not any more eat thereof,” which has to be the Passover, “until IT,” which has to be the Passover, “till IT be fulfilled in the Kingdom of God.” Now, if you’re under the impression that, you know, you okay, the beginning of the year is Abib 1, that’s what you shoot for.
There is no impression. God instructed Moses to begin years on Abib 1.
Exodus 12:2
This month shall be unto you the beginning of months: it shall be the first month of the year to you.
The whole point of this doctrinal abomination of warped heresy is to make the point that the Day of the Lord will arrive on Abib 15. Therefore, the Passover verses must also fit Abib 15.
David C. Pack is a liar and not a good one. He is not sly, clever, or adept. His knees must have callouses from all the praying he did beforehand so that the brethren would not notice what he was doing right in front of them. That seems to have paid off. There were no walk-outs at Headquarters.
@ 1:23:22 But does God add a little bit to make it an Acceptable Year because I’m telling you based on these verses…I am telling you absolutely, inarguably that the Passover Christ is gonna take is either gonna be an illegal Passover in front of all human beings who ever lived, setting a horrific example for the next 1,007 years for all other people who will take it at the right time, or this is talking about Abib 15.
David C. Pack obeys unrighteousness. All the Headquarters hirelings in The Restored Church of Another god obey unrighteousness. This is not just error, misunderstanding, or mistakes. This is wickedness and all manner of ungodliness.
This is the kind of devilish teachings that RCG indulges in with an unbridled, unaccountable, and unrestrained False Prophet David C. Pack at the helm. Shame on every last enabler in that biblically corrupt organization. A nest of vipers.
@ 1:23:54 So, “Can Christ keep the Passover when it’s not the Passover?” is a question that fell from view. It would break the law. He would be keeping a Night To Be Much Observed two weeks early. Can’t do it two days early or two days late.
This idea came from the mind of David C. Pack. Not from the Bible. Nowhere in the Bible does it "suggest" that Jesus Christ would keep the Night To Be Much Observed on Abib 1. This straw argument sets up a false premise in a long, worthless list.
Up until this point, the most charitable listeners might be able to give David C. Pack some wiggle room because maybe he is accidentally misspeaking or suffering from moments of confusion. Maybe they need to hear it again because that single vital sentence was missed that would make his logic work.
But then we receive a clear, direct statement that unabashedly contradicts the Bible.
@ 1:24:18 In fact, the 15th is so important that if you miss it, you wait till the 15th of the next month. Not the next available opportunity in your schedule.
David C. Pack is a lying blasphemer. This is why exists. Otherwise, nobody outside the locked gates of that spiritually corrupted organization would know about this corrupted Passover. Thank God these messages “leak” out.
If someone is unable to keep the Passover in the first month, God gave Moses instructions on how they can keep a Second Passover in the second month. Should we obey a man, or should we obey God?
Numbers 9:10-11
Speak unto the children of Israel, saying, If any man of you or of your posterity shall be unclean by reason of a dead body, or be in a journey afar off, yet he shall keep the Passover unto the LORD. The fourteenth day of the second month at even they shall keep it, and eat it with unleavened bread and bitter herbs.
The Passover symbols are commanded to be taken on Abib 14, not Abib 15, despite how many times David C. Pack repeats it. No matter how often he threatens Jesus Christ with committing sin, He will never take the Passover on Abib 15.
David C. Pack is a broken-minded human being. His whole head is sick. The brethren who sit quietly and tolerate this blaspheming heresy must be using all their might to suppress the awful gnawing in their guts because they know this is wrong. It is not just incorrect but evil.
David C. Pack teaches evil.
@ 1:24:30 God drives home in two different ways the Passover must be taken at the 15th. Now, as I said, never mind the horrible example it would set beside being unlawful. How can all people hear for one thousand-plus years that Christ kept the Passover on the wrong date? Impossible.
If Jesus Christ kept it on the fifteenth, that would be the wrong date. Members of RCG keep it on the fourteenth. Their literature says to keep it on the fourteenth. The Bible says to keep it on the fourteenth. Why is David C. Pack teaching this? How can he teach this?
Why are brethren not leaping from their chairs and fleeing? Shame on those who stay. Shame on you.
@ 1:27:24 “So, when I come,” they will take the symbols with Christ again. And that’s sorta suggests in 1 Corinthians 11:26
that the symbols will come very close to the 14th.
Then, the brethren of The Restored Church of God will be “very close” to keeping the Passover correctly.
How ironic that for Passover Services in The Restored Church of God, the doors in every congregation are locked shut at the moment of sunset so that brethren who are “very close” to being on time are kept out. They are forbidden from taking the symbols and must wait one month.
When David C. Pack needs words to be precise, he will sell them as precise. When David C. Pack needs words to be approximate, he will bulldoze through them as being around-ish. A true con man has to keep his rules loose so he can be nimble and pivot on a dime when necessary. David C. Pack is a religious grifter working his angles to sell his wares.
@ 1:29:38 God comes with all the saints. So, Christ is revealing Himself in His Day at the split second at (as the Lamb of God) the split second that Israel would always slay the lamb. Passover explains dusk now. A highly specific moment, and it can't bend.
Part 488 contains lots of bending.
“…sorta suggests…”
“…the symbols will come very close to the 14th.”
“…does God add a little bit…”
“…if you’re under the impression…”
“…Christ died almost exactly…”
Part of the confused bending of Part 488 is how David C. Pack shifts from referencing the Passover observance and symbols to Passover day when Jesus Christ died and the Days of Unleavened Bread being called Passover. He seamlessly moves from one to the other and you cannot catch it without paying careful attention.
@ 1:25:46 Passover is naturally the feast of wine on the lees. It's not one day. It's seven days.
@ 1:31:48 So, you’re gonna start to warn if it were Abib 15. The first day of Passover.
And this is how David C. Pack gives himself a Passover gray area, so you cannot tell when he means the night of observance or the Days of Unleavened Bread.
Ezekiel 45:21
In the first month, in the fourteenth day of the month, you shall have the Passover, a feast of seven days; unleavened bread shall be eaten.
David C. Pack blurs the lines between the Passover symbols and the Days of Unleavened Bread.
@ 1:37:34 Passover is a Sunday. A start of a week in 2025. April 13th. That’s what it would be. It’s a Sunday. Therefore, every year till earth is gone would start with a Passover for seven days.
David C. Pack lies again. Passover in 2025 is Saturday, April 12. So says
@ 1:38:30 It’s perfect. It’s perfect. For seven days to end the Millennium if every year all the way till earth is gone began with the seven-day Feast of the Passover (Unleavened Bread) that’s where they’d [saints] be for seven days.
He talked about the Days of Unleavened Bread but kept calling it Passover to keep the confusion meter fully tilted into the red.
Naturally, nobody can whisper the word Passover within one hundred feet of Headquarters without Dave pointing out how special he is.
@ 1:41:51 The Jews set a place for Elijah on Passover.
@ 1:42:03 I thought to myself, “What am I missing? My last name is Passover. My name isn’t David Abib 1.” And I’m trying to figure out why would God give me the name Passover if it’s Abib 1. Well, it isn’t Abib 1.
His name is not Passover. A well-meaning Worldwide Church of God old-timer thought he could inspire a naïve young man to help build his excitement for Armstrongism and went to his grave, never grasping the damage he did to that arrogant kid’s mental state.
Why is David C. Pack corrupting Passover? To make his latest Kingdom structure and dates work.
@ 1:47:23 Well, it fits perfectly if it’s Abib 15 and it’s Passover. It doesn’t fit a New Moon. Doesn’t fit Abib 1. It fits Abib 15. Kingdom of God would come on April 13th [2025].”
@ 1:48:59 I’ma tell ya this list is ironclad. There’s no shifting it anymore. Or Christ’s first great act is to break the law of God and blaspheme the Passover.
@ 1:49:22 I don’t care if we waited ten more years or I died in the faith, I’ll never move off of that day. I'm no longer haunted, and I feel good that I've been able to tell all of the brethren, "We are waiting for Abib 15 next year for the Second Kingdom."
@ 1:50:28 So, I’m just gonna say again, you cannot sit there and argue that 1,007 years till earth is gone will all begin on Abib 15. That’s impossible to argue. Or we serve an unlawful, disobedient Savior, and God will let Him get away with it.
David C. Pack is a bald-faced liar. It is not just what he does but who he is. The Restored Church of Another god teaches a counterfeit Jesus Christ taking a counterfeit Passover. This teaching is sinister and defies all logic when the Bible quickly proves it to be false.
The Passover is observed on Abib 14, not Abib 15. The Second Passover is Iyar 14, not Iyar 15.
David C. Pack’s Passover corruption is not just some human aspect of his terrible reading comprehension skills. He is a false teacher blatantly breaking the Scriptures by vomiting outrageous heresy in a peacefully quiet room filled with human idol-worshippers who accept the words of a man over the words of God.
David C. Pack has given heed to seducing spirits, and his end shall be according to his works.
Marc Cebrian
See: David C. Pack's Passover Corruption