It has always been beaten into us by Church of God leaders that we were worthless bags of human garbage in the sight of God. Of course, this is is to be expected from those who place all their focus upon the law and not on that highly inconvenient dude they still reject.
Wade Cox, leader of the so-called "christian" Churches of "god" cult has spent decades coming up with so many absurd extrabiblical teachings that he requires his small group of members to follow that you can never be shocked at what he does next.
Cox now believes that the work and sanctification by Christ is not enough for the wayward Church of God members to find favor in the sight of his god. It is now up to him and his few followers to sanctify all the simpletons in the church who follow erroneous teachings by other Church of God leaders.
He and his little band of followers will be soon be fasting to force his god to forgive and sanctify the simpletons that make up the Church of God.
Thus the Temple of God or House of God is composed of all grades of people such as those that make mistakes and for those that are less intelligent and can’t understand many aspects of the faith. A good example is the Worldwide Church of God offshoots who are so misled by their ministry that they follow the Hillel calendar and keep the feasts and the Solemn Assemblies on the wrong days and sometimes in the wrong months; and so we must fast for their error and ignorance, and also for that of Israel and Judah and the nations that understand even less.
The major aspect of the Passover is that there must be reconciliation of the House of God such that all are reconciled to their brothers before they go to the altars of the Passover.
It is in this sense that the fast is used and commanded in the Book of Joel and then taken up in Ezekiel following on from the commands in Joel to Sanctify a Fast in relation to this period from the New Moon of Abib on Ezekiel 45:18-24and the preparations continue to 7 Abib (45:20) and on to the 14 Abib at the Passover Preparation and Sacrifice and then on to 21 Abib for the next seven days of the Feast.
So do we say as some claim that we don’t need to do anything before the Lord’s Supper as he set it aside and the ceremony of the Footwashing and the Bread and the Wine was enough? That is a false doctrine taught by some offshoots of the Churches of God and shows the appalling ignorance of the ministry of those elements. The commandment of the faith is to be reconciled to one’s brother and that we should not go to the feast empty handed and all males must attend. It is taken for granted that we must prepare individually for the Passover, but also we are commanded to prepare as a congregation and the Sanctification process is and always has been undertaken by the righteous over the ignorant of the congregations of the faith. God has set a process in place that has always existed and must be restored to all the faith.
Sanctification in the House of God
It is always a fact that the actions of the House of God and its ministry which Temple and Ministry we are, has always undertaken the process of sanctification.
It was from before the giving of the Law to Moses, by the patriarchs such as Job (Job 1:5).
The explanation here is that because the leaders of the congregation did not sanctify Christ as the Angel of the Presence and the Yahovah of Israel they did not go into the Promised Land. This was an example to the leaders of the Church of God that those who do not order and go through this sanctification process will not enter the First Resurrection.
It was the responsibility of the people to then sanctify Christ and now it is the job of present church members to sanctify the simpletons.
Since this is a splinter Church of God, it makes sense that Jesus is shoved to the back burner because his father was too weak to sanctify him and that he was dependant upon his followers to sanctify Jesus.
Can it get any stupider?