The Delusionist
David C. Pack of The Restored Church of God is so vital to the plan of God that he was written into the Bible thousands of years ago. The hidden Elijah-figure is secretly coded so well that only the man himself can identify where he is.
The Kingdom of God arrives in three stages. The first is not technically the Kingdom of God, but Jesus Christ will return from heaven briefly to establish "the Kingdom to Israel," as stated in Acts 1:6. Elijah the Prophet will become invisible and rise to world-recognized status as the herald of the gospel. Anyone who does not heed Elijah’s warnings will be killed because he is the ruler of the First Kingdom.
Jesus Christ will rule the Second Kingdom, aka the Kingdom of God, for seven years. The Father will rule the Third Kingdom, aka the Millennium, for one thousand years. There is no point in worrying about the details of the later periods until the first one begins. As of Abib 1 on March 22-23, 2023, that did not happen.
A false prophet is exposed the first time. There are no free do-overs. As much as David C. Pack tries to whitewash the past and blur how he presented the way he presented it, he is forever disqualified per God’s Word. If he gets a pass, then the Scriptures can be broken, and we are all screwed.
After 67 days and 16 Parts totaling 30 hours and 37 minutes, Abib 1 proved David C. Pack has no idea what he is talking about.
Wednesday reinforced his impressive “100% wrong, 100% of the time” track record. The possibility of being sternly questioned before the Judgment Seat of Christ about not believing Dave and mocking him atop that has fallen into negative percentage territory.
The unpardonable sin is blaspheming the Holy Spirit. Saying publicly that God's Spirit is not guiding David C. Pack puts me at significant personal risk. I take that very seriously. And yet, all the evidence points in the same direction: God is not guiding David C. Pack. "The Greatest Untold Story!" Series is not from the mind inspired by the True God.
With God not backing up David C. Pack for ten years plus, why does he persist?
Because he has to. He is deep into False Prophet territory, and he knows it. To stop here would admit he has become everything he has written and preached against for decades. That kind of self-realization is unacceptable. And looks terrible on a LinkedIn profile.
One question looms: Is David C. Pack lying or delusional?
The complicated answer is: Both. And then some.
David C. Pack of The Restored Church of God has set dates for the return of Jesus Christ over 50 times. And yet, he still believes God is using him to end The Mystery of God, to unseal the book of Daniel, to unseal Revelation, to prepare the way before God, and trigger a final message that signals the return of Jesus Christ.
Yes. When he speaks, it fulfills prophecy.
Because God has a sense of humor and is a fan of irony, David C. Pack brings the scriptures to life by perfectly exemplifying what is written on the pages. Just not in the way he thinks.
David C. Pack is a Trinitarian.
He worships the glory of Me, Myself, and I.
In the 400s, he has become less effective at hiding this. The brethren see the wire in his coat pocket, the feather under his hat, and the card tucked up his sleeve. The more this sorcerer opens his mouth, the more plastic the façade appears.
“The Illusionist” is a 2006 movie about a skilled magician paired with a clever police inspector to investigate the murder of a woman betrothed to the Crown Prince of Vienna. This is an excellent movie if you have not seen it.
David C. Pack is the warped Edward Norton of RCG. He is a master illusionist suffering from master delusion. He is so impressed with his own tricks he sometimes convinces himself what he sees is real. A persistent discomfort reveals that even he knows he is full of malarkey. But he presses forward anyhow.
One key tactic Delusional Illusionist David C. Pack uses is to speak of himself in the Narrative Point of View, also known as the Third Person Perspective.
…the narrator is neutral and not privy to any character’s thoughts or feelings. The tone is observational—sort of like an announcer at a sporting event calling plays.
Once you catch on to this, you will never miss it.
the act of referring to oneself in the third person instead of first person. It is sometimes used in literature as a stylistic device. In real-life usage, illeism can reflect a number of different stylistic intentions or involuntary circumstances.
David C. Pack is the preeminent Illeistic Delusional Illusionist. The supreme Delusionist.
By reading the Bible and referring to himself in the third person, David C. Pack capitalizes on psychological manipulation and mind control by softening the awareness he is talking about himself.
Which of these two statements would be the most concerning?
“God raises this man as Elijah to rule the entire world for one month.”
“God raises me as Elijah, and I will rule the entire world for one month.”
Dave often frames Elijah as impersonal biblical information. This a mere FYI about what God says.
And while there is no difference in the content of those statements, the more authentic version would sound like delusional self-aggrandizing propaganda. Which it is.
Updating statements with the proper first-person pronouns and accompanying verb conjugations reveal a different perspective on the same information. The illusion is shattered.
Part 405 – November 15, 2022
@ 1:16:32 So, every evidence would be that when I'm called to God's foot, God is gonna talk to me directly, and I'm gonna use a group called The Last. Well, I knew who they are.
Part 407 – November 11, 2022
@ 19:36 This got Stephen killed when he cited the star on the top of the Christmas tree. They murdered him on the spot…When he spoke about God raising me.
Part 414 – January 14, 2023
@ 1:39:40 And you cannot argue with the sheer massive proof I’m gonna lay on you next time that I rise before February 10th. Enjoy your evening.
Part 415 – January 17, 2023
@ 54:20 I have serious teeth. And so do you.
Part 417 – February 2, 2023
@ 1:45:01 A few other things that suggest this is right. It looks like I blast at a full moon.
Part 419 – February 14, 2023
@ 1:00:22 Which Lord made the wise and faithful servant (me) ruler over His household for a couple-dozen years? Well, God did.
@ 1:06:53 So, the householder [the Father] can come early on and be here for the parable of the wheat and tares and gives all that He has to me. That is not Christ.
Part 425 – March 4, 2023
@ 01:34 …it’s actually me in the vision talking to Daniel.
@ 01:45 And so, in chapter 10, this is clearly me. I say, “I’m here to tell you what will befall your people in the last days.”
@ 01:02:53 I’m described…I prepare the way right in the right in the face of God coming. Malachi 3:1, Revelation 10:7
. I complete the Mystery of God…when I’m about to sound, I complete it.
@ 1:10:39 There I would be someday. And I’m described all through Isaiah that I would, “Cry aloud, spare not, lift up your voice like a trumpet…”
Part 428 – March 11, 2023
@ 32:43 And, believe me, I’m not sure of this, brethren. But I’m just gonna say. Might God raise me to announce what we’ve just discussed? Do I run and call it out?
Part 429 – March 15, 2023
@ 07:50 All right. Verse 18. “And he,” (this is me talking to Ezekiel), “said to me, Son of man, thus says the Lord God…”
@ 14:30 What does God mean when He says that I will speak from the rising of the sun to its going down?
@ 1:27:17 This is my seventh and last message since the 1335 began, almost to the hour. My first coming is over, and so are God's mysteries…
Only the pronouns and verb conjugations have been altered. The content remains the same as delivered.
Dave’s SFW version of Elijah masks what he is really saying. He creates the illusion he is not self-promoting and continually preaching about himself. And since he can now freely prophesy without God’s Spirit, the Bible can say whatever he needs without biblical consequences.
This is the reality of The Restored Church of God and what David C. Pack preaches. He has given entire sermons about himself. Part 408 is a sobering example. The “good news” he preaches is about the coming of himself. The First Kingdom is the Kingdom of Dave.
Whenever David C. Pack says “this man” or “Elijah,” realize he is talking about himself but is too cowardly to admit it. He knows it would cause ripples in RCG if he read the verses honestly. If there is too much honesty from the lectern, more nervous sheep would bolt. And they would be taking their green envelopes with them.
The third person perspective is a mind trick. It is an illusion. David C. Pack is deluding the brethren while he deludes himself. The liar knows he is lying but sometimes lets himself believe it.
This man, Faux Elijah, is deceiving while being deceived.
David C. Pack is the master Delusional Illusionist. He is the ultimate Delusionist.