I previously offered the chance for Ian to present his reason why Armstrongism is still superior to other churches. Let the conversation...or fireworks begin.
Ian Boyne is a Church of God, International Pastor in Jamaica
As someone who has
spent over four decades studying
philosophy (particularly epistemology and philosophy of religion) theology and
comparative religions, as well being as
a specialist religion writer and broadcaster, I have long thought of
issuing this challenge: That
Armstrongism—minus its obscurantism and fanaticism—is actually far superior to all other brands of conservative Christianity, and that the most
intellectually defensible alternative to
Reformed Armstrongism is agnosticism or theistic existentialism.
As I have read the
serious scholarly journals in theology and philosophy and kept up with the
latest books in the fields, I have
become more convinced that far more credit should be given to the high school dropout
Herbert Armstrong than he actually gets.
Because there has been so much focus on the corruption,
authoritarianism, abuse and exploitation in the movement—and that is both
overwhelming and irrefutable---little time has been spent showing how much
better a religious system Armstrongism
is—absent its errors—than its alternatives.
As someone who
has experienced many “long, dark nights
of the soul” and who has had to wrestle intellectually and emotionally with major
philosophical and theological issues, I could never see myself rejecting certain cardinal tenets of Armstrongism
and going on to embrace orthodox Christianity, either of the Protestant or Catholic
version. (Though, ironically to some, I would find Catholicism more attractive than Evangelicalism.) As I
read certain ex-Armstrongites attacking
the movement (and I have every book ever
published on the movement and have read every Ambassador Report), it has struck
me again that many persons who are
celebrating their release from “the bondage of Armstrongism” have really bought
into inferior versions of revealed religion without realizing it.
For example, I could
never, like some who have gone back to orthodox Christianity, go back to the barbaric and repulsive belief
that a loving God would create a hell to burn people for all eternity—most of
whom never even had an opportunity to learn about him. Notice how abominable
this doctrine---strongly rejected by Armstrong—really is. The billions of persons in communist China, Hindu
India and those under the former Iron Curtain who, through no fault of their own were born
in the “wrong country”, have to spend an eternity in hell for the Bible says
“there is in other name under heaven whereby men must be saved except the name
of Jesus”.
Yet this God is too
impotent to get His Gospel across to people. Not to mention the obnoxious Calvinist belief that God actually
decreed, for His own glory and in His
sovereignty, that some would be lost and
burn forever in hell. The atheists have developed a brilliant Argument From
Non-Belief to counter this horrendous “Christian” doctrine of people’s being
lost through own ignorance and non-belief. (See especially Theodore
Drange’s brilliant book, Non-Belief and Evil)
Some, struck with the incongruity of the loving God (as
portrayed in the Bible) casting ignorant
people in Hell for all eternity come up with the view that God will judge people by the sincerity
of their hearts and their good works and let the good ones into the kingdom.
But wait: Isn’t Sola
Fide (faith alone) and Sola Gratia
(grace alone) at the heart of the Protestant doctrine of justification by faith? Then how can God look
at how well the Buddhist, Hindu and Sufi lived and let them into Heaven based
on their works when works are supposed to have nothing to do
with right standing?
Evangelicalism, which some ex-Armstrongites like Martha and the Bereans
website friends have bought into, can’t match the
philosophical and theological force of the Armstrongite teaching that a good,
loving and just God will find a way for every single human being to come to a
knowledge of the truth—including the mentally retarded, the mentally ill as well the sincere atheists and agnostics who
did not have enough evidence to believe.
Even the apostate WCG
cannot let go of this refreshing teaching of Herbert Armstrong. Significantly,
Armstrongism is the only movement which
says it alone is right and yet which opens the
door for those who disagree to be saved eventually. This is a most compassionate view which should promote
Herbert Armstrong, contrary to his Evangelical critics,
actually did more to promote the
exclusivity of Christianity and Christ by stating that good Buddhists, good
Muslims, good Hindus, good Bahais etc.
would not be saved in their ignorance just because they were not wicked like Hitler; but would get their chance to learn the one truth and make a
personal confession of Christ (See
Romans 10).
Evangelicals, Church of God 7th Day and Seventh-Day Adventists have more than one
way of salvation—one for those who heard and rejected Christ and another for
the millions who died without hearing, leaving God no option but to find a way to get them to His Kingdom without
their having personally accepted Christ.
So if he could do that for
so many “good heathens”, why allow so much evil in the world ostensibly
to accommodate free will ,which He then takes away by putting people in Heaven who never really made that personal
choice? There is not enough space to point out the serious moral and theological problems
which orthodox Christianity poses. It is a pity that so many are so emotionally
scarred and abused that they might not have the
intellectual energy—or interest—to look at the strengths in the theology
of Armstrongism.
I admit I am deeply
embarrassed, even angered, as a thinking
Armstrongite (an oxymoron?) to read the nonsense taught by the lunatic
fringe in the movement (In fact, they are
so many they might even be the mainstream!)
I am happy for the CGI, to which I belong, which retains the finest teachings of Herbert
Armstrong without the dross and the excesses. I am NOT saying it is the only
true church! For all GTA’s moral weaknesses and reprehensible personal
behaviour, he reformed a system without throwing out the baby with the bathwater. Ron Dart’s work in the CGI has also been
invaluable in preserving an intellectually respectable brand of Armstrongism.
The atrocious doctrine of an ever-burning hell; the view that
billions of sincere people will be lost simply because they never knew about
Christ; the severing of Christianity from its Hebraic roots and the Hellenisation
of Christianity; the de-emphasis on the
eschatological Kingdom of God and
the profound truth of the eventual
deification of humans are some of the major reasons I could not leave
Armstrongism for orthodox Christianity. Agnosticism or theistic Existentialism
is a far better option to me. The God of
Evangelicalism, Adventism and orthodox Christianity is not worthy to be
worshipped. Herbert Armstrong had that right.

Mr. Ian Boyne, CD, was appointed Deputy Chief Executive Officer of the Jamaica Information Service (JIS) in 2010. His responsibilities include serving as Chief State Liaison to the Office of the Prime Minister, Office of the Governor-General and the Office of the Leader of the Opposition and giving oversight to the Research, Publications and Production (Editorial and Photo) Division.
Host of the Agency’s flagship interview programme, Issues and Answers, Mr. Boyne furthers the public education thrust of the JIS through his incisive range of questions which elucidate the Government’s response to the national issues of the day.
Mr. Boyne has had a long career with the JIS as he first joined the entity when it was known as the Agency for Public Information (API) in 1976 as feature writer and television broadcaster. In 1983 he became the Press Secretary/Speech Writer to the then Minister of Industry and Commerce, Douglas Vaz and from then to 2002 worked with every Minister of Industry under successive administrations as Speech Writer/Public Relations Consultant after which he rejoined the JIS in 2002.
In the media fraternity, he is regarded as a veteran journalist who entered the profession in 1975. Outside of the JIS, he is the host of the 26 year old TVJ programme Profile, the host of Religious Hardtalk and a columnist for the Sunday Gleaner.
In 2009, the Government of Jamaica recognized his contribution to journalism with the Commander of the Order of Distinction (CD).
Mr. Boyne is a Minister of Religion and the author of “Ideas Matter: Journey into the Mind of a Veteran Journalist.