@ 44:14 I know the Bible well.
I am going to leave that one for the Comments section.
Statements like this are sure to cause Dave even more chest pains.
Dave cannot keep himself from seeing comparisons to John the Baptist.
When John the Baptist is resurrected, there will be some pretty uncomfortable moments when Dave tries to introduce himself.
Dave has been a messenger of malarkey. A messenger of fraud. A messenger of lies. A messenger of blasphemy. A messenger of fear.
@ 46:03 He was a prophet and more than a prophet. I been more than a prophet.
A false prophet and false apostle, to be sure.
@ 46:08 He was a Levite. So am I. God raised him. Well, nobody thinks I came to this office by myself.
Yeah. Do not ask for a show of hands. That would be awkward.
@ 46:15 He prepared a people. A people have been prepared here. He just came outta Nowheresville, the wilderness. Just poof! You know? When God gave him an utterance in Luke 3:2
Notice how Dave skipped admitting he has never received an utterance from God. Be prepared for it because that day is coming. It will be a game-changer for everyone.
@ 46:28 I’m sort of a guy in the wilderness. I made the Bible’s greatest prophecies plain, a voice cries out.
He cannot be referring to his own gutted, retired book. A book removed in shame years ago.
You can purchase an out-of-print hard copy on Amazon for $97. That is a much better deal than on eBay, where you can own a piece of church history for $162.
At this point, if David C. Pack stood at the lectern in the Main Hall of The Restored Church of God Headquarters and drank his own urine, the brethren would continue to sit quietly and motionless in their chairs, accepting it as God’s will for His servant.
Ken Orel, please test this theory and see if that kind of blind obedience would extend to you.
@ 46:36 He came before Jesus Christ. And he did no miracles…I cast out many demons in my life…I anointed them. And they were healed instantly…But, it’s funny, once I came to this assignment, I’ve never done any of that anymore.
Yeah, Dave, it is funny. It is almost as if God did not want any actual proof of your office. He did not want you to exhibit any signs of an apostle so that people could not confirm you have God’s authority. However, the long list of failed dates proves what assignment you fulfill.
And by the way, why are you unable to complete your assignment or get even one thing correct after nearly 20,000 hours of Bible study? Will it take 30,000 hours? 40,000 hours?
@ 47:33 But, I don’t do any miracles. Not for years…But, it’s almost as though if God were to create a parallel, you can’t have me walking up and down the street and everybody’s healed…Or people mighta come here for the wrong reasons. You’d have Catholics coming here if I could do that.
God cannot have you be like Peter and Paul and Stephen. You might be mistaken for a true apostle or a true prophet. Catholics repenting and converting on the spot following the New Testament pattern? We cannot have any of that.
While addressing recent mistakes, Dave avoided calling it a mistake or taking any blame.
@ 48:59 …as I was learning all kinds of things that God was opening up. Let’s put it this way, maybe I over-thought some things. Then, the men around me did, too.
He is referring to his Meat Puppet and Meat Shield. They do not need to be at the lectern to be useful for Dave’s protection.
@ 49:06 But I was the captain. And then, I over-built trying to figure out how many kingdoms are there. Turns out there's two, but you could look at it and see three as recently as a week ago.
First, he "over-thought," then he "over-built." Which means he is trying super-hard. Maybe he is trying too hard. Being wrong, in error, or false is too hot a potato to hold in his hand.
So, one week ago, God's apostle, who will be raised as Elijah, who is the Seventh Messenger, the Mighty Angel of Revelation 10, a similitude of John the Baptist, thought there were three Kingdoms, but this week teaches there are two.
One could ask, “How many Kingdoms of God will there be one week from now? If those who believed you a week ago were proven wrong, why should anyone risk believing you this week, when it is completely plausible by next week, the answer will change again?”
These are questions only an antichrist serpent more wicked (almost) than the devil could think up. They are foolish questions, I admit. But I would really like to know. Dr. Ranney, please write me at exrcgwebsite@gmail.com or call me. You have my number.
@ 54:55 Remembering as we do, there’s Mount Everest. We’re not gonna get past the night of December 24th.
Please do not remember this on Christmas Day. Just close your eyes and move past it.
Part 405 – November 16, 2022
@ 1:34:37 Now, if it is not this Sabbath, I don’t understand Luke 12, Matthew 24. I don’t understand the math. And I don’t understand Zechariah or Habakkuk chapter 2. I don't understand how all of those verses point to he's gonna speak on the Sabbath, but it isn't.
It is unfair to quote Dave from so long ago as proof of his fraudulent teachings.
Part 403 – November 5, 2022
@ 03:03 Every last bit of that picture was settled…this framework can no longer change. It’s settled. We can trust all the scriptures that hold it in place.
Bringing up this again is just a downright dirty trick.
Part 367 – May 14, 2022
@ 1:31:20 I am telling God’s people I believe the Kingdom of Israel and eternal life comes tomorrow night. If I’m wrong…I’m wrong by a whole year because I know the day it happens.
Only a perverse, evil mind would ever think to hit below the belt like this.
Part 285 – February 1, 2021
@ 1:12:09 But, of course, all of this crashes if Christ does not come this Friday.
The devil’s favorite weapon is the truth. Right, Dave?
Another one of those stupid little Dave Pack teachings based on presumptive hot air leaking from his ears comes forward. It is not on the same scale as Stephen from Acts 7 being killed because he attacked the Jewish Christmas tree, but it is from the same spirit of nonsense.
@ 1:20:02 “…and they have no root in themselves, and so endure but for a time.” A time is a season. Brethren, how long is a season? A day.
The Greek word for “time” in Mark 4:17
is proskairos (G4340) and means “for the occasion only, that is, temporary.” It appears four times in the New Testament.
The word means “a day” because Dave needs it to. Just like “seven times” briefly meant “a week” back in Part 387. The actual definitions of words in the Bible mean nothing to Dave. He distorts them into what he needs them to be and will discard them as soon as the jig is up.
It is maddening how often Dave reads Habakkuk 2:2
without any understanding and keeps recycling the same ideas over and over and over again.
@ 1:25:24 “And the Lord answered and said, ‘Write the vision, make it plain on tables, that he may rush that reads it.’” I believe that’s happening today.
David C. Pack has the most astonishing
piss-poor reading comprehension skills
of anyone I have ever heard.
If he bothered to slow down and pay attention to the printed words in the book, it would be clear that there are two people in that verse. 1) One who writes. 2) One who reads. They are not the same person.
The writer makes it plain on the tablet. The reader is the one rushing. But, even that is not entirely true because the actual meaning of the verse is that the words are so easy to read that someone running past the tablet would be able to understand it. Like driving past a billboard. Those are designed to be plain and readable in a short space of time as you move past.
But Dave does not get it. Once he reads anything a certain way, replacing words like he just did while reading it, he will not be able to grasp the actual concept of what God was saying. This is the David C. Pack conundrum. He can know the Bible in his sleep and read it but cannot understand it.
Higher math, please meet the cow.
While explaining a new discovery in Hebrews 10, Dave almost admitted something.
@ 1:28:02 I don’t know, brethren, why I couldn’t see it before. I take…you know, heart that nobody else ever saw it.
Ah, man. He almost said “responsibility," but luckily, he caught himself. Admitting fault would have been too humble an act for Elijah-Elect and the future Joshua, the High Priest. And the Seventh Messenger, who is the Mighty Angel, among so many other things.
Instead of accepting any blame for not seeing Hebrews 10 the way he does now, he is the first to see it, which should count for something. The pathology of his thinking process in real time is a curious thing to behold. He is less restrained than he used to be, making his deterioration all the more evident to anyone paying attention.
@ 1:28:10 I give myself grief. Probably one reason why I get chest pains. You know, because I know that people are counting on me to get this straight.
Anyone inside The Restored Church of God still counting on Dave to get this straight is setting themselves up for a lifetime of disappointment. That day will never arrive because God is not guiding him.
Dave has no fear of tempting God, either.
@ 1:28:23 And I’m still alive. I’m fine. I feel great.
Famous last words.
I recall the “Mr. and Mrs. Pack are fine” moment when they got COVID-19 after the Feast of Tabernacles in 2020. I also remember Dave hiding his tachycardia condition for months, though the effects were visible on his face during messages.
RCG is not known for being a “full disclosure” organization. There are brethren and ministers inside The Restored Church of God who still do not know Headquarters bought a $500,000 house in August.
@ 1:28:26 Turned 74 this week, and I don't feel a day over 73 and ten months.
See. The guy who teaches birthdays are evil cannot help but mention it in sermons.
@ 1:39:46 One last message on a last Sabbath that’s possible is sposta trigger everything. Then, it’s just watch.
Today, we watched the 1335 not happen. Folks will continue to watch nothing happen as they have been since 2013. The days leading up to December 24 will produce nothing. Christmas Day will produce nothing. Whatever David C. Pack ever teaches will always produce nothing.
If he had even half a mind left, he would shut his pie hole and resign.
But, as Gary posted on his blog, one-half of Dave's mind ran away. The other half went looking for it.
Rest assured, Part 410 will explain what went wrong.
Marc Cebrian
See: Half-Minded NOT