Those days are now over! Praise God and pass the offering plate, Bwana Bob Thiel is here to entertain us with the best list of proofs on why he has the most superfantabulous church in the 21st century. Dave Pack was seen whimpering, yet again, in his formal gardens over this humiliating situation.
God's most favorite end-time church leader is so superfantabulous that God had to doubly bless him and send him into several dream states where his mind regurgitated one of the silliest COG claims ever!
The Great Bwana has published a hilarious list of pointa as to why his personality cult is different than all of the other COG's.
Apparently, one of his potential converts had been church hopping through various Churches of God due to the fact she cannot make a decision on her own as to who might be doing what is right. As usual, she needs someone to tell her how to believe.
Bwana Bob writes:
Bwana Bob then drew up a list, and then was so insecure in what he wrote that he had to consult with his 2 ministers in Europe and a few of those in Africa.
- Someone who attended with RCG, then CGG, and also LCG telephoned me and asked me how CCOG differed from the other COGs.
Get your popcorn ready and a beer for the entertainment that is to come.
- After telling her several reasons, I put together a list and had it reviewed by CCOG ministers in Europe and Africa. Here is a partial list:
Seriously? Just because someone spouts hundreds of scriptures in a sermon that covers 30-40 different topics does NOT prove Bwana is more biblically focused! Nor, does have a huge list of sermons on the Gospels instead of what they actually profess, still does not make one's cult as biblically focused.
- We are more biblically-focused. Our sermons tend to contain more scriptures than others–enough so that our English online sermons have truly helped fulfill Matthew 28:19-20
–we have taught all that the New Testament records that Jesus taught (proof can be seen in a sermon listing of the Gospels, etc. with links at
Well, whoop-dee-do! During Herbert Armstong's reign, we had to hand-write out the entire book. Other COG splinter groups, like the legalistic Pharisee James Malm do the exact same thing.
- We also read the entire ‘book of the law’ every seven years at the Feast of Tabernacles as instructed in Deuteronomy 31:10-13
We also read the entire ‘book of the law’ every seven years at the Feast of Tabernacles.
Those that seem to have turned their backs on Jesus feel the need to place the emphasis on the law nowadays.
Bwana Bob, like most of the other self-appointed COG guru's, has no gospel message that humanity needs to hear. When the crap that he fosters off as gospel is so totally devoid of anything that centers upon Jesus, there is no gospel message worthwhile.
- We have more information in more languages in order to fulfill the commissions of Matthew 24:14
and Matthew 28:19-20
to reach the world with the Gospel of the Kingdom of God and other teachings.
Considering NOTHING was ever lost, to begin with, there are no teachings than have been revealed other than extra-biblical crap that no one needs to worry about.
- Many teachings are restored in more detail.
Well of course none of them teach this because it is not true.
- We were the first group in the 21st century to boldly, and more accurately, teach why God made anything including humans. Which is: God made what He did so that eternity would be better and that God made humans so each who ultimately accept Him, in their own way, will help make eternity better (it is not clear if the other COG’s teach this yet).
Never has the Church of God seen a bigger liar than we have in Bwana Bob. Form his self-appointment and the lies about his double blessing to how moronic prophecy predictions, it has been a train wreck from the start.
- We post more accurate information online on prophecy and world events (for example, which shows we are serious about Jesus’ admonition to watch (Mark 13:37
) and warn.
Bwana Bob is so in tune with his god that he is INCAPABLE of having prophetic errors! That statement alone makes him a liar.
Bwana Bob claims to be the fastest growing COG out there. He has less than a hundred followers in all the English speaking countries of the entire world, while most of his "converts" are professional Sabbatarian church hoppers who are constantly searching for the next convenient white savior to give them more laptops and money. Besides, there is another Church of God who claims to add way more African members that Bwana Bob does. Sadly, this is another idiotic splinter cult of Armstrongism run by deranged Wade Cox.
- We do not have the prophetic errors that many teach, which (unless they change) will prevent them from knowing when the Great Tribulation (Matthew 24:21
) will start until it is basically too late.
Bwana Bob still is trying to "prove" he is legitimate because had some dreams after a night of eating bad sushi. He believes that just because some mentally disturbed woman in the Southern Hemisphere dreamed a dream about Bwana Bob that this also legitimizes him. Of course, he tries to lend credibility to the dreams by claiming Loma did the same thing when she dreamed up the Church of God.
- We are the fastest growing xWCG church in the 21st century.
Because of that, Bwana Bob's personalty cult is the ONLY true Philadelphia splinter group out there today.
If Herbert Armstrong were alive today, Bwana Bob's ass would be kicked out the door so fast that his head would spin. The boot imprint would be permanent!
- Like the start of the Philadelphian era was preceded by a dream from God given to a woman, the official 21st century start of the remnant of that era was also preceded by a dream from God given to a woman–furthermore several associated with CCOG have had confirmed dreams. We are not just one of scores of COG groups, but the only international Philadelphian organization and the leader of the Philadelphian remnant that God is using to go through doors He opens (Revelation 3:7-8
) for the fulfillment of Matthew 24:14
, Romans 11:25
, etc. in the final phase of the work.