More Apologies To Mr. Putin
Paid professional prophecy hobbyist David C. Pack of The Restored Church of God believes his job is to teach end-time knowledge revealed by God before the return of Jesus Christ, which is currently scheduled for April 8, 2024.
One of the more pesky biblical thorns in the Pastor General’s flesh is nailing down the identity of the Sixth King of Revelation 17:10
. David C. Pack boldly declared in “The Greatest Unending Story! (Part 453)” that God provided the knowledge that the Sixth King was Russian President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin.
Flashback Part 453 – June 17, 2023
@ 43:53 My job right now is to tell you about a man who becomes, in many regards, the most powerful metric in the Bible.
@ 52:08 [God] says He picks a man who wanted to know His heart and mind, so if this is correct (and it is), and it’s because God wanted to reveal it at the end.
By Part 461, Dave realized God did not pick him to reveal this.
Flashback Part 461 – July 29, 2023
@ 1:35:00 I’ma throw another thought at you, and I’m gonna be very discrete in how I handle it. I do not believe Vladimir Putin is the Sixth King. That’s all I’m gonna say…
The rise and fall of the Sixth King’s identity was documented in the articles King Poutine VI and With Apologies to Mr. Putin that both prompted letters to the Russian Consulate.
Like a jilted lover who never got closure, Dave rekindled his torrid romance with Mr. Putin as the Sixth King.
Flashback Part 483 – December 2, 2023
@ 1:39:20 And that’s it. If it's not Putin, well, then I wouldn't know who it is. …he's somebody out there, and there's one guy that fits the bill. He’s even real short.
Mr. Putin’s stature was an essential factor in determining who one of the most wicked human beings who will ever live might be.
Flashback Part 484 – December 9, 2023
@ 08:44 He is a flatterer. He’s also…called a Little Horn. Putin’s 5’6 ½”. …So, Putin is a very little man. There are things like that that go on and on and on…
Somehow, I knew this renewed infatuation was only temporary and did not have the stomach to toy with the heartstrings of our comrades in the Russian government. So, I held my peace. The last thing I wanted to do was to get their hopes up, knowing fickle Dave would probably dash them again.
And, of course, he did.
Flashback Part 492 – February 3, 2024
@ 1:28:38 And maybe we’ll talk a little more about the Sixth King. “What happened to him?” Well, I have an idea.
Dave had no idea. He was stalling but could not bring himself to utter the words denying Mr. Putin his world-destroying nobility again.
Maybe just enough softness remained in David C. Pack's "perfectly healthy" heart to spare the Russian President the sting of further rejection.
Time heals all wounds, and the mystery of the Sixth King of Revelation 17:10
was conclusively settled as of “The Greatest Unending Story! (Part 499)” on March 21, 2024. But not before a little up-selling and psychological manipulation.
Part 499 – March 21, 2024
@ 01:09 So, we’re gonna have (maybe) the most inspiring message that you’ve ever heard before we’re done.
@ 02:03 It’s a wonderful time. We’re privileged to know that. No one else knows it. No other church teaches it. No one else knows it. It’s just they just see half of the dismal swamp, and that's sorta where that that discussion ends in most people’s minds.
Statements like that are why leaving The Restored Church of God is so difficult. Being specially chosen to receive wonderful special knowledge is hard to let go of, even when the Pastor General does not use the word "dismal" correctly.
@ 05:02 It’s almost thunderously obvious and impossible to argue with it. Just inarguable who is the Sixth King.
I really hope Mr. Putin is not reading this because that statement could cut deeply considering Dave never said that about him.
@ 10:20 It’s impossible that the Sixth King is anybody today. Remember, we’re making things plain. We’re removing the Mystery. Preparing the way for God. It’s impossible.
After much personal development and growth in maturity, David C. Pack updated his Facebook status. It revealed to the world who he could now publicly declare his unwavering devotion to, the one he called "the absolute monster from hell," "the antichrist," and "the wolf-thief-killer-destroyer."
The Sixth King is Nebuchadnezzar’s father, Nabopolassar.
Who knew that divine inspiration could manifest while tooling down the interstate?
@ 13:58 I just couldn’t pin it down. That’s why it was very good to travel. And all of a sudden, it popped into my head [identity of the holy people]. Just like Nabopolassar was the father of a son who loved him. Popped into my head on this trip.
The identity of the Sixth King popped into his head. Therefore, it must be true. All stable biblical doctrine can be firmly established by simple head popping in The Restored Church of God.
Wow, those “worldly” Bible scholars are such idiots for actually studying the book when David C. Pack can bound through passages and make long lists without ever cracking it open, which has been the secret sauce of his success since 2015.
Part 498 was jam-packed with totally permanent discoveries that will never change, such as the identity of the Sixth King, the Holy People, the Sheep, and the Ten Virgins.
@ 24:25 So, that’s important. Tells us we’re right on track.
Mr. Putin had to learn a hard lesson when he paired up with David C Pack. Abib 1, beginning at sunset on April 8, will face the same disappointment.
@ 26:11 So, let’s just make this as plain as we can. And if you do not leave here today more electrified than you've ever been in the whole Series, then I failed.
The entire Series is a testament to David C. Pack’s failure despite how he spins it. The constant barrage of how amazing what they are hearing is repeated. It eventually seeps into their minds whether they believe it or not.
@ 25:28 The greatest single thing I’ve ever learned in the Bible will follow what this comes off of [identity of the 10 Virgins]. Other than the coming of the Kingdom of God itself. I’m gonna give ya the greatest truth you have ever heard ever heard in 500 Parts, now well over 900 hours and eight and a half years.
@ 30:21 What flows off of that is the greatest discovery I’ve ever made. A discovery the church was in no position to ever see to discover it. They couldn’t. The church never saw the sheep as anything other than the saints. But, the saints are a different category…
@ 32:00 Let’s learn perhaps the greatest single mystery in the Bible besides the Kingdom of God itself.
@ 38:29 …you know, a hundred or hundreds of other things that we’ve been privileged to learn. I didn't discover these. They were shown to me so that I could show them to you.
Shown by what? Not the Spirit of Truth. Dave's god is a documented lying trickster.
@ 1:00:35 This is astonishing stuff. I mean, it’s just astonishing. I never understood this. Nobody ever did.Because, again, if you don’t have the comparison driving your analysis. Billions, one-third of all human beings on earth, are become gold and silver to God. And you don’t know that and don’t understand that that happens by the Day of the Lord because you didn’t even know all human beings rose before the Millennium and were in play, then you can never get to where we’re coming to today.
David C. Pack cannot resist preaching about himself.
@ 1:35:20 Some of you think you know (and it’s okay, I don’t) of what what what my life has been like. It’s been almost infinitely harder than my biography even begins to tell. But now I understand why.
The Authorized Biography of David C. Pack is a total of 1,225 pages split into two volumes.
Volume 1 is 617 pages. Volume 2 is 608 pages.
Imagine reading anything for 1,225 pages only to discover his life has been “almost infinitely harder.” Those must be some pretty intense notes for Volume 3.
A two-volume book about Dave's life is just as excruciating as the "The Greatest Unending Story!" As time goes on, so does the Series. The clock is ticking towards April 8, when nothing biblical will happen.
The Sixth King of Revelation 17:10
is inarguably the King of Babylon, Nabopolassar.
All anyone can do now is offer more apologies to Mr. Putin.
Marc Cebrian
See: More Apologies To Mr Putin