Thursday, April 4, 2024

Shocking Stories of Medical Neglect in the Worldwide Church of God w/Guest - Sara Ahrenholtz

People dying unnecessarily due to fear of obtaining medical help even if it was serious - fear of not making it into the Kingdom for lack of faith or disobedience to the law as interpreted by men (pedophiles even). Oh My Goodness! The stories you will hear in here! Did you experience similar? People not getting help with Cancer to their dying day. Sara losing her friend Kelly to cancer at age 9!!! but standing firm by her faith to her dying day, perhaps wanting to please her parents. Poor thing! Were these pastors who guilted them when they mentioned the possibility of getting help also responsible for murder? Keeping them from getting medical help - like the Jehovah's Witnesses who couldn't take blood (with a person assigned to make sure they didn't at the hospital)? 


RSK said...

Yikes, thats some messy verbage too.

Anonymous said...

She said forgiveness means healing and letting go. That point of view saturates American culture (but not others) and is simply not true. It stems from the fact that American culture is very partial to evil.

Anonymous said...

Do current ACOG members deny help to their children who were born with gender dysphoria?

Anonymous said...

Anon 5:43:00 PM PDT

It’s highly unlikely that many within current ACOG have heard of Gender Dysphoria.
For those so inclined, Understanding Gender Dysphoria by Mark Yarhouse and Transgender by Vaughan Roberts are acquired reading on this subject.
I worked with a transgender man, and he was male, for almost 12 years while a member of wwcog. As you could imagine I found it difficult to say the least.
I do not think they are any worst sinners than any others who walk this globe called home. I have never walked in their footsteps or worn their shoes. I am wary about judging. I am wary about ascribing ‘choice’ to their lifestyle. Humans are complex individuals.
This issue must be dealt with understanding and compassion., while not ignoring the very serious harm gender dysphoria can bring into a persons life.

RSK said...

I had relatives who were into refusing medical treatment and loved to talk about it. Scoring points on that heavenly scoreboard in that transactional Armstrongist way I guess. My father didnt follow that practice though, we kids had regular doc appointments. Looking back, I think he had more of a biochemical view of medicine than the strictly mechanical one I heard from many COGlodytes.

RSK said...

Do you mean dysphoria or intersex conditions, 5:43?

Anonymous said...

The church is sick. America is sick. Sick people everywhere.

RSK said...

Well, what did you expect? No such thing as totally perfect health in a large community, much less across a large nation.

RSK said...

I've worked with several, now there's a few on the team I manage. Its never bothered me because its a work relationship - if you're doing your job well and not going around undermining things, then that's where my business stops.

Anonymous, 2112 said...

When I joined WCG in 1986 a man named Wes Behmlander was always in services scratching his face raw, the blood would drip. Was told he refused some kind of helpful cancer treatment & was in it's last stages. He was going blind & losing the sensation of touch in his face, so he was always kind of digging to try feeling his cheeks again but coudn't. After he died we were all told Wes had "great faith" by choosing to refuse helpful treatments. But I'll bet he took aspirins or cough syrup or toothpaste or bee sting remedy or Pepto Bismol or Absorbine Jr. & other health care, so why was cancer different in WCG circles back then? What a shame.

I was told that our Midland, MI area's previous pastor before I got there, was none other than : Gerald Weston.

Old guys I looked up to kept re-telling stories about, "well Mr. Weston said this" & "Mr. Weston said that". Now he is Premier of Le LCG Magnifique.

BP8 said...

The medical profession is one of the most corrupt institutions in this world system, along with the political, religious, economic, and existing social systems. That being said, I would never try to discourage one from going to church, to vote, or to a doctor. The important thing is to know the benefits and the detriments.

The medical profession knows very little about true health but there are a few select benefits they can perform. There are good alternatives where they lack.

Also, beware that the modern medical industry is responsible for 4-700 thousand deaths annually due to medical errors and screw ups, which in 2016 was labeled as the 3rd leading cause of deaths in the U.S. In 2000, the U.S. was ranked 37 in the world by the WHO in health care delivery but #1 in health care costs! Why is that?

One of the biggest distortions within the medical profession is that while numerous branches of science exist which can explain what happens within the human body, we only focus on the ones which consistently makes money! The covid scam is proof of that. The politicians and pharmaceutical companies made billions while labeling legitimate alternatives as pseudo science and conspiracy theory. Of course the media backed them up, surprise, surprise! That's the World we live in.

Proceed at your own risk!

Anonymous said...

those who advised believers to not get treatment, and the sick person dies for lack of such treatment - has the effect in my view that the teacher is guilty of a grievous sin /crime

Anonymous said...

Isn't cancer a little more corrupt than the medical profession is?

Anonymous said...

We live in a world of matter, energy, space, and time. There are natural laws, and man-made laws intended to regulate this environment and our existence within it. However, nothing can ever be perfect, because randomness and probability are also inherent in the system.

This means that any field of thought or study which exists will be fraught with imperfections and patches.

The medical field deals with random events and imperfections which affect humans, and animals. It is no surprise that that field would also be affected by random events and imperfections as well.

The vast majority of people who depend upon the healthcare industry actually benefit from it in spite of its imperfections. This is why, in our era of the Holocene Extinction, we are killing our planet and non-human species. The diseases which once controlled the human population of the planet have been largely prevented from doing their natural job. Medical science has thwarted natural population control.

We also live in times when mistrust has been created in the institutions which protect our lives and freedoms. I believe that this mistrust, and failure to take advantage of the benefits of these will eventually reverse the population growth of civilized countries. Third world nations combat the natural diseases and conditions which thin the herd through incredibly high, uncontrolled birth rates.

Regardless of false prophecy and conspiracy theories, we're most definitely headed for the exit of a long and mostly pleasant "sweet spot".