A few days ago a person with PCG ties sent this blog,
Silenced and a couple of others a copy of the latest Royal Vision. In this issue is an article that was approved by Gerald Flurry for publication,
Preserving Unity God's Way written by Brian Davis. The particular story the person wanted publicized
was the on on unity.
Unity is a huge issue today in the Churches of God.
After the melt down of the Worldwide
Church of God in 1996 and onward, numerous splinter personality cults
formed and took tens of thousands of members with them. These harlot
daughters of the WCG
have never recovered from the dissolution of the church and have never
been able to maintain unity in their groups.
Its no wonder unity cannot
be preserved when these groups when the very founders were the original
ones causing division.The
Royal Vision rag is a for the members of PCG who are in good standing with everything Flurry teaches. Thankfully that number is shrinking more and more each day as the PCG looses control of its members
In this article Brain Davis seeks to justify the PCG's perverted reasoning as to why they label all exCOG members as Laodicean and why PCG member should cut off all contact with them, including family members.
Countless horror stories have emerged from people who have witnessed the appalling actions of PCG members towards family and friends.
Here are some excerpts from the rag:
Notice that the article cannot even start with Jesus and any mercy that he was constantly showering on people. Instead the article immediately starts out with big bad meanie Satan who seems to be the most powerful person in Armstrongism. Never ones to rest in the safety of Jesus, the Armstrongite groups, and PCG in particular, cower in fear. Satan is the ultimate god of the COG. That is all they seem to be able to talk about and give power to.
The article immediately starts out by mocking PCG members who question Gerald Flurry's personal teachings on this subject. Many have refused to stop talking to relatives and friends and Davis is not happy. His god would NEVER allow PCG members to do such a thing.
Gerald Flurry has never been known to come up with anything original so he has to revert back to the failed utterances of Herbert Armstrong concerning wayward members. This was the only way Herbert could keep the membership ion line so Gerald has to do the same thing, Its was and still is a control issue.

Herbert Armstrong always loved to call church members "dumb sheep." Church members are naive and unthinking and apparently the dumbest creatures on the face of the planet. So stupid that they give Satan power to corrupt them. Maybe part of that problem is that most church members know noting about Jesus. Again, that's another story.
Next Davis warns PCG members to NOT even allow these disgusting vile ex-member family members into their homes. Their mere presence brings in the doctrine of demons.
As you can see Davis also warns members that these disgusting people can
enter their homes in ways other than the front door. Pretty soon PCG
will be banning cell phones, televisions, Internet and email. Evil people such as this are spiritual fornicators. Even though certain individuals at the PCG compound are fornicating, that apparently is not as bad as exCOG members. Like every single COG leader in charge today in all the various groups, they pick and choose what they beliefs and doctrines the elite will practice while having another standard for the membership
Since they cannot actually PROVE this doctrine from the Bible, no matter how hard they try, they have to resort to REVEALED information from Gerald Flurry. God apparently speaks to Gerald all the time. From revealing hidden books, to how to build a mini-me auditorium, and how to dream up aberrant doctrines.
Read below Flurry's take on Herbert's "dedication" to the youth of the WCG. All of those thankless children turned their backs on Herbert just like they are turning their backs on Gerald.
Flurry now has taken upon himself a new title - "breaker." But who is leading this "breaker?" It certainly is NOT God. Its not Jesus because they cant even utter his name 99% of the time.
Like all other COG leaders from HWA on down, it is always someone else's fault. Its not Flurry's fault that he invented this disfellowshipment/shunning doctrine. It is the xCOG members fault. It was THEY that departed from the one true, holy, apostolic Church of God.
The ironic thing that is disturbing a LOT of PCG members in the Edmond Oklahoma area is how they are forced to cut off contact with friends and relatives because they are considered unclean, but have to watch as Flurry and crew hobnob and court rich old Christmas/Sunday keeping ladies from Edmond in order to keep their concert series afloat. Its no problem dealing with these pagans, but it is perfectly OK to ignore your children or parents.
More information about the horrendous abuses that the Philadelphia Church of God is perpetuating upon its members read
here. There is 15 years worth of letters there on how sick Gerald Flurry and the Philadelphia Church of God is.
More PCG info can be found here:
The Plain Truth About Malachi's Message and THAT Prophet