Bumped this back up because some LCG members are still in denial
Just when I think I have heard it all along comes this story that was in my "in box" a few minutes ago. It is appalling beyond belief! How sick can the Living Church of God get?
Rod McNair recently ordered one of his members to quit their job at a nursing home where they worked helping sickly senior citizens. His reason? Demons. It is his belief that demons often inhabit the elderly. LCG recommends that its members stay away from people with mental illness and now they have added to that, the elderly. Ironic since the average age of an LCG member is about 75 and its leader, Rod Meredith, is 85. According to sources, this member obediently quit their job immediately after being told to. Most professionals understand the importance of giving a notice of resignation out of respect for the employer and to maintain ones reputation in the industry. But not McNair. This member was subsequently accused of being disobedient to God's ministry by not quitting quickly enough once McNair learned that the member worked a two week notice to wrap up their obligations to the company. The member has now been disfellowshipped.
This raises several questions. What kind of church tells a member to quit a job that entails helping the needy on a daily basis? The elderly are often forgotten or neglected in our society. Is that what Jesus would do? What kind of member obeys this insane request, likely to their own financial detriment? Is it Christian to avoid the sick? The mentally ill? Is it fair to treat the mentally ill as demon possessed? Even if this person was told to quit and didn't, would that really be grounds for disfellowshipment? Are LCG members outraged by this or are they onboard with this type of behavior?
Every time I hear another one of these stories coming out of Charlotte I am left wondering... what will it take to make people realize that this isn't what being led by Christ looks like. By their fruits they will be known... wake up sheeple.
Because Man sins, dont stop believing what the Bible teaches. God will take care of them. Just because there sinning doesn't change what the Says to keep the Sabbath His Holy days. Pay tithes. If the miss use the tithes its on them you did as God commanded. When you text hateful remarks your just doing Satan's bidding.
I worked @ LCG headquarters for 10 years. I know all of these leaders. I was disfellowshipped by Bob League on behalf of RCM because my ex-wife and me were in a miserable marriage and we wanted to divorce. I was told by Rod McNair during counseling, to basically suck it up and be miserable. RCM told me personally, that as a headquarters employee, I had to set a good example and forget about divorce. He also stated that if we went through with the divorce, we would never be allowed to remarry and remain in the church. I heard from a friend at the time that an elder in a Florida congregation divorced his wife and married her sister. There were no repercussions from headquarters. They were allowed to remain in the church. That was about 2-1/2 years ago. I am happily remarried now and no longer a member of any COG. There is life after being in this cult! BTW, I could be considered an insider. We were invited to many parties and dinners at RCM's home. Sheryl Meredith even told me that her two boys really looked up to me and asked me to take an interest in them and be a role model to them.
I worked @ LCG headquarters for 10 years. I know all of these leaders. I was disfellowshipped by Bob League on behalf of RCM because my ex-wife and me were in a miserable marriage and we wanted to divorce. I was told by Rod McNair during counseling, to basically suck it up and be miserable. RCM told me personally, that as a headquarters employee, I had to set a good example and forget about divorce. He also stated that if we went through with the divorce, we would never be allowed to remarry and remain in the church. I heard from a friend at the time that an elder in a Florida congregation divorced his wife and married her sister. There were no repercussions from headquarters. They were allowed to remain in the church. That was about 2-1/2 years ago. I am happily remarried now and no longer a member of any COG. There is life after being in this cult! BTW, I could be considered an insider. We were invited to many parties and dinners at RCM's home. Sheryl Meredith even told me that her two boys really looked up to me and asked me to take an interest in them and be a role model to them. I am sure that anyone who attends services in Charlotte will know who I am after reading this comment.
It's sad to see so much gossip going around, which is totally against what the bible teaches. One day we will all have to answer to our creator whether we believe in Him or not!
I am sorry but this sounds completely made up. How can you expect any one to believe any thing you print when you publish this kind of nonsense
This came straight from an employee in Charlotte. I heard the exact same thing said.
I knew a fellow in the WCG that thought the same thing, that demons inhabit old people, but his notion extended to antique furniture as well.
Easy to see the lemmings. Those who blindly follow the dictates of a church. Obedience to a church does NOT equal obedience to God, no matter how much church leaders scream that it does.
LCG and all the morphs of the WCG are great churches for 8 year olds. Anyone with maturity, critical thinking skills, a sense of their own dignity wouldn't touch any of the bastard children of the mother church (WCG). The only thing demon possess here is the leadership of these churches.
Mr. McNair...when does "elderly" begin? How old was HWA? When did his demon possession begin? How old is Roderick Meredith? Elderly? Demon possessed? When he was 75, 85 or how about 65? And Mr. McNair how about your parents? Are they elderly? And demon possessed? How about yourself? When will you be elderly? And (assuming your parents are alive) will you have these demon possess elderly people euthanized? Will you volunteer to be euthanized when you are elderly? This guy and this whole approach is SO stupid. They find something that is uncomfortable, they are not familiar with; people who make them feel uncomfortable, who don't fit into their little box of how people ought to behave; ideas that challenge their thinking rut and in order to dismiss it all by proclaim it to be demonic and/or demon possessed. These people live in a "demon-haunted" world. This "reasoning" is great for 8 year-olds. This approach is not only stupid, it's demonic (see I can easily claim things are demonic too. Try it, it's easy.)
As an apostolic christian, I personally believe that the Bible( the Holy Scriptures) is the only access we have today concerning the truth about the coming Kingdom of God and of His Christ!(Rev.11:15
)However, I admit that everything about the Kingdom of God is not unveiled in the Bible! There are some mysteries about the Kingdom that will be revealed when the Lord Jesus Christ comes to reign on the Earth!The best thing we can do is to believe the unveiled truth and repose the rest for Christ. The Bible warns us to 'learn not to think beyond what is written in the Bible'(1 Cor.4:6
)! Otherwise, we will be puffed up to stand against one an other! Jesus Christ, who is complete in knowledge, never bragged about His Knowledge!! May God enlighten us so much more!!!! As to me, all LCG ministers are good as it pertains to the Word of God!!!!
Brook Paulos, Ethiopia
Anon 9:04 PM, This was not made up. As a matter of fact, this type of teaching is prevalent in the ACOG.
I was associated with wcg as far back as the late 50s but never heard of this one. Not sure why anyone would run from one false religion to another. Can't people read the Bible and see the lies that were perpetrated? Or just use common sense on some things like this.
I wish people would see what the RSG is doing. It stopped me from seeing a person a fell deeply in love with. I can not stop thinking
about him. He refuses to see me. I wish I could past this message on to other members. My name would be recognized which would
make it hard for me. Due to all of this my health is not good. I started to see the truth in October. I have no church or friends now.
This church also expects you to live with an unloving husband or wife. I know a couple who are always fighting.
karann@743128 .ca
Absolute cult. People only believe what is in the Bible.. These leaders are not of the Lord!
They believe they are the only ones that have and know the truth about God. I have found a ministry that preaches the truth and doesn't act like these fools. They are unwelcoming and judgemental. All of them!! Total frauds! Immersed in self rightousness! DON'T WALK, RUN FROM THESE PEOPLE!
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