David C. Pack: I Have No Idea
This came to me “hot off the skillet” from Wadsworth, Ohio. ;)
Professional Blasphemer David C. Pack, The Pester General of The Restored Church of Another god, spent 90 minutes breathing sounds that comprise "The Greatest Unending Story! (Part 402)” on Tuesday, October 25.
The fact this exists is mind-blowing, considering that Part 401 from three days earlier was the final message which brought the seven-year Series to an unbreakable, conclusive end.
Memberberries for breakfast go well with morning coffee.
Part 401 – October 22, 2022
@ 1:01:48 The Mystery of God is over. There’s nothing else to tell you.
It is sad to watch a grown man pointlessly rush like a hamster on a wheel seven days a week, only to be equally as productive. Even a rodent knows when it is time to stop. At least on Gilligan’s Island, Dave could be using his rushing in circles to generate power for Lovey’s air conditioner.
What could be mistaken for learning from past mistakes, Dave did not set a new specific date. Instead, he said it is One Month, and it is Cheshvan. That wrecks havoc on trying to create a countdown clock.
“…the hour, whatever it is. And whichever day it is…”
That will be hard for the plastic-smile lemmings in RCG to be atwitter about on social media. In essence, Dave threw his hands in the air and admitted he knows squat.
“I have no idea.”
Read until the end to witness for yourself.
@ 00:11 We’re back again. I didn’t expect this to be the case, but here we are.
Those following on Facebook and on the website expected it. Voilà!
Since becoming the David C. Pack scribe and archivist, one aspect of how he operates has become more apparent over time. I can easily quote him making declarative statements when he sets a date and says things are done or something will never change.
Not so much when he moonwalks his own ideas. He was so sure of the day and time during the Feast. He was sure of the day and time on Saturday. But then reality drops a banana peel in front of him, and he face-plants on that new $500,000 lawn. The light bulb pops on when it is too late. Every. Time.
Pay attention to how he undoes salvation for RCG at 10:56am on Tuesday, October 25.
@ 04:33 Now, here we are. It is Cheshvan 1. You’re gonna understand it in a way you didn’t before. Some things I've long wondered about kinda came home to roost, and I'll explain them. But now I better understandwhy Zechariah opens mentioning the eighth month but says nothing of a date. It omits which day that we might speculate on that the Kingdom begins in Cheshvan. Well, it obviously isn’t the first.
Besides admitting he had the date wrong without actually saying that, there is another blazing problem with this quote.
If you follow the Hebrew Calendar, you will know TODAY (October 26) is Cheshvan 1. Not yesterday, on October 25, when Dave gave the message. Throughout the entire 90 minutes of verbal flatulence, he refers back to the significance of Cheshvan 1. He even fulfilled prophecy!
But a fact of physical reality is that David C. Pack gave Part 402 on Tishrei 30 despite what he tells you. The premise of what happened further exposes the confused, delusional thinking that occupies his blinded mind.
Let me explain. The skimmers will not care for this next part.
In the past, I have used the phrase, “Dave painted himself into a corner.” That analogy is not strong enough, as he does not care about a painty mess. He gets it all over himself, leaves footprints on the carpet, and then plops down on the leather sofa with his heels up on the oak coffee table.
This time, Dave created his own logic problem that sealed himself behind a brick wall. The mortar has hardened, and the only way to get out is with a sledgehammer. That he left on the other side of the wall.
I now present the logic problem and provide a sledgehammer. The brick wall is “Jerusalem time.”
Throughout the message, he kept referring to yesterday being Cheshvan 1. The 1335 began on Cheshvan 1 at 10:56am Tuesday. The One Month began on Cheshvan 1, which he repeated was Tuesday.
None of that is accurate unless he was physically in Jerusalem, Israel. TODAY is Cheshvan 1 in the United States. October 26 on every Hebrew Calendar is Cheshvan 1, beginning at sunset the night before. At the moment this is being typed, Jerusalem is enjoying Cheshvan 2.
Why does that matter? So, he reckoned the start of the One Month and the 1335 to Jerusalem time. Big deal.
Is it now RCG doctrine that ALL Holy Days observed in the United States be reckoned by Jerusalem time, too? Or does each time zone across the world observe sunset and sunrise like all the other Sabbath-keepers on the planet? Why is Cheshvan 1 different than every other day in the Hebrew Calendar?
Is it the only exception? He does not say that, but it leaves a gaping unanswered question. If Cheshvan 1 and the 1335 are according to Jerusalem time, no matter where you physically are in the world, what about the Sabbath?
Sabbath begins on Friday at 10:53 am Wadsworth time per Jerusalem Sabbath sunset. Is the staff being sent home, so they do not break the Sabbath? What about at the end? Can people head off to work at 10:52 am Saturday morning? If Services start at 3pm, that is Sunday in Jerusalem. RCG would then be switching to Sunday Worship Services.
David C. Pack cannot see three inches past his nose. (Unless you put your hand on the wood wall, touch the brass in the elevator, or scorch the lawn while mowing.) He does not think ahead. He does not think through the loony nonsense that falls out of his mouth. His words have implications, and those are the fiery darts he throws at himself.
With his logic, God began a special biblical event based on the time in Jerusalem. It does not say that in the Bible. An angel did not whisper that in his ear. He presumed, assumed, figured, thought, supposed, and guessed. For 90 minutes, he speaks as if it is a fact.
That may seem like a ludicrous and whacky premise. However, the question should be asked. No, the question MUST be asked if you attend The Restored Church of God. It would be like he was preaching on the Sabbath, but it was 2pm Friday afternoon, calling it the Sabbath. Same logic.
Did David C. Pack “reset” the Hebrew Calendar for the entire Church since the 1335 began in the morning the day before Cheshvan 1 in the United States? For the Headquarters of God’s Church on earth, their “blessing” from the 1335 happened on Tishrei 30, not Cheshvan 1.
We know he did not reset the calendar. I do not think that is what he meant. However, if you seriously take him at face value, it is foolish to not follow the logic and ask the question.
That is a lengthy, complicated exposition to point out that David C. Pack did NOT speak on Cheshvan 1. He was in Wadsworth, Ohio, when he said it. If he had spoken Part 402 TODAY, it would line up with reality, and the "prophecy has been fulfilled" he wants to sell you. Instead, he has to say, "Prophecy was fulfilled on Cheshvan 1*."
This proves his premise is not from the mind of God. Talk about creating problems and confusion for God's people. It is either always Jerusalem time, or it is always the time zone you are in. The "sometimes is, sometimes is not" is open for interpretation by a man with an abysmal track record of being accurate and/or consistent.
@ 07:20 If the 1335 is as we explained, I absolutely believe that it is and that it starts a month. I don’t argue with anything and wouldn’t argue it. I don’t think you can argue with anything I said three days ago than the pledge I thought applied 15 days ago may, in fact, be today. I’m gonna show you some things I never fully understood near the end of the sermon.
I have 12 pages of Dave explaining how “now” he understands what he did not before. The point is: Dave preaches a lot of what he will later admit was misunderstood. The cycle continues today.
Part 172 – April 27, 2019
1:03:45 I wish I had understood that. Now I do.
Part 174 – May 15, 2019
@ 43:59 I’m gonna clear up some other things we didn’t understand because the Bible often is mistranslated…
It was the translators’ fault.
Part 259 – August 21, 2020
@ 55:22 It's amazing when you go slowly, and you have time, and I’ve, you know, read the Bible slowly but without understanding, until God wanted it understood, here near the very end.
It was God’s fault.
Part 206 - September 30, 2019
@ 1:12:34 We didn't have enough knowledge. Now we do. I understand exactly what that’s saying.
WE was to blame.
Note the date of this little gem and tell me Prophetic Groundhog Day is not still in full effect.
Part 269 – October 3, 2020
@ 52:52 I thought over the past two years about the Kingdom coming on a feast day. I thought Pentecost is it. Is it a couple of years ago? Is it Passover? Is it Unleavened Bread? I could see feast tones here and there. Last year, I thought it might be on the Sabbath during the Feast. And then I thought it might be the Last Great Day last year, but there was so much I didn’t know.
Today, he would say he “misunderstood” because a Feast day had NOTHING to do with the return of Jesus Christ bringing the Kingdom of God with salvation. He misunderstood Tammuz, Av, Elul… pick one.
Rather than setting an exact date and time as he has up until Saturday night, he has now opted for the "I dunno" posture again.
@ 08:54 There is time. I don’t know if it’s one day or five days that we could have left. But we're right on time. Nothing’s gonna change. Don’t set aside what we said Sabbath because we’re here today. We may be completing a prophecy. That’s all we’re doing.
So, Dave, if you do not know when something will occur, how can you know you are right on time? If God has not yet blessed you with knowledge revealing exactly when the next part of His plan is, how can you declare that nothing will change?
You cannot have it both ways, Dave. You were adamant it was the second day of the Feast. You were adamant it was the Tuesday after the Last Great Day. You told the entire church they would receive salvation at 10:56am yesterday. Now, you have the arrogant gall to say to people they are on time and nothing is going to change.
I noticed you did not tell them the picture is better during Part 402. That would have been too plain a lie, even for you. During the 90 minutes, there was no hint of remorse for tricking the brethren into thinking their salvation was coming yesterday morning.
The Monday night Pathetic Update could have told them what you admitted during this message. But you and the enablers left them hanging.
It is not just about marking a calendar. It is the psychological torture of convincing people they will see their Lord and Savior to then brush away the failure. That is biblical fraud of the highest order.
That is not of God. That is evil. That is wicked. That is cruel. Call me into your office, and I will tell you to your face. Dr. Ranney has my number.
What vile behavior, devoid of even brotherly love. The wolf slaughters the sheep.
By their fruits, you shall know them.
There is an unexpected side effect of closely examining the words of David C. Pack month after month. Sometimes he reads a verse or makes a statement that I cannot help but think applies directly to him and The Restored Church of God. Especially when he talks about the Man of Sin or the Foolish Shepherd. Wow, that sometimes really gives me pause.
@ 36:45 These are servants of the Destroyer. And they were sent strong delusion. They wouldn’t change. And they wound up believing a lie because they wanted to.
I am no minister, and I am not qualified to make biblical declarations. But when the Bible is examined against the backdrop of reality, it does make me wonder. I know other former RCG members think the same thing. “Sits in the temple of God.” Nobody sits more than David C. Pack. Just a thought. Not preaching.
@ 55:41 So, the Mystery of God, brethren, is supposed to expire today…It's supposed to be fulfilled and finished and ended…I mean, I wanted salvation at 10:56 this morning, but I was suspicious, and I just didn’t have time to put it together until God said, “Alright, now we got through all that. Now, there’s a 402. You didn’t think so, but I do.”
It was God’s fault again. Did you catch that, members of The Restored Church of God? Dave’s god played a cruel trick on you by making his servant say you would receive salvation on Tuesday morning when he had no intention of doing that. Giving all that Common as a requirement for salvation really paid off.
@ 56:11 I’m gonna actually prove to you that message was to be delivered on Cheshvan 1. I’ll prove it to you.
As explained earlier, it was only Cheshvan 1 in his mind. And in Israel. He spoke on Tishrei 30.
So, by Dave speaking, it fulfilled prophecy again. I have 4 ½ pages of Dave explaining how he was fulfilling prophecy.
Part 170 – April 10, 2019
@ 1:11:18 A prophecy was fulfilled last night…I tell you, on God's authority, it happened.
Part 260 – August 22, 2020
@2:15:40 Now we have Malachi 3:1
, I believe, being fulfilled in a way we never understood, nobody’s ever understood before being fulfilled.
Part 269 – October 3, 2020
@ 37:26 So, if this great prophecy had occurred, wouldn’t you know it happened? Just like the Gateway Prophecy that will be fulfilled today.
Not one of those 4 ½ pages turned out to be true. Near the end of the message, he emphasized prophecy fulfillment again.
@ 1:29:53 It looks like I just fulfilled the last message exactly as the last place in the Bible describes. I opened up the key things in Revelation.
The “key things” were not worth mentioning. Not to me. Not to the members of The Restored Church of God. They did not fulfill anything except Dave’s ego.
@ 1:05:07 Finally, I can tell you, authoritatively, go to Malachi 3 and verse 1. And I will show you who the Lord who comes to His temple is. Once and for all. Let’s just end this problem.
A problem he created when he started teaching that was not Jesus Christ. He finally figured out that "the Lord whom you seek” is Jesus Christ. Rejoice!
I could have saved him seven years of toil if he had asked me back in 2015. The whole church knew that. Even 5% of Herbert W. Armstrong knew that.
Dave created the problem. Now Dave solved the problem. Without meaning to, David C. Pack admitted he plays doctrinal ping pong. He taught the truth. He taught heresy. He taught the truth. He taught heresy.
He wants you to believe God would imbue a certifiably unstable human being with His authority. I knew it was false then. And Dave finally sees that it is false now. Why can an antichrist see so easily what an apostle struggles with for years?
@ 1:06:10 I had to wrestle. We do. We don’t. We do. We don’t. We do. It looks like the start of Cheshvan. No, I don’t think we do. We never do. We never do know “the day or the hour.” But we get into the month, and we know that. And the Mystery of God is over. We’re not waiting another year to pile on things that aren’t in the Bible so that it would fit next year.
That is quite a bit of settled doctrine inside twenty seconds. No one knows the day and the hour. Finally, he agrees with Jesus Christ. Took him long enough.
Things will not move to next year. It has to be Cheshvan. Dave just bricked up his escape route for the after-supper failure on Thanksgiving on Cheshvan 30. Brethren will say, "Please pass me the yams and my RCG resignation letter.”
The walls of Kislev will close in on him until “settled doctrine” goes into the trash along the coleslaw nobody wants to take home.
@ 1:23:57 Now, the 1335 is still what augments One Month, start to finish with feeding us today. I'm pretty sure all of you know I did not plan a message on Cheshvan 1.
Funny, because it was delivered on Tishrei 30. But that is an insignificant detail.
@ 1:24:09 I thought that, like you, I would look like Christ.
But not by the time the Pathetic Update went out. You could have warned the Church but chose not to. That speaks to where your heart is and the kind of man you are.
@ 1:24:13 Nobody can think I contrived a message for today. I thought we were done at the Feast. And twice. And I’ve thought it many times before.
And many more times to come.
@ 1:27:01 God’s will has been done. You made it to the 1335. The pledge is made on the, dare I say? The correct 1335.
It is still not the correct 1335. They "made it" at the Feast but found out they did not.
Like the problems with all the previous invisible Dave Pack biblical mile-markers, RCG arrived at this moment only because he says so. Without his verbal acknowledgment, no human on earth would know. Says the man who has admitted God blinded him, he does not do miracles, God does not speak to him, he taught what God never intended, and he has a history of being presumptuous. Should we take your word for it?
When the real 1335 of the Bible arrives per God’s will, you will know it. You will not need to call David C. Pack at the old folk's home to get confirmation. God makes things happen in a way you know He means business.
@ 1:27:13 Then, there’s a delay of some time. I have no idea. I could make a case for Tuesday that’s strong. I can make a case for Wednesday.
That does not look so strong from Wednesday’s perspective.
@ 1:27:31 God could come at any hour. Day or night. Anywhere in the world. It’s all bets are off as to when this would be. I can make a case that it's at the end of the Sabbath, which is the fifth, which is a Sunday, and God starts "the marvelous work and wonder" on a Sunday, and we wait all the way ‘til Sunday. Monday night’s Halloween. I have no idea when it is or any hour in there. It's just Bang! He's coming as a thief.
@ 1:28:39 We'll have to see when it is. But I believe we're on the clock. Now, somebody's gonna ask, "Could there be a 403?”
Let me clear all doubt. There will undoubtedly be a Part 403.
@ 1:28:49 I see no way. Now, let me explain why. When would you do it later, and what would I cover? “Well, you didn’t know you’d cover things three days ago.” You can always say that.
As people should because that is true.
@ 1:29:01 But, I know the Bible pretty well…I can practically recite the book of Revelation and whole swaths of the prophets in my sleep. But I don't even have to be awake, and I know them. I can just do that.
So much for “Let another man praise you, and not your own mouth.” There must not be enough of that coming from the murderous, lazy employees that surround him. Dave, once again, has to fill the gap and pick up the slack.
In a twist of irony, a large part of David C. Pack is asleep. The man who preached from before 2012 has fallen into a long slumber. The wicked nightmare that is RCG today can only be interrupted when God so desires. No human has the power to do it.
The power the people have inside RCG is the free will to choose to depart. That is not God’s house. That is not God’s apostle. “The Greatest Untold Story!” is not a message from God to His people. Flee while you can.
Dave ended the sermon with a shrug and his hands in the air. He spoke about “I dunno” with power, authority, and clarity.
@ 1:29:34 I don’t know. Maybe we would go beyond Halloween. I don’t know.
@ 1:30:08 Godspeed the hour, whatever it is. And whichever day it is. And we know neither. Good night.
There you have it.
God’s apostle completes a seven-year prophetic Series that God used to fulfill prophecy so His people can understand the certainty of end-time events.
“I don’t know.”
Marc Cebrian
See: David C. Pack: I Have No Idea