Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Would Jesus Return To A Certain COG That "Claims" It Is Practicing First Century Christianity?


It's been another wild day in COGland with various COGs making all kinds of ludicrous claims. From the deluded faithful in Wadsworth waiting for Jesus to come and visit them to the faithful in Edmond Oklahoma deciding who Melchizedek is. LCG and UCG are basking in the after Feast glow and basically doing nothing, like normal. Thhjis then brings us to a claim from our favorite self-appointed false prophet, the Great Bwana Bob Thiel.

After self-appointing himself as a COG leader when he suffered horrendous butthurt when Rod Meredith turned his back on him, The Great Bwana set off in a vain attempt to create the greatest COG ever. The claims that soon arose from the Bwana's lips were beyond belief, so much so that 99.99% of the COG members turned their backs on Beto Bob before the ink was dry on his papers he filed with the the State of California. 

Despite having no legitimate apostolic ordination or link of succession, the Great Beto claimed he was a world-recognized authority on church history, the Mayans' Bible, prophecy, and other ludicrous claims. No man leading a COG since the days of the apostles has ever been as great as the Bwana Beto. The only thing he hasn't claimed is an immaculate conception, which is probably why he fails to ever discuss his parents.

Today, the Great Bwana is back claiming that his group, the improperly named "continuing" church of "god", is the ONLY COG out there that is practicing 1st-century Christianity. Beto Bob no more knows what 1st-century Christians believed than Jesus recently finding out he was supposed to return to Wadsworth first, then sup with Dave and later walk around the most beautiful COG campus ever constructed in history, as they plan for his third coming.

After listing a bunch of bullet points (can a COG leader ever speak or write with our numbered bullet points) the Great Bwana directs his 150 some Caucasians to one of his creepy videos where he accosts a woman in the park to preach to her his so-called message to her.

Never once in his numerous bullet points does he direct anyone to consider Jesus Christ, what his death and resurrection meant, the New Covenant, grace, justification, or mercy. Instead is just standard COG tripe proving right they are.

There is no way on the green earth that Bwana Bob's church is carrying on the legacy of 1st-century Christians. They would be like Paul and cast him out so fast he would not even know what happened.


Anonymous said...

BT: "Which church has continued with the apostolic doctrines of the original Christian church?" Not your CCOG, Bob. The apostles did not enjoin tithing after the LP (Levitical Priesthood) was abolished because the tithing laws were given based on the LP which means they didn't exist before or after the LP.

Hoss said...

Well, Bob referenced Bannned again, improperly calling it an "anti-COG" site, rather than the more proper "forum for COG critique". Anyway, he noticed the coverage given to RCG and added his own take on Dave's raves..

Phinnpoy said...

If Bwana Beto was as good as he claims to be as an historian, he would know the early church was Catholic in doctrine and hierarchy. A reading of the Early Church Fathers shows that they called the church Catholic, they believed in baptismal regeneration, as well as infant baptism, that the consecrated bread and wine became the body and blood of Jesus Christ, and Peter was the Rock the Church was built upon. Sadly, all of the ACOG's, and most Christians outside the Catholic Church are ignorant of this history. And any church, like the SDA's or the ACOG's that claims to be able to trace their group back to the 1st century AD, should be able show some evidence of that. If they can't, they should just admit the sect is just their own invention, and that it has no historical connection with historical reality.

DW said...

Not you Bob, for more reasons than I could possible enumerate as dumb bullet points. You have absolutely ZERO understanding of the Word of God or how to rightly divide it. All you know is the Armstrong version of what the Bible says and means...about as far away from the truth as it is possible to get.

If you were a real prophet, even though that ceased 2,000 years ago, you would understand just who your Savior is and that it is ALL ABOUT HIM and what he did for us and NOT ABOUT YOU!!!! But you have neither Jesus nor the indwelling Holy Spirit, thus cannot comprehend Scripture. How about challenging your teachings with a debate. Anywhere you want, anytime you want, I will debate you. What about it Bob? You up for it?

Tonto said...

Bobo should be an example of 1st century Christianity, and grow a beard, wear a robe and sandals. Stop using the internet, and go "belly to belly" with your evangelisms and Also, stop taking vitamins too, as that did not exist at that time either!

RSK said...

Ill actually give him a bit of credit for that, as most critics climb over themselves to break the Ninth Commandment by calling it "anti-GOD".

Anonymous said...

The only thing Jesus will ever say about the Continuing Church of God is, "I never knew you."