Below is a post from Yahoo justifying the various false prophecies and outright lies that have been uttered by HWA and various evangelists over the decades. Did you know that HWA never uttered a wrong thing in his life? He never made a false prediction and he never taught anything that was wrong! He was only a little off.....
Yes they may of been off in their timing, but what they taught wasn't wrong! Mr Armstrong taught that the original Apostles taught the end would be in their time.
I guess Meredith, Hoeh, Waterhouse, Blackwell, McNair were all a little off too....
Did you know that whatever HWA said here on earth was "bound in heaven?"
Mr Armstrong also taught that if God revealed to them that it was 2,000 years away, would they of held fast to the teachings? No, they would lose that urgency that was needed to ready the Bride! They would of fallen away quicker than it did! God allowed them to think it was in their time, so they would speak and teach with fervent heat to repent and Follow God. Mr Armstrong followed suit. DOESN'T mean they taught false doctrines (any doctrine or truth that is un-biblical).
Mr Armstrong didn't preach any false doctrines or false truth! If he did, he was not God's Apostle! Do you see anywhere that Peter or Paul or any of the other original Apostles teaching "false doctrines" or "false truth"? No! Mr Armstrong didn't teach anything contrary to the Bible. God says His ministers won't! But Satan's Ministers will bring in "damnable heresies", false doctrines, and "false Truth" into the church.
The Devil's cohorts will teach contrary to the Bible! Not God's! Mr Armstrong didn't come and change what the original Apostles taught, nor did he add any. God revealed "more" understanding to what is written in the Bible, under Mr. Armstrong. God says He Restored "ALL THINGS" through Herbert W Armstrong, the end-time Elijah. Not any other man! Any one that changes what God taught (from the Bible) then though Herbert W Armstrong is a False Prophet and an Apostate! So says your Bible! Mr Armstrong taught Government! God's Government.
Men have taken this form of government and perverted it. (Mr Armstrong lived by this government.) What is God's Government with out love? Satan's! He has the same structure as God's, but it is void of Agape Love. God's way is "give". Satan's way is "Get"! God re-established this government under Mr Armstrong. Yes, it took him some time to be fully revealed this knowledge. But when it was revealed, it was established forevermore.
Its amazing how weak and impotent God has been through the centuries that he could not keep his message on track. What kind of a god is the god described above that is more concerned about government than with the lives of human kind? Where is grace and love when hierarchical government is more important?
Once it was established and Mr Armstrong says "this is God's spiritual form of Government", then it is bound. (Mr. Armstrong didn't just think this up!) God revealed to him God's Form of Government, and he restored it back to the Church! Now to say he was wrong in this, is saying God's form of Government is
not right either.
This is where most people are at and what they decide. They have to decide for themselves which tree to take from. The Tree of Life (which is the holy Spirit which helps us understand Spiritual knowledge) or the other tree, the Tree of Knowledge of Good and evil (material knowledge, which is not wrong, but without God's Spirit we would make the wrong choices).The two trees are far more important in Armstrongism than
Most people take the latter tree, and "decide for themselves" what is right or wrong, not looking to what God says and teaches for the answers. Mr Armstrong tried to get the church to see this! It still applies today!
Then this guy boldly says that HWA never set a date in his life. The 1975 debacle was NOT because of HWA but was brought about by idiots under him. It's all THEIR fault that HWA's predictions never came to pass.
Today people don't teach how close we are to the 2nd Coming nor warn the nations of their sins. They say it is 10+ years away. Which is setting dates! Mr Armstrong NEVER set dates! Men under him took what he said about 1975 and said he said it was definite. Mr Armstrong said it was "possible", it "maybe" the date; but he didn't say it was definite. We mustn't set dates. Because he taught (from the Bible) if you set dates and it doesn't come to pass, then God DID NOT send You! So if he set a date, then he wasn't sent from God! But he didn't. I believe he was sent by God.
Any man who changes what God teaches or wrote in the Bible, will suffer the wrath of God! Many are doing so now today.
Revelation 3:11says to "hold fast", which we should be doing, not deciding for ourselves which was Truth or which is not (but we should prove it). This is taking from the tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. This is the same sin that Adam made.
Revelation 3:11"Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown".