Never let it be said that the Church of God movement (Millerite) is a normal, run of the mill organization. One would be truly hard pressed to find any normalcy in any of the groups. The church has always been a hotbed of prophecy nuts and conspiracy theorists that surpass the legalists in their crazy fervour.
From the Jesuits, the Jews and to the Illuminati, the Church of God was fertile is ground for wild and crazy imaginations.
When Stan Rader and Robert Kuhn hit the scene, the jealous and bitter leading men of the church started their chatter in order to discredit them both. Any smear they could imagine, they spread it.
In 2018, they craziness still continues.

In the course of doing some research for an entry on China’s “first lady” Peng Liyuan and China’s central bank governor Zhou Xiaochuan, I came across a passage in
the Chinese President’s Wikipedia bio that caught my eye…
>>> Xi is now the leader of the People’s Republic’s fifth generation of leadership. He has initiated a renewed campaign against corruption, further market economic reforms, governing with greater emphasis on the law and legal institutions, and a comprehensive national renewal under the neologism “Chinese Dream.” <<<
Curious about the “
Chinese dream,” I clicked on the provided link and saw something else that caught my eye…
>>> According to Robert Lawrence Kuhn, who is an international investment banker and the author of “How China’s Leaders Think: The Inside Story of China’s Reform and What This Means for the Future,” the Chinese Dream has four parts: Strong China (economically, politically, diplomatically, scientifically, militarily); Civilized China (equity and fairness, rich culture, high morals); Harmonious China (amity among social classes); Beautiful China (healthy environment, low pollution). <<<
Upon reading this, I thought to myself, “How does this guy know so much about how China’s leaders think? Why is he, a Western “Jew,” defining the Chinese Dream? And is he related to the Kuhn bankster family?”
Those evil Joo's always working behind the scenes to destroy humanity. Armstrongism conspiracy at its finest.
1) He has been deeply involved in an “End Times” prophecy cult and the promotion of the New World Religion
Despite being “Jewish,” Robert Lawrence Kuhn was deeply involved in a Christian “End Times” prophecy cult called the
Worldwide Church of God (WCG), and the story of what happened within that group is a very sordid tale told from a multiplicity of different perspectives. After sorting through a variety of “he said, she said” narratives from a number of sources, this is what I took away from it…
The WCG was the ministry of a Christian pastor named H.W. Armstrong, who had been amassing a growing following due to his radio broadcasts and prophetic doctrines. It would appear that the Illuminati noticed this and targeted the ministry for a standard infiltration and subversion operation, and it seems that Robert L. Kuhn and a fellow “Jew” named Stanley Rader were tapped for the op. According to
Stanley Rader’s bio…
>>> In 1956 Rader met Armstrong, leader of what was then called the Radio Church of God, at its headquarters offices in Pasadena, California. Under contract with the Radio Church of God, Rader worked on improving its accounting system, thereby creating a highly favorable impression with Armstrong, who then urged him to attend law school at Armstrong’s expense…
After coming to terms regarding salary and compensation, in 1969 Rader decided to devote his full-time to the service of Armstrong…
Rader, who still considered himself Jewish, was baptized into WCG by Armstrong in 1975 using a hotel bathtub in the Mandarin Hotel in Hong Kong. This move allowed Rader to reposition himself as a high-ranking church evangelist in an attempt to quell misgivings by many in the ministerial hierarchy, who felt that Rader’s undue influence on Armstrong was troubling. <<<
At some point along the way, Rader was joined in the organization by his reputed close friend
Robert Lawrence Kuhn…
>>> Kuhn first came to prominence in 1972 when “Why the Vast Difference between Animal Brain and Human Mind?” appeared in The Plain Truth magazine published by Ambassador College, an institution of the Worldwide Church of God (WCG). The WCG’s Systematic Theology Project was coordinated by Kuhn, but later banned by WCG Founder Herbert W. Armstrong. <<<
Using the Bethel Church of God as a credible source is like using Dave Pack's COG history as a credible source. It is not.
One of the main reasons so many in the upper echelon's of the church dislike Kuhn was because he was intelligent! His early series in the Plain Truth on the brain sent many of the non-intellectuals like Rod Meredith over the deep end. Kuhn was highly educated and had done lots of scientific research and investigations, something no Ambassador College trained minister was ever encouraged to do or was taught to do. Higher education outside the bounds of an Ambassador "Master's or its so-called PhD" was frowned upon.
The author also acts as if Kuhn was the brains behind the Systematic Theology Project. He wasn't. It was the entire Council of Elders, GTA, Meredith and others. For so many of these men to come out later and lie, like HWA did, that they knew nothing about it was ridiculous. The all knew, they all read the submitted papers and sat there and discussed them! Then to lie after HWA pitched his fit, they were more than eager to stab fellow ministers in the back in order to gain HWA's trust.
You can read the rest of this craziness here:
Meet Robert Lawrence Kuhn, Illuminati handler of China’s leaders