One of the crazier splinter cults of Armstrongism is
Midnight Ministries, based in the UK but operating out of Africa, that also has an affiliate branch in the US. It is led by Malcolm Heap. Heap apparently has LOTS of dreams and visions from the thing he calls god. Some of his dreams are geared to warning the Worldwide Church of God that they are a bunch of apostate fools.
One of his dreams was this silliness that sounds more like a kindergartner throwing a temper tantrum:
Lodge (a WCG local elder who opposed us) had a very small kitchen
garden. It was totally impractical, on a 45 degree slope, and so very
small! He should have been letting Tonya or me grow things in it, but
he didn’t. He let someone else use it, but it was totally neglected. It
was just breeding wasps!
The dream depicts the useless impractical teaching of false ministers
in the WCG – and there are plenty of them! They are not giving truth
to the people and are under judgement from God.
45 = 5
(preparation) x 9 (God’s judgement). They should be producing food to
feed and nourish their hearers. And that food going to the people
should have been ‘ours’, as God points out through the symbolism of the
they don’t accept us, and have rejected the truth we ‘produce’ in MM
literature, their ‘vegetable plot’ is only a breeding ground of demons
All of his dream warnings to the WCG can be found here:
WCG Dream Diary
Having hallucinations and interpreting them as dreams is nothing compared to what else the man can do. He and his group can resurrect people from death to life! Here is a woman they resurrected:
She is one of
three they have brought back to life:
Isaac Ohuoba wrote to me recently to let me know that another person
has been raised from the dead. A young pregnant lady died and a friend
brought her body to him. She knew that David had prayed and brought
other people to life previously, so she had the faith that all was not
lost in this instance.
David prayed in tongues for two hours over her and God raised her up. His fuller account is below.
is now the third such person brought back from death by David, and
there are significant reasons why God is doing this. I want to explain,
so that you can be in the position to do similar miraculous feats by the
power of God.
I was about to say "Carry her out to the mortuary," a lady named Joy
Sunny, who had heard about the supernatural ministry through Ishmael N
Nwankudu [whom David Isaac raised from the dead earlier] said to me:
prophet, we know that she is dead. I am the person that told them not
to go to the mortuary. 'Let us first go to the man of God to confirm.'
Please, I have faith that your God is the living God."
I was standing looking at her, I heard a voice that said to me, "Don't
shrink back. My righteous one will live by faith. And if he shrinks
back, I will not be pleased with him. But we are not of those who shrink
back and are destroyed, but of those who believe and are saved." [The
Spirit of God quoting to him from Hebrews 10:38,39.]
God revealed to me that the evil spirit of death was holding her. Then I started to pray in tongues.
I prayed for two hours, I went off in spirit and saw a cat holding her.
I cried out loudly, and the cat made a loud noise and then suddenly
released her. The life of this woman was restored as the cat was cast
away [the cat represents a demonic form that David saw in the spirit
realm by the power of the Spirit of God].
was a big disturbance in her body which caused the baby to turn inside
her at about 3 am. The baby's condition had been bad, so I prayed for
God to restore the baby to its normal position which He did immediately.
She was with me in prayers [and teaching the truths of God] with her
husband and sister Joy, for seven days before she went back home.
to her, she told me that she had had a problem with an occultic woman
in the police station who had put a curse upon her. The woman told her
that she would die within 21 days.
the night of the 28th February as she went to bathe in her bathroom,
she said: "I saw an evil naked [power or being or man?], as black as
coal with a rod, beating on my neck. I fell unconscious and didn't know
what had happened until I saw myself in the house of David Isaac Ohuoba,
man of God, whom God used to restore my life. As he was praying in
tongues, the demons that were holding me ran away, leaving me alone. I
had shouted out to my husband that they are beating me to death. But I
am delivered from their grip. Praise God."
People from Bible College Road, who heard the good news, came to witness this miracle of God and I gave them our literature Why Trials? Why Suffering? and others.
God apparently only brings people back to life in Africa, though he is still trying to do that here in the United States.
The American branch of this splinter cult is called
Midnight in America. It's leader died in 2013. His wife has had a dream that he is coming back to do a mighty end time work:

The reason is because my husband Steve Thompson died on February
11, 2013. It was unexpected to me as well as to his children and all who
have known him. The devil took his life through a sudden tragic
However, I believe that God will bring him back to life - for His
purposes, not because Steve is better or loved more than any other
Christian. A number of different signs and dreams have been given to me
and to our friends to confirm this.
Malcolm received the following dream from God on 22nd March 2013:
Steve’s life was portrayed as a go-cart / wooden box, taken up into the
sky, and then plummeted down into an Arctic sea. I was worried because
he could die in that cold.
Meaning: It portrays his life being taken to heaven, and
the change in him – dying to self – that will occur when he comes back
down to this spiritually cold earth.
I received a dream on May 2, 2013: In this dream Steve came
to me. I was very happy. We were doing something together, going to
some places. I was thinking, “What effect will this have on those who
know he died?” Then I wondered if Malcolm and Helena knew that Steve was
back. I didn’t know how long he had been back from the dead.
Meaning: The dream came when I was praying and wondering about God’s plan with Steve. God answered my concerns.
Steve will come back to life to do the job assigned to him by the Lord.
He will be one of many others whom God is going to bring back (some of
them after years of being dead) to wake up the Church and to highlight
the truths He wants to restore to His chosen people. These are the
truths expounded in the MM literature, which we promote and advertise
via this website to all who seek God’s restored truths. You can read the
revelations given by God to Malcolm and Helena Heap, as well as to
others, about raising the dead in the end times in a number of MM
publications, specifically in Waking The Dead and Raising the Dead:
Testimonies in Our Time.
In the meantime, I will do my best to serve Him who raises the
dead and to provide good spiritual food for you, dear friends. May God
bless you while you are seeking the fullness of His truth.
In Jesus’ name,
Mila Thompson.
The legacy of Herbert Armstrong at its finest!