Saturday, November 16, 2024

Did Satan Create Artificial Intelligence In Order To Persecute Crackpot COG False Prophets?


The sun is brightly shining in California, and our resident crackpot prophet is having another mental breakdown as he cowers in the back room of his amazing world headquarters, preparing for the end-time persecution that will surely befall him. Everyone and everything is out to get the world's greatest prophet ever to lead a Church of God. Not even Dibar Apartian could have ever imagined the lunacy that would emerge from the Great Bwana Bob Mzungu Thiel as he leads his rag-tag army across Africa on their way to the Place of Safety.

That road to Petra is fraught with dangers and obstacles as he and his occasional Caucasians live lives of privilege in the U.S. and New Zealand. This makes it easy to make wide and absurd speculations about the end times that no one in their right mind believes. 

The biggest danger along the way for the Great Bwana Bob is that big old bad meanie Satan, who came into being during the great rebellion to specifically come in the end times to persecute the Great Bwana and a few other self-appointed Church of God's false prophets.

One of the latest obstacles that big old meanie Satan is throwing up in the path of the Great Bwana and the other COG liars is the use of artificial intelligence. Cowering in his backroom, the Great Bwana fears that AI will soon be impersonating him on the internet, deceiving his followers and potential converts in Africa deliberately leading them to not give him their money and allegiance.

In one of his rants the other day, he used the movie 2001 as proof that Artificial Intelligence has the potential to destroy people, more specifically, the Church of God's self-appointed false prophets like himself. Yet, in spite of the evil he foresees in AI, the Great Bwana is making full use of it. He uses it for articles and his sermons, and get this, the Great Bwana Bob's intelligence is so magnificent that when he tells AI it is wrong, it corrects itself! It even apologizes to him! All Hail the all-powerful Great Bwana! Even AI trembles at his feet! Has the Church of God ever had a more amazing man?

When it works right, AI helps by finding right answers and basically making research much more efficient. However, while I do use AI from time to time, about 1/2 the time I get wrong or useless answers. Now when I challenge wrong answers, the AI programs normally agree that I am right and then they apologize–but how will most users, particularly young ones know when AI is right or wrong? Well, they often will not.

The amazing Great Prophet ends his spiel with how AI will soon be persecuting him and his followers.

As we warned here a while back, governments are expected to use AI to persuade, deceive, and persecute people. 
Furthermore, from Bible prophecy, we know that religious and financial controls are coming to Europe. The Apostle John was told by Jesus to write the following about a coming deadly peril:

15 He was granted power to give breath to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed. 16 He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, 17 and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
18 Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666. (Revelation 13:15-18
When Jesus had the Apostle John pen this 1900+ years ago, yes, government authorities could kill people who would not worship they could find, but there was no way to monitor most buying and selling. Yet, with computer software, including AI, much is already being done, and more will be done. A totalitarian persecuting system is being put in place. Artificial intelligence looks to be part of it. 
Yes, a deadly peril is coming. 
While there are many actual and potential benefits of AI, and I have gotten some research benefits sometimes from it, do not be deceived, whether or not it will try to bypass programming limits, the fact is that government regulations will NOT stop it from ultimately being used as a way to control and persecute people to fulfill biblical prophecies, such as 666.

The amazing thing about AI right now is that even it knows that Bob Thiel, Dave Pack, Gerald Flurry, and Ron Weinland are liars and false prophets.


Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Gerald Flurry the King of Kings!


In a sermon given on the 11th of March 2023 #geraldflurry (pastor general of the Philadelphia Church of God) states that "we are about to be king of kings" and that "we actually have the very throne of Christ" and that there is "no other way into the kingdom of God" but through his government. Read the full article at:

Video: Herbert W. Armstrong: Fear, Control, Authority


Inside the authoritarian world of the Worldwide Church of God. 

Note: The images used in this video are for illustration purposes only. It does not represent actual depictions of the individuals or organizations mentioned.

Unveiling Deception

Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Ancient Celts, British-Israelism and Me


Ancient Celts (Fair Use)


Ancient Celts, British-Israelism and Me

By Scout the Gael


I am a conundrum for British-Israelism.  I recently got a result from a genetic testing service indicating my haplogroup down to the subclade.  Like most people in Western Europe, I am R1b-M269 but that is a summary label.  My ancestry follows a certain branch of the R1b tree.  So, my full label or haplogroup is R1b1a2a1a2c1f2c1a.   Judging from how little history there is about this haplogroup, it must not be very common.   Or its members are unspectacular.  But the testing service did mention this.  A 4,000-year-old burial was excavated in Longniddry, East Lothian, Scotland of a man with this same haplogroup.  To geneticists he is known as Gen Scot 22.  And he lived back in Bronze Age Britain.  

This was, of course, a long time ago.  But I feel a connection to him because my haplogroup is a little uncommon.  The testing service stated only 1 in 259 people they have evaluated has this haplogroup. And I like Scotland, I have visited there, and by family tradition my father’s family is Scottish.  So, nothing disturbing there.  And I could actually fit into the crowd shown in the picture above – but with short hair and a ball-cap.  But it is significant that my Celtic ancestors were well-established in Scotland at the time of Abraham.  And who knows when that haplogroup came into existence.  It could have been thousands of years earlier than Gen Scot 22.  These mutations are infrequent. 

I read somewhere and now cannot find it that the ancient Jews knew about the Celts and did not like them.  The Jews mentioned nothing about them being descendants of Israel.   They just felt that they were disgusting.  This was because the Ancient Celts had no institution of marriage.  They copulated freely and the children born of these random unions were raised by the whole tribe.  This is a genealogist’s nightmare, if genealogy could reach back that far.  No marriage records.  No birth records.  And the Jews regarded this whole Haight-Ashbury lifestyle degenerate and disgraceful.  How does that fit into Riverdance?

I am not sure being a Celt is such a good deal.  I connected with a Ph.D. in genetics at a New Zealand University some years back.  I wanted to know if my haplogroup was at the center of the Celtic Nation or at the periphery.  A little vain, really.  He said I was at the nucleus of the Celtic Nation but found the question odd.  He stated that most people don’t want to be known as Celtic.  It made me feel like White trash or a soccer rioter.   But I think he was an English guy or as we Gaels say, a Sassenach (Saxon).  For Celts to be labeled the Chosen People could give them a lift although that would be cruelly teasing someone with false hope.

The question is not how did Tea Tephi get to Ireland, the answer to which was always a little too facile for anyone to believe, but how could Scout’s “Israelite” ancestors be in Scotland before any migrations out of the ancient Israel might have happened.   That observation can generate a lot of dissonance but you know how the dissonance reducers operate.  They would say that the dating system is invalid.  Or, these were descendants of other pre-Abrahamic Hebrews.  Or I am lying about my results.  Conspiracy always finds a way among those who love it.  Or as Jesus said, “But wisdom is justified of all her children.”

I enjoy being an incarnate conundrum for British-Israelism.  Before Abraham, my people were.  So how could we be his descendants?  My ancestors were totally Gentile but are now regarded by a few off-beat White Nationalists and religious denominations as Israelites.  It’s time for the off-beat types to get a life.     

