The sickness continues to spew from Rod Meredith and the Living Church of God, particularly in regards to the killing spree in Norway.
Did you know that Spanky says that GOD caused the deranged madman to blow up the offices and kill the kids on the island!? This is the reason LCG gives for saying God did this:
The sad fact is that despite the trauma and sadness, the Bible has long predicted events like this would occur in the Israelite nations when they reject God and His way, “if you do not obey Me… and if you despise my statutes… I also will do this to you: I will even appoint terror over you…” (Leviticus 26:14-16).
Besides the British Israel crap he still holds on to, Spanky cannot get his mind out of the Old Testament and the vengeful, blood thirsty god that he is always excited to find there. For some reason, blood lust is a favorite topic of Spanky and LCG. Their eyes seem to glaze over in orgasmic delight at the thought of death and destruction that they WANT to happen to people around them. It makes them special that they are different, called out, chosen, blah, blah, blah.......
Here is further reason for the shootings:
Norway is a nominally Christian nation, however a 2005 barometer poll revealed that only 32% of Norwegians even believe there is a God ( and only 12% attend church each month. In 2009, 54% of all births in Norway were “out of wedlock” situations ( Norway has also legalized same-sex marriages. It is a nation that needs to repent of its ways and truly turn to God. Jesus said that tragedies like this would occur and get worse before He returns to bring peace to this earth (Matthew 24:8Armstrongism, as does most of legalistic Christianity, always equate bad things with the fact that the person or peoples have done something wrong to cause God's wrath to be dished out upon them. Armstrongite preachers are especially good at this as it lays the blame on everyone else but themselves. "Because we are God's CHOSEN, these kinds of things do not happen to us." It's YOUR fault that God has cursed you. It's YOUR sins that caused the hurricane to destroy New Orleans and the south coast. Its the YOUR gays that you allow to live in your societies that cause earthquakes. It's YOUR horny Norwegians that give birth without marriage and marrying gays - which is really ironic that the gays in committed long term relationships chose to get married while the rest of the population is jumping from bed to bed but Spanky ignores that part. It's YOUR fault Japan that YOUR ancestor worship is what cased the Japan earthquake and tidal wave.)—may God speed that day!
With that kind of logic you would think Spanky would have realized that HE was the cause of the shooter that came into LCG Sabbath services and went on a killing spree. But that was quickly covered up by LCG. It was a mentally disturbed person that killed God's elect, not endless, hopeless, and discouraging sermons by Spanky and crew that pushed the shooter over the edge.
So where is Spanky and the rest of the Church of Gods in this matter? Are they offering help and prayers of the Norwegians? Not on your life! It is not LCG's problem. They are not of this world and cannot get bogged down in worldly matters. God is going to fix it all later on. So in the meantime, Catholics and other Christians are offering support.
Who is making a bigger impact to the Norwegians? The COG or the deceived, sun worshiping, idolatrous, sabbath breaking Christians? What about atheists, agnostics and non-Christians who see needs and reach out with healing hands hands? It makes no difference to LCG/Meredith who are giddy with delight at the prospect of rampaging Germans, Chinese, Muslims, concentration camps and meat-hooks raining down upon the British Israelite nations? God is coming to take care of it all.
As a post script:
So wheres does Chiropractor Bob Thiel weigh in on all of this?
Is he offering a helping hand? Words of encouragement? Financial help to the distraught families?
Nope. Dream on! It's conspiracy theories all the way.
Chiro Bob sees an angry God pissed off at Norway and the potential rise of the Antichrist! He is scared that the Catholic Church's' emissary that it sent to Norway to assist people in need is going to meet with a certain Cardinal that is potentially the Antichrist. The stupid conspiracies that occupy Armstrongites minds continue to amaze me!
While his intentions to visit Norway are probably fine, I have had concerns about Cardinal Koch (Ecumenism: Cardinal Koch and the Eastern Orthodox and Kurt Koch Made a Cardinal: Might He Become the Antichrist?) including before he became a cardinal (Swiss Bishop Appointed as Ecumenical Head: Antichrist Role?). If he ever gets close to Karl zu Guttenberg (see Might German Baron Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg become the King of the North?), my concerns will likely intensify.