Well that did not take long. After publishing the story the other night on Rod Meredith's rant on there being no prophets and apostles alive in the church today, I took one of my favorite swipes at Almost-arrested Elisha Elijah Amos Habakuk Doubly Blessed Dreamweaving Chief Overseer Bob Theil. (Apostate Thiel imagines himself as the world's most converted and dynamic prophet ever.) Of course the delusional false prophet took exception to Meredith's words, because HE, Overseer Bob, is the true legitimate prophet of the latter day Church of God. No ministry in the course of Church of God history has ever been as astounding as the improperly named "continuing" Church of God. Dave Pack now whimpers at the mere mention of Bob Thiel's amazing name.
Elijah Habakuk Thiel writes:
While the Bible does warn about false prophets, the Bible also teaches that there will be prophets in the last days and that God will grant them dreams:17 ‘And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God,
That I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh;
Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy,
Your young men shall see visions,
Your old men shall dream dreams.
18 And on My menservants and on My maidservants
I will pour out My Spirit in those days;
And they shall prophesy. (Acts 2:17-18)
Amos Elijah Thiel has a huge hangup on the relevance of dreams in his improperly named ministry. The false prophet talks more about dreams that validate his "calling" than he ever does about that mystery man who was a carpenter from someplace over there.I, and others affiliated with the Continuing Church of God have had prophetic dreams that have come to pass...
Dreams are necessary in the wild kingdom of the Bob's mind. Dreams are just one more tool to "validate" his "ministry." Why? Because Herb and Loma had dreams and the Radio Church of God was the result. Delusional Elisha Bob thinks that his "ministry" will be bigger and stronger than anything Herb and Dave Pack ever dreamed of.
Despite the fact that the Bible shows that God uses dreams and the members of the old Radio and Worldwide Church of God used to accept that the dream from Loma Armstrong was from God, most today do not wish to believe God still uses dreams.
Shame on all of you lazy Laodiceans who refuse to acknowledge Overseer Bob's prophethood! You are sure to burn in the lake of fire for that!
False prophet Bob then makes the claim that Rod Meredith does not keep the 10 Commandments. Only doubly blessed self-appointed prophets are able to do that! Elisha Thiel is the only church leader who leads a blameless life. in spite of that, Elijah Bob still is suffering major butthurt over Meredith stabbing him in the back a few years ago when he publicly refuted everything Thiel stands for.
Dreamweaver Bob is still stinging from Meredith's rebuke of him. Meredith was like a Dad to prophet/apostle Bob, and to suffer such a public rebuke was devastating to the soul of Thiel.In the Continuing Church of God, we also do teach AND practice the Ten Commandments–which is not something I can say that Dr. Meredith fully does. He should realize that God’s people keep their word, even when it is not popular:1 Who may worship in your sanctuary, Lord? Who may enter your presence on your holy hill? 2 Those who lead blameless lives and do what is right, speaking the truth from sincere hearts.3 Those who refuse to gossip or harm their neighbors or speak evil of their friends. 4 Those who despise flagrant sinners, and honor the faithful followers of the Lord, and keep their promises even when it hurts. (Psalm 15:1-4, New Living Translation).
The self-appointed non-ordained false prophet Thiel is demanding that Meredith apologize to him now that Meredith is on his death bed. Meredith is expected to publicly announce that Almost-arrested Thiel is a TRUE prophet, an apostle, that he is DOUBLY-BLESSED, that his dreams are valid and that God loves him more than any other Church of God leader alive today. On your knees Rod!
And as far as I go, yes, Dr. Meredith put out several false and misleading statements about me and he even flat-out denied telling me that he said if he would accept the role of an apostle, he was considering ordaining me as a prophet–even though he did, in fact, do that in January 2009. Plus he broke numerous promises to me related to correcting literature and doctrinal errors that he and others at LCG had acknowledged. He also falsely libeled my character. Yet, I have stood for and told the truth. And Dr. Meredith, if he still has the mental capacity, should realize that, publicly repent, and tell the truth.False prophet Bob also claims that he has all of the signs of being a prophet! Read it and weep folks! It is true because Thiel says so!
As far as Dr. Meredith writing that no one at LCG ever proclaiming himself an apostle or prophet, after he told me that GOD may consider me to be a prophet when I was part of LCG, Dr. Meredith later told me he was considering calling himself an apostle. And when he said this, he certainly did not have the “signs and wonders and mighty deeds” he is alluding to.
The next sure sign of apostle Thiel's prophethood is that he claims his personality cult is growing a 30%. 30% was the number that Herb and crew used to blare out to the gullible church members as "proof" that the church was growing and that God loved it immensely. That 30% moniker was made up by men in the accounting and publishing areas to "prove" that the church was growing exponentially. However, that number has always been in doubt as a department head of accounting said some years ago that they could make any "figure" they want "mean" anything they want. Many of those people were intellectually dishonest. Much like Elisha Thiel.But I did have the biblical signs of being a prophet and he knew at least some of that...
We in the [improperly named] Continuing Church of God have been walking by faith and have had vastly more than the 30% growth that the old Radio/Worldwide Church of God once had and the 15% growth that Dr. Meredith has asked his followers to plead for. We in the [improperly named] Continuing Church of God do have the type of fruits that Jesus said a true prophet would have.
The [improperly named] Continuing Church of God is the only Church of God with this type of growth in the 21st century. This is a fact and is the truth.Read it and weep Rod Meredith!
Rod Meredith is an impotent leader compared to Elijah Thiel. The false property and Mayan authority said that he is adding to scripture just like Herb did. Mayan authority Thiel claims he is adding more truthful details to the mix.
Unlike Herbert Armstrong who restored truths to the Philadelphia era, and Bob Thiel who added more details to those truths, Dr. Meredith has not done that. Nor has he fulfilled the prophetic office. And it was Bob Thiel, and not Dr. Meredith, who was anointed to receive a ‘double-portion’ of God’s Spirit...Gaylon Bonjour never had any intention of doubly blessing apostate Thiel to begin an idiotic ministry based in Arroyo Grande that would be used to deceive sincere African peoples. Those are the people being taken advantage of. Those are the people being lied to and being unjustly used.
God's most merciful apostle ever has been praying for Rod Meredith. The apostate false prophet Thiel has been praying that God would keep Meredith alive long enough:
I have prayed for Dr. Meredith and prayed that he would publicly repent of his false statements. The Bible teaches that the Lord “is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance” (2 Peter 3:9The chief bastardizer of the law (after James Malm, of course) and scriptures is demanding that Rod Meredith repent because his time and the time for humanity is short.). Yes, Dr. Meredith is getting old and will die someday–but God may have kept him alive these past four plus years for him to see that the CCOG is the only COG this century that has had the type of growth he claimed showed God’s blessing.
He and others are getting a witness, but sadly the Bible shows that the bulk of the Laodiceans will not repent as they should (Revelation 3:14-18You can read the long screed by the apostate false prophet Thiel here. It includes 44 "truth's" that set him apart from Rod Meredith, the Laodicean. LCG’s Roderick Meredith, Apostles, Prophets, and the Truth). It is time for Dr. Meredith to repent and it may be that his time to do so is getting very short.