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Exposing the underbelly of Armstrongism in all of its wacky glory! Nothing you read here is made up. What you read here is the up to date face of Herbert W Armstrong's legacy. It's the gritty and dirty behind the scenes look at Armstrongism as you have never seen it before! With all the new crazy self-appointed Chief Overseers, Apostles, Prophets, Pharisees, legalists, and outright liars leading various Churches of God today, it is important to hold these agents of deception accountable.
As a mandatory reporter, it is my obligation to report any knowledge I have of sexual deviance with minors. In the state of Washington and Oregon, the same standards apply today as they did 20 years ago. Yet, the Global Church of God, which and evolved into the Living Church of God, did not report the child abuse. Further, they stonewalled me as a mother. What does stonewalled mean? It means when I called headquarters, the evangelists and ranking ministers refused to take my calls. It means when I went to my brother (the then acting pastor of the Global Church of God who has now move on to another affiliation) I was systematically diminished in the eyes of my friends. Those members who had previously said they would testify for me in a civil lawsuit, they all bailed. He, the minister at that time, said I did not need him as I had enough laymembers. In short, I had to sue Philip Shields on my own. My minister would not help me. The laymembers at that time told me no later. And even today, the wife of this minister is telling one of my children that they were ready to support me. But the reality is is that I was left completely alone to fend for myself. There was no minister or his wife to support me. They jumped ship. Is telling my adult daughter that they were there for me, when they were NOT, teaching my children to honor me? Well, respect and obedience to ministers and their wives take priority over the commandment to honor your father and mother. Yet, these ministers tout their service to God, as they lie about what really happened.
Anything that is said contrary to this is an absolute lie. If you believe the Bible, it says that you will stand before the judgment seat. What I testify is true. My minister and his wife bailed on me. As I watched those who hated Philip systematically bail as well.
Of course, I planned all of this myself. Right?
Anyone who knows anything about fundamentalism knows that it arose in America (with simultaneous corresponding movements in Great Britain and Canada) as a militant (not violent) re-assertion of Protestant Christian doctrines in the face of the rise of liberal Protestantism.What makes his posting interesting is that he uses the United Church of God as an example. He apparently has relatives in UCG.
Most recently a prime time American television “crime documentary program” called the United Church of God—which follows the teachings of the late Herbert W. Armstrong—a “fundamentalist church.” True fundamentalists would consider any of the denominations that follow Armstrong’s teachings a cult (in the theological sense of the word). (The United Church of God was formed by former members of the Worldwide Church of God (now named Grace Community) when that denomination changed its theology be orthodox and evangelical—after the death of founder Armstrong. (Nothing I say here about the United Church of God is meant in any way to insult or demean it or its members. I have cousins who are members of the UCG. I only mean to point out that its doctrines are not consistent with true, historical fundamentalism.) Earlier in the two hour episode the presenter of the mystery referred to the church as “strict.” I assume, although I remain open to correction, that the writers of the program consider any “strict church” fundamentalist.
There are many problems with this use of “fundamentalist” but the main one I want to point out here is that this is simply dumb. I mean, it is part of the overall and general “dumbing down” of American culture about religion. There are too few labels and categories used and the ones they use become too “thin” to be very descriptive. To call the United Church of God “fundamentalist” is to loosen the label and category “fundamentalist” from history and theology entirely. It becomes nothing more than a label for any religious group that really takes its beliefs and life standards seriously. In that sense, then, one could label some liberal Protestant churches and people “fundamentalist!”What spurred this on was the 48 Hours recent piece on the murder Amy Allwine by her husband, a UCG elder.
Most know very little, almost nothing, about any church or denomination other than their own (if they have one). Those who are “nones” are woefully ignorant of religion. And part of the blame for that falls on the media who do not even seriously attempt to “get it right” when talking about or portraying religious groups and individuals.Of all the hundreds and hundreds of splinter groups of the old Worldwide Church of God, UCG is the more "liberal" of them all. even though they stick to the fundamental" roots of Herbert Armstrong. UCG members tend to believe and practice their belief in many different ways and many times not in alignment with the "official" stance of the church. This is what infuriates the Pharisaical legalists like James Malm and Bob Thiel. They look at UCG as "Laodicean", lukewarm in their message and actions.
P.S. The particular “crime documentary” program in question here has my e-mail address; the producer knows me and could easily have suggested that the writer(s) e-mail me about The United Church of God so that they don’t misrepresent it. The fact that the married couple at the center of the story belonged to the United Church of God was played up as important to the particular segment of the two hour episode. So what would I have told them to say about it? “Strict” is okay, but I would have suggested they say it is a church that follows the teachings of the late Herbert W. Armstrong who was a famous televangelist considered unorthodox in his teachings by most Christians. That would have been informative. Calling it “fundamentalist” was misleading.
First, Christians can honestly and forthrightly promote societies and governments that defend the right of all people to spend their lives seeking truth, goodness and beauty, and the ultimate Source of those values. To seek this God, who is revealed in Jesus Christ, is a task given to all people, as declared by the apostle Paul in a public square in Athens:From one man [God] made all the nations, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he marked out their appointed times in history and the boundaries of their lands. God did this so that they would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from any one of us. (Acts 17:26-27)[1]When it reaches out with humility, respect and freedom, the church can help people (even those who hold views and moral convictions in conflict with Christianity) to seek and discover truth and life, and the true object of worship. Members of the church do this by first listening and coming to understand, then looking for opportunity to share their own journeys and convictions concerning the faith, hope and love given them by grace through the gospel of Jesus Christ according to Scripture.The second corollary to the fifth point is that as Christians we should resist attempts to close the public square to honest, respectful and humble interchange, especially when it involves excluding people whose voices are already marginalized. Everyone who values an equal right to justice under the law, and the free exchange of beliefs and ideas (religious or not) should be welcomed in the public square, no matter what the basis or lack of basis they have for their viewpoints.As Christians, we can, in good conscience, advocate for pluralism in the public square that is descriptive rather than prescriptive. While descriptive pluralism respects all viewpoints, prescriptive pluralism excludes all claims to ultimate truth (seeing them as mere human constructions that are valid only for certain individuals or groups). Descriptive pluralism serves the common good and allows the church to freely and openly fulfill its mission of worship and witness.As Christians, we believe there is only one way to a right relationship with God—through the grace and truth of the Lord Jesus Christ, who alone is the Way, the Truth and the Life. His name alone indicates the eternal, personal and particular source of salvation. He alone is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world (John 1:29). Though we are firm in this belief, we see in the New Testament that God, in his providence, leads persons over time along many pathways to Jesus. Therefore, we should respectfully and patiently allow room for God to draw people to himself, through Jesus, by whatever means he chooses. Until Christ returns, descriptive pluralism in the public square will continue to be a necessary and good way to provide a place where all people, no matter their background or point of view, can have opportunity to encounter the Source of all truth, goodness and beauty.In a truly pluralistic society, all who value freedom and show respect and humility toward others are welcome in the public square, while ideologues who seek to control, manipulate, threaten or shut down public discourse are resisted. A truly pluralistic society makes room for all to seek what is true and good, and thus contribute what they have to the public square. As Christians, we have good theological reason to promote descriptive pluralism within the public square and to support the governments and institutions that uphold this pluralism. We know that the Triune God is patient and kind, making time and space for us to seek him and know him, and for the church to proclaim salvation in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, so that all might reach repentance and know and worship the living God. Church, Kingdom & Government part 3
Here is the full text which was printed below the trashed Bible picture. This is just a very small ample of the kind of vitriol that the Church displayed to all other religions over it's 50 years. They charged every other mainstream church with vicious slander - stating they have not converted, nor saved, nor reformed the Western world - ensnared in "pagan" customs, and ignoring the customs Jesus practiced - forgetting that Jesus practiced them in a world that was still under the Law!
The largest point of the text above is that all the "world's Churches" have lost their AUTHORITY. Indeed, authority was the one thing that the Church used the most in the propagation of their agenda. They accuse mainstream Christianity of twisting and distorting the Bible to read their "human-devised" teachings - and say that their formula - the formula of "reading the Bible without interpretation" - "makes sense".
A better way of saying "without interpretation" is "without context". The method that Armstrongism has always used was to read scripture like a book, from front to back, with absolutely no proper historical and religious context as to what and how each section and book meant - and then hiring their own experts with already programmed bias (i.e. Herman Hoeh and his B.I. bias) to confirm what they already believed. As such, they turned the word of God in it's proper perspective and context into a book that both promoted an obsolete code, and demoted an active Jesus christ. The Law was always paramount, and Jesus was stuck in heaven until his second coming letting Satan loose on the earth ruling the world until Jesus decided Satan had had enough, and comes down to rule with super authority, forcing the world to be happy by the full weight of law for a thousand years.
Yes, what I said drew a reaction. I expected no different.
But let's look at it from the other side of the story.
Herbert Armstrong, and the Church, have charged the churches of the world with every possible horrible charge you could ever imagine. They have accused the churches of being satan's churches, while their own church was full of satanic attitudes from the top down and the inside out. They have accused the other denominations of slandering the word of God - twisting and distorting it to meet their own man-made interpretations - while they have doneexactly the same thing (consider the marked up Bible of Richard Ames to illustrate exactly what I mean here.)
From Exit and Support:
Another PCG Milton Ontario Suicide
October 3, 2018
It is with great sadness to announce another PCG suicide from the Milton, Ontario Cult ("church"). MaryAnn McCullough, 25 year member, took her life Sunday, Sept 23, 2018 approximately 10:55 while Randy and her son Caleb where at church, yes, on Sunday! praising and worshiping our creator God. Randy has been waiting 25 years for his wife to attend with him and now each Sunday she will be there with him in spirit.
After being kicked out of her congregation when she needed them, the most was too much for her to bare. This most precious of women left a husband, 3 kids, and 3 grandchildren, in tears and disbelief. Flurry's dictatorship style teaching falsehoods of God’s word pushed this beautiful wife and mother to her grave. Matthew 18:6says if anyone causes one of these who believe in me to stumble it is better for a huge stone to be hung around their neck and be drowned in the sea.
After 4 months of suffering and no flowers, cards, or phone calls other than her husband’s church who has and still is reaching out with God's love and compassion, sending flowers, food and cards over the last several months. People and family members just can’t believe she could be brainwashed into believing such doctrinal lies. Her husband believes she has accepted Christ and in Him alone and will see her again someday, hopefully soon.
The Rcmp Opp and other law informant groups are well aware of what Flurry's teachings are doing to innocent people. This is the 2nd suicide from the Milton, Ontario cult. You have to ask yourself what the hell is going on. With well Over 200 family and community people gathered, yes, on Saturday September 30 to show their love and support to the family and not one word from the PCG. Wow! Trust me, no one from this area will be joining that cult for sure. I beg all of you who are still drinking Flurry's Kool Aid to get out! The pastor who married the McCulloughs, George Alfeldt, 27 years ago called and sent his condolences and stated he feels Satan has entered that cult. I have so much more to say but with half my heart missing I am at a loss for words right now. I pray this will cause one, if not many, to GET OUT!!!!! --MaryAnn’s Loving Husband Randy
Suicide is not a disease or physical illness. It is a weakness of mind and character. Suicide will not stop until mankind experiences a spiritual renewal of mind and character.
There is way of life that produces true happiness, peace and lasting success. There is a way of life that teaches us how to face and overcome problems rather than resorting to suicide.
Imagine that, The Incredible Human Potential book is the solution and inspiration a person needs. No mercy and love of Jesus, but a damn book that was written by another COG leader who has also drove people to suicide!The Incredible Human Potential will provide you the solution and inspiration you need to make it through life’s tough times. In particular, this scintillating book will prove to you that Jesus Christ will return shortly and establish a new world order that will open the way for every human being to live a life filled with unparalleled happiness, health and lasting success.
Barry Buwa responded with XD and commented with the following.
Barry Buwa - "How can Worldwide Church of God still Worldwide Church of God's materials? The content of the video belongs to the Worldwide Church God and it's only the World Tomorrow Telecast that have such reserved right to make such broadcast and not Elijah TV. So, we only thank Elijah TV for teaching from our booklet and past sermon of Dick Armstrong to warn those who were called."
"If you truly believe Mr Armstrong was the END-TIME APOSTLE, Then you are welcome to God's Church. Start showing it by stop fighting over nothing."That did not sit well with Tim Kitchen. Nope, not at all!
Timothy Kitchen Jr. - "If you truly believe God's Word and obeyed it, you wouldn't steal from others, and take a video that is not yours. Did you create it? Did you have any part with the creation of it? NO!!! Mr. Armstrong would stand with God and His Law and would not agree with your Sin. You are not the Worldwide Church of God, otherwise you would act like it. Instead of labeling yourself God's Church call yourself for what it is, the "Synagogue of Satan", which say they ARE God's Church but do lie, WHY? Because they do not obey God's Law! Stop stealing the Worldwide Church of God's materials and Name so you can run your own church masquerading as God's. When it is not. The TRUE WORLDWIDE CHURCH OF GOD KEEPS GOD'S LAW. REPENT! And Pray to God that thine iniquities be forgiven you. For you heart is not right with God.
In Jesus Christ's Name,Yep, just accuse someone of disrespecting Herbert, or that they are of the "synagogue of Satan", are liars, are stealing, are refusing to keep the law, all the while using Jesus name in vain, solves all of the COG's problems and makes everyone all kissy-poo. So much for the millennial days, they just celebrated.
Timothy Kitchen Jr."