David C. Pack: Desperato
David C. Pack achieved the next level of desperation within the pearly gates of The Restored Church of God during “The Greatest Unending Story! (Part 478)” on November 4, 2023. Digging through the Bible with an X-Acto knife and magnifying glass, he discovered a new way to staunch the financial bleeding by pressuring brethren to give him more money more often.
The Mystery of God must almost be over if salvation cannot be gained unless true Christians understand they have been paying Third Tithe incorrectly for the past eighty years. Herbert W. Armstrong got so many things wrong in The Worldwide Church of God that you can almost wonder if he was really an apostle after all. Do not panic. Millerism, British Israelism, and “the truth about the races” are still holding fast.
As attendance continues to decline (excuse me, continues flat), the moving trucks and pods at two of the Akron Road homes this week signaled changes were afoot for the faithless among the RCG Campus inhabitants. Why would you shuffle the Campus occupants if the return of Jesus Christ was so imminent?
In a way, it is almost too bad the Kingdom of God is right upon us because that will thwart BAO’s ability to mismanage existing funds and escalate overextending the Headquarters Campus’ spending. How wise does that $500,000 Eyesorepurchase last year feel today? At least Dave got his well-manicured lawn.
The Kingdom of God did not arrive “in the midst of the years” on October 29 or November 4, 2023. The good news for the brethren is that these are not failures. They are drills.
Part 478 – November 4, 2023
@ 2:42 And here we still are. I hoped we wouldn’t be here. I thought for a while we wouldn’t until I discovered some of the very dramatic things we're going to cover today. You'll know immediately that the the uh um the Mystery of God was not over. I’ve got some big things to tell you. This’ll be a very, very (I think) a very, very interesting sermon.
As Little Red Riding Hood would say, “Oh, what big lies you tell, grandpa.”
Sabbath Services in The Restored Church of Another god continue to focus on the chosen being, David C. Pack. The sanctimonious Pastor General never skips an opportunity to preach about himself with a humble and contrite attitude, especially when he can throw two thousand WCG ministers under the bus.
@ 09:38 Turn over to Psalm 89. Now, this is reading about Elijah, but it would be just as easily put your name in it. Psalm 89. I could never understand this but suddenly my [chuckles] I went back to these verses that all these years of studying so intensely now caused to just pop into my mind. I’m sure God’s Spirit guiding it and then they just click. Click. Click. Click. Click. Click.
God’s Spirit is not guiding David C. Pack.
I have long wrestled with the implications of invoking the unpardonable sin upon myself for stating such publicly, never mind out loud privately. The mountain of evidence to the contrary that David C. Pack is God's end-time servant unsealing Daniel and ending the Mystery of God is too overwhelming for a critical thinker to deny. The prophetic failures beginning in August 2013 cannot be ignored by any Bible student claiming to be honest with the Scriptures.
I, Marc Cebrian, am a sinner. Probably the chiefest among the former members I know. I do not proclaim righteousness or to be a biblical authority. I am no minister, and I do not place God's fingerprints on my efforts to expose the biblical fraud of David C. Pack, The Restored Church of God, and the cowardly hirelings at Headquarters. But, reporting on the overt heresy and hypocrisy of David C. Pack has become a personal passion that brings tremendous peace to my heart. I will continue to do so for as long as I can.
These articles are not me holding my Bible to confront David C. Pack holding his Bible. The exrcg.org website and YouTube channel place a mirror in front of David C. Pack so he can be measured against himself. His own words are the most remarkable commentary on whether or not God is using him to preach the real Jesus Christ and the coming Kingdom of God. The reflection of his foolishness and bitterness does more damage to his reputation than any of my bitching and moaning.
Since 2013, David C. Pack has consistently revealed himself to be a documented false apostle, false prophet, blaspheming liar, hypocrite, and antichrist advocate. If I were the devil, I would be so very pleased with his career progression and the work he has done in the past decade. Demons must take wicked delight in performing “attaboy” pats on his back daily for all the personal devastation he has inflicted upon earnest, well-intending, Bible-believing brethren.
@ 10:45 “…and as a faithful witness in heaven.” So, I would read that, and I would think [laughs] (‘cause, you know, you could say it of yourself), but I’m reading about myself thinking, “What is why would my throne be in heaven forever?
There is no waffling or wishy-washy maybes with this.
God’s Spirit is not guiding David C. Pack.
@ 1:00:08 There are people who are in this church, and some will have left the church and attack us.
Dave cannot be referencing insignificant little ole me since my efforts mean little to the brethren. Maybe one day, I will find a purpose that actually makes a difference. But, until then…
After Dave left the topic, some brethren may have been relieved to hear about things other than their angel of light. But, no. He had to remind them why they REALLY assemble on the Sabbath.
RCG members may now safely remove Luke 12:42-44 from their Bibles because that is not about them.
@ 55:05 “Who then is that faithful and wise steward whom his Lord when he comes shall find so doing? Of a truth, I say unto you that he shall make him ruler over all that he has." [Imitating WCG ministers] "We'll inherit all things, brethren, 'cause that's what Hebrews says." They had no idea (it was sincere) they had no idea how to read that. How to understand a verse about Elijah. One particular person.
The entire Worldwide Church of God ministry did not understand that Tishrei 1 did not begin any type of year. During the Feast of Tabernacles, those ignorant ministers falsely taught gullible people about biblical rewards that were never meant for them.
It is a hard fact to suck up and face when you realize some Bible verses only benefit one man. Hallelujah! Dave is here to set us all straight.
Herbert W. Armstrong—Dismantled One Doctrine At A Time™
@ 55:43 We-din-how to read it. So, we just thought it was a great verse for everybody to apply and sort of blacked out, "Who then is that faithful and wise steward…"
This present truth removes the brethren from the Scriptures and replaces them with Dave’s favorite subject: himself. They should not feel too bad, though. Jesus Christ has been dealing with that for months.
In classic David C. Pack fashion, he reads the verses he desperately wants to apply to him but skips the ones he prays on his knees with blood, sweat, and tears that do not. The very next verse is a good example.
God has a sense of humor and is a fan of irony. Dave longs to be the subject of Luke 12:42-44 but refuses to keep reading. Come on, Dave. You said this was you. Just keep reading.
But and if that servant says in his heart, My lord delays his coming; and shall begin to beat the menservants and maidens, and to eat and drink, and to be drunken; The lord of that servant will come in a day when he looks not for him, and at an hour when he is not aware, and will cut him in sunder, and will appoint him his portion with the unbelievers.
Of any COG, who teaches more about the “Lord delays His coming” than David C. Pack of The Restored Church of God? For a decade, Dave has been reinventing the multiversal interpretation of “tarry” based on his uncomfortable feelings when the electric anvil falls out of the sky and lands on his noggin.
@ 55:55 "Whom his lord when he shall come shall find so doing." [Imitating WCG ministers] "So, brethren, we should all be busy doing the Work of God." Now, was that evil? No.
But it was wrong, according to David C. Pack as of Part 478.
The RCG brethren should fret no more about being found so doing. Or being wise and faithful, for that matter. It is a shame all those ignorant dopes through the 1980s went to their graves thinking that building holy, righteous character was a way to get into the Kingdom of God. They just happened to be born in the wrong decades because brethren of The Restored Church of God now know their ticket to the Kingdom involves paying Common and believing Dave.
What a blessing for this to be revealed to the Seventh Messenger before the First Kingdom of God arrived. It could have been very awkward for those alive and remaining to presumptuously assume they would receive a reward for doing the Work of God, only to find out it was a semi-wasted effort.
@ 56:05 Should we all be found so doing? Yes. We all should be found doing.
Really? Then, why even teach this? Why defuse the brethren’s enthusiasm and optimism? How does this new understanding benefit anyone in The Restored Church of God? This only benefits the insatiable narcissistic ego of spiritual vampire, David Crowl Pack.
This entire subject could have been kept locked away in the dark recesses of the Third Floor Executive Imaginarium, where Dave sprays Coffee Kid and Pepper Boy with his explosive biblical diarrhea. The stink seeping from underneath the closed doors should have been left for Ryan Denee’s wife to clean up again.
Instead, the brethren must hear this toxic perversion with no discernable purpose other than to declare, “Look at what I know, Herbie! That’s me right there in the Bible, not you. In. Your. Face.”
Herbert W. Armstrong—Well…He Tried™
Ed, your boss is a chief wolf and a dragon. Woe unto you and all those who follow him. By the time the lying wonders are underway, your escape will be prevented. Woe unto you all.
Desperation invokes action that we would otherwise negate. Dave has been more public about the financial pressure than in years past, so it must be wearing on him. Knowing some brethren have not yet given up all their Common must be like nails on the chalkboard in his mind.
Since he cannot threaten or guilt members into giving up their retirement and savings due to the lack of biblical support for Common, he returned to the drawing board. He found something else he knew he could capitalize on in the Bible: the Third Tithe.
With Jesus Christ coming just around the corner, it seems odd to be so focused on money. But that is how things are in The Restored Church of Another god. Dave weaves the Third Tithe concept in and around when the "midst of the years" is and how Tishrei 1 does not begin any type of year in God's eyes.
@ 30:44 We're gonna come to a fascinating thing about Third Tithe and year of release in a moment. And I’ll show you how the church misunderstood that.
@ 37:10 And I’m trying to be faithful to what I was taught. And like, well, Millennium. Was Mr. Armstrong right? He was certainly sincere and righteous. But, was he right?
Herbert W. Armstrong—Sincere. But Sincerely Wrong™
If anyone is curious about the entire 8-minute Third Tithe explanation, another former member began their own YouTube channel.
If there was ever one like a lamb who spoke like a dragon, it is David C. Pack. An evil spirit has captured his mind. He teaches doctrines of demons with a twisted perspective that should delight the devil.
@ 39:47 I wanna read something to you because the church had one other thing that was incorrect. We just knew something changed after the Feast of Tabernacles when you went home within your gates and you started paying Third Tithe of the strangers, and orphans, and widows, and the Levites, and so forth. We knew something, but we mixed some things. And so this is, again, we’re straightening out certain doctrines, we’re straightening out the plan of God and laying it out whether it’s getting rid of Tishrei, [chuckles] you know, and getting rid of earth. Or it’s correctly understanding how turth Third Tithe should have been paid but never was. So, let’s understand. If time went on, this would be this would be applicable. What I’m gonna tell you would be applicable for The Restored Church of God.
If time went on? Puh-lease.
@ 41:21 If the entire nation had kept Third Tithe in the same year, the widows, the strangers, the orphans, and the Levites would’ve starved to death for two years.
Dave presents the Third Tithe argument as if his heart yearns for the poor, unfortunate souls.
@ 43:19 But, the church sorta saw these two things happened at the same time. So, here’s what the church taught. I wish I’da thought about this long ago, but one of the things I’m to do is (as an apostle) is to make these things clear. So, you know, releasing people from a debt has nothing to do with feeding hungry people in four categories, you know, starting with Levites who don’t have their own land and, therefore, their own harvest.
It is actually funny listening to Dave trying to sell the idea that he cares at all about “feeding hungry people” in ancient Israel or The Restored Church of God. The logistics of the installed bureaucracy at Headquarters shielding Third Tithe payouts says otherwise.
@ 43:43 So, here's what we did: we said you pay Third Tithe, you skip two years, pay it, and we mingled the seven years [of release] and said now you skip three years and pay it…we always said you pay it on the third year and sixth year out of a seven-year cycle.
@ 46:20 You do not get a year off because of the year of release per debt. It has nothing to do with debt. So, if we went on, all of God’s people (‘cause we’re comin’ into Cheshvan) you would have to literally (and you should, I guess for whatever [chuckles] days we have left), you should begin to pay tithe. If you paid Third Tithe two years ago…then you should start. And you should never take three years off.
Lucky break for Dave: the Kingdom of God has not yet arrived. He is already pacing at the Mail Building, waiting for those fresh checks to start rolling in to calm the nerves of concerned bankers.
@ 46:52 Maybe if we looked in more carefully, we were Mr. Armstrong was absolutely sincere. Everybody knows I believe he was a great servant of God. He’s one of the Seven Messengers, but he didn’t live in the time when the Mystery of God would be made plain.
Herbert W. Armstrong—A Great Servant Of God. Just Not Allowed To Be Right™
@ 47:09 I can tell you that the church (little RCG) if we had just paid Third Tithe correctly and people paid it two out of every six years insteada two out of every seven years, our income over our lifespan would be in the seven figures…so I think to myself, Wow. That’s a huge amount of income that was lost.
Third Tithe is not “income” and it was not “lost.” It is a biblical safety net providing for the needy in Israel and the church. David C. Pack is increasingly unable to hide his true motivations from the brethren. His own lips betray him.
The entire point of this doctrinal precision about Third Tithe is to find a way to bring RCG more money because he desperately needs it. Income to be spent on what exactly? He leaves the answer as implied rather than what his true intent is.
@ 47:41 So, that’s something else we’re clearing up. And we would go on if time goes on. That has to be the doctrine of God. It's not my policy. There's no way to argue it. It’s every three years.
Despite the 8-minute plea to reason from the Scriptures, the one concept that never enters the discussion is how this new understanding benefits the widows and orphans in The Restored Church of Another god. Dave already knows what he plans to do with that "lost income," and sending out checks to select brethren is not part of it. Because that has never been the most significant part of it.
Here are some uncomfortable facts David C. Pack will not tell you about Third Tithe in RCG.
• Third Tithe funds are already in a surplus situation every single year. They take in much more than they pay out. Even skipping one year, RCG brethren provide far beyond the intended needs for Third Tithe Assistance.
• Third Tithe is the "hidden cash cow" that RCG counts on every year, NOT being spent for the intended purpose. A lot comes in. A little goes out. The system in place is designed to keep it that way so the unspent reserves can be factored into their financial planning.
• Highly invasive forms exist in RCG to discourage applications for Third Tithe Assistance, Third Tithe Loans, and Third Tithe Exemptions.
• There are widows in RCG and maybe "an orphan," but the concept of a "stranger" is MIA. They rarely engage with the general population of Wadsworth. This means very few in RCG are even eligible for a payout.
• When Third Tithe is donated to a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, that money is designated as “restricted funds” which means it can only be legally spent on the purpose for which it was given. However, at the beginning of a new fiscal year, unspent restricted funds are rolled into the “general fund.” The general fund is discretionary. That means the Third Tithe someone gives today can be spent on trees, horses, and mortgages next year.
This is not unique to RCG and is perfectly legal. Is that ethical? Is that what God intended?
• No ministers pay Third Tithe because they are part of the Levitical priesthood. Dave can hammer this revealed knowledge well aware he will not be burdened by the implications.
• All Headquarters employees are exempt from paying Third Tithe because they are considered to be performing a Levitical duty. The guys mowing the lawn do not pay it. Dave's half-time secretary does not pay it. This is only for the brethren.
Dave skipped one vital element of Third Tithe, which should also be enforced as the Word of God. He seems to neglect this type of detail when it does not benefit him.
At the end of three years you shall bring forth all the tithe of your increase the same year, and shall lay it up within your gates.
Whoopsie Daisy. This nuance must be in the Bible just to add flavor and not really part of the command.
In RCG, tithes are to be paid bi-weekly immediately after you receive a paycheck. Dave once called it “stealing" if you delay sending in your tithes at the end of the month. The Restored Church of God expects members to pay their Third Tithe throughout the year alongside their First Tithe and not wait until the end of the year. So much for claiming doctrinal purity.
If RCG members try to bring this up to their local hireling, they will surely get an ear full. “But, the Bible says…” never wins the argument against policy. That field man does not want the wrath of Headquarters to fall on his head. Those passive, rubbery mollusks who fear Dave more than they fear God will stutter and stammer through their reasoning for why that part of the verse does not really mean what it seems to.
David C. Pack is very selective about which doctrines are to be obeyed word-for-word and which have the edges smoothed over. If he were really so concerned about doctrinal precision when it comes to God’s financial laws, he would have to make more fiscal changes without decrying “church tradition” as cover.
You want brethren to pay Third Tithe every three years without skipping? Okay, Dave. Let’s play that game. Do that, but then you would also have to do this:
• Discontinue “Excess Second Tithe.” Nowhere in the Bible are people commanded to turn in unspent Feast of Tabernacles funds to the church.
During my time in UCG and RCG, I kept rolling the surplus over to afford better accommodations and travel the following year. Nothing in the Bible commanded this surrender, so I did not do it. Excess Second Tithe is an invented scam.
• Remove the monetary offerings on the seventh day of Unleavened Bread, the Feast of Trumpets, Atonement, and the Last Great Day. NONE of those are found in the Bible. They are assemblies and holy convocations, but we are not commanded to give money.
"Offering by fire" is not about money, and that is for the priesthood to perform. Offerings by fire happen every day of the Feasts, every Sabbath, and every new moon. If that really meant brethren were to give money, their checkbooks could never leave their pockets.
David C. Pack has specific righteous indignation when it comes to ensuring God's word is adequately obeyed. Is it not interesting that the more he learns, the more of a replacement for Jesus Christ he is, and the more brethren should be paying him? It never swings the other way.
Desperato David C. Pack needs to get more of your money right now and will continue to comb through the Bible so he can squeeze out every last mite and farthing.
If you are curious about what RCG hoops you would have to jump through to become exempt from giving Third Tithe, click HERE to download the PDF.
Enjoy the invasiveness widows must endure to receive Third Tithe Assistance from the caring folks at Headquarters. Click HERE to download the PDF. K-Y Jelly is available for an additional fee.