Thursday, November 9, 2023

Crackpot Prophet Believes He Is Helping Usher In The End Times

“Death on the Pale Horse,” Benjamin West 1796

Ever since Denis Rohan, a lunatic Armstrongite follower, attempted to burn down the Al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem, on 21 August 1969 some have wondered if there would be another crackpot Armstrongite attempting to bring about the end times.

Gerad Flurry is too inept to do anything and no longer has the finances to start digging up Hill Tara in Ireland to bring to light the Ark of the Covenant. Dave Pack is absolutely bonkers now with each passing day as every new prediction fails as his Jesus languishes in the seventh heaven waiting for the green light to come on so he and the ophanim can return to earth.

This leaves us with the greatest Church of God leader to ever exist in human history doing a work that other COG leaders can only dream of. Located in an absolutely depressing storefront in Grover Beach, CA this three-time rebellious apostate Church of God pretender imagines he is doing an amazing work.

By using the very thing he wets his pants over, artificial intelligence, this self-appointed false prophet brags about how he is using that very thing to translate one of his more boring and poorly researched "books", The Gospel of the Kingdom of God. Now claiming that his book has been translated into over 900 languages and dialects, it is a sure sign that the end times are rapidly approaching, all thanks to the Great Bwana Mzungu Thiel. He is helping speed up the end times.

Dear Brethren and Co-Workers in Christ:

Greetings from the Five Cities Region of California.

Jesus said that the end, meaning the Great Tribulation, would begin shortly after Matthew 24:14 is fulfilled. Other scriptures point to Jesus’ return after the tribulation (Matthew 24:29-31).


Jesus will return a little over 3 1/2 years after Matthew 24:14 is fulfilled.

To aid in that fulfillment, we continue to receive additional translations of our our English booklet, The Gospel of the Kingdom of God. On Monday, we received another 28 translations. We have well over 900 different languages and dialects now. This has never before occurred in the history of the Church of God. We are getting closer to the end as we strive to do our part in preparing for the “short work” that the Apostle Paul wrote of Romans 9:28 (see Preparing for the ‘Short Work’ and The Famine of the Word) which is also part of the final phase of the work (e.g. Revelation 7:9; see also The Final Phase of the Work).

We all should be grateful that God is allowing us to support His end-time Philadelphian (Revelation 3:7-13) work.


Anonymous said...

If Bob will kindly indulge me as I provide some constructive criticism, I would like to suggest that rather than incorporating more dialects into his efforts to help usher in the end times, he infuse his work with dianetics, or at least base his approach on the principles of dianetics. No other ACOG guru has done this, but it makes much more sense than incorporating Islam into the gospel message ala Wade Cox (Like that play on words? Ala, Allah?), taking the jail aspects of St. Peter's ministry so ridiculously seriously as did Ron Weinland, or exemplifying the hackneyed cartoon caricature of a prophet with the fine attention to detail of a Dave Pack! It would even pale and fade the fan worship approach of Gerald Flurry, who reveres Herbert W.Armstrong as if he were actually Elvis Presley!

I certainly hope that nobody who reads this would ever imagine that I would (gasp!) mock Armstrongism, or those spreading it! Far be that from me! They do a much better job of making themselves and their chosen philosophy appear completely absurd than anything I could ever imagine in my fondest dreams!

Bob never takes all the free advice we offer him seriously. But, hey Bob! Just this once? Just a little taste of dianetics? It kind of fits right in with your Mayans and Catholics when you think about it.

Anonymous said...

Well, well, well...the previous Banned article on COG use of YMCA song speculated which Rolling Stones song is favoured by ministry. But since this article features a minister proclaiming nearness of end times, his fave Stones song might be Mick singing : "This-could-be-the-last-time"

"well-I've-told-ya-once, &-I've-TOLD-YA-twice 🎶🎵"


Anonymous said...

"We all should be grateful that God is allowing us to support His end-time Philadelphian."

Oh thank you, thank you Bob for allowing us the privilege of supporting Your Excellency, The Chosen One, The End-time Philadelphian.

Tonto said...

Is Booby's stuff being translated into PIG LATIN too??

Anonymous said...

What? Flurry is running out of money?

Anonymous said...

You know Bob Thiel and the Continuing church of God, are now known and will be always known as the only Church of God that promoted Massive Corruption and Sexual improprieties and also a Fake Ministry in Africa that indulges in gross mismanagement of Tithe Money/ for Carnal Pleasures and Satanist Worship and for a Man that took the Title of Phophethood to stroke his Delusions of Grandeur; everybody associated with the Church of God including the Whole Planet, can just Google his Name/ Bob Thiel Africa/ Guess what - First thing that Pops up is the African shim sham; the Boys at Banned can be congratulated on getting the Word out and exposing this Church of WitchDoctors, Whoopie and Wackjobs😱😱😱

Anonymous said...

Uh, that should be "Your Excrementcy", not Your Excellency!