"Today is Friday, March 10. When the Sabbath begins at sunset, Jesus Christ will establish the Kingdom of Dave, turn everyone in RCG invisible, then return to heaven while Elijah blathers to the world. Like the 1987 ABC series “Max Headroom,” you cannot shut him off. How is that for a dystopia?"
A Servant Knows
David C. Pack has not had a good week.
After dredging up the second-largest fail in The Restored Church of God's history, he tried to put a new hat on Esther’s Purim Fast from 2019. But that did not work out so well.
This example of uninspired preaching cannot be made more plain as I rush to call Dave out.
Part 426 – March 4, 2023
@ 42:54 When you’ve waited as long as I have, just the sheer knowledge, just the comforting knowledge that I know exactly what God is going to do.
Not “exactly,” as it turns out.
By the next day, Dave was incredibly uncomfortable, and it was not just the lack of fiber and coffee. He was prophetically constipated when he discovered Purim was only “a guide” pointing toward the following Sabbath.
It must have been a tremendous relief to let it all out for 45 minutes on Tuesday after holding it in for three days. During “The Greatest Unending Story! (Part 427)” on March 7, 2023, Dave went through a short list of logical points proving how correct the newest-er picture was.
One massive personal proof was that the 1335 of Daniel 12:12
started on February 24. And only he knew it.
The article Demons or Dementia? eviscerated that idea. Actually, Dave eviscerated himself. When you can line up similar statements from 2021 to 2023, and they "sing in harmony,” it should be a slam dunk the man is living, breathing fraud. Members of RCG who read that and stay have no excuse.
Today is Friday, March 10. When the Sabbath begins at sunset, Jesus Christ will establish the Kingdom of Dave, turn everyone in RCG invisible, then return to heaven while Elijah blathers to the world. Like the 1987 ABC series “Max Headroom,” you cannot shut him off. How is that for a dystopia?
Local sunset times for your area are irrelevant because everything is based on Jerusalem time. Mostly.
March 10, 2023 – 10:43 AM ET
As is the RCG Headquarters tradition of exhibiting a total lack of faith in God’s government in action, they step away from a deadline before it passes. The money never goes to where Dave’s mouth is. It goes into the horse’s mouth.
This Pathetic Update was issued last night.
Prophecy Update – March 9, 2023
Brethren, don’t be surprised—at all—if we are here beyond tomorrow and maybe even go several more days. Mr. Pack does not intend to speak on Sabbath, but if he does, it would be a brief message explaining why!
Based on that sentence structure, I am unsure if Dave will explain why he is not speaking or if Dave will explain why nothing happened.
So, were Parts 425, 426, and 427 mistakes or lies?
Which spirit drove David C. Pack to say all of that—Was it the Spirit of Truth or the Spirit of Error?
Which entity has captured the corporate sheepfold of The Restored Church of God?
The proof is in the corrupted pudding.
That update makes an unordained non-prophet/non-psychic look like a real one. I published this yesterday before that update was posted:
I know this will not happen. You know this will not happen. The Headquarters hirelings know this will not happen. But I also think David C. Pack knows this will not happen.
Last night’s update fits PERFECTLY into the context of this planned article. It puts red circles around the rest of the now-embarrassing quotes from Part 427 three days ago.
The paltry fig leaf from last night frames these comments with a different perspective than when they were spoken.
Part 427 – March 7, 2023
@ 42:15 You [God] would have to be sure Your servant knew that he had fulfilled Your carefully defined charge for him. That he kept a charge. He understood it, and he did it, and he knew that he'd done it. You'd have to do that, or he would wonder if, going into future years, "What if the Mystery of God isn't resolved? What if the way's not prepared? What if I didn't make it plain enough?" Believe me, that keeps me up at night, so to speak. I sleep well.
Which one was proven more inept: Dave or his god?
Deconstructing every idea word-by-word stands in complete agreement with official RCG information.
· Dave’s god did not carefully define the charge.
· Servant Dave did not fulfill the charge.
· Servant Dave did not keep the charge.
· Servant Dave did not understand the charge.
· Servant Dave does not know what he thought he knew.
· Servant Dave will forever wonder about XYZ.
· The Mystery of God is not resolved.
· The way is not prepared.
· Plain has nothing to do with being accurate.
· Servant Dave will not be sleeping well tonight.
The logic argument in Part 427 sounds familiar. Oh boy, is it.
Part 401 – October 10, 2022
@ 1:01:39 So, 400 Parts complete the charge. I have kept my charge, after all.
Part 409 – December 10, 2022
@ 06:34 If he prophesied, would he know that he did? If he rushed to call out a final message, and afterwards, it will surely come, Christ will surely come. Could he know that he called out that message and that Christ will, therefore, surely come so that all those listening to him are in the same boat? Or is he left to guess?
@ 06:56 If I’d finished the charge, would I know it? If I prepared the way (now Malachi, that was Zechariah) prepared the way right in the face of God coming to His temple and Christ, too. Would I know that I did?Or would I be left to wonder on all those verses? “I wonder if I did those things.”
Part 410 – December 17, 2022
@ 1:44:21 Now, if Tevet 2 comes without Jesus Christ, I just wanna say something very plainly. I want everybody to hear me. I’ll have no idea the year God’s Kingdom comes…because I’ve stress tested the living daylights outta this picture. I have no idea.
Dave will say anything at the moment to make his dramatic point seem confident, even if that means swearing before God and cursing himself. He lives only in the present. He forgets the past and ignores the future. Just as you would expect a narcissistic demonically-influenced, mentally ill person to do.
Part 427 – March 7, 2023
@ 42:43 But, You’d have to be sure Your servant knew and knew that he knew and knew that he knew that he knew he was done. 'Cause, so often, he thought he was. So, You just keep pouring out this knowledge till he’d scratched everything between these two black covers that nothing was left to lay out.
Dave knew nothing because the True God does not guide him. What Dave calls “knowledge” is supposition, presumption, fabrication, imagination, and malarkey.
The harsh reality is that what David C. Pack teaches is evil. His followers worship him rather than God. They prove it by believing him and not their Bible.
Dave does not even believe Dave. Nobody should.
Part 269 – October 3, 2020
@ 1:04:05 But You wouldn't let Your servant know it until the last minute because he is commanded to watch, and I've said many times, “I gotta know when to watch.” And how would I know which was the last message? I’d have to be boxed in to know there’s no way out. “Oh, this has to be the last message,” when I would be sent as an apostle to give it.
Part 410 – December 17, 2022
@ 1:09:33 But, if I am God’s servant, then He’s gonna show me, and we were pretty much outta time. So, that's what happened. It was easy, actually. Surprisingly.
You have said it.
Out of his own mouth, the truth is made known. David C. Pack is NOT God’s servant. Reject that to your own peril. You cannot say you were not warned.
Part 427 – March 7, 2023
@ 46:22 There is no visible path beyond this Sabbath. As I used to say in the past, it seems we did, in fact, back into the last possible date this could be. I certainly know there’s nothing else I can tell you.
Jesus Christ returning on a Sabbath is very possible. But not THIS Sabbath. The Sabbath is prominent in the Scriptures, and the verses Dave presents are in the Bible. However, since he is disqualified from rightly dividing the word of truth and nobody should fear him nor give him regard, whatever timeline he presents is doomed before it leaves his mouth.
Part 231 – January 21, 2020
@ 1:14:30 The simplest way for God to tell me the Sabbath to watch is to reveal the Series is complete and He has. It ends today. What was for so long, incredibly complicated, finally and rather suddenly, became utterly simple.
Is it possible for a human being who does not suffer from an acute mental disorder to forget so much of what they have said? It must be either physiological or spiritual. Most likely, it is a symbiosis of both.
Purim 2019. Purim 2023.
The 1335 begins invisibly, ends invisibly, and then begins invisibly again for just one man.
The Sabbath is the only day possible. The Sabbath is impossible until it is possible again.
Identifying David C. Pack as a blaspheming liar is reasonable and accurate. Allow him to answer the matter.
Part 10 – January 9, 2016
@ 1:50:46 If you knew about the First Dominion a couple years ago, how does “shortly, quickly, soon, near, fast, hasty, hit the throttle” apply? God (quite literally) could not tell us, or He would make Himself a liar. And He would’ve confused us and misled us, believing we were on a short clock when we were not.
Part 241 – March 27, 2020
@ 1:16:11 Now, a loving God didn’t let us understand what we were into, or we'd have really understood we got to wait another whole year…
Part 382 – July 16, 2022
@ 1:00:22 Now imagine God, at the very last minute, teaching us what I just explained to you because you can’t do away with the math, letting us believe we had made it and we still had one or more years to go. That would be devastating. That would be soul-crushing to the church.
The foolishness of David C. Pack is spoken behind locked doors. But God allows it to come to light beyond the gates of The Restored Church of God. Why?
Perhaps the words of David C. Pack expose who he is really a servant of.
Marc Cebrian
See: A Servant Knows