Saturday, March 18, 2023

Bob Thiel Claiming A Deep Fake Made Adultery Allegations Against African Leaders And That The Accusers Keep Changing Their Stories.

Can Bob Thiel get any crazier? This time he is going out of his way to justify himself as a church leader, particularly the dreams he and a few of his cohorts have had. He just cannot handle the fact that people do not believe him, his cohorts, and their nightmares.

In his deluded and confused mind, he believes that there is only ONE MAN doing a work today and that is himself, divinely appointed by some kind of creature he calls god.

Then he takes a bold leap and levels an allegation against his detractors (as he sees them) Aleksandar Sasha Veljic and Terry Nelson and that it is INAPPORIATE for these men to come up from the BOTTOM from amongst the people and hold him accountable. Accountability is ONLY from the TOP!

He then goes on claim there is no truth against certain African church leaders. Thiel also claims that possibly a "deep fake" on Facebook made the adultery allegations. See, I said Bob can't get any crazier!

Thiel is also claiming his accusers broke promises and changed their stories. This idiocy just keeps getting worse!

Hierarchical Governance and Corruption
Does the Bible support democracy or top down government for the Church of God? Does God work, primarily, through one human leader at a time? Did the late Pastor General of the old Worldwide Church of God, Herbert W. Armstrong, repeatedly teach that God worked primarily through “ONE MAN AT A TIME, though with others (male and female) assisting that leader? Who is that one man now? Who should be eliminated as being that one man? Would we expect that one man would be part of UCG, PCG, LCG, COGWA, RCG, or CCOG? Could God have given one or more Divine signs to point out who that one man is? What type of government will be in the Kingdom of God? Are we to be preparing to be kings and priests now? Is it appropriate to want to push for a non-top down from God’s government if there is some type of corruption in the organization he leads? What about 1 Samuel 8:1-20 and 1 Samuel 12:1-5? Did Jesus have any financially corrupt with Him? What are allegations that have been raised against Radson Mulozowa, Bradox Ochieng, and Evans Ochieng? Is there any truth to any of them? If so, which? Could there have been some type of deepfake related to an alleged Facebook Messenger chat related to claims of adultery? Does Laodicea mean ‘people decide’ or ‘judgment of the people’? Should Christians be ‘independents’? What about being ‘congregationalists’? Have various accusers changed their stories or broke promises? What should those who consider themselves to be faithful Philadelphians do? Dr. Thiel deals with these and other matters.

One thing I can know for certain is that Veljic and Nelso are far more truthful than ANYTHING Bob Thiel has ever said. Bob got caught in a rather humiliating public way with his personality cult being proven corrupt. No matter how much he spins the story it only gets worse for Bob.

Bob Thiel: I will address false accusations in my sermon Saturday...Sorry, Instead lets discuss King Charles and British Israelism Malarkey

With his church imploding around him with major accusations coming out of Africa this week, God's most important COG leader in human history said Thursday that he would address all allegations of corruption this Sabbath.

Be a true witness, not a talebearer, nor one who clings to gossip. The root of bitterness often grows in those who get wrapped up in gossip.

That said, it is my plan to cover aspects of hierarchical governance and allegations of corruption in the sermon I expect to give this upcoming Sabbath.

So what did the little guy preach about? King Charles, British Isrealism, and other useless crap theology malarkey that no one, particularly those in Africa, needs to worry about if they have a real relationship with God. 

The BBC, the UK Guardian, and Buckingham Palace reported various preparations for the planned May 6, 2023 coronation of King Charles III. In March 2023, oil from the Mount of Olives was consecrated for this ceremony. The Stone of Destiny, also called the Stone of Scone, is to leave Scotland to be placed in the coronation chair in Westminster Abby for the coronation. Can any of this possibly have any connections to biblical prophecies about Judah having the sceptre, the throne of David always having an occupant, the prophet Jeremiah, Tea Tephi of Ireland, the lines of Pharez & Zerah, and the end time fate of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland? Is there an unbroken line of monarchs from Judah’s King David through to King Charles III? Does Charles have any connection to the World Economic Forum or the ‘Great Reset’? Could he or others in the Royal Family possibly be involved in fulfilling numerous prophecies in the Book of Hosea? What about the scarlet thread and the “red hand of Ulster’? Did Charles or other members of the Royal Family believe in any version of British-Israelism?

Does he really think an African follower gives a rat's ass about some colonial power figure being crowned, the coronation stone, or the Tea Tephi and Jeremiah myths? If Thiel actually preached a new covenant gospel message of Christ, which he doesn't, there would be no need for these fantasies, even if they were true, to have any significance to anyone who is in Christ. The New Covenant negates all this useless crap theology of Armstrongism and places one in a right relationship with Christ, something that they have never been able to do while in the church burdened down by legalism.

I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. Romans 12:1-2

Every member in Africa that is part of Bob Thiel's improperly named "continuing" Church of God need to leave en masse and find true freedom. Being loyal to a certified liar and a false prophet does not accomplish anything except destroy spiritual lives. Bob's blatant inaction in order to preserve his dignity proves he cares very little for any of his followers in Africa. What can you expect from a man who lives his life consumed by Catholic mysteries, Nostradamus, Mayan and pagan prophecies, crap British Israelism speculations, Karl Theodor Freiherr von und zu Guttenberg, the King of the South, and the King of the North? 

The simple truths of the New Covenant make the putrid filth that Bob Thiel teaches as nothing more than the pig slop it really is. None of it is worthy of leading anyone to peace and rest with Christ.

“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.” (John 14:27)

Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. (Rom. 5:1
For as by the one man's disobedience the many were made sinners, so by the one man's obedience the many will be made righteous. (Rom. 5:19
There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. For the law of the Spirit of life has set you free in Christ Jesus from the law of sin and death. (Rom. 8:1-2
For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God. (2 Cor. 5:21
Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ and be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which comes through faith in Christ, the righteousness from God that depends on faith. (Phil. 3:8-9
But when Christ had offered for all time a single sacrifice for sins, he sat down at the right hand of God, waiting from that time until his enemies should be made a footstool for his feet. For by a single offering he has perfected for all time those who are being sanctified. (Heb. 10:12-14
He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness. By his wounds you have been healed. (1 Pet. 2:24)

A Place To Share Stories Of Abuse Or Wrongs In The Church


When I started this blog it was to showcase the many books and booklets written in the 1960s-1980s about the Worldwide Church of God and Herbert Armstrong that detailed heretical teachings and or abuses in the church. It swiftly changed to highlighting actual occurrences in the present-day church. Since I started this blog I have always given it as an open forum for this who want to expose abuses in their groups. While I and others here can be snarky, as many of us are when it comes to abuse of members by corrupt church leaders, I have and will continue to freely give this as a forum for those people, without my snarky comments, to share their hurts and/or grievances.

Bob Thiel loves to claim we are an anti-God or anti-COG blog, but that is not the case. We tend to take our focus on the abusive and many times heretical things that church LEADERS say or do. Rarely do we go after regular members of the church who oftentimes are very since in their beliefs and try to do what they think God expects of them. While I may disagree doctrinally with them on certain points, I still let them share their stories and grievances. This is something that all the Churches of God currently disallow. This is also another reason I have continues to allow "anonymous" comments. The backlash that many commenters would receive from their minister or church group would be swift and painful.

With Bob Thiel, since day one, we knew something was not right. Rod Meredith knew this. Dibar Aprtian knew this.  The ministry of the Living Church of God knew this and the ministry of the Worldwide Church of God knew this. This is why NO Church of God EVER ordained him into a leadership position that gave him a platform to preach.

While narcissism tends to be an element of most church leaders and ministers, which members tend to accept in small doses, members also understand that church leaders and ministers are SUPPOSED to be servant leaders. Very few are, sadly. With Bob Thiel, this is blatantly true. 

From day one, Thiel's ministry has been about himself. He is the most significant person ever to lead a COG in these end times. No other COG is as great as his. No other COG is doing a "work" as great as his. No other COG has more booklets and articles "published" in other languages than his group. No other COG is the fastest-growing church than his. No other COG preaches a gospel better than he does. The constant backslapping is appalling and repulsive and he wonders why no one in the church wants to follow him. 

The church has always warned about wolves creeping in and members being unaware; there are ample numbers of scriptures that they get this warning from. This blog, The Painful Truth,  Rod Meredith, Dibar Apartian, and others saw through the subtle deceptions and lies of Bob from day one. We will continue to keep the heat on him.

All of the groups that split off from the mother church had an opportunity to start fresh and do things right. Only a handful of independent COG groups do this. Those that do this do not have the focus of their members on specific church leaders or church governance. These groups know what the abuse did to their people in the past and have made a concerted effort to not do it again. 

Let me repeat again, if you are looking for a forum to share abuse going on in your particular group then I will post that information, without commentary. If you want things to be anonymous, we can do that too. 

Terry Nelson on CCOG Africa Problems: "The Facts are, I have to stop it/ I can't take Abuse of Innocent Women and children, when people are begging me to help them and Pretend it doesn't exist"


Anonymous said...

I remember when you and your son went to Arica. I thought at the time what a wonderful opportunity. I'm sorry that Dr. Thiel is so blind to facts.

Yes, I'm sorry also/ You have understand this has grieved my whole family as we all looked up to Dr Thiel / but I Realize , I couldn't compromise on truth/ I was sent to Africa Twice; I was told by Dr Thiel to see if they really know what we teach; he seemed even suspicious, so naturally when I found all these scandals and Alexsander Veljic found SCANDALS when he was there; I mean what are you logically supposed to think/ investigation for almost a year/ Alexander Veljic suffering with this knowledge for 6 years/ I really didn't want to believe this; but I guess I was meant for this as a Test from God to see if I would turn a blind eye or just say God will work it out/ The Facts are, I have to stop it/ I can't take Abuse of Innocent Women and children, when people are begging me to help them and Pretend it doesn't exist/ I'll be judged/ I'm glad I'm free from pretending everything is good in CCOG Africa/ now I don't have to/ Hope of Israel Worldwide Church of God is now a Safe Haven for the abused people of CCOG Africa/ we must go after and protect the abused and lost sheep/ Dont you think God would expect that/ Obey God rather then men 🙂👍Terry Nelson/ Keep the truth Brethren

Aleksandar Veljic: "The straw that broke the camel`s back in my personal case was when I learned about practitioners of witchcraft being in CCOG and serving the devil by their actions."

I am here to confirm all the things written above by Terry Nelson. Terry Nelson, toward the end of 2022 has informed me of the terrible abuses happening in Africa and had corroborated his claims with numerous proofs. He appealed to me as to an elder, and presented convincing evidence. Even thought I had heard of all kinds of wrong things going on in Africa, now I had evidence that it was all truth. During my 7 years of faithful service to CCOG, I had been trying to hint to Dr. Thiel that there are various problems in Africa that cannot be ignored, let alone financed, but he would usually present me with his own reasoning and with the reports that he got from Africa. And some of us who have had some experience with Africa (I was sent there by Dr. Thiel in 2017) had been aware that those reports are filled with untrue statements. For example, we have always known that there were certainly not that many members as African reports would claim. And now there are even less members as some have left to flee from the abuses of Evans Ochieng.  

Also, I want to confirm that Terry Nelson, other than presenting me with disturbing facts about CCOG African abuses, has helped me register Hope of Israel Worldwide Church of God. That has been solely my initiative as I thought we would be removed eventually for standing up for the truth, and I did not want people to be dumped on the street spiritually speaking, but to have a spiritual refuge if they decided to stand up for the same values I cherish. Let it be known that we were forced out of CCOG mainly because we could not stand African deep CCOG corruption any more. The straw that broke the camel`s back in my personal case was when I learned about practitioners of witchcraft being in CCOG and serving the devil by their actions. That was the moment I decided I could no longer be in that organization. I have tried to provide comfort and encouragement to all those who sought it from me. And considering the treatment that we, friends of Dr. Thiel, were given by Dr. Thiel, all I could do was to leave him to his views and convictions, and simply move on for I did not want to be associated with people in that organization who are basically Satanists (witchcraft practioners). Aleksandar Sasha Veljic

Dave Pack: But he was off by one day...1335: Day 1—Again


1335: Day 1—Again


David C. Pack is not having a good week. He is not having a good month. And it has not been a good year for anyone attending The Restored Church of God.


Today is the Sabbath, but it is no day of rest for the Packian Triad of Fraud across the street. Because things are still so “right on time” in Wadsworth, Dave was up early this morning pouring through the Scriptures with his calculator trying to find new simpler math to clarify his latest church-wide embarrassment.


That is a shame considering how catchy 20-5-20-10 was. It just kind of rolls off the tongue. Like Stone-Cold Math. Trumpets Solar System. Tevet 1 Mount Everest Firewall. The Elijahn Period. The First Dominion. The 1335 Days of the Son of Man.


Last night at 7:35 PM ET was the last moment for anything Dave said this week to come true. Unless more wiggle room is granted. Dave’s god has an awful habit of bestowing “it-would-have-been-nice-to-know-that-sooner” knowledge after it matters. Like in a comedy where the inept thief breaks the window and then remembers the key was in his pocket.


At sunset on March 17, 2023, the Father was set to arrive to commission the building of a new altar for the Temple that would be cleansed for seven days so sacrifices could resume next week.


The Bible describes a new altar and a new Temple. Jesus Christ will return. World conditions will worsen. A Man of Sin will rise. Heavenly signs. A great earthquake. The gospel is heralded all over the world. The Famine of the Word. The Two Witnesses. The Father will come to earth. All of these things will happen.


But NONE of it will occur when and how David C. Pack says. That is a statement that will stand forever. Even forever and ever.


The verbal explanation of the 20-5-20-10 will hurt your head. Even the wise struggle to follow Dave’s thinking. The best way to observe him is to broad stroke his latest construct because the nuances are not exquisite. They are excruciating.


A David C. Pack Observer’s Rule of Thumb: Never mind the sequence details. The first calendar date is all that matters. Once that fails, the rest is pointless to retain.


Right at this very moment, the hirelings at Headquarters are hard at work with scissors and glue to make the 20-5-20-10ish Plan right on track. Everything is still fine, brethren.



During “The Greatest Unending Story! (Part 429)” on Wednesday, March 15, 2023, David C. Pack made a significant prophetic adjustment, and it was not when he gave birth to the 20-5-20-10 Plan.


Part 429 – March 15, 2023

@ 51:33 That means that the 1335 came at the end of a Sabbath, one day later than WE thought.


This monumental shift rushed past in a single sentence should concern the members of The Restored Church of God. Maybe they did not catch it. Maybe they did not think through what it meant. Maybe it is not a big deal since Dave did not make it a big deal. He needs the sleepyheads to glaze over those statements and accept all he feeds them when he feeds them.


This website accurately documents what David C. Pack says when, gives an informed analysis with context, and then provides logical implications through critical thinking.


On March 15, David C. Pack changed the start of the 1335 Days of Daniel 12:12 from the morning of February 24 to February 25. But that is only one day. What is so concerning about that?


Try moving your house only one foot. What seems tiny has enormous implications.



@ 51:33 That means that the 1335 came at the end of a Sabbath, one day later than WE thought.


There was no WE in there. Dave had no problem taking all the glory for himself, but now that he is forced to admit an error, the WE Deflection Tool is brought out.



Involves redirecting or “deflecting” blame for one’s own mistake onto someone else in an attempt to preserve one’s own self-image. 


If you want to read up on how Covert narcissists deflect, click HERE.


Dave uses plural pronouns as a defense mechanism and third-person perspective language as a manipulation tactic.


Declaring "Elijah will rule the First Kingdom" is less alarming than "I will rule the First Kingdom." But those sentences are saying the same thing.


Declaring "Something WE missed" is less ego-damaging than "Something I missed." But in this case, the first version is a lie, while the second is reality. Jim and Andy are not the ones dreaming up this garbage. These teachings all originate from the warped mind of David C. Pack.



This article could appear nitpicky if not for David C. Pack often blowing the trumpet before himself so that he may have the glory of men.


During Part 423, Dave crowed how PERSONALLY important HIS prophetic discovery was to HIM.


Part 423 – February 25, 2023

@ 39:32 We’ve got this thing called the 1335… It just so happens that was yesterday morning at 10:30. And it became a much bigger and important signal to me, personally, since I was the only one correctly waiting for it…But, I was the only one who knew to wait for that day because I discovered on Tuesday…


Daniel 12:12 is a prophetic biblical event written for one man to understand—David C. Pack. He was the only human being who ever existed to which it was meant.


But he was off by one day.


Part 423 – February 25, 2023

@ 39:32 We’ve got this thing called the 1335… It just so happens that was yesterday morning at 10:30. And it became a much bigger and important signal to me, personally, since I was the only one correctly waiting for it…But, I was the only one who knew to wait for that day…


Part 429 – March 15, 2023

@ 51:33 That means that the 1335 came at the end of a Sabbath, one day later than WE thought.


When you place those quotes next to each other, the “we” loses credibility. He did not sing praises for anyone but himself in Parts 423 and 424. The coded Bible message was for Dave and Dave alone.


But he was off by one day.


David C. Pack misunderstood the personal signal. He was not waiting correctly. This means nobody on earth was waiting correctly. Which means it was not for him. He was just as wrong as the rest of the members of The Restored Church of God. He was not so special after all.


If he was so terribly wrong about this, just think of all the other things he could be wrong about.


Do you see how one glossed-over sentence in Part 429 has a great impact?


Gloss over

try to conceal or disguise something unfavorable by treating it briefly or representing it misleadingly


“Only one day” should matter to everyone in The Restored Church of God.


Deuteronomy 18:22

When a prophet speaks in the name of the LORD, if the thing follow not, nor come to pass, that is the thing which the LORD has not spoken, but the prophet has spoken it presumptuously: you shall not be afraid of him.



The 1335 was meant as a blessing only for David C. Pack. He staked that flag on his personal hill.


God informed David C. Pack that the 1335 was to begin on a specific Sabbath, and only he was privileged to know it, therefore, proving he was God's servant.


But, a servant is supposed to know when he has fulfilled his master’s task.


Part 427 – March 7, 2023

@ 42:15 You [God] would have to be sure Your servant knew that he had fulfilled Your carefully defined charge for him.


@ 42:43 But, You’d have to be sure Your servant knew and knew that he knew and knew that he knew that he knew he was done.


But he was off by one day.


The context of those quotes is about the Series being over. But, the concept of a servant understanding clear instructions applies.


The 1335 timing kicked off Parts 423 and 424, triggering a sequence of prophetic events that needed to occur on specific dates so that other specific prophetic events could be set in motion.


Add the Hebrew word salad for spaces of time, but all of it depended on David C. Pack KNOWING the 1335 starting on a specific day: February 24, 2023. He had to know so Bible prophecy could be fulfilled.


But he was off by one day.


This means David C. Pack was wrong about the timing of the 1335. He was wrong about the intent. He was wrong about the purpose. He was just…wrong.


One interesting fact in "Is 'That Prophet' Alive Today?" author David C. Pack asserts that being “close” is a sign of demonic involvement.


Is “That Prophet” Alive Today?

Close is not good enough. Actually, the chilling truth is that being close means that the man is connected to evil elements in the spirit world!

Page 48


Maybe if David C. Pack was not such a know-it-all narcissistic braggart, his own words would not be so bitter in his mouth and belly whenever he needs to eat them again. His own sermons and literature must be so bitter they give him ulcers instead of peace.


Part 426 – March 4, 2023

@ 42:57 …just the comforting knowledge that I know exactly what God is going to do.


But he was off by one day.



If David C. Pack was not correctly observing the start of the 1335, this calls into question the reliability of his source.


Part 423 – February 25, 2023

@ 41:00 I’ll give you this clue: I’m the only one (and I wouldn’t have unless God showed me) I’m the only one who knew when it was.


Dave’s god is as incompetent as he is. He could not get his servant to understand the correct day. He got it into the book but could not clearly get it into Dave's head, being as thick as it is.


Perhaps invisible prophetic fulfillments do more harm than good. And just maybe, receiving no audible or visible instructions about those prophetic fulfillments is proving to be the least effective way to bring salvation to humanity.


Thankfully for the rest of us, the True God will fulfill prophecy in an unmistakably noticeable way. His true prophets have always received direct, clear instructions in physically perceptible ways. Jeremiah even had words placed into his mouth and heard God tell him so.


Read about Elisabeth and Zacharias in Luke 1 to see how someone moved by the Holy Spirit speaks.


Yet, the members of RCG are left with David “Because I Said So” Pack. Until he changes it again, and then you still need to take his word for it.


Part 423 – February 25, 2023

@ 41:00 I’ll give you this clue: I’m the only one (and I wouldn’t have unless God showed me) I’m the only one who knew when it was.


But he was off by one day.



Part 429 – March 15, 2023

@ 1:25:30 Time is up. I’m gonna try to be dramatic here…The 1335 can only come once.




By his own admission 36 minutes earlier, the 1335 started a day later than WE thought. This means he already believed it came on February 24, but it came again on February 25.


To put it another way, the 1335 already came twice in the past month.


@ 1:25:42 I’m the man who’d be asked to believe it in future years. I never could again.


Dave fully accepted all the previous 1335 on/off switches already covered and will accept the next one without breaking a sweat.


The 1335 started and stopped in 2021 and again in 2022. For 2023 to be the first time requires David C. Pack to be a liar or a sufferer of horrific mental illnesses. The entire Headquarters ministry cannot be the victims of mass amnesia, which means they are even more guilty of biblical fraud.


David C. Pack is either mentally incompetent, or he is a liar.


@ 1:25:49 Wait twenty days believing, "Oh, this year, I could have hope." I would have hope. But, I could never believe it in faith again.


@ 1:26:00 It could only come once and still carry any value. Otherwise, it’s just a hope.


His faith must be a five-dollar whore because she will do whatever you want whenever you want, anywhere you want.


Part 296 – March 17, 2021

@ 05:52 What did it mean that we were blessed when we reached the 1335 days? Which is now 40 days ago tonight, putting us at about 1295…


Part 398 – October 10, 2022

@ 24:24 So, once you know the 1335, you could never know in any future year once you hit it if it were true…It has to apply this year, or it's not a metric…You could hope it was, but you could have no faith that it is in any future year. It only works in the first year of application. After that, hope–yes. Faith–no.


He was wrong in 2021. He was wrong in 2022. He is wrong in 2023.


Part 429 – March 15, 2023

@ 1:27:17 This is my seventh and last message since the 1335 began, almost to the hour.


But he was off by one day.


@ 1:28:22 If nothing happens on Friday morning, you now know there’s nothing else I could possibly tell you.


Nothing happened yesterday morning. A Pathetic Update attempted to manage expectations, but Part 430 is in the hopper. Believe nothing the man says.


The lesson here is to carefully listen to David C. Pack. Do not let a rushed, glossed-over sentence escape without adequately examining it. He exposes who and what he is from his own lips.


The 1335 moved only one day in only one sentence. But in Bible prophecy, that is moving a mountain.

Marc Cebrian

See: 1335: Day 1—Again

Friday, March 17, 2023

"I'm not 100% sure why Dr Thiel isn't accepting these truths that are so plain. Willingly ignorant? Pride? Gullibility?"

I feel I need to inform people here of the African situation

The allegations are all true

Evangelist Evans Ocheing and his Son Bradox we're involved in Kenyan elections twice, once in 2017 in which they came forward only because a UCG Minister informed Alexander Veljic and it was confirmed by Bob Thiel; it was said from the Ocheings no church money was used/ Dr Thiel took their word for it, even though they never came forward first with participating in that election

2022 Evans and Bradox we're involved in the same exact election for MCA in the Kanyamwa koswe ward/ Evans kept silent/ Bradox informed Dr Thiel he did not run in the 2022 election, he claimed to Dr Thiel that someone put his name on the Ballot and he only worked to Elect Governor Evans Kidero/ Despite the official Kenyan election Documents in 2022 showing that Bradox did indeed participate and even tried to overturn the election in his favor/ also this is confirmed with Leaders under Evans Ocheing in written Testamony and witnesses outside the CCOG/ Dr Thiel told me he accepts the confirmation of an Elderly gentleman in Bradox district that told him Bradox didn't participate in that election as the truth/ 

Sadly the Adultery issues of Evans Ocheing and Radson Mulozowa are also true with ten or more witnesses, involving Facebook texts and videos and photos/ latest issue was my son Andre was accused of spreading rumors of the CCOG not being officially registered in Malawi/ Sadly this is true also, in emails with Dr Thiel, Bob says he has the Documents,but can't show anyone as he's working on something related to them/ we know that CCOG isn't in Fact Registered because I helped Sash Veljic register Hope of Israel Worldwide Church of God/ we are listed Official as of March 9th/ CCOG is not listed on the official Malawi website, even the Mormons and Jehovah witness and many other churches are/ 

Witchcraft is being practiced by Evans Ocheing and Radson Mulozowa as confirmed by many witnesses and photos and video Evidence and Blood Sacrifice/ also rampant abuse of church Funds being used for carnal pleasure seeking and personal gain/ many witnesses via video and written testimony/ 

I couldn't keep this to myself as I and my sons went to Africa with the Best intentions to serve our African Brethren and I couldn't lie to myself, Family or Friends in the CCOG/ 

I followed Matthew 18 and now I'm telling it to the Church as both Myself and my son were blocked on CCOG forum and Skype services. 

I'm not 100% sure why Dr Thiel isn't accepting these truths that are so plain/ Willingly ignorant? / Pride?/ Gullibility?/ Being Deceived by powerful Demonic spells cast by the Ocheings and Radson Mulozowa. 

God help us all to obey God rather than men. 

Terry Nelson

Dave Pack's Epic Friday March 17, 2023 Failure...Here We Go, Again...


The 55-Day Plan*


David C. Pack of The Restored Church of God gave his final* message on Wednesday. “The Greatest Unending Story! (Part 429)” re-reclarified the plan of God that kicks off today.*


Technically, it invisibly kicked off on February 25 when the invisible 1335 of Daniel 12:12 began invisibly. That is the tricky thing about prophetic fulfillment according to David C. Pack because you are never really sure it did or did not happen unless he says so. But sometimes, even he does not know because biblical occurrences are frequently hard to nail down.


God the Father Arrives on Friday, March 17, 2023

Jerusalem sunset time is 11:48 AM ET*


This is the RCG-branded version of Christianity. The ground never stops moving, and you will never be reasonably sure of anything. Nothing builds faith better than your church leader changing his mind every day. That philosophy works well in marriage and even better for a Church of God.



As of Part 429 on March 15, this is the picture-perfect new simple math of 20-5-20-10.


The 55-Day Kingdom of Dave Plan*


February 25—The 1335 began. Elijah waits 20 days.

March 18—The First Kingdom is established. The Father arrives.

March 18—The Short Word begins. Elijah talks for 5 days.

March 23—The Short Word ends.

March 23—The Tribulation begins lasting 20 days until April 11.

April 12—The Great Tribulation begins lasting 10 days until April 22.

April 22—The “official” arrival of Jesus Christ to establish the Kingdom of God

April 22—The Day of the Lord


The Second Kingdom/Christ’s Kingdom lasts 7 years.

The Third Kingdom/The Father’s Kingdom lasts 1000 years.


*Subject to change without notice.


The NEXT DAY, Headquarters issued an update inserting more wiggle room with the air-tight “even number” presentation of Part 429. I smell a Part 430 brewing.


Prophecy Update - March 16, 2023

It is now clear that Christ’s Return involves people rising around the world—meaning it is always dawn somewhere on Earth. After delivering Part 429, a series of questions arose that Mr. Pack wishes he would have had time to explore in the message. As usual these days, powerful things come clear right after messages:


The five excuses are not worth publishing.


If these points prove true—and it frankly looks that they will because there are at least two more points for every one on this list—it would simply extend our watch beyond sundown in Jerusalem. After all is said and done, we can now even better understand why we cannot know or think the hour. May God send Christ soon to bring much-needed relief to a suffering world. World conditions will now worsen for yet another day.


After 429 Parts, there is never enough time. The main point of this is to lower expectations for Friday. That is too late for some of us. Our anticipation could not be lower.



At the start of Part 429, BrundleDave made a brief reappearance riffing through alarming headlines about the current financial crisis, readily accepting pessimistic experts as fact.


Part 429 – March 15, 2023

@ 03:06 …and they all say the world economy is gonna collapse. They just can’t exactly agree on whether it will happen quickly or take a little longer.


Everything in life can happen quickly or take a little longer, whether you are dating or ordering a meal. I remember hearing a Dave sermon from 2009 where he decried headlines from the Akron Beacon Journal. President Obama worries do not age well.


Many Worldwide Church of God alumni remember Herbert W. Armstrong thundering about a possible nuclear world war. And he had Basil Wolverton to lend a hand.


This is not to say things are great outside, but not yet on the scale of "biblical proportions." The current financial ripples are not proof that David C. Pack is right. Even if terrorists blow up a building this week, it would not mean RCG’s Angel of Light is legitimate.


Remember that even when disaster strikes. David C. Pack will always be wrong.



@ 03:25 Go to Ezra chapter 3. What a strange place to start what I think is the most important (we'll say) climactic sermon of what has to be (of course, if you’re following time) the end of the Series. Has to be.*


Nobody is following these sermons as closely as I am. In my expert assessment, the Series is far from over. The notes for Part 430 are already being crafted in the Third Floor Executive Imaginarium. If the minister's wives are invited in, perhaps further embarrassment can be avoided. But I doubt it.


@ 04:13 Ezra 3:1This will set up a long cascade of truly fascinating things to consider that’s far beyond our immediately subject.


When Dave discovers one element that calls into question his entire previous creation, he bulldozes the old one and builds a new one on the rubble.


A Sabbath timing change regarding the altar of the Temple shifts everything. He channeled a little Charles Bronson into the explanation.


@ 06:02 So, they not only built it [altar], maybe they built it overnight so that they offer the next day. So, that shot in the head, any idea that you cannot build an altar on the Sabbath.


What an odd thing to say. He manages to make a discussion about God’s altar sound creepy. Dave has a long history of saying bizarre things, but it has been accelerating in the past few weeks.


His morbid preoccupation has been growing. He has been swearing on his own death for weeks. Brethren who leave are committing suicide. Now, a teaching from the Bible is shot in the head. There is something seriously wrong with this man. This is the same man who claims to be an apostle, Elijah the Prophet, and the Seventh Angel. His comments have become increasingly concerning.


@ 06:21 Now, this will be (I truly believe) one of the most fascinating sermons you’ll ever hear.* I’m honored to be able to close the Series with things that are so interesting.


Everything the man says is worth listening to. I cannot help but feel sorry for Mrs. Pack. But she could get out if she wanted to. She has the same choices the brethren do. And they choose to stay. That is sad.



The cat is already out of the bag about the Father coming on March 17, 2023. Dave stated emphatically the First Kingdom of Dave is exactly 35 days. That will need to be revisited after 7:35 PM ET tonight.


The blend of Hebrew dates, Sabbaths, and periods within the kingdoms are confusing. Even when you listen closely and type out what he said. The dates on the calendar help ground the blah-blah-blah.


@ 13:04 …that means the First Kingdom is exactly 35 days.* You’ve got calendars. It has to be 35 days. It’s not a one-week kingdom where they somehow came through to the Day of the Lord. It [the cleansing of the Temple] is a Sabbath on Abib 3 [March 25].


@ 13:35 So, now we know we count back exactly seven days to when the Temple came, which has to be Adar 25 [March 18]. There no arguing with that. This is seven days, period.


Adar 25 is March 18, but a day begins at sunset the night before, and then you subtract six hours to adjust between Jerusalem and New York time zones.


The detailed plan for the Kingdom of Dave was so finely tuned the entire thing will need to be overhauled tomorrow. Hopefully, the Coffee Kid and Pepper Boy did not make plans with their families for this weekend.


Simplicity in Christ is exemplified by Dave’s explanation of the 20-5-20-10 First Kingdom structure.

@ 52:12 Let’s do this simply. Make a column. Put Number 1: 20. 20 right beside it. From the 1335 till the Father arrives—20. Number 2: Put 5. The Short Word to Abib. 20 again. Line 3 would be 20 again. 20 to the Great Tribulation. Line 4 would be 10 to the Day of the Lord.


Reading is even more challenging than hearing him. As with all things Dave, he cannot keep a straight thought together. He changes Number to Line, but this is typical. I learned many years ago not to follow Dave's numbering system when he doles out lists. He always skips, combines, jumps over, and states the number after rather than before. Even when you try to follow, you cannot.


Following Dave is chasing a chicken around a pen. Even when your fingertips touch the feathers, it still escapes you. It is a fool's errand to follow the ravings of David C. Pack. And yet, I am doing just that. ;)


This entire 20-5-20-10 summary is so bad that even Dave had to concede the coherency of his explanation was lacking.


@ 54:00 Now, all of us fully grasping this math (you know, sort of at the last minute) may not be as important to God (maybe, so don’t worry about it if somehow that math was too complicated) this may not be as important to God as getting the record straight per the Mystery of God ending.*


The man cannot finish a single thought uninterrupted. This is the mind God chose to teach His most-vital revelations at the last possible moment? Hard pass on that.



As of sunset tonight, this will all unravel spectacularly, making Dave's victory lap two days ago feel like it was a little premature.


@ 1:24:16 But, a truly great mystery ends that I battled for years (and I will just say to all of you), you recall. It’s over.* And it's the greatest mystery (and in all honesty, brethren, and I've said this before), but this might be the greatest mystery of all. We were never gonna be done with this process until Mr. Pack got this straight.*


These have become more bitter words Dave has to eat alongside his sandwich and salad this afternoon.


@ 1:24:38 And once I saw who goes into the Temple and works, I could equate that, and that led me and was a joy working with Mr. Habboush and Holcombe. We spat out verses that supported this faster than bullets leave a machine gun. 'Cause, it all just went ding-ding-ding-ding-ding-ding-ding. We can go through the Rolodex of the Bible on various subjects, and like I say, you know, we don’t even need a Bible. They just come, you know, spurting out.


If those men slowed down and carefully read their Bibles, maybe some of this could have been avoided.


@ 1:25:09 So, in conclusion, we’ve reached a point where we backed into only the Sabbath that this can be.* People can argue if they want to for other years, but not for a minute beyond the same date. Five days before Abib in the year God chooses. Time is up.* I’m gonna try to be dramatic here. The jury is in, and I promise you world conditions agree.


@ 1:27:25 Elijah’s first coming is over* and so are God’s mysteries…


@ 1:28:22 If nothing happens on Friday morning, you now know there’s nothing else I could possibly tell you.*


@ 1:28:40 If the first time I speak is called prophesying, then it’s over. There's nothing that could be added. So, surely everyone knows now, I will not speak again.*


The hirelings across the street at Headquarters are working on a reworking right this very minute. They are either crafting a revised Pathetic Update and/or preparing notes for Part 430.


As of 7:35 PM ET tonight, the 20-5-20-10 needs to change. The 35-day First Kingdom of Dave needs to change. Which Sabbath it all begins needs to change.


*Everything David C. Pack says is subject to change without notice.

Continuing Church of God African Leader Admits: "There’s a movement now shaking CCOG - Heavy storms striking the people of God"

The great Bwana had this today on his blog hidden away in his members weekly newsletter where he reports the amazing things his so-called "work" is doing. One of his African "evangelists" describes the current "movement shaking" his African churches.

We have long talked about how African Sabbatarian groups regularly church hopped to be with those that gave them the most perks. Well, Bob's personality cult is having this same issue right now! All of the denials he spouted from his world class headquarters has come back to bite him the ass.

Dear Dr Bob Thiel, 
Thanks be to our heavenly father who has kept us safely. He has protected us from many challenges that we are facing on this journey of faith. 
I want to thank God once again for the wonderful revelation he showed me. I think if you can remember I wrote to you that there are waves targeting the church of God. Heavy storms striking the people of God.  And now here they’re at work. There’s a movement now shaking CCOG. Even some people are using my name without my consent. They’re pointing out that CCOG is dead. You know what, the members are not carried away like grains in the sack. 
There are groups going from one congregation to another preaching that CCOG is bad. So as I said, there is need to pray more earnestly than there before. My people are led astray for lack of wisdom. They miss out the seven pillars of eternity proverbs 9:1. Changing from one ministry to another is not a solution. What is needed is to change our behaviors and lifestyles. To walk the Walk as if you are alone. To preach the gospel as you will not be there tomorrow. 
We are all called to be under instructions to become judges and priests in the kingdom of God. 
Whatever is now being reported is just to destroy the work that has been set up. Stand firm on the foundation of God. Let us run to achieve our goal. 
 Will turn to you shortly for more info about that. 
 Thanks you and God bless. 
 Yours fellow disciple of the Christ, 
 Ezekiel Ombaso Oanda.

Bob then does what Bob does best, blame others for his problems. Damn gossipers! Shut up!

Various ones have been spreading gossip, false accusations, and rumors about a couple of CCOG leaders in Africa. In addition to receiving Ezekiel Ombaso Oanda’s email, I also received another unsolicited email of support from one of our deacons in Kenya today.

The Great Bwana then goes on to use an old article by Dibar Apartian on gossip. Then says he will preach a sermon on Saturday concerning the "corruption" in Africa. Of course like any good splinter cult leader in Armstrongism, this apparently was brought about due to a breakdown church governance. 

Be a true witness, not a talebearer, nor one who clings to gossip. The root of bitterness often grows in those who get wrapped up in gossip.

That said, it is my plan to cover aspects of hierarchical governance and allegations of corruption in the sermon I expect to give this upcoming Sabbath.

The bouncing and flouncing will be extreme this week as the denials fly fast and furious.