1335: Day 1—Again
David C. Pack is not having a good week. He is not having a good month. And it has not been a good year for anyone attending The Restored Church of God.
Today is the Sabbath, but it is no day of rest for the Packian Triad of Fraud across the street. Because things are still so “right on time” in Wadsworth, Dave was up early this morning pouring through the Scriptures with his calculator trying to find new simpler math to clarify his latest church-wide embarrassment.
That is a shame considering how catchy 20-5-20-10 was. It just kind of rolls off the tongue. Like Stone-Cold Math. Trumpets Solar System. Tevet 1 Mount Everest Firewall. The Elijahn Period. The First Dominion. The 1335 Days of the Son of Man.
Last night at 7:35 PM ET was the last moment for anything Dave said this week to come true. Unless more wiggle room is granted. Dave’s god has an awful habit of bestowing “it-would-have-been-nice-to-know-that-sooner” knowledge after it matters. Like in a comedy where the inept thief breaks the window and then remembers the key was in his pocket.
At sunset on March 17, 2023, the Father was set to arrive to commission the building of a new altar for the Temple that would be cleansed for seven days so sacrifices could resume next week.
The Bible describes a new altar and a new Temple. Jesus Christ will return. World conditions will worsen. A Man of Sin will rise. Heavenly signs. A great earthquake. The gospel is heralded all over the world. The Famine of the Word. The Two Witnesses. The Father will come to earth. All of these things will happen.
But NONE of it will occur when and how David C. Pack says. That is a statement that will stand forever. Even forever and ever.
The verbal explanation of the 20-5-20-10 will hurt your head. Even the wise struggle to follow Dave’s thinking. The best way to observe him is to broad stroke his latest construct because the nuances are not exquisite. They are excruciating.
A David C. Pack Observer’s Rule of Thumb: Never mind the sequence details. The first calendar date is all that matters. Once that fails, the rest is pointless to retain.
Right at this very moment, the hirelings at Headquarters are hard at work with scissors and glue to make the 20-5-20-10ish Plan right on track. Everything is still fine, brethren.
During “The Greatest Unending Story! (Part 429)” on Wednesday, March 15, 2023, David C. Pack made a significant prophetic adjustment, and it was not when he gave birth to the 20-5-20-10 Plan.
Part 429 – March 15, 2023
@ 51:33 That means that the 1335 came at the end of a Sabbath, one day later than WE thought.
This monumental shift rushed past in a single sentence should concern the members of The Restored Church of God. Maybe they did not catch it. Maybe they did not think through what it meant. Maybe it is not a big deal since Dave did not make it a big deal. He needs the sleepyheads to glaze over those statements and accept all he feeds them when he feeds them.
This website accurately documents what David C. Pack says when, gives an informed analysis with context, and then provides logical implications through critical thinking.
On March 15, David C. Pack changed the start of the 1335 Days of Daniel 12:12
from the morning of February 24 to February 25. But that is only one day. What is so concerning about that?
Try moving your house only one foot. What seems tiny has enormous implications.
@ 51:33 That means that the 1335 came at the end of a Sabbath, one day later than WE thought.
There was no WE in there. Dave had no problem taking all the glory for himself, but now that he is forced to admit an error, the WE Deflection Tool is brought out.
Involves redirecting or “deflecting” blame for one’s own mistake onto someone else in an attempt to preserve one’s own self-image.
If you want to read up on how Covert narcissists deflect, click HERE.
Dave uses plural pronouns as a defense mechanism and third-person perspective language as a manipulation tactic.
Declaring "Elijah will rule the First Kingdom" is less alarming than "I will rule the First Kingdom." But those sentences are saying the same thing.
Declaring "Something WE missed" is less ego-damaging than "Something I missed." But in this case, the first version is a lie, while the second is reality. Jim and Andy are not the ones dreaming up this garbage. These teachings all originate from the warped mind of David C. Pack.
This article could appear nitpicky if not for David C. Pack often blowing the trumpet before himself so that he may have the glory of men.
During Part 423, Dave crowed how PERSONALLY important HIS prophetic discovery was to HIM.
Part 423 – February 25, 2023
@ 39:32 We’ve got this thing called the 1335… It just so happens that was yesterday morning at 10:30. And it became a much bigger and important signal to me, personally, since I was the only one correctly waiting for it…But, I was the only one who knew to wait for that day because I discovered on Tuesday…
Daniel 12:12
is a prophetic biblical event written for one man to understand—David C. Pack. He was the only human being who ever existed to which it was meant.
But he was off by one day.
Part 423 – February 25, 2023
@ 39:32 We’ve got this thing called the 1335… It just so happens that was yesterday morning at 10:30. And it became a much bigger and important signal to me, personally, since I was the only one correctly waiting for it…But, I was the only one who knew to wait for that day…
Part 429 – March 15, 2023
@ 51:33 That means that the 1335 came at the end of a Sabbath, one day later than WE thought.
When you place those quotes next to each other, the “we” loses credibility. He did not sing praises for anyone but himself in Parts 423 and 424. The coded Bible message was for Dave and Dave alone.
But he was off by one day.
David C. Pack misunderstood the personal signal. He was not waiting correctly. This means nobody on earth was waiting correctly. Which means it was not for him. He was just as wrong as the rest of the members of The Restored Church of God. He was not so special after all.
If he was so terribly wrong about this, just think of all the other things he could be wrong about.
Do you see how one glossed-over sentence in Part 429 has a great impact?
Gloss over
try to conceal or disguise something unfavorable by treating it briefly or representing it misleadingly
“Only one day” should matter to everyone in The Restored Church of God.
Deuteronomy 18:22
When a prophet speaks in the name of the LORD, if the thing follow not, nor come to pass, that is the thing which the LORD has not spoken, but the prophet has spoken it presumptuously: you shall not be afraid of him.
The 1335 was meant as a blessing only for David C. Pack. He staked that flag on his personal hill.
God informed David C. Pack that the 1335 was to begin on a specific Sabbath, and only he was privileged to know it, therefore, proving he was God's servant.
But, a servant is supposed to know when he has fulfilled his master’s task.
Part 427 – March 7, 2023
@ 42:15 You [God] would have to be sure Your servant knew that he had fulfilled Your carefully defined charge for him.
@ 42:43 But, You’d have to be sure Your servant knew and knew that he knew and knew that he knew that he knew he was done.
But he was off by one day.
The context of those quotes is about the Series being over. But, the concept of a servant understanding clear instructions applies.
The 1335 timing kicked off Parts 423 and 424, triggering a sequence of prophetic events that needed to occur on specific dates so that other specific prophetic events could be set in motion.
Add the Hebrew word salad for spaces of time, but all of it depended on David C. Pack KNOWING the 1335 starting on a specific day: February 24, 2023. He had to know so Bible prophecy could be fulfilled.
But he was off by one day.
This means David C. Pack was wrong about the timing of the 1335. He was wrong about the intent. He was wrong about the purpose. He was just…wrong.
One interesting fact in "Is 'That Prophet' Alive Today?" author David C. Pack asserts that being “close” is a sign of demonic involvement.
Is “That Prophet” Alive Today?
Close is not good enough. Actually, the chilling truth is that being close means that the man is connected to evil elements in the spirit world!
Page 48
Maybe if David C. Pack was not such a know-it-all narcissistic braggart, his own words would not be so bitter in his mouth and belly whenever he needs to eat them again. His own sermons and literature must be so bitter they give him ulcers instead of peace.
Part 426 – March 4, 2023
@ 42:57 …just the comforting knowledge that I know exactly what God is going to do.
But he was off by one day.
If David C. Pack was not correctly observing the start of the 1335, this calls into question the reliability of his source.
Part 423 – February 25, 2023
@ 41:00 I’ll give you this clue: I’m the only one (and I wouldn’t have unless God showed me) I’m the only one who knew when it was.
Dave’s god is as incompetent as he is. He could not get his servant to understand the correct day. He got it into the book but could not clearly get it into Dave's head, being as thick as it is.
Perhaps invisible prophetic fulfillments do more harm than good. And just maybe, receiving no audible or visible instructions about those prophetic fulfillments is proving to be the least effective way to bring salvation to humanity.
Thankfully for the rest of us, the True God will fulfill prophecy in an unmistakably noticeable way. His true prophets have always received direct, clear instructions in physically perceptible ways. Jeremiah even had words placed into his mouth and heard God tell him so.
Read about Elisabeth and Zacharias in Luke 1 to see how someone moved by the Holy Spirit speaks.
Yet, the members of RCG are left with David “Because I Said So” Pack. Until he changes it again, and then you still need to take his word for it.
Part 423 – February 25, 2023
@ 41:00 I’ll give you this clue: I’m the only one (and I wouldn’t have unless God showed me) I’m the only one who knew when it was.
But he was off by one day.
Part 429 – March 15, 2023
@ 1:25:30 Time is up. I’m gonna try to be dramatic here…The 1335 can only come once.
By his own admission 36 minutes earlier, the 1335 started a day later than WE thought. This means he already believed it came on February 24, but it came again on February 25.
To put it another way, the 1335 already came twice in the past month.
@ 1:25:42 I’m the man who’d be asked to believe it in future years. I never could again.
Dave fully accepted all the previous 1335 on/off switches already covered and will accept the next one without breaking a sweat.
The 1335 started and stopped in 2021 and again in 2022. For 2023 to be the first time requires David C. Pack to be a liar or a sufferer of horrific mental illnesses. The entire Headquarters ministry cannot be the victims of mass amnesia, which means they are even more guilty of biblical fraud.
David C. Pack is either mentally incompetent, or he is a liar.
@ 1:25:49 Wait twenty days believing, "Oh, this year, I could have hope." I would have hope. But, I could never believe it in faith again.
@ 1:26:00 It could only come once and still carry any value. Otherwise, it’s just a hope.
His faith must be a five-dollar whore because she will do whatever you want whenever you want, anywhere you want.
Part 296 – March 17, 2021
@ 05:52 What did it mean that we were blessed when we reached the 1335 days? Which is now 40 days ago tonight, putting us at about 1295…
Part 398 – October 10, 2022
@ 24:24 So, once you know the 1335, you could never know in any future year once you hit it if it were true…It has to apply this year, or it's not a metric…You could hope it was, but you could have no faith that it is in any future year. It only works in the first year of application. After that, hope–yes. Faith–no.
He was wrong in 2021. He was wrong in 2022. He is wrong in 2023.
Part 429 – March 15, 2023
@ 1:27:17 This is my seventh and last message since the 1335 began, almost to the hour.
But he was off by one day.
@ 1:28:22 If nothing happens on Friday morning, you now know there’s nothing else I could possibly tell you.
Nothing happened yesterday morning. A Pathetic Update attempted to manage expectations, but Part 430 is in the hopper. Believe nothing the man says.
The lesson here is to carefully listen to David C. Pack. Do not let a rushed, glossed-over sentence escape without adequately examining it. He exposes who and what he is from his own lips.
The 1335 moved only one day in only one sentence. But in Bible prophecy, that is moving a mountain.
Marc Cebrian
See: 1335: Day 1—Again