The Artful Dodger (Fair Use)
The Christmas Experiment
The Tepid Armstrongist Response to the Challenge of Christmas
By Scout
"Fagin will make something of you, though, or you'll be the first he ever had that turned out unprofitable." The Artful Dodger, From “Oliver Twist”
Armstrongism handles the issue of Christmas paganism poorly. There have been several posts on this blog recently related to Christmas. I contributed one of the posts. And these are the points that concern me:
Point One: “How do Armstrongists deal with the logical issue of the Genetic Fallacy?”
In simple terms, why does a pagan history, now renounced, render modern, unimpeachable practice wrong? Should we then ferret out and abandon everything that is pagan? My Quaker ancestors renounced the names of the days of the week. They went to First Day, Second Day and so forth. So, this issue is not confined to Armstrongists. But none of the responses to the recent posts from people who seem to be Armstrongist, that I have seen, attempt to answer this question. If once pagan means always pagan, does that not besmirch God’s Creation forever?
Point Two: “Armstrongists have no consistent methodology for determining what is pagan.”
You would think they follow this kind of methodology: “If it has any historical pagan associations, we will reject it.” But this would lead them to reject Thanksgiving and wedding rings, for instance. And they do not. This inconsistency leads me to believe that they really follow this principle:
Point Three: “If the Armstrongist leadership says it is pagan then it is pagan. If the Armstrongist leadership says it is not pagan than it is not pagan. And this is in spite of any empirical evidence or logic.”
I would like Armstrongists to respond to the three points above, at length. What we have received so far are parroted sound bites from the Armstrongist pulpit. Does this mean that their pulpit has no answers or does it mean that those people who participate in this conversation have never really understood their denomination’s belief on this? The data is yet inconclusive because responses have been so off target, it is as if they were written by the Artful Dodger.
The recent Christmas posts on this blog could be viewed as an experiment. The line of reasoning probes the phenomenon of why Armstrongists believe what they believe. And I have a hypothesis. The Christmas polemic here indicates that the most important source of truth and understanding for Armstrongists is their denominational authority figures. They lay aside research, science, logic, midrash and exegesis and follow the words of an authority figure. (This takes exception to James Tabor who, I recall, posited that Biblical rationale was the most important factor in belief among churches that exalted the Old Testament.) And what they know about Christmas only goes as far as what the authority figures have said.
I would like to generalize this to all of their beliefs but I think that would be unfounded. Because my hypothesis here, though simple, lacks good, broad empirical data. Moreover, getting at the data is a problem because when I was an Armstrongist, and I was one for decades, I thought I had good, tight arguments in my hip pocket for everything. I was ready to take on a Protestant at a moment’s notice. But this was because my beliefs inside the Armstrongist community were never challenged only reinforced. And I always stayed inside the community. A theologically astute Protestant would have eaten my lunch. I just didn’t know it.
1 – 200 of 206 Newer› Newest»Binding and loosing is some powerful mojo, whether it's in the hands of a Pope or a Pastor General.
Anonymous 6:27
I think your description is apt. As practiced by Armstrongists, it is mojo. It certainly is not Biblical.
Oh, and we laughed at the Jehovah's Witnesses, for obtaining and parotting their "canned" bullet points and proofs at Kingdom Hall!
Walking in someone else's valence destroys one's unique innate characteristics. And for what??? Weren't those things that God gave us and intended for us to use and develop?
The real issue about Xmas is not whether some (presumed) "Armstrongists" think Christmas is pagan. The point is that Xmas really is in fact pagan.
And what makes it pagan? Not because some "Armstrongists" think so. Because it is a RELIGIOUS celebration with origins in non-biblical religions (i.e. paganism). It has numerous links to paganism. It is a mix of paganism and Biblical Christianity (which is basically more paganism, if you really dig into it).
"I would like Armstrongists to respond to the three points above, at length."
I seriously doubt any Armstrongist would visit this site (unless by accident). All you will find here are former Armstrongists. All of whom should know that numerous Xmas religious practices are not biblical.
Respond at length and you waste your time trying to educate somebody who does not want to be educated. If he did he could have found out the facts himself by now. Why reinvent the wheel? We have more important things to do than talking to a brick wall when the information is already out there.
The Bible says God is a jealous God.
The Bible says do not do as the pagan religions do.
Xmas is full of pagan religious things not found in the bible.
The GLARING inconsistency is how some people know these scriptures yet somehow try to claim Xmas is okay for Christians.
The Armstrongist argument that Christmas is pagan is based on a whole lot of faulty reasoning. It can be attacked as a Genetic Fallacy. In logic, it does NOT follow that the origin of a thing makes any contribution to evaluating its merit. I prefer, however, to attack the ACOG narrative on Christmas as an Appeal to Authority (think Hislop and Woodrow), Fallacy of the Single Cause (think Saturnalia, Nimrod, Woden, Roman Catholic Church), Appeal to Motive (think Traditional Christian leaders), Appeal to Emotion (think nostalgia, greed, depression), or Association Fallacy (think evergreens and mistletoe).
I also agree with Scout that Armstrongists and Jehovah's Witnesses don't have any objective standard for evaluating what is and isn't pagan. Armstrongists and JW's also assert the Argument from Repetition (In other words, they've repeated their narrative so much that nobody bothers to challenge them anymore). As for getting these folks to make a substantive reply to Scout's three points, I wouldn't count on it! For those who are truly interested in this topic, I highly recommend the four-part series on Christmas on the "As Bereans Did" blog.
It's January 1st 2025 and you want to bait others into a argument over Christmas...and you call Sabbatarian Christians out of touch....
Maybe you would benefit more from a deep dive to explore the deeper meaning behind your own argumentative nature.
Anonymous 9:07 wrote, "The point is that Xmas really is in fact pagan."
See, this is the point. This is why I am asking these questions. You can't just say something is pagan and expect someone to believe you, unless you are speaking to an audience of the indoctrinated. Sound bites do not carry the day. You have to explain the rationale behind how you arrive at this conclusion.
I wrote this redux of a previous article because I could not believe how many Armstrongists did not respond to the issues but simply did an end run. If you need a starting point, explain why you keep Thanksgiving but not Christmas.
Nobody responded to the question.
Anonymous 9:14 wrote, "Respond at length and you waste your time trying to educate somebody who does not want to be educated."
This is what I would call an artful dodge. This is really what Armstrongists offer - a dodge. You can state your case here for everyone. So I see nothing that bars you from sending us a little Armstrongist Manifesto on Christmas.
By "at length" I mean more than the usual sound bite that Armstrongists deliver to us from their pulpit. We need to see the logic, if only stated breifly.
If you don't we can only assume that you yourself are not convinced of the integrity of your position.
This response fails to consider the implications of Paul's teaching concerning the eating of meat sacrificed to idols. Paul states that the idol and the things associated with it are ‘nothing’. A believer is not polluted by such association, as they have their faith in Christ, not the idol.
A believer in Christ is not made into a pagan by mere association with something as they look to Christ Himself.
But, there is a double fallacy because there’s no actual evidence that there was a festival of “the birth” of “Sol Invictus” on December 25th. It's all just vague guesswork using selected sources..
So, the answer fails to consider what other information is available showing 25 December has non pagan origins, not linked to Saturnalia.
I am not going to repeat it here as it becomes too lengthy. I doubt, however, a Armstrong follower would be willing to read more widely and in an even handed way, so embedded is the belief they are right.
It fails to address the three points of the question, merely repeating Armstrong/Jehovah Witness dogma.
These two organizations always like to claim its a special/one true church by knowing alleged 'truths' lesser 'professing Christians' are unable to understand.
Witnesses carry the pagan origin theory to the cross itself alleging it too is pagan, condemning those who wear a cross as a symbol of faith. I suspect many Armstrong followers would think the same.
Anonymous 9:11 wrote, "I seriously doubt any Armstrongist would visit this site (unless by accident)."
You visited this site and espoused an Armstrongist viewpoint when you wrote, "All of whom should know that numerous Xmas religious practices are not biblical."
I think it is more likely that Armstrongists do not visit this site to engage in discussion because the idea is alien to their praxis. They believe what they are told to believe and never reflect on the exegetical meaning and logic behind what they believe. When somebody challenges them, they don't know what to do except spew sound bites.
Even though I do enjoy your "challenge" posts, I do believe they are structured so that you always win the argument.
"respond and challenge"? " to be responded at length"?
You know full well that most are not going to put forth the kind of effort you demand, and WHEN THEY DO (multi-part man) you complain the response is "too long"! Even on your post on the " Cosmos" you stated in a comment, "I stripped out the scriptural references because I did not want to type them in". Join the club.
I do not know who 914 is referring to (Scout or Armstrongites), but the comment is a valid observation. There's no need to " reinvent the wheel--information is already out there". Look up "Christmas and Paganism" on YouTube. As 907 and 911 point out, it is not just an ARMSTRONG thing!
Also, I have pointed out before that "accepting the words of an authority figure" is commonplace in this world system. We were all forced to adhere to Fauci's 6 foot rule even though he testified before Congress that the idea "just sort of happened" and "wasn't based on scientific data".
What do we know, or can we really know about historic events and origins that happened thousands of years ago? There are often faint clues, theories, histories which were based on conjecture, and incredible spin which was often constructed to support various agendas. Compared to all recorded history, our own nation is relatively new, yet parts of our own history have been repressed, whispered about, but never acknowledged as being official fact, and this repression is, if anything, becoming worse in the present.
Armstrongism, and Armstrongites claimed to have "the truth". This was naive, and readily accepted by the gullible who for various reasons needed to believe it. The only thing we have today is knowledge as to how customs are used in the present time. Humans pick and choose, a practice which frequently distorts reality. Paganism was once a huge philosophy, and its practices dominant and pervasive. It would be very difficult to obliterate all of those practices. After all, the pagans drank water, ate food, and breathed air. Anyone want to stop those things? Well you can't. So we look at good, and bad in "the thing", and "usage of the thing". Even then, you'll never get to that mythical 100%. So, for the present, we look to current usages and predominant effect. Nobody has 100% truth, and acknowledging that is the only way in which life becomes practical instead of cultic and fanatical.
Kinda hard to swallow when I read that Armstrong copied JW watchtower articles. I never wanted to be a JW when I was a kid. Imagine my irritation when I found out I was JW adjacent.
Is celebrating Luke’s account of Jesus’ birth pagan? I do not care if the date is wrong. Pick any day, is celebrating Luke’s account of Jesus’ birth pagan?
What if you celebrated it on a Saturday? Or on an old covenant holy day? Would it be pagan?
Didnt the WCG get some kind of payment for allowing the bleachers for the parade to be placed on church property. Also, I believe the WCG also had concessions permission, like selling programs, ushering, selling film et al.
BP8 7:21
What I am asking for is not rocket science. Any Armstrongist worth his/her salt should be able to tell you in three sentences or so why it is OK to keep Thanksgiving but not OK to keep Christmas. I am not asking for a book; I am asking for a precis. But the precis has to be more than a meaningless sound bite.
And I don't want to know why some one-off congregation somewhere in cultdom does not keep Christmas. I want to know why Armstrongists don't keep Christmas. I don't want to look in an Armstrongist archive because I don't know if modern Armstrongists even follow HWA on this topic.
This is not a big demand. "The lady doth protest too much, methinks".
The bible condemns Baal worship. The Israelites could have worshipped Baal (i.e engaged in the Baal worship practices) and said "what does it matter as long as I know who YHVH is and worship Him and believe in Him and follow Him? Baal is an idol. Baal is nothing. What difference does it make?"
Yeah what does it matter? Well, it mattered to YHVH!
There is a difference between going whole-hog into idol worship and eating meat offered to an idol. Xmas is going whole-hog into idol worship.
If HWA taught his followers that 2 + 2 = 4, some people would call that "Armstrongist" math and reject it on that basis. Then they would call anyone who says 2 + 2 = 4 an "Armstongist" who spews "soundbites" but is not capable of serious discussion. Someone who is not willing to discuss our newfound freedom in Jesus who does not require math to be in the kingdom.
And those who tell the brick wall to go learn math someplace else because they do not have time to teach math to bullheaded people are said to be "dodging" the issue.
News Flash: There are no "Armstrongists" on this site. Only former Armstrongists. Get it? So asking an "Armstrongist" to come forward and explain something is fishing in a pond where there are no fish and then claiming you won the argument because no fish came forward and refuted you to your satisfaction (all while being a bullheaded brick wall who ignores what was already said as if it was never said).
Does this "Scout" guy want to know if Xmas is pagan or does he want to know if Armstrongism can prove that Xmas is pagan? There is a difference.
Is celebrating Luke’s account of Jesus’ birth pagan? I do not care if the date is wrong. Pick any day, is celebrating Luke’s account of Jesus’ birth pagan?
If you celebrate Luke's account of Jesus' birth on a date that is patently impossible to be His birthday, you aren't honoring Jesus or Luke or God the Father.
When you read Luke carefully, it becomes clear that Christ was born sometime around the Fall Holy Days. Scripture doesn't say which, and because of that most ACOG people don't invent a day. Many say that the only birthday celebrations recorded in Scripture are of people who came to bad ends, which should warn us against doing the same.
But there are a few, mostly in groups descending from Garner Ted, who at some time during the Fall Holy Days make a point of remembering Christ's birth with gratitude. No trees, no presents, no Santa, just honoring and thanking God. If you are going to honor Christ's birth, that would be the way to do so.
Anonymous 4:27
If that is your standard you should not be keeping Thanksgiving and you
and your spouse should discard your wedding rings.
Anonymous 4:29
Going into Thanksgiving is also going whole-hog into idol worship. So is the wearing of wedding rings. You have set a standarad that requires that but you do not follow your standard.
Paul said you can eat meat offered to an idol. Did he say you can worship an idol? Did he say make a statue of Zeus or Satan and worship it? Did he say do whatever the pagans do?
The Bible set the standard, not me. What makes you think I do not follow it? Why do you care what I do? Your problem is to keep the Bible standard, if you are a Christian. What I do or fail to do does not exonerate you.
What is the basis for claiming that Thanksgiving is whole-hog idol worship? Or is that just a soundbite? Show us the proof. Don't be an artful dodger. Show us how pagan it really is and why it is so pagan. Show us that it has as many pagan religious trappings as Xmas. If you can show that, you can show that Christians should not keep Thanks giving.
Anonymous 7:52 wrote, "What is the basis for claiming that Thanksgiving is whole-hog idol worship? Or is that just a soundbite? Show us the proof."
I am a little ahead of you. This is the intro from an article that was posted on this blog on December 19th. You might want to find it and read the whole thing.
"The Armstrongist view on Christmas is really about self-righteousness. It is not about whether there is a pagan taint to some popular observation. Armstrongists, for instance, have never examined Thanksgiving. One could make a superficially plausible argument that Thanksgiving is contaminated by paganism. The Native Americans who met with the pilgrims were throughgoing pagans. By Armstrongist standards, so were the pilgrims. The pilgrims believed in the Trinity. In addition, Thanksgiving is rooted in sin. Armstrongists used to believe, and maybe still do, that Native Americans were Canaanites. And Israel was not supposed to make treaties with Canaanites but was supposed to exterminate them. So, the first Thanksgiving celebration was a sinful rebellion against God. So, we have two rebellious, pagan peoples inaugurating an observance in early America that Armstrongists everywhere now cheerfully celebrate. "
The ACOGs have regularly put out articles just prior to Xmas pointing out its pagan origin in reasonable detail. So I don't believe it's jus an argument from authority as this article claims. I also don't believe it will exist after Christ's return. Wedding rings are pagan? Not all traditions are wrong just because some pagans somewhere did it in the past.
Decending from Garner Ted Anon 5:35? Ha ha ! Would have been better to get your facts correct first.
Nothing to do with GTA.
Ronald Dart in the 90s after setting up Christian Educational Ministries became concerned over learning through the CEM children projects that lots of the children had bare to no knowledge of the gospel accounts of Jesus's birth, and humble beginnings. The scriptures relating to the nativity of Jesus had been for decades completely ignored, especially amongst the home schooled American children.
His and the CEM boards attempted to correct this, by including Jesus's birth into the Feast of Tabernacles. They also included a entire 'Youth day' into the feast to encourage younger generations to worship God. These ideas received criticism from other COG groups and Ron Dart took criticism for 'doing xmas at the feast'. But it was nothing to do with GTA.
Anonymous 11:04 wrote, "Not all traditions are wrong just because some pagans somewhere did it in the past."
This priniple you have applied to wedding rings can be applied to Christmast. This is what I am writing about. Armstrongists do not have a methodology for determing what holidays are acceptable and which are not. Someone in their leadership made an arbitrary decision in the past and that is what they follow.
The articles published by the COGs on Christmas just contain bogus arguments that are selectively applied. Whether or not there is an article is not a criterion for anything. It is the authority behind the COG praxis and the authority behind any articles.
COGs and Christmas
Let me tell you what I think the Rejection of Christmas is to the COGs. It is a denominational distinctive. It is not predicated on theology. It is an element of praxis that has no consistent implementing methodology concerning past paganism associated with it. It is, rather, an arbitrary element of praxis that is sustained by the authority of those who assert it.
Some of my relatives did not continue, in years long past, in the Society of Friends. They migrated to a church that did not believe in using musical instruments in its services and it did not believe in dancing. Because there was no evidence of the use of musical instruments in worship in the NT and dancing was just lewd. That church also, back in those days, was not supportive of Christmas. My grandmother had qualms about Christmas. After looking at the etiology of these beliefs, I believe that the stance of that church on Christmas was the same as their stance on music and dancing. It was about being distinct from other people and by implication better than other people. The theology was dubious but the desire for distinctiveness was strong.
I have no trouble with denominational distinctives as long as they do not pivot on heresy. If COGs wish to eschew Christmas as a denominational policy, that would be fine with me. But if COGs assert that observing Christmas is evil and everyone must eschew it, that is a different story. They have moved from the simplicity and privacy of denominational distinctiveness into the Christian Doctrine of Soteriology. Unfortunately, I believe Armstrongists have done this.
If you trash a huge group of people as being "falsely so-called", logic dictates that you would also need to substantiate that by citing their error, or wrong customs, assuming that you would want your accusations to carry weight.
Before the WCG time and date stamp expired, it was extremely difficult to do the research which would form the basis for a second opinion on HWA's blatant name calling. Most people read what he presented, said to themselves "Oh, I didn't know that!" and either left it at that, or got baptized and then went about searching additional information to support HWA's conclusions. They might have used Hislop to confirm (an HWA-approved resource).
These days, information is available to anyone who can click a mouse, and there is a treasure trove of Christian history, and Christian thinking going back to the first centuries of the so-called common era. Many things which HWA taught are easily dispelled or disproven. And these things have been presented over and over and over again right here and on other blogs which have since passed into antiquity. People who were taught not to second source "God's Apostle" reject any materials written by Sunday-keeping Christians after seeing the first few sentences which counter what HWA taught them. And this is after numerous failures, not the least of which was 1975!
We've recently seen other examples of beliefs which are easily debunked being shamelessly repeated even though the people spouting them are barely literate fools who have allowed their gurus to make a mess of their lives. There is no hope for the willfully ignorant. Some eventually get shaken by a catastrophic life-changing event, but most end up dying in their misbeliefs, and actually lauding one another for so-doing.
Suppose we accept Scout's view of Thanksgiving. That would prove that Thanksgiving is not Biblical. So is Scout going to give up Thanksgiving and follow the Bible more closely now? Or does he just want to bash Armstrongism? He wants to find inconsistency in other religions, not in his own.
If it is okay for a Christian to keep Xmas, why not keep Ramadan also? Why not worship elephants like the Hindus do?
If "Christians" can keep Xmas, which is clearly pagan, what is their argument for not explicitly worshiping Satan? The Bible regards all paganism as Satan worship. Having crossed that line with Xmas keeping (or even keeping thanksgiving if thanksgiving is pagan), where do the stop and why?
"One could make a superficially plausible argument that Thanksgiving is contaminated by paganism."
It sounds like Scout is not convinced by his own argument that Thanksgiving is pagan.
Honestly, one thing I think we can all agree on is that we all know churchgoers who won't put their money where their mouths are. If they decided to adopt the intents of Ramadan, it'd probably be a good thing.
Scout 258 asks,
Why do Armstrongites not keep Christmas and is it ok to keep Thanksgiving but not ok to keep Christmas?
I'm too far removed from Armstrongism to even remember why they did and didn't do a lot of things. I no longer have any of their literature. But I do know that most of the Christian YouTube podcasters are not "one off congregations somewhere in cultdom", but are well known names in the circle of modern Christianity, and they have no problem pointing out paganism as they see it, even though they continue to observe the day making Jesus the reason.
I myself take part in both cultural Thanksgiving and cultural Christmas but without the dominating blatant commercialism. I enjoy the physical things, the family, the food, the sports, and might even give a couple of bucks to the grandkids, but there is no pretense that it has anything at all to do with Jesus Christ! I don't need either of those 2 days to give thanks or honor Him.
To answer the Christmas, Thanksgiving enigma from a " Christianity " point of view, one only has to look at how Romans 14:5-6 is defined in religious circles. It's a matter of Christian liberty! If I want to keep one, both, or neither, it's my decision. We shall all stand or fall before the Master.
9:43 and 10:00 - The premise of this post is that Christmas is NOT pagan! The historical research behind the paganism narrative was deeply flawed and originated in the Anti-Catholic climate of the Protestant Reformation. The PLAIN TRUTH is that Christmas is a Christian invention based on the two canonical Gospel accounts of Christ's birth! Indeed, the majority of our current traditions relative to that holiday are the product of the last two hundred years. Once again, look at the actual history of Christmas.
I have a question for those who debunked Armstrongism and turned to conventional Christianity. Why stop there? Why not keep going? Why not keep researching? Why escape the trap of Armstrongism only to remain trapped in Christianity? Why not debunk Christianity? Then all religion and escape the religion trap entirely? Then all ideologies and escape the trap of ideological thinking? Then all worldviews and escape the trap of fixed paradigms entirely?
Christmas is a Christian invention based on the two canonical Gospel accounts of Christ's birth!
People can come with numerous NON-BIBLICAL traditions and beliefs that purport to be "based on" scripture. That does not make them Christian. And it does not make them biblical. Just like Herbert and his doctrines about makeup and birthdays were "based on" scripture.
If they started keeping the Ramadan festival itself in the same way that Muslims so, would they still be Christians?
Mr Jones, you need to dig deeper into the historical roots of Xmas. Xmas has its roots in paganism, and began long before the Protestants came along, and even before Christ was purported to have been born.
Let's start at the logical beginning. Why is Xmas kept three days after the Winter solstice? The timing of Xmas is definitely pagan.
Further, like all religions, paganism evolves. So adding new trappings to a fundamentally pagan religion does not make it a Christian religion.
Further, Xmas is a mixture of "Christian" and pagan practices. The "Christian" way to keep Xmas, if there were one, would be to eliminate all the pagan parts of it. The first thing they would need to do is to move the date to get it away from the Winter Solstice.
Excellent thought process. You throw away one set of crutches and replace it with another.
Anonymous Thursday, January 2, 2025 at 12:13:00 PM PST,
I can only speak for myself, but I suspect that some of the other folks who have debunked Armstrongism might relate to some of my answers to your questions. Having emerged from the mental straitjacket that was Armstrongism, I continue to question and research (and suspect that I will continue those pursuits until I am no longer able to do so). Now, although I embrace my brothers and sisters who share my belief in (and acceptance of) Jesus of Nazareth as our Savior, I am NOT a part of ANY organized group or denomination (although I do fellowship with various groups from time to time). Moreover, although I believe in a general "conventional" or "traditional" Christian orthodoxy, I have also debunked several of the beliefs/teachings/dogmas of the groups which fit under those monikers.
I am NOT a fan of manmade/human organized religion, and I do NOT subscribe to the notion of biblical inerrancy. I consider myself to be an independent thinker, and I believe that individual conscience must be the only test of any belief system or moral code. I believe that Christians do NOT possess perfect understanding or truth in the present (I include myself), and that God intended for us to GROW in grace, knowledge, love, and unity. In other words, I believe that we were meant to keep questioning - to keep seeking to understand - to continue to learn, until we draw our last breath or become cognitively impaired. Finally, I am a strong believer in logic and am very aware of the false dilemma - two-dimensional or black and white thinking distort our perspective and lead to flawed conclusions/answers.
Mr. Anonymous @ 4:06,
Although my own research and posting on the subject is extensive, I would like to suggest the four-part series by xHWA on the "As Bereans Did" blog for a more in-depth look at the history of Christmas.
My viewpoints to some of the issues raised:
” So is Scout going to give up Thanksgiving and follow the Bible more closely now?”
I am going to give up neither Thanksgiving nor Christmas. I believe that both have been retreaded and are now perfectly good Christian holidays. Their pagan histories are past and have now become irrelevant. I think the Genetic fallacy is a valid evaluation of what Armstrongists think. I also have a wedding ring.
“If "Christians" can keep Xmas, which is clearly pagan, what is their argument for not explicitly worshiping Satan? “
Christmas is not “clearly” pagan. I wish you could get the picture. It draws from pagan sources from long ago but in its modern incarnation it is Christian. Nobody is doing animism when they observe Christmas any more. The ancient Canaanites had a Feast of Ingathering that occurred just after the grape harvest in Autumn. Should we cancel the Feast of Tabernacles because it is clearly pagan?
“It sounds like Scout is not convinced by his own argument that Thanksgiving is pagan.”
I stated that one could make a superficially plausible argument that Thanksgiving is contaminated by paganism. I stated it that way because I regard the “superficially plausible argument” to be the Genetic Fallacy that Armstrongists follow. I just didn’t expand. Didn’t think anyone was reading what I wrote. I personally do not believe the modern Thanksgiving as observed by Christians is in any way contaminated by paganism.
If we regarded everything that has some human-generated pagan association, including snowy landscapes, eggnog and December 25th, even though Christians have re-modeled it, how do we ever free God’s creation from contamination? The contamination is in the human heart. Jesus said, “Do you not see that whatever goes into the mouth (including eggnog) enters the stomach and goes out into the sewer? But what comes out of the mouth proceeds from the heart, and this is what defiles.”
Further, would I get an Asherah pole, if it were a phallic symbol (there is some doubt that it was), and put it up in the backyard and make it the centerpiece for some celebration? No. This is unrecoverable to Christianity. This does require some common sense.
Miller wrote, "I believe that Christians do NOT possess perfect understanding or truth in the present (I include myself), and that God intended for us to GROW in grace, knowledge, love, and unity."
I very much believe in this progressive development of the individual under the direction of God. Gregory of Nyssa referred to it as Epektasis and based it on scripture. In the past, I have been alarmed that there are Armstrongists who claim to have a handy understanding of God. One Armstrongist asserted to me that if you didn't have a full and present understanding of God, how is Christianity worth anything. But one does see why they would draw this conclusion. They expect to be God-as-God-is-God, so if they are to become pretty much equal to God, they must have a comprehensive knowledge of him. The hubris in this view is smothering.
I can’t understand Armstrongites, especially at Christmas.
The Armstrongites claim that the celebration of the birth of Jesus is not biblical, despite the Angels rejoicing over the blessed event in Luke 2:113-14:
Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying,
“Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.”
Do the Armstrongites believe the heavenly host were pagans? Why are we who follow the example of rejoicing, like the heavenly host, branded as pagan?
Then, Armstrongites have their long list, they’ve checked it twice, of all the customs and objects associated with Christmas that they declare to be pagan.
Armstrongites lack the wisdom to understand that although Christmas is a religious celebration for Christians, it’s also a cultural holiday for many, including people of various religions and no religion. Many of the supposed items on the Armstrongite pagan list have no place in the Christian celebration of Christmas, such as Santa Clause and all the materialism. Even if a Christian indulges in Christmas shopping and gives a nod to Santa, those customs are not a part of that Christian’s religious celebration. One would think that the “true church” would be able to differentiate cultural features of Christmas from the religious celebration of the birth of Jesus.
If we were to concede (which I do not) that Christmas trees, wreaths, ornaments, and whatever else is on the Armstrongite list of pagan symbols really are pagan – these symbols are not objects of worship or used in an act of worship.
One of the churches I went to this Christmas had a Christmas tree on the altar. The tree was decorated with ornaments that commemorated Jesus, such as lambs, crosses, and stars. Even with the prominent location of the tree, that tree was not worshipped or even mentioned during the religious celebration.
Armstrongites would cite the mere presence of the tree on the altar as proof that decoration was a part of the worship. Yet, Armstrongites are comfortable with the weird Masonic symbols in the halls they like to rent for their religious services. However, the Armstrongite logic applied to the “pagan tree” should logically also state that the Masonic symbols are therefore part of Armstrongite worship.
The Armstrongites cannot entertain any Christian explanation of the use of December 25 as the date believed to be the birth of Jesus because Armstrongites have found sources that state that date was used to celebrate the Winter Solstice and the birth of the sun god; therefore, December 25 is pagan evil.
However, when the Sabbath falls on December 25, the Armstrongites feel free to worship on that date, in the presence of the Masonic symbols – and they believe they are honoring God. Magically, December 25 is not pagan, only for Armstrongites, if it falls on a Saturday.
At Christmas, Armstrongites especially bash the “false Christians” with assertions that only they, the “true church” keep the commandments of Jesus. The Christmas Eve sermon, in that church that had the tree on the altar, covered the birth of Jesus and the new command that Jesus gave (John 13).
I have never seen the Armstrongites expound on the new commandment that Jesus gave. I have heard an Armstrongite disagree with Jesus’ statement that he gave a new commandment.
I’ve encountered many Armstrongite booklets, articles, and sermons about the Old Covenant Ten Commandments – those commandments that were forever, drastically changed by Jesus – even though Armstrongites insist that not one jot or tittle has been changed from the law – I guess that must also be another Armstrongite denial that Jesus gave a new command.
Armstrongism in not very logical, or biblical …. they don’t seem to be too happy with Jesus entering the world and changing and adding to their beloved law. But, Armstrongites are totally cool with how their Herbie concocted his own proprietary blend of the law.
In the Holy Bible, in Leviticus 23:1-44, God listed his Sabbaths and festivals for his followers to remember and observe.
Jesus observed these Sabbaths and festivals in New Testament times.
People, including supposedly religious types (even professing “Christians”), seem to want nothing to do with God's Sabbaths and festivals, but go on to make up endless traditions and festivals of their own to remember and observe.
"Christmas is a Christian invention ... "
If it was not invented by Jesus, can it still be a Christian invention? If his followers add to his religion, are they still his followers, and is it still his religion?
You shall not add to or diminish from My commands - Deut 12:32, as in Lev 23. Xmas is not in Lev 23.
"If it was not invented by Jesus, can it still be a Christian invention? If his followers add to his religion, are they still his followers, and is it still his religion?"
Like Herbie substituting hotels for booths? Like the apostles creating the office of deacon to help with service for fellowship? Like Herbie inventing the worship service format still used by most of the ACOGs?
Mixing Christianity with Islam is already a thing. In church street vernacular, it is called Chrislam. And no, Wade "Electrolux" Cox did not start it. He sure has embraced it though!
Those funny distinctively "East Side London" ears that stick out instead of lying more or less flat along the head!! What would a proper artful dodger be without them! That may be why the first Brit rock stars ditched their Teddy Boy ducktails and let their hair grow out to cover their ears.
Let me state something as clearly as possible.
Christmas has vestigial pagan connections – mostly in symbolism. The same can be said about Thanksgiving and other manners and customs of modern society that Armstrongists do observe. None of these connections define present day observation of Christmas. Nobody pours a glass of wine on a Yule log and then burns the log in dedication to Odin. When was the last time you saw this at a church service? Never. If you brought this up, Christians wouldn’t even know what you are talking about.
None of these pagan-rooted observations, manners and customs, some of which Armstrongists observe, are prescribed in the OT. You cannot find Thanksgiving in the book of Leviticus. Nor can you find the Fourth of July in Leviticus. You can’t find staying in a motel at the Feast in Leviticus. In fact, the Torah specifically requires that you stay in a brush arbor.
So, someone gives us a sound bite they heard from their pulpit: “It’s not in Leviticus.” So, what does that mean? What is the rationale? How does that impact Christianity? We know how it affects apocalyptic Millerites but that is not germane to the Biblical discussion. That is a denominational issue. How does the denominational issue get promoted to a requirement for salvation?
What has Herbie got to do with it? You are just ignoring the question because you don't like Herbie. Neither does anyone else on this site. Strawman argument.
(shrug) If a group of Christians decided to institute a month long fast for devotions sake and they do this "as to the Lord", then sure, why not? I dont give a damn.
People on here keep bashing Armstrong to justify keeping Xmas. What Armstrong did is irrelevant. He was a fraud who raped his own daughter. That does not justify keeping Xmas. Nothing Armstrong did or said has anything to do with it one way or the other. You can bash Armstrongists all you want. That has nothing to do with whether you should keep Xmas. The argument that Herbert was wrong about this or that is frankly stupid. It is completely irrelevant.
According to the Bible, all non-biblical practices are Satan worship. Modern Christianity is NOT a Biblical religion. They abandoned the Bible long ago, mixing it with paganism. They try to mix worshiping Satan with worshiping Jesus. Only a false Jesus would accept that.
Xmas is not in Lev. Or ANYWHERE in the Bible. Ordaining deacons is.
Xmas has only "vestigial" pagan connections. Yeah right. Nobody keeps it on Dec 25 anymore? Why is it kept on Dec 25? Why don't Christians get rid of all the "vestigial" pagan connections. What would be left?
It's not in Leviticus (or anywhere in the Bible). How does that impact Christianity?
Well it does not impact modern "Christianity" because modern Christianity does not care much about the Bible anyway.
Like I said before, it is a waste of time arguing with a brick wall who only wants to justify what he wants to do. Total waste of time.
It is useless to point out that Xmas is pagan to somebody who refuses to examine the evidence that Xmas is pagan and simply assumes the only evidence comes from Armstrongism.
So true, Scout! Most Christians would be deeply hurt by any implications that their faith and very sincere worship activities had anything to do with anything other than Jesus Christ, their Messiah, their Savior, their everything.
HWA deeply hurt his former brethren at COG7 by labeling them as "Sardis".
All things considered, HWA was the "shock jock" of religion. He preached the law in ways that caused his followers to generate consistently bad karma. Had his style been a little different, perhaps he would have drawn many more people into what he called "God's True Church."
As Scout has clarified his position, I wish to state my own position on this issue as clearly as possible. If we consider the use of Holly, evergreen boughs, and Yule logs to be vestigial elements of paganism, that suggests that ANYTHING that was ever employed by the pagans in their rituals or observances is tainted by paganism! I do NOT subscribe to that view.
The Brumalia and Saturnalia were NOT associated with December 25th, and there is good reason to believe that a festival associated with Sol Invictus was instituted as a reaction to Christians associating that day with Christ's birth (NOT the other way around). Moreover, its association with Mithras came even later. The Emperor Aurelian did dedicate a temple to the sun on December 25th in 274 A.D. Hence, it is clear that the canonical Gospel accounts of Christ's nativity were in circulation almost two hundred years before the Romans incorporated this date into their sun worship, and many more years before it was associated with Mithras.
Although Christians began celebrating Christ's birthday in the Second Century, the December 25th date was not widely accepted until the Fourth Century. Indeed, the earliest designation of it on a calendar was also the earliest designation for it being designated as the birthday of Sol Invictus!
Our modern celebration of Christmas is directly attributable to a legend surrounding a Christian bishop of the Fourth Century, Saint Nicholas. The Christmas tree was borrowed from a German tradition which appears to have arisen in the 16th Century and was transferred to England in the 19th Century. Our current imagery associated with Santa Claus, sleighs, and reindeer can be traced to writings and drawings of the 19th Century. And, of course, most of our music, stories, art, and films arose in the 20th Century!
Is Christmas a Christian invention? NO!
The celebration of the birth of Jesus predates Christianity!
The celebration of Christmas was ordained by God, at the foundation of the world and celebrated by the Heavenly Host, as stated in St. Luke 2:8-14.
Christians are free to celebrate the birth of Jesus, as did the Heavenly Host, as it honors God and his plan for humanity.
Any attempt to condemn as pagan, or worshipping Satan, what God has ordained, is heresy.
The poor Armstrongites are so thoroughly deceived and loyal to their Herbie, that they wholly tune out Holy Scripture, in favor of the instruction of this man who has hundreds of failed predictions on his long record. Very sad!
Hello 10:19:07: Hoping you can provide a yes or no answer - and then elaborate as much as you'd like - do you see the celebration of the birth of Jesus in Luke 2:8-14?
Every year at Christmas, I ask an LCG member the same question. He will not answer the question directly. It would be appreciated if you would give a yes or no answer and if you choose to elaborate, please stick to the text.
If you feel up to answering another question, I would really like to know if you celebrate the festivals in Leviticus in the exact same manor that they are prescribed in the Bible.
The LCG associate I mentioned has at least acknowledged to me that he does not engage in an animal sacrifices in his festival observances. However, he will not acknowledge that forgoing those sacrifices represents a huge change in the law. Perhaps you'd also like to comment on what changes in the Old Covenant law are sanctioned by God.
It appears from several posts above that some people really believe that they are keeping the Torah as given to Israelites and to us in the Old Testament. If you are one of those people, have you ever read through the Bible - and stopped at each law - and asked yourself if you are keeping that law, as presented in the Bible?
Thank you.
" In fact, the Torah specifically requires that you stay in a brush arbor."
God instructs (to accommodate those who don't like the word "commands") 3 festivals (Hebrew chags) - Ex 23:14-16. Lev 23 seemingly instructs more but "festivals" is a mistranslation in Lev 23:2, should be "fixed (or appointed or set) times" as in the Tanakh for the Hebrew word "moed". These times include both feasts/chags and sabbaths.
So is Hanukkah not to be observed b/c it's not in Lev? No, it can be observed, is not God's festival or command. The Jews can and have observances based on some events in their history, such as "fasts" in Zech 8:19. These fasts will become feasts, Hebrew moed or moedim, set or fixed times in the future.
Yeah, 4th of July, Thanksgiving, are not in Lev. Are they wrong? Not unless they become like idols of worship or somehow become Biblical in some way or manner, like Xmas.
The artful dodger is the one who brushes aside the paganism in Xmas by pretending there is only a little bit of it and that it does not matter anyway.
The artful dodger is the one who dodges the effort of seriously investigating the origins of Xmas.
The artful dodger is the one who acts like proving HWA wrong about Xmas dismisses the other numerous sources of evidence that Xmas is pagan.
The artful dodger accuses other of dodging the issue when in fact all the main points have been succinctly addressed already (but he has dodged them by either ignoring them or demanding more details, which he could easily dig up himself if he actually wanted to).
Whether or not people get their feelings hurt by some criticism has nothing to do with whether the criticism is valid or not. If the truth (if that's what is) hurts, then there is something wrong with the mindset of person who got offended by it.
Why would the Romans copy anything important from the Christians during a time when Christianity was generally despised and probably being persecuted?
Going back to the OP, interesting that at least some Quakers disdained the use of the names of the days of the week. I had always wondered why more uptight Christians continued to use those names when they're linked with old Saxon gods (Tiw, Woden, Thor, Frigg) and a Roman god (Saturn) in the English-speaking world. PAAAAAAGAN!
Anyone who thinks there are only a few connections between Xmas and winter solstice worship (which predates Jesus by at least a few hundred years) has not looked into it very deeply. They are probably getting their information from "Christian" sources who do not want to admit what is really going on.
Modern Christmas trees probably originated in Germany, during the Renaissance. The lighting of candles on evergreen trees in order to celebrate Christmas is sometimes traced back to the Protestant reformer Martin Luther. However, the Christmas tree has much more ancient predecessors.
The Romans used to hang small metal ornaments on trees outside their home during Saturnalia. Each ornament had some kind of association with a god or even the family’s patron saint. The Roman poet Catallus, in his poem Marriage of Peleus and Thetis, spoke of the gods decorating the home of Peleus with evergreen trees like laurel and cypress. Evergreen trees and wreaths and garlands made of them were significant to the Egyptians, Hebrews, and Chinese. They represented eternal life.
For the early Germanic tribes, decorating trees with fruits and candles in honor of Odin was a common practice. Trees were very important in Norse mythology because of Yggdrasil. The Vikings and Saxons worshiped trees. Early Germanic folktales about Saint Boniface and Donar’s Oak talk of how an evergreen tree grew in the place of the felled oak. The triangular shape was supposed to be reminiscent of the Trinity and an indication to look toward heaven. Thus, we can conclude that the Christmas tradition of setting up a tree is rooted in ancient pagan beliefs.
The celebration of the birthday of Mithras, the sun god of the Persians whose mystery religion was popular among soldiers in the Roman army, was also celebrated on 25 December.
Mithras was often perceived as a rival to Jesus Christ, and Christians took advantage of the popularity of the 25 December date to celebrate the birth of their own influential religious figure.
Miller Jones is not digging back in time far enough.
Anonymous 3:42 wrote, “The artful dodger is the one who brushes aside the paganism in Xmas by pretending there is only a little bit of it and that it does not matter anyway.”
If you haven’t been following this thread, the “artful dodger” in this quote is intended to reference me. It is a useful example of how irony emerges repeatedly when debating this issue with Armstrongists. Notice that the description is really of Armstrongism itself. Armstrongists are the ones who brush aside paganism. More accurately, they are selective in what they designate as pagan.
Discussing the logic, theology and theory behind this topic with Armstrongists only leads them to respond with the repetition of some cherished sound bites over and over again. Like a song that is all chorus. So let us turn to praxis.
If Armstrongists were really concerned about what is pagan and what is not, they would have built an organizational infrastructure for dealing with the issue. There would be a "committee of the righteous" at their respective HQs that would be devoted for identifying and condemning discovered paganism in our society. They would consider all manner of customs, manners and artifacts. They would develop an extensive manual, as voluminous as the Oxford Dictionary of the English Language, filled with their analysis and their judgments on what is pagan and what is not. They would consider such questions as whether or not COG women can buy stuff in Pre-Christmas and Post-Christmas sales (It is a foregone conclusion that they cannot. The taint of pagan association is obvious). Or maybe some of the COG superstitions. I knew some WCG members who decided that a statue done in black stone in Ponca City of an Indian Chief was actually a statute of Nimrod. The committee of the righteous could do the research necessary to arrive at a decision as to whether this was true. Then they could establish their own version of canon law to control the behavior of the membership.
But you don’t find this kind of infrastructure among Armstrongists. Instead, you find lukewarm interest in this topic. They target a few things like Christmas, Easter and Halloween but let the rest of the paganism, like Thanksgivinig, sail on by. They brush aside paganism. The absence of praxis is the absence of a dedicated heart.
Are all those "Christian" sources?
You are still obsessed with Armstrongism and finding fault with it. Who cares about such a tiny group? And why bash them over something where they are more correct than you are (despite their faults and inconsistencies)? Bashing them does not make your paganism justified. A much bigger issue is why the billions of "Christians" in the world (like you) keep numerous pagan RELIGIOUS practices like Xmas, Easter, and Sunday and don't seem to care that the Bible has always condemned that.
They target a few things like Christmas, Easter and Halloween but let the rest of the paganism, like Thanksgivinig, sail on by.
Well, Xmas and Easter are the BIG ones! That's when the churches are most full.
And are you now saying that Thanksgiving is pagan? You seem to be flip-flopping on that issue.
If Armstrongists developed an "extensive manual" as Scout suggests, they would be condemned for being "Pharasees" and going to extremes.
9:58 You really need to clean your record player as you say the same boring crap all the time: "You are still obsessed with Armstrongism and finding fault with it. Who cares about such a tiny group?" Yet here you are, flapping your pie hole bitching like a little 4th grader. If no one cared, then why is this one post already hitting more than 90 responses? Plus, if no one cared, then why does the counter on this blog state that in a couple of months, it will hit 14 million hits? You are just upset because no one cares what you think. Is this you, Bob Thiel?
Hits mean almost nothing. Learn something about the Web. How many people actually read the stuff on here? Not that many. It's the same people over and over.
11:12. Nice try but you did not address the issues. Grow up.
Appeals to the canon to are irrelevant because there is no reason to think that the accepted canon is the correct one. There are plenty of gospels besides the four accepted ones, and the four accepted ones contain plenty of stories borrowed from the pagans and "Christianized" by applying them to Jesus.
People who cannot defend conventional Christianity often resort to ad homenin attacks like labeling their opponents Armstrongites, often Bob Theil, since they hate Bob Theil. It's infantile.
Some Responses
Before I go on, we still have people who are proving that Christmas has pagan connections and then believing they are done with this issue. Let me re-word it. If a holiday has ancient pagan connections BUT the holiday is now used in a Christian way, why should anyone care about the ancient pagan connections? Christmas may or may not have ancient pagan connections. I have felt no need to look into that thoroughly. Because I don’t care if it has ancient pagan connections just like Armstrongists don’t care if Thanksgiving has ancient pagan connections, apparently. So, if you prove Christmas is pagan and then think you’re done, you are missing the boat completely. Get a clue.
“You are still obsessed with Armstrongism and finding fault with it.”
I am writing my experience. I imagine I could find fault with Methodism but I have never been a Methodist. Plus, I have personal connections within the Armstrongist community. Rather than analyzing me, you should try to answer some of the questions I have posed.
And are you now saying that Thanksgiving is pagan? You seem to be flip-flopping on that issue.
Yes. I believe Thanksgiving is “pagan” in the same sense Christmas is. It was pagan at this origins but has now been subsumed in the practice of the Christian Church. I am happy to observe both Christmas and Thanksgiving in their new meaning. Sometimes I write from the viewpoint of Armstrongists as a thought experiment. I try to make clear what I am doing. Sometimes it doesn’t work.
I think part of the problem is that Armstrongists are so steeped in the indoctrination that anything that ever in its history had pagan associations, is still pagan. This denies the fact that paganism is something generated in the hearts of men but is, rather, a kind of “chemical” that binds to something and contaminates it forever. It is giving to paganism much more power than it deserves or really has. Even more power than God. How will God ever cleanse the Cosmos from drinking eggnog on December 25th, either in action or ideology, if the Armstrongist view holds. So, when I say something has ancient but now superseded pagan associations, Armstrongists think automatically that I am condemning it because that is what they would do in their philosophical calculus gone awry.
"If Armstrongists developed an "extensive manual" as Scout suggests, they would be condemned for being "Pharasees" and going to extremes."
I think most people, who can take a step back and look at Armstrongism, have already concluded that Armstrongism is Pharisaical. Further, I think Armstrongists project a Pharisaical attitude without doing the heaving lifting. They don’t want to stay in a brush arbor at the Feast of Tabernacles; they want to stay in a nice hotel. They don’t want to conduct a comprehensive survey of all that matters to determine what is pagan and what is not so they can be sure of doing the will of God . They want to talk loudly about Christmas but pussyfoot on other similar issues. That is melodrama for effect. It’s all about energetically waving the banner of self-righteousness.
Xmas, Easter, etc, are so pagan they do not just have a few pagan connections (which would be bad enough as far as Jesus is concerned), but they are basically pagan religions with a deceitful Christian mask over them to make them look Christian. Why not drop the whole farce and just worship Satan explicitly? Because "Christians" are dishonest people, that's why.
If people keep making the same mistakes, then one has to keep refuting the same mistakes. The fault lies with the obtuse people who want to pretend Xmas is consistent with what the Bible teaches.
Let me re-word it. If a holiday has ancient pagan connections BUT the holiday is now used in a Christian way, why should anyone care about the ancient pagan connections?
Fine. Go ahead and worship Satan in your own way and the way of the popes. Just don't call it Christian. It's a lie to call it Christian.
According to the values of most professing Christians today, Jesus was very Pharisaical. He wanted people to keep his Father's commandments. That would include the Sabbath rather than the pagan Sunday (day of Sun worship). Why escape one pervert like Herbert to come under the "Herberts" (pervert popes ) of the "Christian" church? Because that is the easier road to some fake salvation.
Unfortunately, the negative commentary you've received in this thread from Armstrongites and Russellites is to be expected. They embraced the Anti-Catholic rhetoric of the Protestant Reformation long ago, and they will NOT let it go. It's what makes them the "true" servants of God, and the rest of Christendom the servants of Satan. In other words, don't confuse us with the facts! They are so comfortable with the Christmas, Easter, and Halloween is/are pagan narrative that they will not even entertain any alternatives to it. They have "proven" that it was pagan long ago, and that God hates them. Hence, there is no reason for them to revisit what was settled for them long ago. How dare we try to "deceive" them with a different narrative! There's no room for growth or change with such a mindset.
According to the link below, people are dropping out of traditional churches, and many people that do go to church do not accept the most basic teachings. There is little need to me to spend a great deal of time refuting the nonsense of a belief system that is imploding.
Hey 9:29:49 AM: in the spirit of welcoming you to share your opinions, presumably to help others, I hope you won't mind me sharing my opinion of what you wrote.
You gave a nod to the Sabbath as you are stating that keeping Sunday is the road to fake salvation; thereby also stating only those that keep the Sabbath can be saved.
I'm sure you don't care, but those you are calling pagan believe you are committing the sin of trying to be your own savior. Your exalting of what you think is the law under the New Covenant is an idol far worse than what you imagine a Christmas tree to be.
Although I know you won't agree with that, I hope you can at least acknowledge that those of us you condemn as pagan, do care about the Savior, and his saving work - that's why we rejoice at the commemoration of Jesus entering the world to save us from our sins, at Christmas (Luke 2:8-14).
Galatians 2:21
I do not set aside the grace of God, for if righteousness could be gained through the law, Christ died for nothing!”
Hello 9:12:00 AM: I’m frustrated over this topic – hoping you can help.
You stated that the Christan observance of Christmas is not consistent with what the Bible teaches.
I have asked multiple people who believe as you do to provide a YES or NO response to this question: Did the Heavenly Host celebrate the birth of Jesus in Luke 2:8-14?
No one will answer my question.
I’m not certain, but I do have some evidence that suggests that an LCG associate did pose the question to his group of LCG friends, maybe his Spokesman’s Club, and they laughed at the premise (he won’t confirm, deny, or even respond to this evidence now that I have raised the suspicion).
Please be the hero of your people, the defender of your faith, by responding to that question with a YES or a NO!
If you’d be so kind to answer that question, I’m also hoping you’d respond with a YES or a NO to these related questions.
Was the Heavenly Host pagan for what they did in Luke 2?
Are Christians pagan for marking the birth of Jesus in the manner that the Heavenly Host did in Luke 2?
Surely someone with convictions so bold will answer my questions!
I'm not 9:12. Answers: Yes. No. In the manner, No. But, no Xmas command.
Jerusalem and Christmas
In the debate over Christmas, we must ask ourselves if there was any place in history that God repurposed something that was pagan and made it holy as the Ekklelsia has done with Christmas. In fact, there was. It was the city of Jerusalem. Jerusalem is referred to in scripture as holy in both the OT and NT (Matt. 4:5, Psalm 2:6). But Jerusalem did not start out as holy. It was the site of Canaanite pagan activity. The Bible tells us that it was a Jebusite city that was later conquered by David. The name Jerusalem is of origin relevant to this debate. Wikipedia states:
“The name "Jerusalem" is variously etymologized to mean "foundation (Semitic yry' 'to found, to lay a cornerstone') of the pagan god Shalem"; the god Shalem was thus the original tutelary deity of the Bronze Age city. . . Shalim or Shalem was the name of the god of dusk in the Canaanite religion, whose name is based on the same root S-L-M from which the Hebrew word for "peace" is derived (Shalom in Hebrew, cognate with Arabic Salam).”
In brief, God took something of pagan origin and turned it to a holy purpose. He shook Jerusalem loose from its pagan moorings through David and redefined it. God is a God of repentance and transformation. Christians now look forward to the coming of the holy city, New Jerusalem, in the future. The fact that the name contains a pagan root is of no lasting consequence. The fact that the city was originally the site of ancient Canaanite pagan religious practices (Deut. 20:18) is of no lasting consequence. God repurposes what he will.
Perhaps, one day Armstrongists can come before the throne of God and explain to him why what he did with Jerusalem and Christmas were wrong.
Jerusalem is built in a range of low Judean mountains on Mount Zion with Mount of Olives nearby. Zion is a Canaanite name, but it is widely debated amongst bible scholars how large the city of Jerusalem was when King David invaded.
I find your judgmental, arrogant, prideful stance shocking to the core. How did you actually observe December 25th? Are you actually a liar who is more interesting in causing arguments for your own amusement than telling the truth?
Are you really a Christian? I'm starting to doubt it. Which puts you in a very vulnerable situation.
It is often said that Christ gets left out of Christmas. It could also be said that God also gets left out of the ‘birth story’:
“The first miracle in the New Testament is not the story of something Jesus did. It describes the act of God. In the birth story, as in the passion story, Jesus is passive and God is the actor. This is the nature of the Gospel as such. It is not the story of amazing things done by Jesus, but of what God had done for humanity in the event of Jesus Christ” (M. Eugene Boring, The Gospel of Matthew, NIB, Vol.8, p.137).
Lk 2:13 And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying,
Lk 2:14 Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.
“The message was no sooner delivered by one angel ... then suddenly there was with that angel a multitude of the heavenly hosts ... praising God; ... Let God have the honour of this work: Glory to God in the highest. God's good-will to men, manifested in sending the Messiah, redounds very much to his praise;... God's good-will in sending the Messiah introduced peace in this lower world, slew the enmity that sin had raised between God and man, and resettled a peaceable correspondence. If God be at peace with us, all peace results from it: peace of conscience, peace with angels, peace between Jew and Gentile. Peace is here put for all good, all that good which flows to us from the incarnation of Christ. All the good we have, or hope, is owing to God's good-will; and, if we have the comfort of it, he must have the glory of it. Nor must any peace, and good, be expected in a way inconsistent with the glory of God; therefore not in any way of sin, nor in any way but by a Mediator... This is a faithful saying, attested by an innumerable company of angels... That the good-will of God toward men is glory to God in the highest, and peace on the earth” (Matthew Henry's Commentary on the Whole Bible).
“The message ended, there suddenly appeared a multitude of other angels praising God. They are called a host, i.e., ‘army’, paradoxically an army that pronounces peace, as Bengel sagely remarks. First they speak of Glory to God, a necessary preliminary to real peace in earth... The angels are saying that God will bring peace ‘for men on whom his favour rests’ (NEB). There is an emphasis on God, not man. It is those whom God chooses, rather than those who choose God, of whom the angels speak. Peace, of course, means peace between God and people, the healing of the estrangement caused by human evil” (Leon Morris, Luke, TNTC, pp.102-03).
Jn 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he GAVE his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
Jn 3:17 For God SENT not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.
1Co 11:26 For whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes.
“God’s intent is a saving intent, and the scope of his salvation is worldwide. His love for the whole human race expresses itself in the giving of his only Son to die on the cross (v. 16). This “giving” is more specific than “sending” (v. 17). God “SENT” his Son into the world (the Incarnation), but he GAVE his Son in death (the Passion) so that the world might be saved and not condemned (v. 17). The universality is qualified, however, by the phrases everyone who believes in verse 15 and whoever believes in verse 16. To gain eternal life, a person must believe... Eternal life is this Gospel’s equivalent of the kingdom [better “reign”] of God... It is not simply endless life; nor is it a life that begins after death. It is a new kind of life, a new order of existence that characterizes even now the person who believes in Jesus and is born again” (J. Ramsey Michaels, John, NIBC, p.59).
Scout 646
I think it's a big leap to suggest that Christmas observance is the product of Almighty God or the ekklesia, especially when we have no valid means to identify or separate the tares from the wheat (Matt.13:24-30). "Christmas" observance could just as easily be the product of "false apostles, deceitful workers, who have transformed themselves into the apostles of Christ, and ministers of righteousness" (2 Corinthians 11:13-15). As divided as Christiandom is, we have no way of knowing!
What we DO KNOW is, the feast days ARE a product of God and even they were corrupted by the ekklesia of the time (Isaiah 1:11-14) to the point that in Christ's time they had ceased being the feasts of the Lord and had BECOME the feasts of the Jews (Companion Bible note at John 2:13).
Can people or angels legitimately honor the birth of Christ? Yes, but I don't think that is what the "world" and its cultural Christmas is doing today. Heart service? Lip service? I don't see much of either!
Hello 4:01:11 PM: THANKS for the response – it’s appreciated!
You gave all the obviously correct answers.
However, I’m hoping that you can clarify whether you are one of those who have been stating that Christmas is not biblical or identifying those Christians who celebrate Christmas as pagans?
Isn't it interesting that Herbert W. Armstrong did the same thing with the Jewish culture that he accused mainstream Christianity of doing with gentile cultures? He made the holy days all about Christ.
The edict of James from the Jerusalem Council appears to place gentiles in the same traditional position they were in if they desired to participate in the Hebrew religion prior to Christ, that is, conforming with basic Noahide law. They also acknowledged Jesus Christ as Savior, centering their lives on Him as taught in Paul's epistles.
We also must remember that when the terms of the Sinai Covenant were delivered to the twelve tribes, the holy days were beyond coincidentally similar to ancient Canaanite agricultural/celestial observances which were dedicated to the worship if their tribal (pagan) gods. Given that, and the history of Jerusalem, it appears that God does indeed "repurpose", leading back to the worship of the true God. If we are to believe HWA's version of creation week, creation was the repurposing of our beloved planet, Earth, following the fall of Lucifer, a powerful angel whom God had placed in charge of it, and following the war for control of it after the fall of Lucifer.
The eternal values of God's character do not change. Certain things are eternal, which is not to say that everything given at the beginning is intended to remain the same for all eternity. Humans not acknowledging God's ability to repurpose limits and restricts Him in irrational ways. There were multiple sequential covenants outlined in the Bible, not just two.
Hello January 5, 2025 at 2:03:00 AM PST: Fantastic post – thank you!
I enjoyed every word – but I doubt that it will get any attention from the Christmas-haters.
You did not directly support Christmas or condemn it as pagan – but you did call attention to the importance of the birth of Jesus in God’s plan of salvation.
The Armstrongites, and Christmas-haters of other ilk have no interest in that message when it is tied to the birth of Jesus, at this time of year. Their hearts are sold out to branding and condemning “pagans” rather than praising God for sending his Son into the world, not to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.
Armstrongism, Christmas and the Incarnation
Armstrongists do not understand the Incarnation. Armstrongists do not observe Christmas and the Incarnation is one of the important themes of Christmas. For that reason, it occurred to me that they might not even have a well-defined doctrine of the Incarnation. And the Incarnation is not unimportant. The Incarnation has profound meaning to Christianity. C.S. Lewis stated in his book “Miracles”:
“The central miracle asserted by Christians is the Incarnation. They say that God became Man. Every other miracle prepares for this, or exhibits this, or results from this.”
Yet, when I searched an Armstrongist literature archive I found very few occurrences of the word “Incarnation.” Most of the references were to pagan ideas of incarnation. There were many references to Hislop’s book “The Two Babylons.” It was as if for Armstrongists Incarnation served no other purpose than to be a rhetorical concept in characterizing paganism.
I mused over the lack of depth on the Incarnation in Armstrongist literature and then it dawned on me that Armstrongism may have incorrectly defined Incarnation. I say “may have” because it is difficult to establish something using a search engine and a bunch of data. You can come close. Based on my search engine study, Armstrongists do not believe that Jesus was fully man and fully God, a standard Christian view, as a result of the Incarnation. They believe that Jesus was only fully man. “The Word was made flesh” means to them that Jesus was just a human being in his incarnate state and nothing more.
I do recall a WCG minister in Spokesman Club saying that Jesus could have sinned and died just like the rest of us. It is interesting that I heard Dr. Stavrinides on tape refer to this exact scenario. He said that the idea that Jesus could have sinned and failed as savior played well in Spokesman Club but just was not true. If anyone knows of a more nuanced exposition of the Incarnation in Armstrongist literature, please let me know (the most comprehensive statement I could find on the Incarnation is on page 41 of HWA’s MOTA). Otherwise, my conclusion is that Armstrongists do not understand the Incarnation as it is described in scripture. In fact, I do not think they have ever given much consideration to the Greatest of all Miracles.
I attribute this knowledge gap, with its mistaken view, to the Armstrongist lack of attention to the meaning of Christmas which memorializes the Incarnation. There is no Hebrew Holy Day that focuses on the Greatest of all Miracles. Ask any observant Jew. So why would Armstrongists be concerned about it. If you don’t understand why the Incarnation is so important, read the chapter titled “The Grand Miracle” in C.S. Lewis’ book cited earlier. Or explore what is mean by Isaiah’s prophecy concerning Emmanuel.
There is much more to this. For instance, what may the neglect of the Incarnation tell us about the Arianist diminishment of Jesus found in some Millerite derived denominations. Like, maybe, Jesus stuff is not really that important. In some quarters, Jesus just not rise to the level of Moses. But I will end with this precis.
Hello BP8: thanks for acknowledging that Christmas can celebrate the birth of Jesus.
You wrote:
“Can people or angels legitimately honor the birth of Christ? Yes, but I don't think that is what the "world" and its cultural Christmas is doing today. Heart service? Lip service? I don't see much of either!”
Please look harder! I see it in multiple hearts and churches – it’s too beautiful for you to miss out on.
BP8 5:58
Retraction. I wrote "what he did with Jerusalem and Christmas." This was a lst minute edit and gives the wrong impression. It makes an unintended equivalence between the development of Jerusalem and the development of Christmas. I believe the two had separate lines of development and the direct agency of God is much more involved in the development of Jerusalem as a holy city than Christmas.
Christmas, not as it is observed in general, but how it is received and observed specifically by genuine Christians, I believe, is a product of the Holy Spirit working through the Ekklesia. Christmas is a result of the outworking of sanctification in the church by the Holy Spirit rather than a decree by God to national Israel.
The incarnation of Jesus is misused as a key part in the teaching of the trinity.
I think Xmas is not Biblical but don't regard those who celebrate Christmas as pagan. The Biblical directives are to observe Christ's death, not His birth.
Scout 815
Some of your views concerning Armstrong and the incarnation are incorrect.
The doctrinal statement, ch.3 on Jesus Christ, found in the Systematic Theology Project, states: Jesus of Nazareth is the Christ, the son of God AND the son of man. He was the prophesied Messiah of the OT and is described throughout the NT as being both FULLY HUMAN AND FULLY DIVINE. As the second member of the God Family, He has existed from eternity as the WORD. He divested Himself of his power and majesty and became a human being to die for the sins of all mankind as our loving and merciful saviour.
A doctrinal overview follows this statement which goes deeper into the incarnation. I found this on "The Painful Truth" site.
Also, a comment on this thread (Thursday, 1-2-2025 at 206) tells the tale of Ron Dart in the 90s attempting to implement the birth of Christ into the feast of Tabernacles. This was done based on calculations found in Bullinger's Companion Bible Appendix 179, which speculated Christ was "made flesh" (begotten) on December 25 and was born on September 29, the first day of the feast of Tabernacles that year. Even GTA gave a sermon on the idea of "Christ tabernacling among us" being a fitting theme of the Festival. I don't remember if the idea ever took off in CGI but apparently Ron Dart in the CEM attempted to resurrect the idea.
BTW, I have seen the September 29 date in several publications and discussions. It was not unique to Bullinger.
Christmas is a mixture of various gods, only one of whom is called Jesus.
The worship of Mithra, Zeus, Jupiter, Saturn, Jesus, Odin and Baal have all been rolled into one, and almost anyone can claim "Christmas" as their festival. Christians do not have a monopoly on it. Why not call it "Baalmas" or "The day of Baal" or the "Day of Saturn." Or the "Day of many Gods"? Why even call it "Christmas"? Isn't that deceitful?
So called "Christians" continue to downplay or ignore many pagan influences on Christmas. For example. the reindeer (e.g. Rudolf) originated with pagans in Scandinavia. "Christians" are forced to admit there are "pagan connections" but they like to ignore most of them because they want to downplay them and act as if Christmas is basically a Christian festival. As Santa himself would say: "ho ho ho."
Miller Jones and Scout continue to impute motives and label people according to their own conditioning. Neither will face reality.
Even the pervert Herbert taught that Jesus was God made flesh, and said so many times. To suggest that he did not teach the incarnation is simply uninformed (or worse). And to recognize that does not make me "Bob Theil" or any other despised Armstrongist.
The halo, often drawn about the head of Jesus, is an obvious sun symbol. Jesus (and the other "saints") depicted with halos were sun-god figures.
Why is the "eucharist" white and round, and why does the priest raise it up on SUN day in the morning if it does not represent the rising SUN (god)?
Read, for YOURSELF, "The Pagan Christ" (I could cite more books) and get a clue.
The nativity stories in the gospels contradict each other. If more people knew about these problems, church attendance might nosedive.
Why were "Christian" religious structures built right on top of earlier pagan religious structure?
The calming of the sea and walking on water go back to Egypt thousands of years before Jesus was supposedly born. Many other things do also. Just a coincidence? This is based on modern scholarship that Herbert the rapist did not have access to. Get off your complacent backsides and get a clue.
It's a good bet that most of the people who visit this site are hostile to learning about the 180 similarities between the god Horus (2000 years before Jesus supposedly lived) and the Jesus narrative in the New Testament.
BPP8 2:32 wrote, "Some of your views concerning Armstrong and the incarnation are incorrect."
You will have to give me some specifics.
You seem to be citing the STP and CEM as if these views applied to Armstrongism broadly. These views are more of a one-off.
Its raining sound bites. Did you notice? It is amazing how many respondents cannot construct an argument. Or maintain focus long enough to actually understand the issues. I think this is an outcome of years of brain-washing.
They have simply lost the ability to think critically. So they do a mash-up of adhominem attacks and non-sequitors and think they are saying something.
Sad really. I may quit responding to comments. The pathos is too great. Time to move on.
It seems to me that people who were converted to "Armstrongism," and then left, yet remained "Christians," are really still "Armstrongites," and are really still following Armstrong. He was apparently the one who got them to dedicate their lives to religion, and God or Jesus, so they are still following him.
Jesus' birthday was mentioned earlier in this thread as maybe Sept 29 the 1st day of the FOT. That would be 3 AD by the Hebrew/Jewish Calendar. Hmmm...He would then be age 30 in 33 AD but WCG thought his death was in
31 AD, at age 28? No. Jesus began His ministry about age 30, and was born earlier than 3 AD.
Personally I think Jesus died in 33 AD, Friday, Nisan 14. The 3 days/nights did not have to be 12 hours each. Both the Greek and Hebrew words for "day" and "night" have several meanings including the calendar day. Sunday was the third day from the crucifixion-Luke 24:1,13,20-21. Mark 14:30 indicates a day and night at the same time! The 3 days? Nisan 14,15,16 in whole or part. Three nights? Darkness Friday afternoon (Luke 23:44), maybe only a few minutes, and Friday night, Saturday night.
If God is not the author of confusion, as the Bible says, why would he mingle his religion with the religions of several other god? It sound like a man-made mess, not the result of divine intelligence and orderliness.
Sound bite: there is no actual objective evidence that Jesus actually lived and that the narratives about him in the gospels are anything other than myth. Prove me wrong. And prove it with more than some dumb sound bite like "the Bible says so" or "Christian scholars" say so. Nobody can prove he actually lived.
I may quit responding to comments. The pathos is too great. Time to move on.
Just like an artful dodger would do. Make a sound-bite excuse for running away.
Scout at 843 writes
"You will have to give me some specifics"??
" I may quit responding to comments "??
At 815 Scout says
" They believe Jesus was only fully man--NOT fully man and fully God"
"The Word was made flesh means to them that Jesus was just a human, nothing more".
" They have never given any consideration to the greatest of all miracles "
THE DOCTRINAL STATEMENT I provided refutes these statements completely!!!
"There is no Hebrew holyday that focuses on the greatest of all miracles". EXCEPT THE ONE I PROVIDED!!!
Scout, YOU are the sound bite king! You demand from others what you fail to do yourself. Nobody is going to play your game and respond with a thesis in a comment section. You asked, I answered, but I'm the one who is wrong?
Guess what everybody? In Scout's mind, He wins again!
I feel sorry for you 8:50PM as you seem to be hurting writing such hurtful words condemning others so easily.
The majority of people who you label 'Armstrongites' were baptised in the name of Jesus Christ. They would have had hands laid upon their heads and prayed over again in the name of Jesus Christ.
It is a terrible thing to fall into the habit of dismissing other humans so easily with labels meant to wound and to insult others as lesser than yourself.
The gospel of Luke when Jesus taught about the Pharisee and the publican comes to mind.
If Jesus was born during the feast of tabernacles or Passover, wouldn’t his family have been in Jerusalem to observe the holy days? If the Roman census occurred during the holy days, it seems like that would have caused tremendous difficulty for the Jews. It also would have been recorded as a problem, one would think.
As evil as Armstrong was, at least he was more balanced and sensible than some of his critics who think he should have made a thick manual spelling out the rules for Thanksgiving.
I did respond. I said that the STP and Ron Dart’s efforts do not represent Armstrongism broadly. The STP was never completed and was renounced by HWA. What value is that to this debate? Ron Dart was one guy with a hot idea. I am talking about the generalized, broad stroke belief on the Incarnation within the collective Armstrongist denominations. Nobody has offered that, including you. My guess is that such an encompassing doctrine does not even exist and most denominations fall back on the spare and antique beliefs of the pre-1995 WCG.
One of the questions I raised in the original post is this, “If once pagan means always pagan, does that not besmirch God’s Creation forever?” Can you tell me where this question was addressed in the abundant list of comments? When I ask for specifics I am asking for a person who rejects Christmas because it is pagan to provide a cogent, logical argument in response. Instead, I get the sound bite:
Christmas is pagan
Christmas is pagan
Christmas is pagan
Christmas is pagan
Christmas is pagan …
As if repeating a declarative statement without the support of a logical argument can make the statement magically come true. Can you sift through the list of comments and find a discussion of this question from an Armstrongist viewpoint?
I understand that Armstrongists know nothing about debate and apologetics and defending their faith. Because they always hang out with each other and nobody ever challenges them. But midrash is one of the themes of this blog. I said I was ready to “move on” but I will hang around and respond to every legitimate question. I will not respond to repeated and unsupported sound bites.
Herb the liar was condemned for being too much of a "pharisee." Okay, fine. Yet yet some of his critics think he should have been even MORE of a "pharisee" by printing a thick manual about how to keep or not keep Thanksgiving, even when nobody is really sure whether it is pagan or not. What a pile of crap.
I get the sound bite: Christmas is pagan
Well, Xmas IS pagan. Call it a sound-bite if you want, but it is undeniable.
Can you sift through the list of comments and find a discussion of this question from an Armstrongist viewpoint?
Can you find anyone on this site who is really an "Armstrongist" and is really defending Armstrong? If you can, go ask them. What I see is people attacking your junk, not people defending Armstongism.
Today, we celebrated the Feast of the Epiphany – it’s a bigger thing in parts of the Hispanic world.
Not one Armstrongite called us out for our pagan tradition, yet – but it’s not too late.
Poor Armstrongites, just as they can’t see the see the celebration of the birth of Jesus in the Bible, they must have also missed the part of the Magi celebrating the Incarnation by bringing gifts.
Did you know Christmas is pagan?
"Ron dart was one guy with a hot idea."
It wasn't only an idea. How dismissive and highly typical to underestimate Ron Dart. STP was widely distributed in 80s and the fact Herbert Armstrong condemned it, put it in high demand.
I would never expect anyone from "Scouts" background to give anything more than a waving hand of irrelevance to the whole CEM CGI branch. But the future will only tell if it's the CGI/CEM branch that survives.
Scout 348
I know you are frustrated with those who fail to engage you on your terms, but presenting false information and accusations (@815) is not helping the cause.
You refuse to accept evidence from the STP (an artful dodge?) so I will go directly to the "chief apostle" himself, WHO DOES represent Armstrongism broadly.
On the website, I found several articles stating the truth of the matter. In the June 1955 Plain Truth magazine, article "Was Jesus Dead?", HWA says, " it is revealed that Jesus was EMMANUEL, that is, God with us--God in human flesh. He was BOTH God and man. He was divine, as well as human ".
Other articles confirm this, " Who, what was Jesus before His Human Birth"? and "Is Jesus God"? You admit being at one time a zealous Armsstrongite, you should have known this!
This website is a researcher and ARMSTRONG bashers dream. You can download everything Armstrong. I reviewed the Pastor's Report (07/10/78) where HWA states his objections to the STP and it had nothing to do with the incarnation or status of Jesus Christ. There was an accusation of watering down God's law, the the primary issue was " authority ", who's in charge! HWA of course!
Anonymous 5:31 wrote, “Can you find anyone on this site who is really an "Armstrongist" and is really defending Armstrong?”
You raise an interesting question. It is impossible to know the background of someone who makes a comment on a post as Anonymous. Even if someone were to identify themselves as an Armstrongist minister, there is no way to verify that. Anybody can spoof being an Armstrongist of some sort if their ethics or lack of ethics permits.
This makes matters complex. I must, for instance, not only express my point of view on an Armstrongist position but I must also verify that the Armstrongist position is really an Armstrongist position. Armstrongist should do the same thing from their side. They should be concerned about whether they really know what Christians believe.
Whether or not Armstrongists in good standing actually read this blog is an open question for me. NO2HWA may know. I would like to engage knowledgeable Armstrongists in debate – people who really know the Armstrongist theology. The sound bite crowd that I interact with is probably from the Armstrongist fringe. I doubt that good Armstrongists read this blog with a few exceptions. It is not a part of the Armstrongist culture to engage in debate. Armstrongists assume they are right and that their apprehension of the truth is unassailable. HWA would have never sat for an interview that was not carefully controlled to be favorable to him. Cults don't debate - they just deride in private.
I do not really write for the sound bite crowd. I write for ex-Armstrongists who have newly become Christians in the hope that they will be encouraged along that path. I know there are Christians who are knowledgeable about Armstrongism who read this blog. I can tell by the views they express and the way they are expressed. And some, like Miller Jones, are not hesitant to challenge what I write if I get too loose with doctrine.
Christmas as it is observed by Christians today is not pagan. What's true is that pagans thousands of years ago used the winter solstice as an occasion to worship false gods.
Just because someone once did bad on a particular date or during a time of the year, it does not mean that the date or season is bad for all eternity. It's the use of the thing, the practice that's good or bad. There is nothing inherently wrong with solstices. People have done good things and bad things during those events.
HWA taught eroneous logic along with his doctrines. That logic was a subliminal accompaniment to the doctrines, but is still distorting factual material and tainting conclusions even today. The Armstrong shiboleths and cliches are still very much alive. People properly label doctrinal approaches as being Armstrongite. They don't even notice the Armstrongite logic which got them to belief in those doctrines. Their remaining trust in that logic is what makes it very difficult to get them to even consider now obvious facts.
Christmas as it is observed by Christians today is not pagan.
How can it not be pagan if SO MANY of the customs and practices come from the pagans? It is a MIX of paganism and some myths from the Bible. Mixing the "true" religion with other religions is clearly anti-Biblical. So the Christian has no basis for defending Xmas.
If we mix poison (paganism) with water (Christianity), what do we end up with? Poison or water? Would you drink it? What would Jesus do? What DID Jesus do?
If Jesus wanted people to keep his birthday, wouldn't he have told them when it was? And wouldn't he have explicitly told them to keep it? And wouldn't all that be unambiguously spelled out in the Bible?
Some pagan traditions that have become associated with Christmas celebration:
The image of Santa Claus,
Christmas stockings,
Christmas carolling,
Decking the halls with Holly
Decorating evergreen trees.
Kissing under the mistletoe (a sacred plant to pagans).
Many others. Not to mention the many pagan traditions associated with Easter and Sunday and many other days on the Catholic calendar.
Some people seem to be in total denial or almost totally uninformed.
Anonymous 9:00 wrote, "f Jesus wanted people to keep his birthday, wouldn't he have told them when it was?"
Not necessarily. Maybe he wanted to see if we would do something to honor his Incarnation. Like you don't have to be commanded to love him.
Look, you made up a rule. The rule you made up is not found in the NT. Or the rule may have been made up by someone who stands at a pulpit and gives you the impression they have some kind of authority. Think about it.
Anonymous 10:25 wrote, "Some pagan traditions that have become associated with Christmas celebration ..."
I get the impression that you did not read my essay at all. You just jumped on the bandwagon with a bunch of comments that you liked. My article asks you to answer questions and you, like all other Chrisitmas rejectors, have ignored this.
So let me re-ask directly, if you feel that ancient pagan associations befoul the day of Christmas, why don't pagan associations befoul the Day of Thanksgiving? Why do you gleefully keep Thanksgiving with all the other COG people? Are you beginning to get the picture?
The TRUTH about the history of the last two thousand years is that Christianity completely triumphed over paganism. Indeed, they so thoroughly eradicated and replaced the old religion that our knowledge of their beliefs, shrines, temples, images, and rituals/practices is miniscule. It is NOT a pretty history either, or anything in which to take pride. Christians tore down temples, destroyed altars and artifacts, murdered priests and adherents, and forcibly converted folks to the new religion (that's why many Christian church buildings were erected over the temples which they destroyed). All of this was symbolic of their triumph over paganism. The TRUTH is that pagans were much more tolerant of diverse religious beliefs than their Christian counterparts! Sure, we have some cultural vestiges of the times when pagans ruled the world (e.g. calendars, laws, ruins, etc.). Likewise, we know that pagans appreciated some of the same natural features, flora, and fauna that Christians like - so what! As Scout has competently articulated, the use of holly or mistletoe by pagans does not permanently taint those plants or preclude their use by Christians. The historic reality is that Christians of the first 1,700 years of the religion were much less tolerant of anything pagan than ANY group is today (including the ACOGs and Jehovah's Witnesses).
How did Terry Ratzmann not befoul the sabbath? It's not as if he just said something like "Hail Baal!" He actually murdered and maimed the brethren! I mean HWA trashed birthdays for decades because of the activities of Herod and Job's kids! Those are examples he used in his subtle inculcation of Armstrongian logic into his doctrines.
Anonymous 8:56 wrote, “If we mix poison (paganism) with water (Christianity), what do we end up with? Poison or water? Would you drink it? What would Jesus do? What DID Jesus do?”
I am glad you brought up this case. This illustrates an error in logic to which Armstrongists frequently fall victim. Armstrongists characterize paganism as if it were a toxic chemical substance that may intermixed with ideas from Christianity. An example of that mixture is Christmas which is a holiday memorializing Jesus (as received by the Christian church) but whose substance has been contaminated by the chemical of paganism. And once something good has been contaminated with something bad, the compound product has no use and must be discarded.
So, what would Jesus do? The view of paganism as a chemical neglects what Jesus stated in Mark 7: “For it is from within, from the human heart, that evil intentions come: sexual immorality, theft, murder …” Objectively, a Christmas tree is merely an evergreen with some ornamentation. It is neither pagan or Christian. It is the human heart that imparts to it meaning. There is no contaminating substance that clings to the tree and its ornamentation that makes it forever pagan so that part of God’s Creation is now off limits. If the human heart vacates any associated animistic ceremonies and re-purposes the tree and its ornamentation to celebrate the Incarnation of Jesus, then the misconceived chemical theory of paganism cannot hinder this re-purposing. And it is the chemical theory that Armstrongists pledge their allegiance to.
Gift giving is pagan? I think you need to think that statement through.
Early Christians thought that Paul was the anti-Christ because Jesus told them to keep the law, and Paul did away with the law. The Bible is a mess of contradictions.
So let me re-ask directly, if you feel that ancient pagan associations befoul the day of Christmas, why don't pagan associations befoul the Day of Thanksgiving?
Well, maybe they do. Did I say that they do not? Anyway, in the case of Xmas the paganism is blatant. In Thanksgiving, not so much. And Xmas is one of the BIG TWO pagan holidays (Easter being the other one). So Xmas is a far bigger issue.
Why do you gleefully keep Thanksgiving with all the other COG people?
I am not a COG person you silly goof. Stop making dumb assumptions.
I do not keep either Thanksgiving or Xmas. I do not keep any religious days of any religion. And certainly not gleefully as you claim.
Are you beginning to get the picture?
Are you? No. And you probably never will.
Armstrongists characterize paganism as if it were a toxic chemical substance ....
Which is exactly how the Bible portrays it.
Why not just worship Satan and say it has been repurposed? That is what Xmas is, according to the Bible.
To be a "Christian" it is necessary to gloss over or reason around a pile of contradictions between OT and NT, in the various gospels, Jesus and Paul, the scripture and science, the cannon and history, the Bible and today's "Christian" beliefs, and so on and so on. You have to keep squaring the circle. Then of course, you can believe anything you want to.
The TRUTH about the history of the last two thousand years is that Christianity completely triumphed over paganism.
Given that "Christianity" as practiced today is just another form of paganism, that statement is bizarre. The truth is the opposite.
"Mary" is the name of a pagan goddess who preceded Jesus by thousands of years. Not pagan?
When Christians say "amen" they are sending their prayers to the Egyptian god Amen who predated Jesus by a long long time. Not pagan?
Why the effort gloss over and downplay SO much paganism (I could cite many more examples) if it does not matter? If it does not matter, why has it been largely hidden from most "Christians" for hundreds and hundreds of years?
Not much paganism in Christianity? And it is even in politics. Even the great seal of the USA appears to be pagan. Why? What are people trying to hide? Who designed it this way and why? Shouldn't people be told? And notice that the 12 stars in the sun above the head of the eagle form the shape of the star of David. Why 12 stars if there were 13 colonies? And why is the Jewish star of David there? Is America Jewish? Or is the star of David even Jewish (originally)? Did the Jews steal it from somewhere?
Because Scout was once an Armstrongite, it has dominated and clouded his thinking and he now sees everything through that narrow lens. Now he lives in a little bubble with an Armstrong-contaminated mindset. So any evidence of paganism in "Christianity" is brushed off, somehow because of "Armstongism." And somehow "Armstrongist" thinking is his only explanation when others recognize the truth about paganism in "Christianity."
In Revelation 3:15 we read that AMEN is one of the names of Jesus. It is also the name of a much older Egyptian deity. Now that is not a coincidence. The "person" called Jesus is really just a collection of pagan gods rolled into one "new" God.
"And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write; These things saith the AMEN, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God"
Amen is widely considered to mean 'so be it' or 'verily' and other similar words.
11:08 said "Amen is widely considered to mean 'so be it' or 'verily' and other similar words."
Exactly! This guy is so off the wall with his comments that I usually don't let them through, but he deserves the flack. Totaly uneducated in his reasoning.
Many words have more than one meaning. Amen is one of them. Go look it up. Originally, it was the name of a pagan God that preceded Jesus. The other meaning came along later. Mystery religions often conceal the real meaning of their symbols by giving them a second meaning. That is basic and well-known.
This is all very complicated.
What is the official definition of a 'Armstrongite in good standing' ? What are official 'Armstrongite positions' on doctrine ? What is the definition of 'Armstrongite fringe' ? To whom is the judge and jury on these matters?
Who decides?
What are the qualifications?
How can it be decided though when the original sources of the 'Armstrongites' label Herbert Armstrong and Garner Ted Armstrong had various doctrinal, organisational and life in general major disagreements? Is 'Armstrongites' label only for Herbert-ites? Followers and fans of Herbert ? Then what defines a 'Herbert-ite'? What should non fans of Herbert be labelled? Does that disqualify them from being 'Armstrongites'?
Then what about the other Armstrongs, Loma and Richard? Loma was the first converted 'Armstrong' but gets off very lightly on these blogs. Then Richard Armstrong, are 'Armstrongites' ones aware of Richard Armstrong ?
Not forgetting Dwight Armstrong!
Do you not see how ridiculous this 'Armstrongite ' label is ?
Can you have 'Armstrongite-lite' ? Or 'Armstrongite- core' ? Or 'Armstrongite-LCG'?
It needs official definition this 'Armstrongite' label. Enquiring minds need to know!
Amen is widely considered to mean 'so be it' or 'verily' and other similar words.
That is obvious, but what is the point in stating the obvious? What needs to be stated are the things that are not obvious, the things some people might not know, like the fact that the word comes from the name of the pagan God AMEN who preceded Jesus by a very very long time. Words often have two meanings, and that is also obvious, and I should not have to tell anyone that. Duh.
Anonymous 3:56 wrote, “Why not just worship Satan and say it has been repurposed? That is what Xmas is, according to the Bible.”
It took me a while to find a comment worth responding to in this new batch. This comment illustrates a couple of points.
First, you tacked on “according to the Bible.” I am not sure why. You do not relate the Bible to anything that you have written. Second, re-purposing can happen in many ways. What has happened in the case of Christmas is that the original pagan associations have been dropped and new Christian associations have been made. Some of the old artifacts still exist in a new and modified way. I am not a historian on Christmas and don’t need to be. I know what the modern observation is about and the ancient connections are irrelevant. So, I am not writing about something that is evil inherently and in principle and we retain this same evilness and use it in a different context. I am writing about a full revision of something that had some non-Christian associations and making it Christian.
You did not read one of my earlier comments. God took a pagan city called Urusalim and occupied by the Jebusites and re-purposed the city as his holy city where the Temple resided and where he placed his name. At one location in ancient Jerusalem, called Tophet, Canaanites sacrificed their children to Moloch. Tophet is located in the Valley of Hinnom (Gehenna). Yet, one day the New Jerusalem will descend to the earth.
You cannot merely have a gut reaction to these issues. You must do some research. You must put your suppressed thought processes in gear again. Just because the apocalyptic Millerite pulpit said something mesmerizing doesn’t mean it is true. In fact, it means that it is suspect. Think David Koresh.
There's a lady who's sure all that glitters is gold
And she's buying a stairway to Heaven
When she gets there she knows, if the stores are all closed
With a word she can get what she came for
Ooh, ooh, and she's buying a stairway to Heaven
There's a sign on the wall, but she wants to be sure
'Cause YOU KNOW sometimes words have two meanings
In a tree by the brook, there's a songbird who sings
Sometimes all of our thoughts are misgiven.
There are probably far more atheists than Armstongites in the world. Most of the opposition to Christmas comes from atheists, not from Armstrongites. Some people need to get outside their narrow perspectives and stop accusing all those who oppose Christmas of being Armstrongists (or even worse, Bob Theil). It's really very foolish.
Commentator said: "Early Christians thought that Paul was the anti-Christ because Jesus told them to keep the law, and Paul did away with the law. The Bible is a mess of contradictions." -- Some Jewish Christians probably thought that, but the account of the Jerusalem Council in Acts and Paul's epistle to the Galatians suggests that the majority of them did NOT. The Bible is full of contradictions, but Christ's and Paul's teachings on the Law are NOT one of them! They are consistent.
Commentator said: "Why not just worship Satan and say it has been repurposed? That is what Xmas is, according to the Bible." -- Where is that particular passage of Scripture? I thought that everyone was saying that Christmas wasn't in the Bible.
Commentator said: "To be a 'Christian' it is necessary to gloss over or reason around a pile of contradictions between OT and NT, in the various gospels, Jesus and Paul, the scripture and science, the cannon and history, the Bible and today's 'Christian; beliefs, and so on and so on. You have to keep squaring the circle. Then of course, you can believe anything you want to." -- What an arrogant, self-serving statement! The presence of contradictions, historical and scientific inaccuracies, and the reality of a variety of beliefs only points to the conclusion which you have reached? There's no other plausible explanation or evidence which points to a different conclusion? Excuse me for pointing this out, but that sounds an awfully lot like Armstrong logic to me! You're right about one thing - people can and do believe whatever they want to believe!
The Christianity is pagan narrative is based on a superficial and biased read of cherry-picked evidence. If one takes a DEEP dive into the history of the development of Christmas, the paganism narrative fades to contrived and ridiculous! Once again, all sources are NOT equal or reliable. Pop history, like the Christian Nationalism one about the United States may be fun and gratifying, but they twist and obscure the reality of what really happened. It's like the difference between a fairy tale and real life!
The thing is, humans totally fu<k everything up that they ever touch or think of. Even
good things! Paganism is just another caregory of human behavior.
It makes better sense to simply correct bad or profane behavior as opposed to stamping out all the things that man has distorted and ruined. Clean stuff up! Make it usable again! We don't throw away cars because they are destroying the planet! We put clean electric motors in them. What kind of fool would proclaim that you can't ever have cars again because they used to ruin Earth's atmosphere? Or that you must destroy all the radios because of the ways in which Howard Stern misused and abused the air waves???
"The Bible is full of conradictions" one but only after you look up and acknowledge the Hebrew or Greek meaning.........
Xmas is largely pagan, and the Bible says the pagan gods are all demons, and so clearly the Bible position is that Xmas is demon worship. Obviously. Whether or not Xmas is explicitly mentioned in the Bible is besides the point. But people can reason around anything. People who keep Xmas religiously are worshiping demons while thinking they are worshiping Jesus. Of course, they cannot face that reality.
Christmas is the worship of a number of gods that have been rolled into one. Jesus is just one of many of them. Baal is one of the others. The Bible explicitly forbids the worship of Baal. So in that sense, Xmas is explicitly prohibited by the Bible.
The Bible explicitly forbids the worship of any other god.
The Bible also forbids repurposing their worship practices and using them to (supposedly) worship the God of the Bible. Repurposing is explicitly forbidden.
The sun worship at Christmas time has been reinvented and relabeled by calling it Christmas.
"The Bible is full of contradictions, but Christ's and Paul's teachings on the Law are NOT one of them! They are consistent."
Total rubbish. Blatantly false. But you have no basis for the accepted cannon anyway. Even then, you close your eyes to the clear words that it contains.
But I say that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to devils and not to God; and I would not that ye should have fellowship with devils.
But I say, that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to demons, and not to God: and I would not that ye should have communion with demons.
On the contrary, the things which the Gentiles (pagans) sacrifice, they sacrifice to demons [in effect], and not to God; and I do not want you to become partners with demons [by eating at feasts in pagan temples].
No, I am suggesting that what the pagans sacrifice they offer [in effect] to demons (to evil spiritual powers) and not to God [at all]. I do not want you to fellowship and be partners with diabolical spirits [by eating at their feasts].
Scout and Jones are sure glossing over a pile of points that were raised that they cannot deal with. Hardly surprising. Religious teachers do that a lot.
Anonymous 5:46
Tell me what these points are.
Anonymous 2:46 wrote, "But I say that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to devils and not to God; and I would not that ye should have fellowship with devils."
I would agree with Paul, of course. Can you tell me what this statement has to do with the modern observance called Christmas?
Cars? Not automobile? But anyway Cars are not made with indefinite life spans, as they are still welded metal. Doesn't matter on the engine. But as soon as you swore the argument was lost anyways.
Our critics haven't even acknowledged that you and I are attacking their narrative about the Paganism from different perspectives (this bunch has never been noted for their appreciation of nuance/subtleties). This post has attracted so much attention because the Christmas is pagan narrative is an essential part of what distinguishes them from the rest of Christendom - those "so-called Christians." In short, your post attacks one of their distinctives - one of their essentials - one of the justifications for their existence - one of the things that makes them the "real" or "true" Christians!
Although we have answered most of the points raised by the commentators defending the Christmas is pagan narrative, I suspect that this thread could go on ad infinitum, and the true believers would still not be moved. Nevertheless, for those with an open mind, I think that we have supplied a strong defense of both of our arguments against their narrative. This is something that Armstrongites and Jehovah's Witnesses will NEVER let go of - NEVER!
I thought about quoting extensively from the tenth chapter of first Corinthians to give some context to the verses quoted, but I suspect it will do about as much good as your requesting an explanation of what that passage has to do with our observance of Christmas. We present evidence and logic, and they come back with "total rubbish" and "blatantly false." They offer little or no evidence to justify their stance, which they simply keep repeating (I guess they think that if they keep repeating the "Christmas is pagan" narrative long enough, they'll convince someone that it's true.
Because Thanksgiving is a cultural National celebration of a war won, with straightforward meanings and Christmas is a mishmash of religion and tradition with Jesus lost amongst the Hollywood hype.
I cannot fix stubborn and I cannot fix stupid. I cannot give sight to the willfully blind. I have tried to point people in the right direction and open their minds. If people refuse to research widely and to go outside the approved list of "Christian" scholars then I cannot enlighten them. They will remain stuck in their little narrow minded "Christian" cult. The cult of myths that evolved from the pagan cults and mystery religions that preceded it and was then passed off as history.
I would agree with Paul, of course. Can you tell me what this statement has to do with the modern observance called Christmas?
As you know full well, and as I already explained, the "modern" observance of Xmas is just old pagan observances wrapped up in a "Christian" veneer to conceal the demon-worship. So you are in communion with pagan gods (demons). You pay lip service to agreeing with "Paul" all while reasoning around his words.
On this site a lot of good information is censored and does not reach the readers. That is probably true of most or all "Christian" sites, courses, books, sermons, etc. No wonder "Christians" are groping in the dark. It makes it much easier for the "Christian" supposed experts to pretend they are winning the debate.
I recognize we have two different perspectives on the historical origins of Christmas. I must admit that I have never really looked into it. I just used the Armstrongist perspective because it does not alter my essential argument. I intend to look into what you have written further.
Christmas aside, there is a disturbing phenomenon that emerged in this thread. The rejectors of Christmas do not seem to be able to engage in logical analysis and argument construction. It is as if something has crippled their ability to do this normal function. Instead of attempting to counter logically the arguments in favor of Christmas, they simply, in effect, started chanting the mantra “Christmas is pagan.” Or they shifted quickly to ad hominem assault. I think this reveals a very unhealthy state of mind. That is a harsh statement but it is difficult to say it in any other way.
The question remains did they come to Armstrongism with this mindset or did Armstrongism impose this mindset on them. That would be a question for a social psychologist. Using my own experience as a gauge, I came to Armstrongism naĂŻve and gullible and without any education in theology. And I was very quickly radicalized, with all the deficiencies in rationality that this implies, because of fear of the allegedly impending apocalypse. In other words, I had no intellectual resistance to the contrived message so I quickly joined the club to save my hide. I was seventeen. Once in, it was a heavy going getting un-radicalized.
I doubt that the post I wrote and the responses to comments I made are of any constructive value to the sound-bite church with its presuming little booklet theology. Armstrongism does not encourage lay members to reflect freely on belief but rather to simply accept. But it may help those who have exited to see things clearly through the rear-view mirror.
Hah! Swearing automatically loses one the argument? Maybe to a closed minded cultie! Good thing you can't see or hear me on your computer screen! I need a haircut right now and you'd probably invalidate my post based on that. And, I'm enjoying some good music inspired by people of color (your Canaanites!)
Anonymous 7:36 wrote, “As you know full well, and as I already explained, the "modern" observance of Xmas is just old pagan observances wrapped up in a "Christian" veneer to conceal the demon-worship.”
What I know full well is that by your same argument, we may conclude that observance of Thanksgiving is demonic and so is God’s designating pagan Jerusalem his holy city. The world has pretty much been pagan from the beginning and so almost everything is contaminated. Do we surrender to it, as you suggest, or do we reclaim it through transformation.
”… old pagan observances wrapped up in a "Christian" veneer to conceal the demon-worship” is a falsehood and borders on paranoia. Substantive changes in observance have been made and I know of nobody who worships demons as a part of their Christmas observance. The evil in Christmas does not exist objectively, it rather exists subjectively in your mind.
Thursday, January 9, 2025 at 7:36:00 AM PST,
LOL! Talk about the pot calling the kettle black! That's rich!!!!
A lot of that so-called "good information" you try to post is nothing but pure crap that can easily be proven wrong through history and good research. Give it a rest.
Gary is a biased moron who cannot handle information.
Oh noes!!!!!!!!! Whatever shall I do?
You are probably one of those Armstrongites who got their news in the late 1980s from Art Bell and George Noory on his Coast to Coast am radio show. Now, you rely upon fringe YouTube videos and Wikipedia for your information. The dumbing down of America is complete.
I can only imagine what he is sending you. I am glad you are not letting them through. Armstrongism has too many crazies in it.
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