Many Church of God leaders have started numerous splinter groups ever the decades. None though can be more prolific than Michael W Stevenson.
It is no surprise to find that Stevenson also has Mormon roots. Armstrongism incorporated several Mormon teachings into its beliefs in its early formative years.
Stevenson believed he was a Prophet and Apostle in the
Restored Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
Dear John Dawson:
It is always awesome to receive e-mails from people around the world.
This present time, we have about 3,800 members throughout the United
Kingdom. I was also disillusioned by the LDS Church and that is why I
left the LDS in 1999. Coming to understand the truth as presented in the
Restoration, I found that it was then time for a Reauthorization of the
truth as was found in the Reorganization. Today, I am the
Prophet/President of the Restored Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day
Saints. Since you have been baptized in the Restoration, we do not feel
that you need to be re-baptized. What we need from you is your full
name, date of birth, mother and father's names, your full mailing
address and also the names of family members that are desiring to join
with us. Further we need to know if you hold or have held any priesthood
offices and the baptism date of when you were baptized.
We will
then begin to share member resources with you and also send you via
email our magazine. Enclosed with this e-mail you will find a copy of
the magazine.
Thank you for contacting us here at the Restored Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
Michael W. Stevenson
Another writer mentions this about Stevenson's Mormon links:
If you go into the blog of the Latter Day Church of Jesus
Christ at
you will find an entry for today, July 8, 2008 which says that Michael W.
Stevenson is an investigator and that a revelation
that Michael Stevenson received on
January 22nd has been added to the Latter Day Church of Jesus Christ’s
Book of Prophecies and Revelations. Michael W. Stevenson
is, of course, supposedly the prophet of the Restored Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter Day Saints and a is a former apostle in the Church of the Firstborn and
the General Assembly of Heaven.
You can also see him mentioned as the the President of the Restored Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
here. One interesting note about this page is that you will see the following illustration at the top that contains a lion and a lamb.
He later claimed to be over the
Reorganized Church of the Firstborn and the General Assembly of Heaven.
We welcome you to the Reorganized Church of the Firstborn and the
General Assembly of Heaven, a church where the fundamental doctrines restored by
the Prophet Joseph Smith, Jr and his successors are now again being reaffirmed.
The doctrines of the Church are those which were restored in
the latter days by those who received of revelation, the true doctrines which were missing.
This Church, however, seeing that Terrill Dalton and Geody Harmon are NOT who they
claim to be, was founded by Michael W. Stevenson, the true successor of Joseph Smith,
Today, we again look forward with hope to that which will be
renewed throughout the works of this Church.
He supposedly
left Mormonism 2003:
Michael W. Stevenson (Minister to Mormons),
Jan. 2003 I left the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
because I found that they cannot possibly be the Church of Jesus Christ.
Instead, I found a church that I can truly be comfortable with.
I served a full-time mission in 1995-1997 in the Arizona Tucson
Mission and a stake mission from 1997-1999 in the Coeur d'Alene, Idaho
Stake. I felt much of the time that something was wrong with what I was
teaching. Yet, I dared not "prove" it.
In December of 1999, my mother had a severe breakdown partly due to
the local bishop who insisted that she pay her tithing (most of what
they want the most is money) and this added way to much pressure upon
Finally, on Christmas Eve, I gave myself to Jesus Christ and I knew
from that moment on that the LDS Church of Salt Lake City, UT could not
be right; they had changed the teachings of truth as we find in the
Bible; they have perverted the right ways of God and have defiled
themselves in the temple by teachings that are completely Satanic.
In 2002, I came to find that they also teach sexual perversion
through touching peoples parts on their bodies when they are going
through the washing of the temples. How can any organization such as
this, which is now accepted by governments be so wrong? I found that it
is because they are "afraid" of what truths may actually come out about
their temples.
As a former Mormon, I have now found that there is a need to educate
the public on what is really happening and that the time is here for
people to actually hear that the Mormons are not what it claims to be.
The truth needs to be heard whether the LDS Church wants it to be heard.
So, I have now become the Minister to Mormons. I teach them the right
ways of God and that grace is indeed free from works. They have the
choice to accept if they want, but, I also leave them with enough
knowledge of their own so-called "birth-rite" that they may perhaps have
some doubts and that perhaps somehow, they really allow the truth to be
revealed to them.
I pray for those in the Mormon Church because I know that they, as I
was; are blinded by the deciet and the lies of the General Authorities
of the Church. I pray that they will come to a true knowledge that the
LDS Church is not what they thought it would be.
He found the Mormons to be offensive and doctrinally corrupt, yet he dumped that for the doctrinally corrupt Churches of God.
From one cult to the next.
He next start two more churches, both now defunct, the
Church of God (Sabbath Day) and the Reorganized Church of God. Both relied heavily upon Herbert Armstrong's teachings.
The Journal: News of the Churches of God ran this blurb about him in
issue 133.
He is also tied in with the
Simple Salvation Church of God where he lists himself as Pastor General in an
article on Jesus before his birth.
Then it was the
Church of God Worldwide where he was Pastor General again:
His most recent church start up is the
Faithful Church of God. This one incorporates lots of Herbert Armstrong's teachings as well as a few LDS goodies.

A Brief History of the Faithful Church of God
Through the doctrinal changes of the Worldwide Church of God,
there came to be a need for brethren to be fully united in the faith.
Thus, at the Feast of Tabernacles 1995, 500 brethren met in Coeur
d’Alene, Idaho for a feast site. Here, during the feast, meetings were
held and it was decided that the brethren was going to form the Faithful Church of God.
Church from early on sought to continue the New Testament Church
teachings and to continue on the Philadelphian era of the Church. It was
also realized that there were brethren who never was a part of the Worldwide Church of God
present. This also made for a new unique Church-while a great deal of
brethren were former members of the Church, others came from various
other backgrounds and beliefs. But, the one thing all the brethren had
in common was that they wanted to hold fast to the biblical doctrines of
God’s Church.
The Church (k)new that they needed to preach the Good News-the Gospel-of which Jesus Christ came preaching (Mark 1:14-15)
which was about the soon-coming Kingdom of God. The beliefs of the
Church are the same as they were "once delivered unto the saints."
Christ never changed anything and nor does the Church change anything.
various brethren of the Church of God realize that there is an impact
which must be had upon them that come to hear and read the truth of
God’s Work. Therefore, all that the Church of God seeks to accomplish
has a great impact, just as it did during Mr. Armstrong’s days, the
Church today continues on the same tradition, reaching through
television, radio, and print. We also employ the means of internet and
make available the Word of God through these varied means.
Why anyone follows morons like Stevenson, Flurry, Pack, Meredith and all the other fraudulent COG ministers is beyond reason.