The Grain of Sand
Reflect on this Dr. Thiel
"Maybe those in LCG should realize that God may
not be giving that group as much favor anymore? LCG no longer truly leads God's
work. Hopefully, possibly because of its fast today, some will be better able
to reflect on that."
Robert Thiel,
Prophet Continuing Church Of God
Perspective is not something most human beings are
really good at. The Churches of God certainly aren't into
perspective about themselves as far as I can tell. We give
lip service to "Dear Lord, please bless us in your infinite wisdom for you
are so very very large and we so very very small," but we usually
end up forgetting that and the big head sets in again.
ex·ag·ger·at·ed, ex·ag·ger·at·ing, ex·ag·ger·ates
To represent as greater than is actually the case; overstate: exaggerate the size of the enemy force; exaggerated his own role in the
To enlarge or increase to an abnormal degree: thick lenses that exaggerated the size of her eyes. To
make overstatements.
It is understandable that many leaders in the COG
exaggerate just about everything they come in contact with is but
is not unique to them. The Bible actually has played its part
in teaching many to exaggerate with its own exaggerations.
I will surely bless you and make your descendants as
numerous as the stars in the sky and as the sand on the seashore. Your
descendants will take possession of the cities of their enemies,
Our mere 6 billion are already too many and
straining the system. A mere smudge of humanity is actually descended
from Abraham, if he ever existed. Israelites and Palestinians are
virtually indistinguishable from each other genetically. Hebrews were
merely the outcast Canaanite clan. Modern Israelis have very
little actually DNA connection to original Hebrews in "the Holy Land."
Hundreds of billions of stars in one galaxy with
hundreds of billions of galaxies in what may prove to be one grape of a
universe on one cluster, on one vine, in one row in one vineyard probably
is not what the Creator meant. We now are pretty sure Abraham's descendents
won't actually be as the stars of heaven or the sand in the sea, but we'll get
to that sand thing in a moment.
Whether it is the awesome number of booklets one of
the Churches produce, the amazing response they had to a TV program,
or the dozens of people that sit before them in church, perspective
eludes them. They can and have "gone them therefore into all the
world" in such amazing ways and for many years now that 99+ percent
of the planet has never so much as heard of them, much less agreed with
them. Go to any beach, scoop up a bucket of sand from one of them and
that's about the amount of influence they have had on this planet with the one
truth that must be spread or no flesh would saved alive.
Now...either they are missing something in all this,
or God is way to small for the job himself and not doing so well with it
either. Personally I wish that The Deity has cut out all the middle men
long ago. How much further ahead would we actually be if we didn't have
to go through priests, be heckled by prophets or try and figure out who the
true and who the false apostles were? I say the Deity should have, from
the start, offered seminars, personally conducted by itself with open question
and answer sessions as desired. A buffet of what the Deity actually approves
of as food fit to eat would be awesome! I'd like to see Gospel
Jesus get to know Revelation Jesus and actually hear what the disciples , now
apostles, have to say about Paul, but that can be for another time.
Back to self absorbed and ego centric wanna
Self consumed and self absorbed, their impression of
their importance, understanding and place in the universe becomes laughable
even when compared to other churches, denominations, sects and cults...much
less splinters and slivers. In the above quote and view, Dr. Thiel
is tsk tsking the Living Church of God for perhaps not being able to be used by
the God of the Universe to "do the work" as in the
past. To Bob, this is no mere coincidence. Plainly,
since his falling out with LCG and their apparent rejection of his awesome
self and in sights has occurred, God is packing up too and going with
Bob. Where Bob goes can God and Jesus be far behind? Ummmm....sure!
What Bob means is that God takes his cues from what
Bob does or thinks. If Bob had stayed, and he may wish he had in time,
then we'd know God would stay with them as well. But if Bob gets offended
and leaves, well then, the God of the Universe also gets offended and begins to
withdraw his blessing from those that rejected His chosen servant and
prophet. Bob is not the first person I have encountered in my life who
thinks this way, but I spare you some pretty pathetic stories of special people
I have met through ministry.
Bob hopes their now past fast will help them to see
this easily discernable truth. Actually, I'm just kidding. This
arrogance wrapped in a fake and false humility is beyond offensive and
insulting to those who have half the brain it would take to see this.
Those with less than half may not be able to comprehend what they are seeing
however and evidently won't or don't.
So, let's get back to that one grain of sand on the
beach thing for true perspective.
If you were to take one grain of actual sand, stick
it on the end of your index finger, extend your arm out and hold the grain of
sand up to the heavens , this is what you will find in the space that one grain
of sand covers up in the night sky.
The Hubble eXtreme Deep
Field (XDF) combines Hubble observations taken over the past decade of a small
patch of sky in the constellation of Fornax. With a total of over two million
seconds of exposure time, it is the deepest image of the Universe ever made.
Credit: credit: NASA, ESA, G. Illingworth, D. Magee, and P. Oesch (University
of California, Santa Cruz), R. Bouwens (Leiden University), and the HUDF09 Team
EVERY speck of light and spiral in this photo is one
of 5500 galaxies each containing hundreds of billions of stars. This is
what you can hide behind one grain of sand at arms length. And there is
much more behind this but our technology is not there yet. We're seeing
here what these galaxies looked like 13.2 billion years ago. They could
still be there or not by this time.
One of these...
x 5500 behind one grain of sand
on the end of your fingertip held up to the night sky.
Are we feeling important yet? Do we actually
think the Universe knows about us or is impressed by the COG Self Appointed
types or the Pope for that matter?
I going to go with no. All flesh is as grass
is being generous. Very generous.
I believe the Universe must be teeming with life and
much of it way beyond what we are humans can conceive of. I'm also going
to bet that none of it or they have ever heard of the awesome and
amazing, over arching and incredible Churches of God or their ego centric and
self absorb one man shows of leadership.
Personal humility and men getting out of their own heads
long enough to keep themselves in perspective is not one of the COG leadership
qualities that shine through the darkness. Probably because minds like
Dr. Thiel's and others simply cannot imagine a world without their input and
"understanding." It is quite a joke actually.
I think in time, for those with eyes to see and
minds to think it through, one can come to see the Bible and it's cultic
God that inhabited an obscure mountain in an obscure land barking
obscure orders to an obscure people on an obscure planet in a rather
average solar system and galaxy is simply too small a god, should it actually
Instead of sermons and Bible studies, I suggest the
COGs, and I mean all of them from Grace Community formerly known as WCG to the
most obscure of men trying to be and think more highly than they ought give
apologies instead. Apologies for the big head, ego centric and self
absorbed fairly theologically uneducated selves they have inflicted on many
other well meaning and sincere humans who simply wish to know what it's really
all about. I doubt you guys have a clue. I don't, but if I thought
I did, I doubt I'd be comfortable presenting myself to the world of sand grains
in the arrogant and puffed up manner you guys have mastered
Last week I picked up my mom's cremains. Ten
pounds of stardust. Ten pounds of sand. One grain of that sand
can block out a billion worlds and none of them ever heard of you who think
more highly of yourselves than you ought...