Saturday, August 31, 2024

RCG's Mushroom Cloud of Joy


Mushroom Cloud of Joy

The perpetual cycle of astonishing discovery, exuberant preaching, inevitable disappointment, and necessary rediscovery continues at The Restored Church of God. Once again, David C. Pack proclaimed the date for the Kingdom of God's arrival because the Bible's mysteries finally became clear.

During “The Greatest Untold Story! (Parts 529-530)” on August 10, 2024, the Pastor General taught about a new 4-Year Kingdom that may or may not be a part of the already-settled First 7-Year Kingdom of God. As of today, that new theory remains a work in progress.

Tied into the 4-Year Kingdom is the start date when it all comes to a head. Not only will this be a significant day because Jesus Christ returns, but members of The Restored Church of God will receive salvation, and David C. Pack will prove to his naysayers he was right all along.

Guess which one of those he personally cares about the most.

As is Dave’s way, when he sells a new presumption, he candy-coats it with enticing words and feel-good ideas, making it more tempting to swallow.

Part 530 – August 10, 2024
@ 44:59 After all these years of waiting, it's talking to us. You’d have one more bombshell, I mean, a nuclear explosion. Almost a mushroom cloud of joy would spread over the whole thing, and you would know that the people who touch, just reach lay their hand on the middle of Av 16 this year, get eternal life.

Members of The Restored Church of God will receive eternal life on Av 16 this year. That should be something to keep brethren giddy about for a few days.


After David C. Pack’s failure on Tammuz 5, he proceeded with caution. But threw that out the window and dolled out more prophetic certainty.

Part 529 – August 10, 2024
@ 02:38 We know we know the whole Kingdom ends on Abib 1 in 2032, but where to put that initial four years of kingdom before God withdraws is is critical. Where does it go? It can't change the end, but it can change the beginning. Now, we are either waiting for Av 16, just under nine days away, which corresponds to the classic definition of 1335, or 45 days later for Trumpets, which corresponds to 1290, and armies hit Jerusalem, and God withdraws then or somewhere in between.

When David C. Pack poses a question or offers options, you can usually guess the answer based on how he presents it. He waved Av 16 under everyone’s noses enough throughout that they did not need to wait for his conclusion to figure it out.

@ 48:42 And then the bombshell proof after dinner. But we’re just gonna at least let’s let’s just start with the idea that maybe we’re pretty close to buttoning down this thing is happening in less than nine days. Let’s just say that.

For RCG members, doubting Dave’s authoritah is never an option. God chose him to preach this malarkey, and he will not let you forget it.

@ 1:05:45 Of course, just the fact that I’m commanded to watch on a particular day. We're anticipating the day, and those who left us are not. I’m to tell the church about a day that cannot tarry. All suggest the date was known.

David C. Pack enjoys dragging the brethren for a verbal ride, taking the back alley scenic route. There is no “short version” in his world.

@ 1:08:19 The Democratic National Convention starts, literally, the day the Kingdom comes.

@ 1:09:42 So, let’s let’s make a summary statement…which will help you understand how perhaps we should we should best see the 16th of Av. The Full Moon of Av. Or the Full Moon of The Father.

Did you forget how important Dave is? He must have thought so.

@ 1:12:24 God raises Elijah and anoints him and gives the Kingdom to the Little Flock of His Son’s at the full moon in His month in the month of Av.

When David C. Pack is fully recognized as Elijah the Prophet before all human beings, that will undoubtedly be a glorious day where mushroom clouds of joy shall fill the earth.

After the rushed Sabbath meal, Dave continued to dazzle his audience. Take careful note of his unwavering resolve for his own conclusions. A punch line is coming.

Part 530 – August 10, 2024
@ 43:43 Are we waiting for it as the absolute ultimate capstone that it cannot go by go past next Monday in the middle of the day, or is this just something for people way, way out there?

@ 44:30 We’re gonna count look at seven key things that will tell us should tell us that next Monday is a lock.

@ 44:47 And so you should know that your salvation is secure on Av 16 if you knew nothing of what I’m gonna tell you. You’d know it.

@ 1:04:35 So, I would say unless something is so radically different, I then I don’t I I I just we’re gonna hafta wait and watch [chuckles] how this all play out. I’d say it’s impossible we go past about 12:15 [PM] our time on Monday.

Av 16 began in Jerusalem at 12:15 PM on Monday, August 19, 2024.

You missed it because you did not miss anything. That was David C. Pack Failure #85 since March 2022.

The brethren had to wait 58 minutes into Part 531 the following week to hear Pastor General David C. Pack declare Av 16 was a big mistake flop.

Part 531 – August 17, 2024
@ 58:27 Nowhere in the Scriptures is rounding ever to a part of a month. Never. This said, I wanna just say I wanna draw a conclusion here. This said, I do not believe anything will happen on Monday.

@ 58:51 You can hope for it, but I strongly doubt it. I think it’s actually impossible. The 1335 that starts everything fits another way. That will come for with a great deal of fascinating information. It’s obviously, therefore, a period that must end in a full moon, start in a new moon rather than start in a full moon and end in a new moon.

David C. Pack admitted the opposite of what he taught was considered accurate. Current members should ponder this and ask themselves why they continue to pay him to lie to them.

Watching these clips back-to-back illustrates the insanity the brethren of The Restored Church of God tolerate. It exposes the shamefulness of the Headquarters hirelings who support it all.

Dave preached Av 16 one week.

Dave reversed Av 16 the next.


When people will receive salvation, when Jesus Christ returns, and when the Kingdom of God arrives are all deeply personal and eternally vital topics for all human beings. And David C. Pack continuously proves whether he speaks the truth about them.

David C. Pack is a hypocritical, blaspheming liar. Is it an “attack” when documents this?

Framing Av 16 with a broader context has chilling implications. David C. Pack made statements during Part 530 that should cause him to shudder in fear.

Part 530 – August 10, 2024
@ 1:16:14 God didn’t touch my lips. Not in any way that is often mentioned in the Scriptures…

He leaves the door open so that his lips COULD have been touched by God, but just not in the way mentioned in the Bible. This would mean what he uttered about Av 16 COULD have come from God.

@ 1:16:27 Or I I I saw Him. Or got a direct vision. It’s through His Spirit He’s made this clear.

David C. Pack credited God's Spirit with clarifying what he taught during Parts 529 and 530. In Part 531, he changed his conclusions and denied Av 16 was what he adamantly asserted. In fact, his conclusions were the opposite of what he said made them true.

There is the Spirit of Error and the Spirit of Truth. One of them guides David C. Pack.

Be warned, members of The Restored Church of God.

If you ever see smoke and fire rising to the sky near the RCG Campus, run for your life. That is not a mushroom cloud of joy.

Marc Cebrian

Friday, August 30, 2024

Concerning the "The Gospel of Dogs"


Dr. Kyriakos Stavrinides Has Died



Dr. Kyriakos Stavrinides

12/22/1934 - 8/24/2024

His obituary:

In Memory of
Today, we gather to honor and celebrate the life of Father Alexander Stavrinides, who touched the hearts of everyone he encountered with his kindness, humor, and his unwavering dedication to our parish. 
We are truly going to miss you. We have learned so many things from him. He has taught us to love and respect each other.You were God sent to us as a church. Not only we got the best priest, we also got a very educated priest who just loved to teach and guide us in the right way. He never gave up on us. He always remained committed to the church, even having to endure a two-hour drive plus traffic from Glendora to Saint George Orthodox Church Hesperia. We are extremely grateful to meet you and spend lots of time with him. 
No matter how busy things got, he always made time for the people he cared about, and showed us that family always comes first no matter what. Everyone who knew him knew how proud he was of the people he loved, 
He stressed the significance of attending church and emphasized the need to prioritize it. He used to say, (We always should put God first before anything) 
Father Alexander had the Bible memorized. Any question you ask, he would say go to this verse and chapter. 
Father Alexander had many hidden talents as well. He not only was a priest, he was a musician. He knew how to play any instrument he did magic on the piano, but his favorite was his violin. Don’t let me forget about his singing. He had a beautiful voice when he sang and did Divine Liturgy. 
Dr. K. J. Stavrinides holds graduate and postgraduate degrees from British and European universities in Theology, Philosophy, Classical Greek, and Latin. 
He was Chairman of the Classics and Philosophy Department at Ambassador University in Texas, has lectured around the world on Modern Trinitarian Problems, given lectures at Pasadena City College and Citrus College, and, in the past twenty years, in the Graduate Department of Theology at Azusa Pacific University. 
He had philosophy classes at the Geleris Education Center, in Glendora, and served as the host of the Christian Symposium.

As we say our goodbyes to Father Alexander, let us remember the love, laughter, and precious moments we shared together. May their memory live on in our hearts forever, and may we find solace in knowing that they are now at peace and may his Memory be Eternal forever. Saint George The Great Martyr Orthodox Church


What his students said about him on Rate My Professor when he taught at Azusa Pacific University:

One of the books he has written:


IN HONOR OF THE MOTHER OF GOD: An Assessment of Mary B. Cunningham's Gateway of Life – Orthodox Thinking on the Mother of God



The Gospel of Dogs


Let's see who gets offended over this...

UCG Wants You To Keep Your Spiritual Garments Clean


In a fear-laden article about North Korea, China, Russia, and demons getting ready to start WWIII (see: Armageddon: The Hordes Out of the North and East), UCG members are exhorted to continue working and doing all they can to preserve their lives.

UCG's Jim Tuck ends his article with this:

Watch and keep your spiritual garments clean

The spirits of demons go forth and stir up nations of the world to come together to fight: “For they are spirits of demons, performing signs, which go out to the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty. ‘Behold, I am coming as a thief. Blessed is he who watches, and keeps his garments, lest he walk naked and they see his shame.’ And they gathered them together to the place called in Hebrew, Armageddon” (Revelation 16:14-16).

When Jesus Christ returns, He will find the world engaged in all-out war, and unless He intervenes, this world will be totally obliterated (Matthew 24:22). When He comes, the armies of the world will turn on Him to fight and make war against Him (Revelation11:18, 17:14).

Why is this important? Our Lord Jesus fully answers the question: “Behold, I am coming as a thief. Blessed is he who watches, and keeps his garments, lest he walk naked and they see his shame.”

The knowledge of what is ahead motivates us now to prepare spiritually while there is time. “The night is far spent; the day is at hand. Therefore, let us cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armor of light” (Romans 13:12).

This is my Perspective! 

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Is Armstrongism Christian?

Armstrongism is NOT Christian!

While I continue to maintain that God has people in all of the manmade organizations which claim to be God's ekklesia (including the various Armstrong Churches of God), the actual theology of the organizations which comprise Armstrongism is NOT Christian. In other words, the majority of their doctrines and practices do NOT reflect what is revealed in Scripture, or what most Christians understand about their faith. Individual people can and do place their faith in Jesus of Nazareth, repent, be baptized, and receive the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, and still be a member of a group that is wholly or partially heretical or carnal. For those who have been convinced that the majority of the people who claim Christ are not really part of the ekklesia, the statements which I just made will appear jarring, unsettling, or even blasphemous. Thinking themselves rich in truth and obedience toward God, they do not realize just how devoid of truth and rebellious their groups really are!

First, they do NOT understand the nature of God. They fundamentally reject the manifestation of God in three entities as revealed in the Bible. Instead of one God in three, they teach that God and Jesus Christ represent two personages of the God Family, that the Holy Spirit is simply an amorphous power that both of their Gods exude, and that humans can become God in the future. Moreover, they think of God as a spirit in the form and shape of a human, and attribute human qualities and their own reasoning to the Deity.

Second, they do NOT understand salvation through Jesus Christ. Instead of absolute faith in the efficacy of Christ's obedience and sacrifice for us, they believe and teach that each person has a part to play in their own salvation. They believe and teach that Christians are rewarded according to their individual works, and they define righteousness for Christians as obedience to the "moral" parts of the Torah. This stands in stark contrast to the belief of most Christians that we are justified by faith in Christ and saved by the grace of God. Likewise, they do NOT understand that Christians are manifested to the world and each other by the way that LOVE motivates their behavior.

Third, they do NOT understand the nature of the Gospel message. Instead of proclaiming a message about salvation through Jesus of Nazareth, they preach about a literal future government imposed on the world in which they will participate in ruling/governing. Indeed, they believe and teach that most Christians place too much emphasis on Jesus and the nature of what he has done for humankind! In fact, they even ridicule the compassionate, kind, empathetic, and "effeminate" Jesus which most Christians revere. Instead of teaching the world about Jesus, his message, and making disciples of all nations, the ACOGs proclaim a "warning" message of impending doom focused on the English-speaking nations of the world (which is also based on other mistaken beliefs about the identity of the people of Israel).

Fourth, as referenced earlier, they completely misunderstand the nature and role of the Law of Moses relative to Christians. They fail to understand that Christ came to this earth to FULFILL that Law and the prophecies and other writings of the Hebrew Scriptures. They do NOT understand that the sacrifices and rituals of Torah ALL pointed to Jesus of Nazareth and must be understood within that context. Likewise, they do NOT understand that Christ perfectly obeyed the tenets of the Old Covenant, and that he is the ONLY person ever to have done so. Moreover, having fulfilled Torah (the requirements of God's Covenant with Israel), he instituted a NEW Covenant with better terms than the one which he made obsolete! They do NOT understand that the Two Great Commandments of God's Law have been written on the hearts of his disciples, and that they completely define and fulfill God's Law.

Fifth, they do NOT understand that a Christian is defined as anyone who has accepted Jesus as Savior and who has the Holy Spirit dwelling within them. In other words, a Christian is NOT defined by how much or how little they understand Scripture! Likewise, the ekklesia is composed of all of those who have accepted Jesus as their Savior and who have received the Holy Spirit. The Church is NOT defined by ANY human organization, its membership rolls, its doctrines, or its practices! The Church is a spiritual organism that belongs to God, and ONLY "He" knows who is a part of it. Finally, Christ said that his disciples would be recognized by their love for each other. Moreover, Christ did NOT expect his followers to withdraw from the wider world. "He" expected them to refrain from participating in the wickedness around them, but he wanted them to minister to the needs of others and help sinners to know "Him."

Sixth, they ignore many Christian traditions and celebrations and falsely label them as "pagan" or "satanic." Although two of the four Gospels contain detailed narratives of the events surrounding the birth of Christ, they reject the Christian community's celebration of that event (Christmas). Likewise, contrary to all four Gospels of the New Testament canon, they reject that Christ's resurrection happened on the first day of the week and refuse any celebrations associated with that event (Sunday and Easter). In similar fashion, they reject any regular celebration of the Eucharist and insist that it be celebrated once each year at the time of the Jewish Passover.

Seventh, like the Law, they completely misunderstand the nature, focus, and interpretation of prophecy. This stems from their failure to appreciate that just as Christ represented the fulfillment of the Law, he also was the focus of the Hebrew prophets and represented the fulfillment of their texts. Their misinterpretation of prophecy is also influenced by their extrabiblical belief that the English-speaking peoples of the earth are properly identified as the descendants of Ephraim and Manasseh (the "birthright" tribes of Israel). This leads them to believe that the books of Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, etc. were really intended for the modern nations of Britain, the United States, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.

Although there are certainly other beliefs of the Armstrong Churches of God that some of us would consider misguided or faulty, I believe these represent the major areas of their theology that divorces them from Christianity. In short, this post represents a summary of the errors which these groups have adopted, and the most important ways that their theology differs from the majority of the Christian Church. To be sure, there exists a wide range of beliefs within the Christian faith, but I believe that these seven points represent those teachings which exclude the Armstrong Churches of God from being considered part of the wider Christian community. What do you think?

 Miller Jones/Lonnie C Hendrix

The Apologetic: Moses and Jesus Just "Seemed" Like Sorcerers and Magicians.

Jesus is just a type of Har.., Moses is all...


"Influenced by modern pop culture and literary characters, such as Harry Potter, we may be forgiven for interpreting the mysterious tool as a magic wand. The reality is even more complex and fascinating. “For early Christians, Jesus performing miracles with the staff was not magical. Rather, it was intrinsically biblical (recalling Moses) and innately ecclesial (touting the supremacy of the Church),” 

Lee M. Jefferson

Nevertheless, the ONLY difference between Moses, Jesus and Harry Potter is in calling the "secret arts" of Harry and the Egyptian Priests MAGIC and those of Moses and Jesus MIRACLES. 

D. Diehl

Jesus Holding a Magic Wand?

Supernatural depictions of Jesus in Early Christian art

Fishes and loaves in the article Jesus Holding a Magic Wand?

MULTIPLICATION OF THE LOAVES painted in a third- or fourth-century Via Anapo catacomb. Clean-shaven Jesus holds what looks like a wand.

Did Jesus use a magic wand when performing his miracles? It seems so—if we are to judge by some of the earliest depictions of Jesus in Christian art.

Early Christian iconography provides us with precious insights into the esthetics of early Christians. Inspired by biblical and apocryphal texts, the earliest Christian imagery is also a window into the theological thinking of the third- and fourth-century followers of Jesus. Coming primarily from funerary contexts, early Christian art is especially rich in mural paintings found in catacombs and in smaller sculptures, such as sarcophagi and tombstones. It is thus no surprise that the repertoire of motifs expressed in these media is mostly associated with the afterlife and healing (physical or spiritual).

In his article “Jesus the Magician? Why Jesus Holds a Wand in Early Christian Art,” published in the Fall 2020 issue of Biblical Archaeology Review, Lee M. Jefferson of Centre College in Danville, Kentucky, zooms on one particular subject from the plethora of artistic motifs—Jesus holding a wand or rod while performing a healing or miracle. “The implement that Jesus holds (sometimes called a virga or rabdos) is portrayed as either thick and ruddy, such as on the sarcophagi, or thin and reed-like, such as in catacomb paintings. He uses it in the performance of a miracle, leading several scholars to conclude that early Christians understood Jesus as a magician. The problem with this identification is that early Christians greatly maligned magic,” remarks Jefferson, before introducing the varied representations of Jesus and his miracle-working tool.

Utterly theatrical and visualizing the authority of the new religion (Christianity), the most popular scene of early Christian funerary art was the raising of Lazarus. Jesus usually stands in front of a small shrine that holds the swaddled cadaver and he uses a magic wand to summon forth Lazarus from his grave, where he had been dead for four days (John 11).

Sabinus sarcophagus in article Jesus Holding a Magic Wand?

WONDROUS EPISODES depicted on this early fourth-century sarcophagus include (left to right) Peter striking the rock, the arrest of Peter, Jesus at Cana, healing of the blind, multiplication of the loaves and fishes, and the raising of Lazarus.

Even though the Bible never mentions Jesus using a magic wand in performing his miracles, you may recall other prominent biblical figures who did use a similar tool to work miracles. Moses reportedly used a rod to separate the Red Sea to save his people from the Pharaoh’s army during their daring escape from Egypt (Exodus 14). And he later used a rod to strike the rock and provide drinking water for his fellow Israelites during their wanderings to the Promised Land (Exodus 17:2). Is this where the early Christians got the idea, or were they inspired by the pagan imagery of the larger Greco-Roman world?

Domitilla Catacombs Jin article esus Holding a Magic Wand?

JESUS RAISES LAZARUS (top left) while Moses is striking the rock to draw water near Mt. Horeb (top right). This mid-fourth-century pair of paintings in the Red Cubiculum of the Catacomb of Domitilla, in Rome, demonstrated a clear parallel to early Christians between the deliverance wrought by Moses for the old Israel and by Jesus for the New Israel.

The only other New Testament figure who can be seen using a wand to perform a miracle in early Christian art is the apostle Peter. Illustrating a legend attested in apocryphal literature, the scene usually shows Peter striking a rock with a stick, in the presence of two other figures, who wear Roman military cloaks and headgear. According to the legend, Peter during his detention in Rome miraculously opened a spring of water, which he then used to baptize his two jailers.

Peter and jailors in Catacomb of Commodilla

PETER THE APOSTLE is striking a rock to draw water with which to baptize his two Roman jailors. Seen here in the left niche, this scene dates to c. 365 and is painted in the Catacomb of Commodilla on the ancient Via Ostiensis, in Rome. The motif derives from the apocryphal Acts of Peter.

Influenced by modern pop culture and literary characters, such as Harry Potter, we may be forgiven for interpreting the mysterious tool as a magic wand. The reality is even more complex and fascinating. “For early Christians, Jesus performing miracles with the staff was not magical. Rather, it was intrinsically biblical (recalling Moses) and innately ecclesial (touting the supremacy of the Church),” explains Jefferson.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Harry Potter: Christian Values or Satanic?


Leave it to the Church of God to get angry over something AFTER the fact, many years in fact. The Kitchens have now placed their focus on Harry Potter. This gives them the excuse to drag out Herbert to rant and rage over "Spiritism Fraud... or Fact?" By Herbert W Armstrong, Good News Magazine, August 1984.

There a literature being read by many, are we one of them? Do we have these books of Magic, dragons, and occult flavor in it? Are we interested in such things? Beware, It's a door The Devil has a key to. What did the first century Christian do concerning the books of Magic and sorcery and such?

He then goes on to say this about frivolous literature:

18 And many that believed came, and confessed, and shewed their deeds.
19 Many of them also which used curious arts(strongs G4020) brought their books together, and burned them before all men: and they counted the price of them, and found it fifty thousand pieces of silver.
20 So mightily grew the word of God and prevailed.
Strong's Dictionary
Original: περίεργος
Transliteration: periergos
Phonetic: per-ee'-er-gos
Thayer Definition:
busy about trifles and neglectful of important matters
especially busy about other folks' affairs, a busybody
of things: impertinent and superfluous
of magic arts
(Interestingly, this includes frivolous literature that does not build up Right Character, nor educates you. But most importantly, it includes literature of magic, dragons, and witches, wizards, sorcery etc etc. are we indulging in witchcraft? If we are letting that in our minds and homes, Satan has a key to your home! A key inside to your family. And once we give it to Satan the Devil, is it God's? Repent, and turn from your ways. )

Seriously dude! Do you really want to talk about frivolous literature? Look at a lot of the stuff Armstrong and the church promoted. Endless articles and books on prophecy when ended up being fantastical lies. Even our church history is a myth based upon proof-texting by so-called church historians to fit the model they were looking for.

How do Armstrongites deal with Lord of the Rings and the Narnia stories, the ultimate stories of good and evil with wizards and demonic forces? Those must fry their delicate minds! The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe? Heresy!

What does Rowling, a Christian have to say?

J.K. Rowling responded to religious criticism of her Harry Potter books this way in a 1999 interview with Book Links: 
"If this subject offends people, that isn't what I want to do, but I don't believe in censorship for any age group, and this is what I wanted to write about. The book is really about the power of the imagination. What Harry is learning to do is to develop his full potential. Wizardry is just the analogy I use. If anyone expects it to be a book that seriously advocates learning magic, they will be disappointed. Not least because the author does not believe in magic in that way."


Fantasy stories, whether from the bible or modern literature are meant to stir the imaginations of the reader and make them think and ponder.

Kitchen continues with these final words from Herbert:

"Above all, taking the shield of FAITH with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one" — absolute trust in God for deliverance despite all obstacles–"and take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the WORD of God"–use the Bible to know what to do and what to resist. The Word of God is the only sword that can vanquish evil spirits, and that can help you overcome sin and produce self-mastery!
"Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints"–don't slack off in praying, don't become negligent.
PRAY with perseverance, not only for yourself, but for all those whom God has called (Ephesians 6:15-18).
We are all in this battle together! It is a titanic struggle.
Our eternal life depends upon whether we overcome the temptations of the devil and submit to the rule, the AUTHORITY, of God over our lives. It is high time we recognized the evil powers that manifest themselves through spiritism!

That last paragraph shows how little Armstrong understood Christology. Christ's salvational work that was accomplished and the battle that was finished was never understood by Armstrong. That is why he and the church lived/live in a constant state of fear. Evil is lurking around every corner ready to devour them. Yet there is a rest that far exceeds the fear of Armstrong and his minions.


As a side note, here is a great video about "supposal" vs allegory in storytelling. 

The Church is Being Persecuted, So We Are Heading Over To Jerusalem!


Why is it that so many in the church of God desire persecution and martyrdom? Millions of Christians have died in the faith through the centuries who were never part of the so-called Church of God movement. Armstrongists make a point of devaluing their faith as illegitimate or deceived. The only true faith is an Armstrongist church which will soon be persecuted for holding on to the truth. Never has as a church been picked on as much as those with Armstrongist ties. In their eyes, it will only get worse.

Samuel Kitchen has taken this belief to the extreme. He has no followers, other than a 3 or 4 who pay some lip service now and again. Yet, he and his Worldwide Church of God will soon be persecuted so much that he will need to head off to Jerusalem where he will back up the two witless witnesses, Bob Thiel and Ron Weinland. If Bob misses the plane because he had interpreted scripture wrong then it will be Ron and his looney wife Laura. 

Satan is going to be ANGRY!

Those of us who have been called and are part of the body of Christ, must obey God, and suffer wrong, suffer persecution and even martyrdom for Christ’s namesake.
Satan will use any of us, if we are OFF THE TRACK and in some other condition.
By looking back at what was taught and remembering, and relearning, we can work together to become Philadelphian in condition, and qualify. By setting this example we are giving a witness. The Worldwide Church of God and our work, is under attack. Our work may end by the beast power ordering us to shut down, but we will immediately move to Jerusalem and the two witnesses will have our support.
People are too busy looking at these groups, when we are to be coming out of them and setting the right example. That is our work in support of the gospel being preached through the archived works of Herbert W Armstrong and the ministry that was there with him.
If you are off track… REPENT and let’s refocusing our energies and direction to become more like Jesus Christ, more Philadelphian, and more like the Worldwide Church of God.
In Christ’s name,
Samuel W Kitchen