Exposing the underbelly of Armstrongism in all of its wacky glory! Nothing you read here is made up. What you read here is the up to date face of Herbert W Armstrong's legacy. It's the gritty and dirty behind the scenes look at Armstrongism as you have never seen it before! With all the new crazy self-appointed Chief Overseers, Apostles, Prophets, Pharisees, legalists, and outright liars leading various Churches of God today, it is important to hold these agents of deception accountable.
Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders
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Thursday, October 17, 2024
Ex Member Stories - Interview with Scott Williams and how UCG Destroyed his father's life - Part II
Saturday, October 12, 2024
Opening Night Of Feast: "This is God's time", Yet Many Still Skip It
One anomaly in the Church of God was that the church was never able to completely make its members attend the opening night service of the Feast, and still cannot to this day. For many in the church, making it to this service on time, if at all, was due to the fact many did not have the luxury of taking off lots of extra days to leisurely travel to a Feast site. It ended up being a rush to get to the site and check in, exhausting many, especially those with children.
Here we are in 2024 and this is still an issue. Not only is that is an issue, but members skipping out on weekday services is a problem too. After traveling long distances people don't want to be parked in some dank hotel ballroom listening to a canned sermon you have heard for decades by the same person.
United Church of God has this up:
As we head to the Feast, let’s determine in our hearts to serve Him first and observe the Feast as He commands. Make it a priority to be there at the opening night service (or the first scheduled service) at your Feast site. This is God’s time—be where and when He wants you to be. When faced with the choice between attending services or Bible study and what “we want to do,” choose God first. There is plenty of time for the other activities we can enjoy at the Feast.
And remember to pray and make extra time for prayer. We gather where He placed His name for the Feast—to His house, the temple He is building in us. His house is meant to be a “house of prayer.” During this time, draw close to God. Use this time to commit to growing closer to Him. Dedicate yourself to keep His ways, truly “coming out of this world.” Grow daily in faith and trust in Him.
Thursday, October 3, 2024
Just How Many "Watchmen" Does the Church of God Need?
LCG believes their message to the world is far superior than talking much about Jesus and the salvation work accomplished. They much prefer the death and damnation route to keep people living in fear. Nuclear war, famines, children being eaten by their parents, concentration camps, WWIII and so much more keeps people that come into contact with them living in a constant state of fear. End of days porn is far more profitable and titillating.
Sadly, this is not limited to the Living Church of God. The Great Bwana Bob Mzungu Thiel hilariously claims he is a watchman. Gerald Flurry says he is. Dave Pack thinks he is...well, on second thought, that changes hour by hour. Alton Billingsly thinks he is. UCG and COGWA think their churches are.
Does anyone care? Especially when most of these churches are corrupt to the core. Would anyone in their right mind trust these guys?
The Role of a Watchman: Many churches today feel their mission is to tell people about Jesus and hold numerous social activities. Yet, Jesus instructed His disciples to be alert and watch for events that will mark the approaching end of the age and the return of Jesus Christ (Matthew 24; Mark 13; Luke 21). The events making news today—natural disasters, increasing violence and wars around the globe, and the increasing moral, religious, and political decline of Israelite nations (2 Timothy 3:1–5; Deuteronomy 31:29)—are occurring along with the emergence of adversarial powers in Asia and the Middle East (Leviticus 26:15–17). Just as God sent prophets to warn ancient Israel and Judah of their coming punishments, the Church of God has a similar mission to function as a watchman to warn modern Israelite nations of the coming consequences of their sinful ways (Ezekiel 3:17; 33:2–7). This powerful warning must accompany the preaching of the Gospel of the coming Kingdom of God (Matthew 24:14). Let’s stay focused on this God-given mission.
Have a profitable Sabbath,
Douglas S. Winnail
Saturday, September 21, 2024
New Moons and Armstrongism: Keep Them Or Not?
United Church of God has an article about the church calendar and moons. It is always fun to watch various COG groups claim new moons are not to be kept by Christians today and yet they base all of their calculations for their 'festivals' off the timing of those new moons. Then, on the other hand, to see those COG groups that demand new moons be kept.
Divinely Appointed Times and the Next Full Moon
Greetings everyone,
This past full moon of Sept. 17 was called the Harvest Moon, named this way because this moon graces the skies during the harvest season each year. As we observed the lunar cycle, we are reminded the next full moon will signal the beginning of the Feast of Tabernacles.
This is very appropriate, as God says in Leviticus 23:39regarding the Feast of Tabernacles: “Also on the fifteenth day of the seventh month, when you have gathered in the fruit of the land [your harvest], you shall keep the feast of the LORD for seven days; on the first day there shall be a sabbath-rest, and on the eighth day a sabbath-rest.”
The Holy Days center around and teach us about God’s plan for all mankind and the centrality of Jesus Christ’s role in every step toward its completion. And the cycles of the moon help us determine the time of God’s festivals. Yet for most of traditional Christianity, these biblical feasts are thought to have been kept only by the Jews and are considered meaningless for Christians.
Frank Nelte has a long detailed article about the fallacies of Herbert Armstrong and his understanding of new moons, fixed dates, the start of the church year in the spring, and the continuity of the Jewish calendar.
He states this in one section:
What credibility can we extend to religious leaders who felt they had the liberty "to construe biblical texts at their pleasure"? They were clearly hypocrites in the way they dealt with the Scriptures; yet they supposedly dealt with something not even recorded in the Bible (their calendar) with the utmost integrity?
Where do the supporters of the present Jewish calendar find the faith to place such confidence in the integrity of religious leaders to faithfully preserve something that had supposedly been handed down from Old Testament times (the secret rules of the calendar), when it is freely admitted that those same leaders interpreted all of the Scriptures to suit their own ends? These are the very leaders in whose steps Hillel II followed almost 300 years later. It didn't bother Hillel II one bit that he placed the Last Great Day a full week before the end of summer; he too was, after all, simply "construing biblical texts at his pleasure"
Next, Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong's claim that the present Jewish calendar has come down intact without change since 100 AD, that this is proved by history, IS SIMPLY NOT TRUE!
Where did he get his facts from? What are his historical sources? Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong makes a point in this letter that "Brother Dodd" wasn't very clear about his source material for wanting to change the date of the Passover. Yet Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong is equally unclear about where history supposedly proves that the present Jewish calendar has been without change since 100 AD. THE JEWS THEMSELVES don't claim that their present calendar goes back to 100 AD. The starting date of the present Jewish calendar proves beyond any doubts that the very earliest the present Jewish calendar could have come into existence is about 150 AD ... after the destruction of Jerusalem in the 130's AD. An Examination of Mr. Armstrong's 1940 Good News Letter About 'The Calendar'
Nelte goes into detail about how the Jewish calendar actually "lost" 200 years from its calculations and yet Armstrong claims they preserved the true calendar.
Of course, there is the perpetual bogeyman that Armstrong and the church fall back upon when it cannot explain things well. Blame the Catholic Church!
Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong then continues to say:
"The Catholics are the ones who have thought to CHANGE the Times. They say the paschal new moon this year is the one BEFORE March 21st, and figure Easter accordingly. The Jews say it is the one AFTER March 21st."
Here Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong uses "before and after" March 21st (spring equinox) as a criterion. The Catholics were clearly wrong and the Jews were clearly right in this instance. But what about those years where the Jews ALSO say the new moon BEFORE March 21st is the one to start the year with? What if THE JEWS want to start the year in the winter?
For example, in 1937 (3 years before this letter in 1940) the Jewish calendar started the year with March 13th (well before March 21st!), kept the Passover on March 26th, and the wavesheaf would have been required on March 28th. Why was this acceptable in 1937 when it was not acceptable in 1940? Is there a line of division somewhere between a Passover on March 23rd (the evening of March 22nd) which is NOT acceptable, but a Passover on March 26th (the evening of March 25th) which IS acceptable? WHY would there be a line between March 23rd and 26th? On what grounds could such a line be drawn? An Examination of Mr. Armstrong's 1940 Good News Letter About 'The Calendar'
In regard to Armstrong changing the date for Pentecost Nelte says this about the Jewish calendar:
COGWA has this to say:There is no authority or teaching in the Bible to calculate any of these days differently than they did in Moses’ day -- when the new moons were seen by the naked eye at Jerusalem.
We calculate the beginning of months, even as did Jesus and the first apostles -- not as a holy day or convocation -- yet the spring and fall festivals are reckoned from the first days of their months, and it IS important that we calculate properly. NEVERTHELESS, even so, since these are CHURCH festivals, they must be calculated by the CHURCH, through Christ’s chosen apostle, as Christ leads. We follow Jesus Christ’s own example. He did not change or alter the calculating of these months but observed them as Judah had calculated them ever since Moses.
The apostles made NO CHANGE in the calculations. Neither do I, or God’s Church of our day. We observe these days, as originally calculated as inspired by God, from Jerusalem, WHEN these same days come to us on a round earth. The Journal: News of the Churches of God. Issue 200, November 2017, p. 4
"Some claim that the apostle Paul’s reference to new moons in Colossians 2:16is evidence that the Church of God should “observe” new moons, but is this really true?
We must be careful not to read too much into this verse. This reference offers no details about what the believers in Colosse did in regard to new moons. Therefore, it is inaccurate to point to this verse as proof that Christians must keep new moons today."
"Being aware of the new moons has to do with the Hebrew calendar. The calendar used to calculate the festivals is different from the modern calendar in use in the world today, which is based upon the movement of the earth around the sun. It is a solar calendar. In contrast, the Hebrew calendar is a lunar-solar calendar, which includes the cycle of the moon as it revolves around the earth as well as the movement of the sun in its calculations. For that reason, knowing when the new moon occurs is important.
(Some might argue that observing the new moon has something to do with observing the Sabbath, but the cycles of the sun and the moon have nothing to do with the seven-day cycle of a week. Therefore, when the Sabbath occurs is not determined by when the new moon occurs.)
A careful study of the Bible shows that God never commanded Israel to “celebrate” the arrival of the new moon as a holy day. Only God can make time holy, and there is no scriptural evidence that God designated new moons as holy or sacred time, other than that one festival. Therefore, we have no biblical basis to observe new moons in the same manner as the annual festivals.
It is still important to be aware of when the new moon falls, but only for the reason that Israel and the first-century Church needed to be aware of it. That is, to understand when the festivals occur. Christians today do not need to “observe” the new moon as holy time." New Moons: Should Christians Observe Them?
This is how John Ritenbaugh dances around the topic:
Though definitely not on the level of a festival, the new moons are associated with them much like the preparation day is associated with the weekly Sabbath. The lesser one points to and helps prepare us for the arrival of the greater, more important one. The preparation day, though not commanded, plays an important role in effective Sabbath keeping. Thus, it and the new moons are more like tools than commanded observances, but very important tools that should not be neglected. At the very least, carefully mark their passing. If you establish a custom for keeping them, remember it is your custom, not God's. The New Moons
In Armstrongism you can find hundreds of COG groups with hundreds of interpretations on new moons. Armstrongism is never consistent. It has always been about doing whatever made people fell comfortable with instead of following Christ. Even BibleStudy.org (a COG-related site that tries to pass itself as mainstream) says they are not required:
"Although the new moon is the foundation for determining the start of the Biblical calendar, there is no command that any special worship should take place every time it occurs.
In Leviticus chapter 23 God lists all of the days He commands His people to observe and to worship him upon. They are called "holy convocations" (Leviticus 23:1 - 2) because they are a commanded assembly based on his holy authority. "
"In summary, here are the main reasons why believers today do not have to worship or otherwise observe New Moons that occur each month. First, there are NO commands anywhere in the Bible to observe new moons in a religious manner. Second, there are NO instructions, guidelines or even restrictions on the proper way to observe or worship during these monthly periods.
Third, Leviticus chapter 23 carefully lists ALL the days in the year God expects us to observe. The observation of any monthly special time is not listed! Fourth and last, inferences from references to the new moon during the millennial reign of Jesus Christ on earth (Isaiah 66:23) are not clear indications for what we today should be doing.
Taking note of a new moon, in the Old Testament, was one of the only ways people could keep an accurate track of the passage of time. The observation of these days in a religious sense, however, whereby worship of God was commanded, is not found in the Bible." Should We Worship on the New Moon?
So do modern-day Christians need to observe new moons? NO!
In the Bible, God condemned the practice of observing new moons because they quickly lost their true meaning. Luckily, God loved us so much that He gave us another way to show Him we love Him. We no longer have to sacrifice animals, and instead the earth was blessed with the perfect sacrifice of God’s one and only Son. Jesus appeased and died for all of our sins, and all the righteous requirements of the law were fulfilled by Him (Matthew 5:17).
His death on the cross means that we have an avenue to eternal life in Heaven with God. Paul reminds us of this fact: “Do not let anyone judge you by what you eat or drink, or with regard to a religious festival, a New Moon celebration or a Sabbath day. These are a shadow of the things that were to come; the reality, however, is found in Christ” (Colossians 2:16–17).
While watching a new moon can be beautiful, it no longer needs to be considered a holy day or be celebrated in a festival setting. We do not need to go back to using the Hebrew calendar. Only God can make things holy, and He gives us no direction into marking new moons as sacred. Instead, we can accept Jesus into our hearts and ask for forgives through Him. Should Christians Observe New Moons?
Wednesday, September 11, 2024
UCG: Reading the law every seven years
United Church of God has a member Bible reading program and it is currently on Deuteronomy. As they approach the Feast of Tabernacles they believe that they need to reread the law every seven years. Instead of focusing on grace, justification, and other salvation issues that have been accomplished, they continue to look back at the law of condemnation instead of forward to mercy.
Imagine if they spent as much time reading Romans, Hebrews, and Galatians!
As we approach the Feast of Tabernacles and Eighth Day and the return of Jesus Christ to this earth, we are reminded of something God commanded His people to do every seven years. We find it in Deuteronomy 31:10-13:
“And Moses commanded them, saying: ‘At the end of every seven years, at the appointed time in the year of release, at the Feast of Tabernacles, when all Israel comes to appear before the LORD your God in the place which He chooses, you shall read this law before all Israel in their hearing. Gather the people together, men and women and little ones, and the stranger who is within your gates, that they may hear and that they may learn to fear the LORD your God and carefully observe all the words of this law, and that their children, who have not known it, may hear and learn to fear the LORD your God as long as you live in the land which you cross the Jordan to possess.’”
Brethren, as God’s people united in His Spirit and truth and led by our Savior and soon coming King, Jesus Christ, let’s together, everyone around the world, join in reading the words of Deuteronomy this year as we look forward to the Feast. Daily Bible Reading: The Book of Deuteronomy
Saturday, September 7, 2024
Mocking The Disabled People In UCG?
True Christians or truly good people in general It should sadden our hearts to see the great suffering of the disabled people. Like the Shriners hospital for children, we should remember the disabled members of our community and those who care for them.
UCG supports law enforcement but when they had the opportunity to do justice, the pastor said we should leave the justice up to God. He thought the courts and police were working for God. How come, if God is real, he never punishes people himself like striking them down with a lightning bolt? The only things God ever does is stuff that is humanly possible, and that is done by humans themselves - never God himself.
We ought to feel saddened by the suffering of disabled people. A minister said, "Don't take them to the feast because you have to watch them." That's discrimination because the UCG minister told someone not to take them to the feast because they would need to be watched. After all, they are disabled. If they truly had an outgoing concern, they wouldn't mind watching someone who's disabled I would want them to have a good time at the feast. That is what he told someone who invited us to the feast last year.
IN THE UNITED CHURCH OF GOD, there is an arrogant ableist that is prejudice towards disabled people so a United Church of God member told someone, pointing at me and my brother, "I can't hang out with these guys." Someone asked, "Why can't you?" Who was this man? Only the most arrogant and hateful person, who claims to follow Jesus Christ but does not live up to it! He said that we talk funny and are socially awkward. Even though the bible says, "Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment." He also called us "retards" to our face!
Jesus commanded to invite the disabled to feast with you. "Then Jesus said to the man who had invited him, 'When you give a lunch or a dinner, don’t invite only your friends, brothers, relatives, and rich neighbors. At another time they will invite you to eat with them. Then you will have your reward. Instead, when you give a feast, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame and the blind. Then you will be blessed, because they cannot pay you back. They have nothing. But you will be rewarded when the good people rise from death.'" - Luke 14:12

Persecution is a crime that is defined as severe discrimination that results in the denial or infringement of fundamental rights. Practice inclusive love as Jesus loved. Treat everyone as if they were an angel in disguise. One of the people who refused to help disabled people said, "We need a president who can speak!" - putting down Joe Biden on a Facebook post for his speech impediment. It is commonly believed Moses had a speech impediment too. Would you say he is not a good leader because of how he talked too, really? They like Moses but pick on people with speech problems in our time. Moses’ own description of himself is that he had trouble speaking, and God allowed his brother Aaron to act as spokesman for him (Exodus 4:14–16

People will know the distinctiveness of Christians by the nature of their sacrificial love for one another. Loving one another invites a test of the validity of genuine Christian living. Love is the badge of a Christian. I wonder why Christians would treat someone with a speech impediment in our time badly when the Bible says Moses had one? Even though you shouldn't pick on someone for having a disability, did you imagine they would pick on someone who for something that someone in the Bible also had, like Moses was known as a stutterer, but they pick on Joe Biden for also being a stutterer, they love Moses, but they pick on Joe, but he has the same thing that Moses had?
The person who bashed Joe Biden for his speech impediment also has a Facebook account he shares with his wife. Isn’t the Bible talking about how we should behave with humility and sacrificial love? Interestingly, that goes against our nature. We tend to want to be the best, the strongest, the first in line. Jesus teaches being a servant. The church called "The United Church of God" discriminates against the disabled apparently their churches college doesn't offer any accommodations for people with disabilities.
What does Judaism say about this? The commandment "Thou shalt not oppress the weak" applies to all individuals, including those who are disabled. In Judaism, every person is valued and worthy of respect, regardless of any physical or mental disabilities they may have. We are taught to treat all individuals with kindness, compassion, and empathy, following the principle of "Love your neighbor as yourself" (Leviticus 19:18

The Torah teaches us to treat all people with respect, kindness, and compassion, including those with disabilities. In fact, there are specific commandments and laws in Jewish tradition that emphasize the importance of caring for and supporting individuals with disabilities. For example, Leviticus 19:14

Additionally, Jewish tradition places a strong emphasis on the concept of "tikkun olam," which means repairing the world. This includes working towards creating a more inclusive and accessible society for people with disabilities. Overall, Judaism values the inherent worth and dignity of every individual, and teaches us to treat all people with compassion and respect, regardless of any disabilities they may have.
The Bible teaches that every person conceived in this world is a unique creation of God. Ultimately, in the eyes of Judaism, individuals with disabilities are valued members of our community, deserving of love, respect, and support just like anyone else. It is our responsibility to ensure that they are able to fully participate in society and have their needs met with dignity and compassion. There is a commandment in the Jewish 613 commandments it says " Not to oppress the weak—Exodus 22:21

About the disabled, we should show them compassion and serve them as equals. Remember, Jesus healed the blind, the mute, and the lame during Jesus's time on earth. Each one of them was a precious child of God, deserving of dignity and respect. We must not look upon them with condescension or sadness, but rather with understanding and empathy. For we are all in need of healing, whether from physical infirmity or spiritual blindness.
Additional notes: Bullying is hurting or threatening people who seem weak. If a church does not give disabled people the same equal opportunities as non-disabled individuals, it could be considered discrimination. Discrimination on the basis of people with disabilities goes against the principles of equality and fairness. All individuals should be treated equally and without discrimination regardless of their disabilities and abilities.
About the Bible: The four gospel accounts record that Christ performed many miracles during His ministry. Many of His most dramatic were healings. He made the lame walk—gave sight to the blind—healed lepers—healed others with the palsy—and “healed all that were sick” (Matt. 8:16

My brother was going to Suffolk Community College now, but UCG bullies were so arrogant they were trying to recommend a day program. I remember when someone even said, "They can walk!" And the church also didn't punish someone who made disabled people cry or want to hang out with them because of their disabilities and punched another church member in the face when they were fighting!
When we see Christians who mock the disabled, It means that there is a disconnect between the teachings of Jesus, who showed love and compassion towards the disabled, and the actions of some individuals who claim to follow him. By mocking the disabled, these individuals are not embodying the values of kindness, acceptance, and empathy that Jesus exemplified. This behavior is not in line with the teachings of Christianity and goes against the principles of love and respect for all individuals, regardless of their abilities or disabilities.
NOTE: The author of this post, my friend, is a very articulate, bright, and thoughtful young man with a cognitive disability. He is curious about the world around him and wants to be a part of it. I believe that he and his brother should be treated with the same respect and compassion which Scripture enjoins us to do for others. I should also note that I edited out some individual names from the original and inserted a few pronouns and punctuation marks. What do you think?
Miller Jones/Lonnie C Hendrix
Friday, August 30, 2024
UCG Wants You To Keep Your Spiritual Garments Clean
In a fear-laden article about North Korea, China, Russia, and demons getting ready to start WWIII (see: Armageddon: The Hordes Out of the North and East), UCG members are exhorted to continue working and doing all they can to preserve their lives.
UCG's Jim Tuck ends his article with this:
Watch and keep your spiritual garments clean
The spirits of demons go forth and stir up nations of the world to come together to fight: “For they are spirits of demons, performing signs, which go out to the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty. ‘Behold, I am coming as a thief. Blessed is he who watches, and keeps his garments, lest he walk naked and they see his shame.’ And they gathered them together to the place called in Hebrew, Armageddon” (Revelation 16:14-16
When Jesus Christ returns, He will find the world engaged in all-out war, and unless He intervenes, this world will be totally obliterated (Matthew 24:22
). When He comes, the armies of the world will turn on Him to fight and make war against Him (Revelation11:18
, 17:14
Why is this important? Our Lord Jesus fully answers the question: “Behold, I am coming as a thief. Blessed is he who watches, and keeps his garments, lest he walk naked and they see his shame.”
The knowledge of what is ahead motivates us now to prepare spiritually while there is time. “The night is far spent; the day is at hand. Therefore, let us cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armor of light” (Romans 13:12
This is my Perspective!
Tuesday, March 1, 2022
UCG: Victor Kubik Has Successfully Guided Us Through Difficult Times And Brought Peace To The Church
United Church of God is finally ready for regime change. Will they elect a younger man who does not look backward at the glory days and actually has a forward-thinking vision?
Don't hold your breath!
We will probably see one of the same tired old men we have watched UCG keep in their upper echelons over the last 27 years.
Len Martin, Chairman of the Council of Elders, writes on February 28th:
After nine years of a successful presidency directing the United Church of God, an International Association (UCGIA), through some difficult times, the Council of Elders has decided in its normal three-year reaffirmation process it is time to plan for a transition to a new president. The Council will be discussing transition details with Mr. Kubik.
Thanks to God, the Church has enjoyed a time of peace under the leadership of Mr. Kubik. He was instrumental in the foundation of UCGIA in Indianapolis, Indiana. He served on the Council for many years, and was the operation manager for Ministerial and Member Services before serving three terms as president.
Victor and his wife, Beverly, have served the Church with many projects—directing UCGIA in all its facets. The LifeNets foundation they started 22 years ago has been very helpful to many people, and they will continue in those humanitarian efforts.
We thank the Kubiks for their many years of dedicated service. COG News