Luke 14: The Banquet | Mural by Hyatt Moore, painted during Global Access Conference, 2015.
A Guest Commentary: Serving Disabled People
True Christians or truly good people in general It should sadden our hearts to see the great suffering of the disabled people. Like the Shriners hospital for children, we should remember the disabled members of our community and those who care for them.
UCG supports law enforcement but when they had the opportunity to do justice, the pastor said we should leave the justice up to God. He thought the courts and police were working for God. How come, if God is real, he never punishes people himself like striking them down with a lightning bolt? The only things God ever does is stuff that is humanly possible, and that is done by humans themselves - never God himself.
We ought to feel saddened by the suffering of disabled people. A minister said, "Don't take them to the feast because you have to watch them." That's discrimination because the UCG minister told someone not to take them to the feast because they would need to be watched. After all, they are disabled. If they truly had an outgoing concern, they wouldn't mind watching someone who's disabled I would want them to have a good time at the feast. That is what he told someone who invited us to the feast last year.
IN THE UNITED CHURCH OF GOD, there is an arrogant ableist that is prejudice towards disabled people so a United Church of God member told someone, pointing at me and my brother, "I can't hang out with these guys." Someone asked, "Why can't you?" Who was this man? Only the most arrogant and hateful person, who claims to follow Jesus Christ but does not live up to it! He said that we talk funny and are socially awkward. Even though the bible says, "Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment." He also called us "retards" to our face!
Jesus commanded to invite the disabled to feast with you. "Then Jesus said to the man who had invited him, 'When you give a lunch or a dinner, don’t invite only your friends, brothers, relatives, and rich neighbors. At another time they will invite you to eat with them. Then you will have your reward. Instead, when you give a feast, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame and the blind. Then you will be blessed, because they cannot pay you back. They have nothing. But you will be rewarded when the good people rise from death.'" -
Luke 14:12
-14 ICB
Persecution is a crime that is defined as severe discrimination that results in the denial or infringement of fundamental rights. Practice inclusive love as Jesus loved. Treat everyone as if they were an angel in disguise. One of the people who refused to help disabled people said, "We need a president who can speak!" - putting down Joe Biden on a Facebook post for his speech impediment. It is commonly believed Moses had a speech impediment too. Would you say he is not a good leader because of how he talked too, really? They like Moses but pick on people with speech problems in our time. Moses’ own description of himself is that he had trouble speaking, and God allowed his brother Aaron to act as spokesman for him (
Exodus 4:14–16
People will know the distinctiveness of Christians by the nature of their sacrificial love for one another. Loving one another invites a test of the validity of genuine Christian living. Love is the badge of a Christian. I wonder why Christians would treat someone with a speech impediment in our time badly when the Bible says Moses had one? Even though you shouldn't pick on someone for having a disability, did you imagine they would pick on someone who for something that someone in the Bible also had, like Moses was known as a stutterer, but they pick on Joe Biden for also being a stutterer, they love Moses, but they pick on Joe, but he has the same thing that Moses had?
The person who bashed Joe Biden for his speech impediment also has a Facebook account he shares with his wife. Isn’t the Bible talking about how we should behave with humility and sacrificial love? Interestingly, that goes against our nature. We tend to want to be the best, the strongest, the first in line. Jesus teaches being a servant. The church called "The United Church of God" discriminates against the disabled apparently their churches college doesn't offer any accommodations for people with disabilities.
What does Judaism say about this? The commandment "Thou shalt not oppress the weak" applies to all individuals, including those who are disabled. In Judaism, every person is valued and worthy of respect, regardless of any physical or mental disabilities they may have. We are taught to treat all individuals with kindness, compassion, and empathy, following the principle of "Love your neighbor as yourself" (
Leviticus 19:18
). Disabilities are not a measure of a person's worth or value in the eyes of our faith. In Judaism, every individual is considered to be created in the image of God (
Genesis 1:27
), regardless of any physical or mental disabilities they may have.
The Torah teaches us to treat all people with respect, kindness, and compassion, including those with disabilities. In fact, there are specific commandments and laws in Jewish tradition that emphasize the importance of caring for and supporting individuals with disabilities. For example,
Leviticus 19:14
states, "Do not curse the deaf or put a stumbling block in front of the blind, but fear your God. | am the Lord." This verse teaches us not to take advantage of someone's disability or mistreat them in any way.
Additionally, Jewish tradition places a strong emphasis on the concept of "tikkun olam," which means repairing the world. This includes working towards creating a more inclusive and accessible society for people with disabilities. Overall, Judaism values the inherent worth and dignity of every individual, and teaches us to treat all people with compassion and respect, regardless of any disabilities they may have.
The Bible teaches that every person conceived in this world is a unique creation of God. Ultimately, in the eyes of Judaism, individuals with disabilities are valued members of our community, deserving of love, respect, and support just like anyone else. It is our responsibility to ensure that they are able to fully participate in society and have their needs met with dignity and compassion. There is a commandment in the Jewish 613 commandments it says " Not to oppress the weak—
Exodus 22:21
About the disabled, we should show them compassion and serve them as equals. Remember, Jesus healed the blind, the mute, and the lame during Jesus's time on earth. Each one of them was a precious child of God, deserving of dignity and respect. We must not look upon them with condescension or sadness, but rather with understanding and empathy. For we are all in need of healing, whether from physical infirmity or spiritual blindness.
Additional notes: Bullying is hurting or threatening people who seem weak. If a church does not give disabled people the same equal opportunities as non-disabled individuals, it could be considered discrimination. Discrimination on the basis of people with disabilities goes against the principles of equality and fairness. All individuals should be treated equally and without discrimination regardless of their disabilities and abilities.
About the Bible: The four gospel accounts record that Christ performed many miracles during His ministry. Many of His most dramatic were healings. He made the lame walk—gave sight to the blind—healed lepers—healed others with the palsy—and “healed all that were sick” (
Matt. 8:16
). He also performed many healings of the mind by casting out demons from those who were possessed.
My brother was going to Suffolk Community College now, but UCG bullies were so arrogant they were trying to recommend a day program. I remember when someone even said, "They can walk!" And the church also didn't punish someone who made disabled people cry or want to hang out with them because of their disabilities and punched another church member in the face when they were fighting!
When we see Christians who mock the disabled, It means that there is a disconnect between the teachings of Jesus, who showed love and compassion towards the disabled, and the actions of some individuals who claim to follow him. By mocking the disabled, these individuals are not embodying the values of kindness, acceptance, and empathy that Jesus exemplified. This behavior is not in line with the teachings of Christianity and goes against the principles of love and respect for all individuals, regardless of their abilities or disabilities.
NOTE: The author of this post, my friend, is a very articulate, bright, and thoughtful young man with a cognitive disability. He is curious about the world around him and wants to be a part of it. I believe that he and his brother should be treated with the same respect and compassion which Scripture enjoins us to do for others. I should also note that I edited out some individual names from the original and inserted a few pronouns and punctuation marks. What do you think?
Miller Jones/Lonnie C Hendrix
NOTE: I also received a copy of the email which these people described what happened to them in UCG. It did not surprise me at all. Banned