Neville Stevens
Back in the mid 2000's, there was a very active alt.religion.w-w-church-god newsgroup that was filled with some of the craziest Armstrongites ever to exist (at least till Bob Thiel came on the scene). It was led by Neville Stevens, another self-appointed prophet to the Church of God. Stevens was the "Tony Almo" of the Church of God. When he wrote articles it was like reading Tony Almo's crazy stuff from the 80's and 90's. He had his own cult break off called Zion Ministry and its mission was to:
Zion Ministry teaches Bible Prophecy
To the Churches of God, the Tribes of Israel, and the world.
The Gospel of the Kingdom of God is soon to become a reality!
Stevens had a loyal band of followers who called themselves the "Levite Brotherhood – the Sons of Jerusalem". They were crazier than hell and xCOG members who participated in the newsgroup had a field day pushing their buttons. They were gearing up for an end-time blood bath where they would be slaughtering all disobedient Laodiceans by the sword before the invading Germans and Muslims killed off the other lukewarm COG members. They seemed to relish the idea of killing wayward COG members. Of course like any good Armstrongite, they were soon to be made into gods and goddesses where they would rule the world with an iron fist dispensing HWA and Stevens teachings.
After writing numerous long-winded articles, much like what Bob Thiel does, Stevens stopped his so-called prophetic ministry because he had preached the final witness and it would soon be time for the Laodiceans and those that mocked him and his followers to be killed off as the end time was soon to hit the fan.
That was 2012. Ten years later and here we all are. No one has been killed by them. After threatening me for close to 8 years that I would die a horrible death on Passover eve, I am still here, being a pain in the ass for the uber-right Armstrongists. One of them even said he was coming to Los Angeles to kill me by the sword. I told him to let me know when he arrived and I would pick him up at the airport. Alas, he never showed up. It was such a disappointing weekend.
Neville Stevens lies are very similar to Bob Thiels, Pack, Flurry's, and others in COG prophet/apostleland, and as usual, his prophecies all failed. The sad part about Stevens Zion Ministry was that it was positive proof that COG members would and will fall for anything that makes them feel special and called out.
For some reason, his last letter to the church popped up on my newsfeed this week. Maybe it was his god trying to tell me something!
Here are a few tidbits from the 2012 final letter to the church. If you take the words "zion ministry " out and substitute Continuing Church of God, you would never know the difference. Fake COG prophets all speak the same way.
The truth is that since this Zion Ministry began exactly 14 years ago, to the very day as I write, much Bible prophecy has been fulfilled and is rapidly proceeding. This ministry began as a prophetic ministry and has continued ever since. The purpose and function of it was to warn the Churches of God, the 12 Tribes of Israel and the world of what to expect, and to explain the Scriptures in order that whoever might listen might be spared the horror they now face. Did anyone imagine that with such ominous disasters pending that will result in the deaths of millions of people – including His people Israel, no less – that God wouldn’t send a prophet to warn? Well, He did send a prophet at the appointed time; He sent me! And I have done as I’ve been commanded. All that I’ve written was under the instructions of God Almighty. I’m merely the instrument in His hands. Nothing more – and nothing less! The difference between me and the many false, self-proclaimed prophets is that I believedGod always and never deviated from this belief for any reason. And the other difference is that I was taught by God Himself! I’ve merely taught others what God has taught me, thereby leaving aside all the pseudo doctrines and sanctimonious nonsense that vain preachers find so compelling to their congregations. Never mind that these vain creatures are leading others to their deaths, thereby depriving them of life! If you are still in awe of the flowery, pathetic nonsense taught by your local preacher as he endeavours to entice you to follow him, then like Humpty-dumpty you’re about to take a great fall. These mealy-mouthed weaklings will take you nowhere – except to your doom!
Stevens was big-time into conspiracy theories and outlandish beliefs. He claimed to know how the kingdom of God would look in the new world to come. All of the land masses would migrate back to their original state, forming a pyramid in the face of what I assume is a flat earth, since so many COG members now believe the earth is flat.
If all the landmass around the arctic in the north were migrated southward and then brought together so that west meets east, and then all the western and eastern landmasses were migrated back towards Jerusalem, what you would see is a single landmass in the shape of a triangle or pyramid. This migration of the continents would displace the Atlantic and Indian Oceans and all the inland seas, leaving the Pacific Ocean as the only ocean. The most southerly part of this inverse triangle would be Antarctica. So why did David use twopyramid shapes interwoven together? He was showing us what the face of the earth once looked like, and what it has become. It was through DAVIDthat we learn that God is going to RENEW THE FACE OF THE EARTH – which is of course the landmass! Another interesting point is that when the original landmass is migrated back to what it once was, then Jerusalem becomes the exact center of it (see Eze 5:5). The reason David included two interwoven Pyramid shapes was to indicate that one of these shapes will emerge as the original, with the chief cornerstone (the uppermost block on a pyramid) will be pointing to the north. Presently the chief cornerstone is in the extreme south – Antarctica no less! It’s to be hoped that all readers are familiar with the Scriptures which identify the Lord Jesus as the Chief Cornerstone. Americans can look at their dollar bill and see the illuminated upper-stone of the Pyramid. This Illuminated Rock represents Jesus Christ, and God inspired its use on the dollar bill for the purpose of reminding Americans who they are in the annals of Bible Prophecy.

Further evidence of this is found when God speaks to His servant Job about the foundation or landmass of the earth: Job 38:6-7
“Who marked off its dimensions? Surely you know! Who stretched a measuring line across it? 6 On what were its footings set, or who laid its CORNERSTONE-- 7 while the morning stars sang together and all the angels shouted for joy?” The reference to the angels shouting for joy clearly shows that God is speaking about the original creation of the landmass, which has a specific form that required a measuring-line to ensure a perfect shape with straight sides or boundaries.
If that wasn't crazy enough for you he then goes on to tell us how in the Antarctic there was a fantastical world that Admiral Richard Byrd discovered with palm trees, rivers, cities, flowering gardens, and so much more craziness. That amazing area was actually a UFO base for enlightened beings who were actually the place where demons lived openly in this world.
All these things raise the question of Antarctica – the original upper bloc of the single landmass which is illuminated on the dollar bill. It seems to be a trackless wasteland of snow and ice today. I don’t know how many of our readers are familiar with the exploits of Admiral Richard Byrd, who led an expedition to the ANTARCTIC with a huge armada of ships and aircraft. Afterwards he gave a report to both the President and the Pentagon which stunned them, and resulted in them deciding to sideline the Admiral. They held him for many hours under questioning, and some wanted to lock him up in a madhouse. What did he say in this report that so shocked everyone?
The whole story of the Admiral’s experience was recorded in his diary and was finally published in 1959, two years after his death in 1957. The substance of the report he gave on his return to the President and the Pentagon is that he met with a being that referred to himself as ‘The Master”. Admiral Byrd had piloted one of a squadron of planes from one of the carriers. He had two navigators with him. The planes explored different parts of the Antarctic continent. The other planes all arrived back on time, but Admiral Byrd’s plane was three hours late and was feared missing. At the very least, his fuel supply would have run out, but then suddenly the plane appeared and landed.
There’s reenacted documentary footage which can be viewed here, and which explains everything that was purported to have happened. It’s not actual footage but a reenactment of the circumstances spoken of in Admiral Byrd’s diary.
Part 2. The untold UFO war in Antarctica
Part 3. The untold UFO war in Antarctica
Regardless of what you think of these events, just bear in mind that Admiral Byrd was a very creditable witness, and he had two other witnesses with him on this flight, who confirmed these things. While all this was happening, they were actually reporting everything by radio to their base – which drew gasps of astonishment. The being whom the Admiral met called himself ‘The Master’, so this story indicates that Satan has a base in Antarctica – the very place where he exhibited delusions of grandeur for himself, along with the ambition to take over the Throne of Almighty God. The real significance of this would not be realized without knowing what Antarctica represents on the original FACE OF THE EARTH, which is to be renewed.
Incidentally, after Admiral Byrd’s return to the aircraft carrier, a war broke out against the ships and planes under his command, and this is what the above footage is about. Some 4,000 personnel witnessed the attack by UFO’s. There were dozens of casualties. The whole expedition was immediately abandoned after only two months of the planned six month event. Equipment and ammunition was abandoned in their haste to leave.
If you watched the above YouTube clips, you will notice that this ‘Master’ as he describes himself to Admiral Byrd, claims to be a benevolent visitor from outer space, and one who espouses peace and goodwill to all men. Yet no sooner does Admiral Byrd arrive back on the aircraft carrier, this ‘Master’ launches an unprovoked attack on them resulting in dozens of casualties and severe damage to the fleet, which resulted in them running away like scared rabbits.
For close to 14 years, Stevens preached his craziness and like Bob Thiel, garnered hardly any COG members to join his cult. This irritated him very much and he and his followers got sick of the mocking. Stevens got so fed up that he told all COG members that they were now on their own.
The Creator God has made His position clear to everyone, so all are without excuse. God gave His people Israel the choice between life and death, and counseled them to choose life. Today, more than ever, that choice is before you, and from now on you’re on your own to make that choice. Before you prepare yourself for conquest, be sure and certain you have God’s Holy Spirit or your fate will be to return to dust - forever! Perhaps we, the Brotherhood, will see you in our Father’s Kingdom!
May God be with you!
Neville V. Stevens
(Representing the Levite Brotherhood – the Sons of Jerusalem)
Stevens is just another example of why no one believes Bob Thiel, Dave Pack. Gerald Flurry, and the rest of the pseudoprophets and apostles to the church. They are all liars.
You can read his final letter here and access the rest of his writings.
See previous articles on Banned about him:
Neville Stevens: Proof That Armstrongites Will Believe Anything!
Neville Stevens: Cyrus the Great Was A Demon....