Showing posts with label COG false teacher. Show all posts
Showing posts with label COG false teacher. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Dave Pack: We are in Serious Dilemma! All of our literature is wrong!


UPDATE: On March 9, 2021, I posted this about Dave's ongoing lies and how almost all of RCG's literature was then obsolete. Here we are in February 2023 and the lies continue unabated. Jesus still has not returned. Dave's material is still outdated. No great secret of God has ever been revealed. Every time Dave opens his mouth he discredits himself, invalidating any previous words of wisdom.

We are in a Serious Dilemma!

From an RCG source:

This is perhaps one of the more shocking quotes I have seen in the series yet. I would ask that the Website team post this on the homepage somewhere just so new members understand that nothing they read is actually what the church teaches. This is a long quote but stay with me!

All the RCG material on the “Gospel” is wrong in Dave’s eyes. (This was discussed for years while the series was going on, some small changes were made, but now it’s obvious to church members). In effect, God needs to use material filled with lies and inaccurate information to get people into His TRUE CHURCH. 

An important question for the members of RCG, “Does an all-powerful “God of Truth,” need to use lies and deception to get people into His organization or True Church?” If so, then where is the Biblical precedent for this? Especially, when Christ is “the Way, the Truth, the Life”? 

At the judgment seat, could you imagine God or Christ condemning people for deceiving others, when they themselves actually deceived people to get them into the church?

Dave states at the end of 294:

“Finally let's imagine that the kingdom of God did not come this year. Let's imagine it. This church is in a serious dilemma, and I want you to think about it. And I ran it by a half dozen ministers, and here are our options, because all of our literature currently teaches that the kingdom of God is built the way my Baptist father-in-law believes, Christ comes and builds the kingdom. All of our literature is written that way. Now here's option "Number One," Ready? Let our literature say that and it's FALSE! I've written, I don't know probably a million words about the gospel. I've got to alter those. When would I do it? We can't let it go out. It's not true! So that's option number one would just let it stay there out of the question. 

Option "Number Two," withdraw all of our literature on the subject of the gospel. The Awesome Potential of Man, What's the Kingdom. What's the True Gospel, How World Peace Will Come. And all the booklets that I wrote years ago that had been so productive. Hundreds of millions of our pieces of literature have gone out, just withdraw them and never talk about the Gospel again? Well, that's a problem because we have an open door in front of us and nobody can shut it! So we wouldn't be expected to do that. So neither of those options are realistic. Here's the third one. God says he wants to come as a "thief", as a "snare." He does not want the world to know it. He wants a little group to know it. So then what do I do? Rewrite the literature and tell the world what it appears. God does not want them to know? That's option "Number three," that doesn't sound like a very good option, but we'd have to do something, unless God revealed this extraordinary mystery that has been this series right before he intended to solve the problem Himself. Because here they are, again, leave the literature that's up--it's wrong! It was "a present truth." Mr. Armstrong taught things that were wrong and he taught all the other doctrines of God correctly. We believed them. We held to them, but I no longer could. What would our ministers counsel people who were reading booklets that are wrong? "Well, this was actually wrong, but we need to understand it should say this." Well, they'd say, if I were a prospective member, like I was 55 years ago, I'd said, "Well, why hasn't it changed?" Or the alternative? Remember, second alternative? Just cancel all that literature and never talk about the kingdom of God. Well again, no one could consider that a viable option.

And the third one is start rewriting it. Now that would even take a while. And then we would do, because the Work is booming. Make no mistake. We are booming right now! I've never seen anything like it! And we're poised to do big stuff. So what would we do just sit on that we're wonderfully positioned to explode! But then we would be telling people what God doesn't want known. So, there was no box on that list where you could check "none of the above." You got to go one of the three ways. Now I never mentioned that as a metric because I never thought of it as a metric until I came to understand the "mystery of God" is that the kingdom of God arrives in a totally different way than anybody we or anybody else ever thought.

But it's a "fact" and you've heard the proof. So the only solution it seems to me is that the kingdom has to come, or I got to choose one of those three things because I'm not going to sit back. Our "reserves are," I mean, you just can't believe how well we're doing. We never done this well! We're 22 years now and I mean, we're not going to go build more buildings. There's no time for that. What would we do? We have a wonderful staff. We don't have to spend time hiring more staff. We're well positioned. We're poised, we're oiled. We could go out and do a much bigger work, but the problem is we would be disclosing a secret God does not want it out. I don't know how I could do that in good conscience. So, God speed the day! It looks like our weight is very short for one more reason. And the "Mystery of God" has gone away in a greater way. For one more reason. Good night.


Thursday, June 30, 2022

Jon Brisby Hiding Tithing Amounts From "Unconverted" Spouses Of Members


Just when you think the deviousness of COG leaders cannot sink any lower, along comes one who actually does. Jon Brisby, the spiritual guru of the Church of God, The Eternal is now hiding tithe receipts from spouses of members who do not join his group.

From a reader here:

A new member has a wife who did not join the church. The wife called the main office to get a copy of tithe receipt for tax purposes. Jon B. had flagged the new member's account to NOT give tithe receipt to the wife so to help the man hide money. Have any of you ever heard of such a thing? Sounds like a cult!!

Amazon has this "biography" of him on his book page. Just like Bob Thiel, Brisby's narcissistic attitude and spiritual self-importance make him out to be a rags-to-riches type minister in Armstrongism. Riches is right, as members complain about his flashy cars, homes, and indulgent lifestyle.

Jon W. Brisby was raised in the Worldwide Church of God by parents, Don & Pat Brisby, who joined the church in 1959. In 1968, Don was recruited by Herbert Armstrong to work at the Ambassador College Press in Pasadena, CA because of his expertise in commercial color printing. That is how the Brisby family, much like the Beverly Hillbillies, made it to southern California from middle Tennessee. Jon attended the church's private grade school on the Ambassador College campus (Imperial Schools) from 1968-1972. His own experience as a child "at headquarters"—as well as that of his parents during this significant time period for the church—would leave lasting impressions.

After 1972, the family moved first to Denver, CO, then to Houston, TX, and finally made it back to Nashville, TN, where Jon graduated public high school in 1980. He chose to attend one year at Ambassador College in 1980-81 as a freshman, but did not return for a second year due to his personal conviction that things were not right in the church, even though he still held a personal respect for Mr. Herbert Armstrong.

He joined Church of God, The Eternal (a remnant fellowship) in 1981 at age nineteen, was baptized the same year, and finally found a spiritual home through the influence of Mr. Raymond C. Cole. It was Raymond Cole who showed him by example how a minister can both defend divinely–revealed truth and at the same time show loving and patient support to individual members. Without that particular personal example, it is very likely that Jon would have chosen to reject his "parents' religion" as a young adult, even as most of his childhood friends in the WCG had already done.

Jon married at age 24, had two sons, finished his business degree with the University of the State of New York, had a successful career in corporate middle management, and remained a devoted lay-member of the church. It was in 1996 that Raymond Cole pressed Jon to become a minister, a course that he never would have chosen of his own accord. He was ordained by Mr. Cole on the Feast of Trumpets in 1997 but did not jettison his corporate career until late 1999 when the church was in dire need of more full-time helpers. He moved his family to Eugene, Oregon that year and worked as Raymond Cole's ministerial assistant until Mr. Cole's death in 2001. Thereafter, Jon became Pastor and Director of Church of God, The Eternal, a position of service he holds to this day.

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

PCG's Dwight Falk Warns Members If They Do Not Support The Work Then God Will Not Rebuke The "Devourer" Against Them

The Philadelphia Church of God never exhausts its threats against members for not supporting the "work".  Apparently, Dwight Falk believes that when you financially give to the cult then PCG's god will be so impressed it will restrict Satan and his demons from making your life a miserable hell. PCG's god will supply all of the needs of loyal PCG members as they struggle to survive with high food and gas prices. Will their cars automatically get more miles to the gallon? Will food in the refrigerators mysteriously double overnight? Considering the magical god of Armstrongism, this could certainly happen!

Dwight Falk Tries to Intimidate Members Into Supporting “the Work”:
June 24, 2022 
A PCG source sent the following notes. It was a short, but twisted, taken out of context, sermonette given by Dwight Falk, who knows absolutely nothing about exegesis of the Scriptures. 
Falk started off talking about rising gas prices and then went on to quote Malachi 3:11: “And I will rebuke the devourer for your sakes, and he shall not destroy the fruits of your ground; neither shall your vine cast her fruit before the time in the field, saith the LORD of hosts.” This is God talking to the “sons of Jacob” (See: British Israelism-True or False?) not to the N. T. church that Jesus founded, and reading the passage in context shows it is talking about pests such as the locust or caterpillar eating their crops, not about gaining financial blessings. The PCG ministers know they can control members much better if they use the O. T. especially that which is applying to the House of Israel. 
He said if we “support the Work,” God will rebuke the devourer. [Note: For a definition of the words “the Work” see Buzzwords (or loading the language).] 
He rattled off several blessings they (PCG) have; i.e., Armstrong College, etc., etc..
“As long as we are supporting His Work, God will rebuke the devourer (i.e., take care of us)” he asserted. 
In other words, the blessings we receive are contingent upon doing certain acts–especially supporting, giving money to, “the Work”–then God will follow through. Is the New Testament church today living in O. T. times? 
He took examples from the O.T.; i. e., the Israelite’s clothing and shoes not wearing out in the wilderness; the blessings and curses in Deuteronomy. 
“God will rebuke the devourer,” he said, “as long as we stay close to Him and support the Work.”
Notice how God helping us is all centered around supporting the Work. 
Does Philippians 4:19: “But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus” say anything about God taking care of us, or blessing us, “as long as” we “support the Work”? 
No, it does not. 
Sorry, Dwight, you failed Bible exegesis big time. –sermonette critiqued by PCG source

From Exit and Support Network 

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

PCG: "We don't have long to wait" But In The Meantime Have "Love toward God and his government"

Exit and Support Network has the following about a recent Bible Study given in the Philadelphia Church of God cult. The PCG is just like Dave Pack and Bob Thiel in that their goalposts keep getting moved because none of their prophecies ever come to fruition. You would think after all of the decades that have passed with one prophetic failure after another, starting in the 1930s with Herbert Armstrong, that COG members would wake up and tell these charlatans how far they can shove their conspiracy theories and absurd prophecies, but no, they need to be able to sit there and feel special and called out from the world as they think they are learning new secret knowledge never before revealed. The ___Church of God should call themselves the Gnostic Church of God and get it over with.

The end is supposedly coming and the focus is entirely upon Gerald Flurry, his absurd teachings, Malachi's Message, Mystery of the Ages, the New Throne and holy Stone, government, and Donald Trump. Nowhere in any of the crap below can you find Jesus. Gerald is the savior of the church.

Real Christians through the centuries know that for "love" to flourish in the church it and its people need to be following Jesus. Church of God members, however, are directed to follow their leaders and their teachings. Jesus is never mentioned and if so it is usually in the last paragraph or sentence of an article or sermon. 

Daryl Hope Tells What the Ten Directives for the End Times Are:
March 27, 2022

To show what foolishness the PCG is feeding their members, Deryle Hope, in his fast-paced, cocky voice, gave a recent tedious Bible Study (“The Ten Directives for the End Times”) where he listed what he called the “prophetic stages, phases, or milestones” they have experienced since the start of the end time. He said we are in the period of at least nine time frames and are “waiting for number ten.” Those into GF’s prophecies will lap this up.

1. The End Time or latter days which really started when HWA came on the scene in 1931 and HWA said in MOA that the Philadelphia era began at Pentecost and that signaled the time of the end, or the latter days.

2. The second one was when HWA died on January 16, 1986. He said they ended the end mentioned in Matthew 24:14 and that was the end of the Philadelphia era and the start of this Laodicean era.

3. The third one occurred on March 11, 1989 and that marked the end of the 1150 days (mentioned in Daniel 8:19) That’s when the sanctuary was cleansed and then God started to reveal to GF the content of Malachi’s Message (MM) and we entered the phase known as “the last end.”

4. The fourth was after Malachi’s Message (MM) was written. The PCG was formed and had started mailing out MM in January 1990, and then we entered “the time of no more delay.” (Revelation 10:6)

5. The fifth one occurred on May 5, 2001 when we entered “the last hour” (I John 2:18).

6. The sixth one was “the point of no return” on July 25, 2008 which was the time when the Laodicean church is collectively in 3 nations of Israel, America, Britain, and the Jewish nation, and had reached the point of no return.

7. The seventh was May 31, 2009 which was “the shaking of the nations.” (Deryle said most of these milestones are explained in “some booklets GF has written.”) This 7th one is about the construction of “God’s House” which was completed in 2010.

8. The Eighth one was January 16, 2017 and that was the beginning of the New Throne and the New Stone. He told how GF said (in The New Throne of David booklet, p 14), “We must possess the Throne of David in the Place of Safety, meaning we must also possess the stone which represents the throne. … We are ready to go to the Place of Safety and we now have the New Stone of Destiny.”

9. The ninth milestone occurred on January 20, 2017 when President Donald Trump was inaugurated and “we began the Jeroboam end.”

He said “it appears we are on the verge of milestone number ten” and that it will probably be the leader of the Holy Roman Empire (the 3rd Antiochus). Then he asked if the imperial Antiochus heading the Holy Roman Empire will be the 10th milestone?

“Well, we don’t have long to wait.” … “We are in a world that is about to explode.” … “There must be more than ten.”

Then he went over the last 6 directives he gave in the last B.S. in December: (1) watch (2) pray always; (3) occupy; (4) take heed to yourself; (5) do God’s Work; (6) hold fast.

The love he emphasized that we should have was “love toward God and His government.” We become the chosen only after we are called, repent, are baptized, and make the changes we need to. What tomfoolery. He said we must be faithful and loyal and endure to the end in order to be with Him when He returns. He said, “We can’t be quitters now.”

None of this was scriptural. AJW

Saturday, March 19, 2022

Prophet Roach: Took His Powerful Witness to Waffle House and was Ignored…Until...


We reported the other day about the Church of God's newest prophet, Tony Roach, that pushed Bwana Bobalina Thiel off his self-righteous pedestal.

Roach says God has given him information in a dream, just like Bob Thiel claims. Roach also had multiple dreams, just like the false prophet Thiel. Which one is right? Thiel will claim Roach is not receiving godly dreams like he does.

A reader here asked our most accurate prophet a few questions. Here is what transpired.

Reader asks:

I read a bit about what you wrote. You said you knew something was going to happen on 9/11 and wrote to several TV news casts along with President Bush. They ignored you till it happened. Then they were calling you constantly. My question is what exactly did you say in your letters and how did you know about 9/11? Was It a dream that or something like that? And also what did the press say to you assuming you talked to them or left you a voice message. I'd appreciate your reply.

Tony's reply:

No the news station never contacted me but everyone I had told along the way was calling me> I was over all the Waffle Houses from Tallahassee to Destine so I met a lot of people and I was telling everyone that would listen... No one believed... Until the day it happened and everyone was calling me amazed... The way God shows me things.... One through the scriptures reading and searching them daily.... two when I speak with people about the Bible many times I'll tell them it's not for their benefit because they will continue on never to think of it again.... But while I'm speaking with them... It will just come out of my mouth like I've known it all along.... Or when I'm answering emails through my website it happens also... Now the dates I'm releasing now after God showed them to me I would ot release them because I did not want the evil to know.... I'm hard headed... So He gave me a dream... So I released 2 of the dates... But would not release the others.... So He gave me another dream and told me release them and He would handle it when He gets here.. Trying to save space... All this on one of my post on Facebook and my website... Now 9/11 it just came out of my mouth one night and I counted the days of Daniel... Ended up with the date the WWCOG sold the church warned everyone... Counted the dates from when they changed the Sabbath and no longer was required to keep it to come up with 9/11... Then God led me through the scriptures showing me the verse of what would happen on that day...


Thanks for answering my question. I won't take up too much of your time but I've got to ask these 2 next questions: you claim to be a prophet but you need some proof to back your word up for obvious reasons because it seems everyone and their grandma claims to be a prophet these days. Lol. Do you have undeniable proof from your past, other than telling your friends about 9/11? Because I've only known about you a few days and I need more to consider someone being a prophet. And secondly you prophecied 9/16/23 as a day "sound an alarm for the War of Armageddon." For arguments sake, what if that doesn't happen? Will you admit you're not a prophet or will you do what Ron Weinland did and say God changed his mind and will give mankind more time?


LOL... God never changes..... In Malachi 3:6 it is recorded.. "For I am the LORD, I CHANGE NOT... It will happen my God is not a deceiver... I never listen to man... Only God.... No offense but I never feel I have to prove myself to any man.... I tell everyone Never believe me... Prove all things.... and search the scriptures daily to prove these things are so... The only way to prove these dates is wait and see. or seek the Lord with ALL your heart and soul.... And be tho perfect as the Father in heaven is perfect.... I NEVER assume anything... No private interpretations.... Now if I am wrong on anything I will be the first to say so... I'm not infallible.... And that's why I will always know I have the truth.... I am willing to admit when I am wrong.... And one more thing as you see by Isaiah 48 that I included with the chart... It is not me foretelling these things... It is God... He wanted me to put those verses with the chart...


I understand. I will keep 9/16/23 in mind and see how it plays out. Thanks for your time


Anytime you have a question feel free to ask... I have several post on my page showing more into my life... If you would like to read them.... Maybe give you a better insight into my soul... But man I'm nothing... I'm No One... I have sinned in my past much worse than you probably... Don't think of me.... I'm No One... God uses me because I'm hard headed and won't give an inch... I enjoyed talking with you and hope to be able to do it again sometimes....

One thing I do have to hand to Roach is that he will answer questions about what he predicts. Thiel will not. Thiel knows he will get raked over the coals and exposed as the liar he is. This is one of the reasons people mock Thiel so much.

Roach is as big a fraud as Thiel is, but at least with Roach you probably would be made to feel right at home with him in a conversation. With Thiel, if he would even dare share his righteousness and his holy space with you, would ignore you and piss you off immediately.

More from his Facebook Page:

"God had a job for me to do and that was to release these dates... I was hard headed not wanting to release these dates... I did not want the evil of this world to know.... I am jealous of my God as He is me... He had to give me two dreams before my hard head would release these dates... After the first dream I released only two...I would not release the others... After the second dream He told me to put it out there and He would handle it when he comes... So I did... I am NOT a preacher if I was to preach to you I would just overload your mind and you would have a meltdown... I am a SEER only because of my Great Lord Jesus Christ... NOT for my righteousness... I am exactly what He says I am... I am base, poor, foolish and week... I am hated by the world... I understand Jealousy provokes you to anger... I can understand that I'm very Jealous of my Lord... But I am No One... Just a dusty dirt road God has made me from and there I will return.. But I love the Lord with ALL my heart... I fear the Lord with ALL my soul... And I sought the Lord many years ago with ALL my heart and ALL my soul... I could NOT care less if you believe a word that proceedeth out of my mouth... Most of the time I never know what is going to come out of my mouth... When I prophecy the words just come out of my mouth like I’ve always new it... I have a job to do not for man but for my Awesome Lord... I knew you would deal very treacherously with me and I know you are called a transgressor from the womb.... But I am here with the knowledge, wisdom, secrets, and mysteries of God.... For you to reject my Dear Lord one last time... So believe it or NOT I could NOT care less...."
"At Armstrong's death God gave me the job at the age of 27 to keep His Word and lead His people... I had a thirst for the Word of God like I can't even describe... He started pouring wisdom and knowledge in me like I was an empty vase... I had no idea that was what He was doing... I started my website just to have a place to keep my notes..."  Facebook page 

Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Second Witless Witness Ron Weinland Disgusted By Argumentative Spirit Directed Towards Prophets And Ministers Of The Church

Ron Weinland is not happy. There are people in his tiny little cult that have an "argumentative spirit" against him. How dare the dumb sheeple ever question God's chosen one! How dare they! This is the same thing that drives Bob Thiel bonkers as it does Dave Pack. How can anyone ever question these prophets in our midst? We would NEVER do that, would we? Seriously!

So again, this matter of strife and contention, argumentative spirit has no place in God’s Church and not amongst God’s people, against God’s people, and especially not toward God’s ministry. Sometimes it’s hard for people to grasp what we do when we fight that fight, because that is against God very powerfully so. That’s how He takes that. Because that’s what it is, it’s a spiritual thing. 

Maybe if all of these COG blowhards treated members right, stopped spiritually abusing them, stopped stealing their money, and stopped lying, then members would have nothing to complain about. However, once a COG prophet ordains himself to some lofty position they can never shut up.

Anyway, let’s go on over to John 17, because this message of these things should not exist in God’s Church, and especially toward God’s ministry, whether it be the prophets of old or within the New Testament and things that are said there, these are things that make very clear how the Body of Christ is to function, especially within the Church, and it is without contention, it is without divisiveness, it is with the spirit of oneness and unity of mind.

It is the ministry and church leaders who have divided the church. They are the ones causing division. If they weren't then there would be no Thiel's, Packs, Flurry's, and Weinland's flapping their pie-holes continually. 

The Armstrongite version of the Church of God was born out of division and an argumentative spirit and has been rocked by it internally from day one, even in the glory years so many fondly look back at. Unity has never been a teaching of the church. How can they be unified when they never mention the guy that is supposed to unify them in One Spirit?

Thursday, November 25, 2021

Its Thanksgiving And Whiny Prophet Is Ticked Off Again About Football And Gluttony


It is Thanksgiving here in America where people celebrate the freedoms that allow them access to so much they can be thankful for. 

Sadly, for some pretend COG leaders and self-appointed spokesmen, this day is not one that should be celebrated and if you do, you must REFUSE to participate in the Satanic observance of turning on your television and watching Satan's minions play football while being cheered on by scantly clad cheerleaders who are leading the men of God astray.

Where would we be without these hypocritical loudmouths with their endless spiel of pharisaical diarrhea?

Today, God's most highly chosen man from the entire history of Christianity is once more getting his homeopathic knickers in a knot. His very first paragraph is one whiny little bitch-fest of negativity:

Today is the national holiday in the USA called Thanksgiving. And despite certain claims, its specific origins are not pagan. But, of course, no Christian needs to celebrate national holidays like it if they do not wish to (cf. Romans 14). And the Bible does condemn gluttony. And with COVID-9 this year, government officials have warned about family gatherings.

I have never seen God's most amazing prophet ever decry the gluttony of members at the Feast of Tabernacles, at church picnics, or at the annual COG Christmas Party Weekends. Like many in the COG those are times of a foretaste of the kingdom to come and members should enjoy themselves to their best ability.

One thing that I have noticed on the day called Thanksgiving by those in the USA, is when I have been at many other places than the home I lived in, American football has been playing on television. 
For many, other than food and family, football is a major focus of the Thanksgiving holiday for many in the USA.

The heavenly realm is weeping at this very thought right now!  

The Chosen One then goes on to quote President Obama and others about their concerns over tackle football and then whines that real Christians should not be endorsing it.

He even goes on to quote that other authority on everything, Herbert Armstrong.

....the late Herbert W. Armstrong wrote:

Hostility toward the other is sin… 
Football (American football) is a violent body-contact sport. It is often played with an attitude of hostility and is dangerous and is fraught with physical injury. (Plain Truth, July-August 1984)
Wherever a game in sports involves ANTAGONISTS–in HOSTILE ATTITUDE to harm the other and/or to “GET” from the other–to get the best of the other–then a harmful, Satanic and evil attitude enters in, and the sport is EVIL, not good…football, 
(American football)…because football is such a violent body contact sport, it TOO OFTEN is played in an ATTITUDE OF HOSTILITY, and is too DANGEROUS and fraught with PHYSICAL INJURY . Therefore it must be BANNED so far as participation by God’s Church or people is concerned…This is sufficient to illustrate the application of the PRINCIPLE of God’s Law to sports. That participated in with an attitude of HOSTILITY toward the opponent is evil. That which HARMS mentally or physically an opponent is evil. 
Satan is the author of COMPETITION based on hostility, harm to the opponent, GETTING by taking FROM an opponent–to his harm or loss. God’s way is LOVE TOWARD neighbor equal to love of self. (Armstrong HW. Not all sports are banned. Pastor General’s Report, Volume 2, Issue 36, September 5, 1980)

And yet, Herbert watched American football, soccer, "professional" wrestling, and the Lakers basketball games, all of which are filled with attitudes of hostility and vile satanic COMPETITION which TAKES from the opponent. The hypocrisy of COG leaders is appalling but never shocking. 

The so-called doubly-blessed apostate then ends with this as he accuses all who watch football of being Laodicean. 

...many (including Laodicean Christians) are too selfish to stop watching and encouraging the playing of American tackle football. 
Christians should give God thanks, but not encourage violence in sports like American tackle football.

Everything in this world is Laodicean to these pathetic whiny little men leading Churches of God today.  "Laodicean" is the favorite perjorative of COG leaders, falsely so-called.

COG members were given brains so they could make their own decisions WITHOUT any of the spiritually bankrupt diarrhea that currently flows from the self-appointed leaders of COGdom today.

So give thanks for your blessings, enjoy your family and friends, enjoy good food and enjoy a game of football on television or in person. God isn't going to turn his back on you if you do, even if these whiny men say otherwise. 

Saturday, November 13, 2021

PCG: Tyrant Craig Winters And His Wife Disfellowshipped And Marked


From a reader here:

According to Mike's Testmony page @ ESN, both Craig Winters and his wife Colleen have been disfellowshipped as of Oct.2021 After being under his thumb for a few years (20 yrs ago), I'm not surprised. He was a 'piece of work' even back then! When I left the PCG, He disfellowshipped my whole family by phone from a campout in Cali. He disfellowshipped my middle son (who was unbaptized) for writing an email to a girl in South Africa who was 'in rebellion,' and then he disfellowshipped my 22 yr old handicapped son (also unbaptized), because "God can't use a handicapped person," and also said that my youngest son was too young to attend on his own (as if!) - - - he then told my wife that she had to divorce me since I had left the Flurry cult. When she refused to divorce, he disfellowshipped her as well. and then he finished his phone call with "there, that's the last of you!" What unmitigated gall that idiot had ....


Saturday, November 6, 2021

Imagine if you will...

Apostle Dave Pack...


“This highway leads to the shadowy tip of reality: you're on a through route to the land of the different, the bizarre, the unexplainable...Go as far as you like on this road. Its limits are only those of mind itself. Ladies and Gentlemen, you're entering the wondrous dimension of imagination. . .
Next stop The Twilight Zone.”
― Rod Serling

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Crackpot Prophet Says There Is No Other Church That Is FIlled With As Much Truth And Church History Than What He Has. Hysterical Laughing Ensues...

It's another sunny day in California and the Grover Beach Prophet Extraordinaire is beating his chest with his flailing wrists proclaiming to us all how magnificent he and his little group is. Never in the history of the entire world has there been a Church of God that is as glorious as his. 

Not since the original apostles walked the dusty Galaleeian hills has there been a church leader as our Great Bwana to Africa, the doubly-blessed, the self-appointed incarnation of Elijah and Elisha, the modern-day Joshua and Amos, the soon to be first Witless Witness who will be killed by the Great Beast of Europe Baron Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg in the streets of Jerusalem so we can all watch him be resurrected at the start of his armageddon. 

Once he lets 2/3 rd's of humanity die, he will immediately begin working with his creature called "christ" to set up the proper church government to rule the remaining heathens of the world. Both his "christ" and Herbert Armstrong will be his right-hand men in this planning process, though they will have to defer their power to him because he is so magnificent. 

But in the meantime, it is important for all true believers to understand which is the right Church of God to belong to and who that leader is.

Notice a way to tell which church is the correct one:

4 For the word of the Lord is right, And all His work is done in truth. (Psalms 33:4)
Only a church that does God’s work in truth would possibly be the one that God endorses. Jesus said that knowing the truth sets one free (John 8:32). 
While it is difficult to measure which church has the most truth, let me state that when it comes to church history and prophecy, that would have to be the Continuing Church of God in the 21st century. There are many links in the Statement of Beliefs of the Continuing Church of God. To see some more details on that consider Continuing History of the Church of God and The Laodicean Church Era (prophetic differences between CCOG and other COGs are summarized there). For longer versions and more details, there are numerous articles at the and websites that go into more depth on matters of history, doctrine, and prophecy. 

The smooth talk and lies just roll off the tongue of this self-appointed false prophet! 

There is more truth about church history and prophecy at the and CCOG websites than any other group that I am aware of. 
How can you know if that is actually true?

Well, we would recommend that you be like the Bereans of old:

10 Then the brethren immediately sent Paul and Silas away by night to Berea. When they arrived, they went into the synagogue of the Jews. 11 These were more fair-minded than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness, and searched the Scriptures daily to find out whether these things were so. (Acts 17:10-11)

If you search the scriptures diligently you will find it IMPOSSIBLE to not follow Bwana Bob Thiel!  Yeah right, Buckwheat! Tell us another tall tale. Also, do NOT spend your time trying to disprove him, it would be impossible to do.

The Bereans did not know whether or not the Apostle Paul was who he claimed to be, but after hearing him, they thought he could be a teacher from God. They did not spend their time trying to disprove him, but searched the scriptures daily to verify that he was teaching the truth. That is what we in the the Continuing Church of God suggest you do today.

Did you know that one of the reasons Bwana Bob and his little band of Merry Men are so significant is that no one in the history of the church had real books with pages you can turn, such as his, and computers to search for information on? 

Of course, if you are willing to be like the Bereans of old, it will take more than five seconds to check if something is true. Particularly since the scriptures in the Bereans’ day were written on scrolls that had to be unrolled. You could not flip to a page in a book or do an electronic search in those days.

Or, watch the most amazing animated gospel messages that the world has ever seen! 

Anyway, with God’s help you can change as the Apostle Paul taught:

13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. (Philippians 4:13)

The New Testament teaches:

6 … “God resists the proud,
But gives grace to the humble.”
7 Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. 8 Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded. 9 Lament and mourn and weep! Let your laughter be turned to mourning and your joy to gloom. 10 Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and He will lift you up. (James 4:6-10
Do not let pride get in the way. Do not be double-minded–do the right thing.
Proverbs teaches:

5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
And lean not on your own understanding;
6 In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He shall direct your paths.
7 Do not be wise in your own eyes;
Fear the Lord and depart from evil.
8 It will be health to your flesh,
And strength to your bones. (Proverbs 3:5-8
You might not think you have any evil to depart from, but if according to the word of God, you are not a real Christian or a Laodicean one (Revelation 3:14-19), you do. 

You are not a real Christian if you follow Bwana Bob and are a member of the improperly named "continuing church of god". It is impossible to be one.  To remain in his group is to be just as spiritually sick as those who are in the Restored Church of God and the Philadephia Church of God. God desires his followers to be free, not bound up in some legalist claptrap personality cult of Armstrongism.

Thursday, October 28, 2021

Grover Beach Crackpot Prophet Wants To Educate Vatican On Proper Church History


Things were already weird in Grover Beach California where the world's foremost historian, the most widely respected scientist, and the world-renowned authority on the Catholic Church lives. The Great Bwana to Africa and 299 Caucasians has dreamed up so many titles and accolades about himself that it is hard to keep track of them anymore. Being that he is self-ordained and not part of any apostolic succession, many consider him a fool beyond measure.

That self-appointed awareness has reached a new height today as the Great Bwana has decided he needs to educate officials at the Vatican about TRUE Church history (the Armstrongite version). This all comes about because the Vatican announced the other day that they were forming a commission to research into the early days of the church and the amazing history of that time.

This is the complete article that Bwana Bob quoted and edited out things he did not want you to read.

Vatican conference convenes experts to study early Christian history 

VATICAN CITY — A Vatican conference will gather both Christian and non-Christian historians and experts to delve deep into the history of the church in the first centuries of Christianity. 
Speaking to journalists at the Vatican press office Oct. 26, Norbertine Father Bernard Ardura, president of the Pontifical Committee for Historical Sciences, said the conference program was inspired by Pope Francis, who urged him "to work with scholars from all scientific backgrounds, from the most varied cultural sensibilities and from the most diverse historiographical methods." 
"Pope Francis insisted on the need for the committee to promote a fruitful collaboration in the scientific field, not only with Catholic academic institutions, but as well as with all historians and specialists in auxiliary sciences of history who are ready to work together in the search for the truth, taking into account only their scientific expertise," Father Ardura said. 
At the Oct. 27-29 conference, titled "Inquiry into the history of the first centuries of the church," will bring scholars from across Europe as well as India, Iraq, China and the United States to focus particularly on the first two centuries of Christianity. 
The two main historical accounts of the early church have several points of conflict, Father Ardura said. The first account is that of Eusebius of Caesarea, the fourth-century bishop who chronicled the church's development from the first century to the fourth century.

The Norbertine priest noted, however, that Eusebius' account of the first-century church was so similar to the Christian church that existed in the fourth century "as if it had always been as he knew it." 
"It is as if we were to say today that the early church was like that of the 21st century. It is obvious, instead, that there has been a development," Father Ardura said. 
The second historical account, he continued, was more in line with Martin Luther's perspective, which chronicles the "progressive degradation" of the church over the centuries until the Protestant Reformation. 
Father Ardura emphasized the importance of the conference in studying the church's history and searching for truth no matter where it may lead. However, he also noted that the conference is only the beginning. 
"We will not arrive at certain conclusions," Father Ardura said. "We want to give space to researchers who in various disciplines have acquired knowledge" of early Christian history.

The most amazing prophet to ever exist in Church of God history has this to say:

It would be fantastic if Bernard Ardura, president of the Pontifical Committee for Historical Sciences, really will pursue and accept the truth wherever it leads. Hopefully, his is not an ecumenical agenda, but real quest for truth–we shall see. I am considering contacting him and perhaps may try to meet with him someday.

Someone needs to give Bernard Ardura a heads up before he speaks to the greatest prophet the world has ever seen!

This is one more issue that is the cause of Rod Meredith and certain fools at LCG headquarters who stroked Bwana Bob's fragile ego by claiming he would be a thorn in the side of the Catholic Church. As if the Catholic Church would care what some whackjob cultist from California had to say!


Saturday, October 2, 2021

Crackpot Prophet Says You Are A Laodicean If You Do Not Believe His Dreams Are From His God...WUT?


It's been a few days since we had our favorite self-appointed prophet to the Church of God featured here. Our day would not be complete without some wackadoodle comment from the Great Bwana to Africa and 299 Caucasians.

It still frosts his self-righteous butt that 99.99% of the Churches of God ignore the Great Bwana and refuse to heed his message, as convoluted as it is.

As the leader of the greatest Church of God in human history and the most highly educated man to ever lead a church, those that do not listen to him are labeled as the dreaded Laodiceans. Nothing frightens a wayward Church of God member more than being labeled a Laodicean and know in the back of the mind that the licking flames of the lake of fire are not too far behind.

According to the self-appointed prophet, these are the signs of wayward Laodiceans who have refused to follow him:

What are some things that many Laodiceans decide? 
God has not been using dreams to communicate in the 21st century, despite the view of the old Worldwide Church of God that God would use dreams in the future and the Apostle Peter saying they would be given by God in the last days. 

How dare we not recognize his nightmares as direct communication from God! Bad Laodiceans! Bad!!!  

God is not using any prophets in the 21st century yet, despite the Apostle Peter saying God would use them in the last days. 

According to the great Bwana, biblically illiterate church members who do not believe there should be prophets in the church are part of the problem today. 

Being comfortable with their current situation is more important than being willing to support the main Philadelphian remnant because of limited local congregations.

The Geat Bwana also is really perturbed that NO ONE and I repeat NO ONE in the COG movement supports him with their money.  COG members are not drawn to him because he has no local congregations in 99.99% of the United States and elsewhere. No one wants to sit in someone's living room and listen to two hours of the Great Bwana preach a boring sermon as he bounces in the chair and waves his arms.  

It is not necessary to learn to instruct many in this age, despite the prophecies in Daniel 11:33
It is okay to believe various prophetic errors.

All other COG leaders and prophets are wrong, except the Great Bwana to Africa. Laodicean COG members are being led astray by these false prophets. If they only would follow the Great Bwana, things would be ok and they would know the correct time to flee to the godforsaken deserts of Jordan. 

Saturday, September 4, 2021

Jon Brisby of Church of God, The Eternal On The Most Important Problem Facing The Church Today!

Jon Brisby

John Brisby, the leader of the Church of God, The Eternal has laid down the law on men with beards. Gerald Flurry was immediately disfellowshipped as a church leader because of his joke of a goatee...snark....

First impressions of this are, WTH is that on his face?

From a reader:

Here we are again visiting some of the most spiritually important problems facing the Church of God today, your beards.

Jon Brisby, when fawning over his own well-groomed beard that he wore years ago, had this to say about unkept beards. From “Just what do you mean the Faith Once Delivered?” #41 at 1:02:56 to 1:03:51 dated 8-21-2021.

“So what do I mean by well groomed? Okay, there’s beards, and then there is other beards. Again, the difference in the way you choose to wear your beard is definitely making a different statement by who you associate with. Ya know, are you trying to look like some outlaw biker? And to what extent is your choice in a beard giving that impression to people who don’t know you? Is that a Christian image? Why did you choose to have a long scraggly beard If you do? I mean again, re-assess this. First impressions do matter. Take it into consideration.”

This excerpt was just one of many in a long line of listed ways church members must look to be acceptable in their church and in the world to set a good example. 

Comment by blog owner:

The longest-running thread on this blog and the one filled with the most comments is about Jon Brisby and the Church of God, the Eternal. COGE was the brainchild of Raymond Cole. After his death Jon Brisby took the reigns and he imagines himself as the most glorious man alive. Fast cars, flashy clothing, and overblown vanity are his calling cards. He and Bob Thiel have obviously been comparing notes. Bisby is just as weird as Bob Thiel in the outrageous claims "biblical" teachings he expounds. If you thought the teachings of Bob Thiel and Dave Pack are weird, Brisby is their long-lostbrother.

Church of God, The Eternal's Jon Brisby Sinks To A New Vile Low

Jon Brisby Says There Is An Enduring Legacy of Herbert and Loma Armstrong

Tuesday, August 31, 2021

UPDATED: Dave Pack Humiliated Again: Another Logic-Challenged Dave Pack Video Exposed


Updated: part of the original post was missing below

Submitted by Michael:

YouTube critic Paulogia has done another episode on breaking down the nonsense of a David C. Pack (DCP) video, as usual with research and well-done graphics behind it.

Most here will probably agree that Dave is one doozy of a blowhard, charlatan, and tyrant, even bordering on if not psychotic, but here Paulogia is only dealing with the logical non-sequiturs and sloppy arguments in one particular DCP video.

Some notable time points:


at 1:16, DCP states:

"Any true god would never leave his creation - mankind - in doubt about whether he exists"


This is quite the statement from Pack, and I wonder whether he realizes that he's making an argument *against* his own position here? Since it's an undeniable fact that agnostics/atheists exist (we must all agree that they exist, whether or not one agrees with their position), there is clearly a portion of mankind that is at least "in doubt about whether he exists". And Pack is arguing that no true god would ever allow this situation to occur. (What conclusion does that suggest, Dave?)

at 7:00, DCP makes the following shocking statement:

"Now think hard, who is more intelligent, God who made perfect food, or men who find every possible way to alter and degrade it before consuming it?"


As Paulogia notes, the very foods shown in DCP's own video are decidedly *not* foods as "created by God", but were bred and artificially selected by generations of humans to be more palatable and convenient (bananas, apples, avocados, etc.). The original versions of these were almost inedible, or at least not as pleasurable and nutritious as their current forms.


And altering foods is often the only possible way to consume them. For example, try to eat rice or wheat off the plant without considerable processing and cooking. The statement by DCP simply makes no logical or practical sense.

Not a logical fallacy, but just had to chuckle at this at 22:50:

"I have *personally* seen a photograph of [Lucy's] supposed skeleton...."  

As if viewing a photograph (probably on the internet) somehow gives DCP extra credence? Honestly, I thought he was going to say something like he had personally seen Lucy's bones at the National Museum of Ethiopia, but no, not even that lol, just "I have personally seen a photograph", as have hundreds of millions of other people on this planet. What was the point, really, of that boast?

Those interested can view the video if desired, but WCGers, in particular, will appreciate how DCP ends his videos:

"Until next time this is David C. Pack saying: Goodbye friends",

Which is funny, because it never ceases to amaze how some of the splinters feel they have to emulate HWA in every single facet, yes, even in using the exact wording to sign off lol. Even down to using the middle initial, as "Herbert W. Armstrong" used to do. That is one sign of those in a cult, wanting to emulate their cult hero in every form possible.

All in all, DCP drags out old, poorly researched points, most quoted from popular books that have been critiqued and debunked in the past ad nauseum.

Incidentally, the original DCP video has a sizable 623,000 views, what's up with that? And RCG site has 193,000 subscribers? This seems awfully fishy for a splinter which can't possibly have more than 10K members if that many.

Here is the first article we did on this series by Paulogia if you missed it: 

Dave Pack Gets Annihilated In New Video Examining His "Does God Exist?" Video