Showing posts with label David C Pack. Show all posts
Showing posts with label David C Pack. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Dave Pack: We are in Serious Dilemma! All of our literature is wrong!


UPDATE: On March 9, 2021, I posted this about Dave's ongoing lies and how almost all of RCG's literature was then obsolete. Here we are in February 2023 and the lies continue unabated. Jesus still has not returned. Dave's material is still outdated. No great secret of God has ever been revealed. Every time Dave opens his mouth he discredits himself, invalidating any previous words of wisdom.

We are in a Serious Dilemma!

From an RCG source:

This is perhaps one of the more shocking quotes I have seen in the series yet. I would ask that the Website team post this on the homepage somewhere just so new members understand that nothing they read is actually what the church teaches. This is a long quote but stay with me!

All the RCG material on the “Gospel” is wrong in Dave’s eyes. (This was discussed for years while the series was going on, some small changes were made, but now it’s obvious to church members). In effect, God needs to use material filled with lies and inaccurate information to get people into His TRUE CHURCH. 

An important question for the members of RCG, “Does an all-powerful “God of Truth,” need to use lies and deception to get people into His organization or True Church?” If so, then where is the Biblical precedent for this? Especially, when Christ is “the Way, the Truth, the Life”? 

At the judgment seat, could you imagine God or Christ condemning people for deceiving others, when they themselves actually deceived people to get them into the church?

Dave states at the end of 294:

“Finally let's imagine that the kingdom of God did not come this year. Let's imagine it. This church is in a serious dilemma, and I want you to think about it. And I ran it by a half dozen ministers, and here are our options, because all of our literature currently teaches that the kingdom of God is built the way my Baptist father-in-law believes, Christ comes and builds the kingdom. All of our literature is written that way. Now here's option "Number One," Ready? Let our literature say that and it's FALSE! I've written, I don't know probably a million words about the gospel. I've got to alter those. When would I do it? We can't let it go out. It's not true! So that's option number one would just let it stay there out of the question. 

Option "Number Two," withdraw all of our literature on the subject of the gospel. The Awesome Potential of Man, What's the Kingdom. What's the True Gospel, How World Peace Will Come. And all the booklets that I wrote years ago that had been so productive. Hundreds of millions of our pieces of literature have gone out, just withdraw them and never talk about the Gospel again? Well, that's a problem because we have an open door in front of us and nobody can shut it! So we wouldn't be expected to do that. So neither of those options are realistic. Here's the third one. God says he wants to come as a "thief", as a "snare." He does not want the world to know it. He wants a little group to know it. So then what do I do? Rewrite the literature and tell the world what it appears. God does not want them to know? That's option "Number three," that doesn't sound like a very good option, but we'd have to do something, unless God revealed this extraordinary mystery that has been this series right before he intended to solve the problem Himself. Because here they are, again, leave the literature that's up--it's wrong! It was "a present truth." Mr. Armstrong taught things that were wrong and he taught all the other doctrines of God correctly. We believed them. We held to them, but I no longer could. What would our ministers counsel people who were reading booklets that are wrong? "Well, this was actually wrong, but we need to understand it should say this." Well, they'd say, if I were a prospective member, like I was 55 years ago, I'd said, "Well, why hasn't it changed?" Or the alternative? Remember, second alternative? Just cancel all that literature and never talk about the kingdom of God. Well again, no one could consider that a viable option.

And the third one is start rewriting it. Now that would even take a while. And then we would do, because the Work is booming. Make no mistake. We are booming right now! I've never seen anything like it! And we're poised to do big stuff. So what would we do just sit on that we're wonderfully positioned to explode! But then we would be telling people what God doesn't want known. So, there was no box on that list where you could check "none of the above." You got to go one of the three ways. Now I never mentioned that as a metric because I never thought of it as a metric until I came to understand the "mystery of God" is that the kingdom of God arrives in a totally different way than anybody we or anybody else ever thought.

But it's a "fact" and you've heard the proof. So the only solution it seems to me is that the kingdom has to come, or I got to choose one of those three things because I'm not going to sit back. Our "reserves are," I mean, you just can't believe how well we're doing. We never done this well! We're 22 years now and I mean, we're not going to go build more buildings. There's no time for that. What would we do? We have a wonderful staff. We don't have to spend time hiring more staff. We're well positioned. We're poised, we're oiled. We could go out and do a much bigger work, but the problem is we would be disclosing a secret God does not want it out. I don't know how I could do that in good conscience. So, God speed the day! It looks like our weight is very short for one more reason. And the "Mystery of God" has gone away in a greater way. For one more reason. Good night.


Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Dave Pack: Brain Fart Heard ‘round The World

Brain Fart Heard ‘round The World


David C. Pack had to waft away the stench and admit, “Sorry folks, that was me.”


Yet another rushed “Prophecy Update” went out from The Restored Church of God last night. Before sunset in Wadsworth. This should telegraph to everyone that not even David C. Pack believes the words of David C. Pack.


Is this an outward show of a lack of faith? Perhaps he just doesn’t believe his Bible. Or the math. By just “hoping” and not “believing” what was taught, is he calling Jesus Christ and God the Father liars? Please ponder those things.


Let’s read:


We HAVE the picture, brethren. Events APPEAR close—actually very close.


Continue seeking God and doing His will, drawing closer to Him as the first kingdom draws closer. Paul’s words in the latter half of Romans 13:11 have been true for Christians in all eras, but have even more UNIQUE application for US. Truly “now is our salvation nearer than when we believed!”


REMEMBER the ever-present reality that we “see through a glass darkly.” Only one era of God’s people experiences the run-up to the Kingdom.


IF tonight passes, we at least wait for Tammuz 1 as previously thought; the case REMAINS strong. (There is even MORE PROOF Tammuz CANNOT change.)


But COULD we even move INTO IT? If the answer is yes, we are the people who “keep our lights burning” for HOWEVER long the wait!



There has been a consistent trend in how Dave approaches his own prophetic deadlines. He used to wait for it to pass and THEN do damage control. But as the years wore on and the failure rate sustained a rock solid 100%, he began to get RIGHT IN FRONT of his own date to wildly wave his arms, “I already knew it!” He did this at the Ministerial Conference. He did it again last night.


Let’s digest the announcement and read carefully.


We HAVE the picture, brethren. Events APPEAR close—actually very close.


Oh, really? What exactly is this based on? Was there a notable world event? An astrological anomaly? A literal fulfillment written about in God’s word? What is Dave looking at to give him the impression that anything is close or very close?


I am going to take that statement as hyperbole. And so should you.


REMEMBER the ever-present reality that we “see through a glass darkly.”


A quote from Andre the Giant comes to mind, “I don’t think you know what that means.”


At this point, folks in RCG should wonder if Dave is staring at the fridge and not into glass. The only thing he can see clearly is his own reflection because the biblical mirage always shimmers away before he gets close to it.


IF tonight passes, we at least wait for Tammuz 1 as previously thought; the case REMAINS strong. (There is even MORE PROOF Tammuz CANNOT change.)


The word “if” falls from the Inept Prophet’s mouth a lot these days. Elisha sat atop a hill and used that word with a captain of fifty. God answered the matter rather quickly. Maybe it is because Dave is Elijah and not Elisha that he is left on his own to twist in the wind.

If the men who wrote that announcement were more honest, they would have written, “When tonight passes…”


The words “at least” got snuck in there. The seed is planted for my earlier theory about Tammuz becoming a whole month of “waiting.”


The month of Tammuz itself “cannot change,” but the interpretation of timing and events will certainly change. Carve that one in blood, stone, and steel.


But COULD we even move INTO IT? If the answer is yes, we are the people who “keep our lights burning” for HOWEVER long the wait!


Anything “could” happen, especially when coupled with an “if” for good measure. Let me answer with less than 10 hours to go: Yes. The members of The Restored Church of God are going to keep waiting. And keep waiting. And keep waiting.


Another trick Dave uses after a long message of “can’t argue with it” and “impossible to see it any other way,” is he will slip some caveat right at the very very end that completely defuses his whole teaching. This reveals to everyone how uncertain he actually is: “for HOWEVER long we wait!”


Writers know that the last point you make is the one that sticks the most. Read the whole announcement again and here is what you leave with: You will be waiting after tonight.


The people in RCG have already been doing that since 2012. And 2013. 2014. 2015. 2016. 2017. 2018. 2019. 2020. 2021. When does it become “unfair” for God to expect anyone to tough this out?


As a non-prophet/non-psychic, I will use my superior non-telepathic skills to beam the idea into Dave’s head to send out another Prophecy Update before sundown tonight. I still have money on the table that “the entire month of Tammuz is still in play” will be the gist in the coming days.


No doubt another brain fart is coming. But this next one will be wet.

Marc Cebrian

See: Brain Fart Heard 'round The World


Thursday, May 12, 2022

David C. Pack Is All Throughout Your Bible!

David C. Pack Is All Throughout Your Bible!
Marc Cebrian

It must be very hard for Dave Pack to do any type of Bible study without seeing himself "pop" off the pages. God has granted him more titles than any other human being in Creation (take that, Jesus Christ). He has preached to more people than anyone on the face of the earth (take that, Paul) AND he has studied the Bible more than anyone on the face of the earth (take that, everyone). After all...SOMEBODY has to do it.

Here is a list of the titles and scriptures Dave Pack has preached that are about him. He's walked some back, but that would mean God did NOT inspire him to see it in the first place.

Elijah is Mr. Armstrong / Mr. Pack / Not Mr. Pack / Mr. Pack / Not Mr. Pack (yet) / “I know who that is” / Mr. Pack
Elijah is That Prophet 
Elijah is “like Moses”
Elijah is Joshua the High Priest
Elijah is Ezekiel’s Watchman
Ezekiel is a type of Elijah
Elijah cries out to the Ten Virgins the Bridegroom is coming
Elijah is the porter
Elijah utters the Seven Thunders to six other Messengers (maybe)
Elijah is David, the righteous king (but not any more)

1 Samuel 2:35 – Mr. Pack (Elijah/Joshua) is the “faithful priest”

Psalm 50 – Mr. Pack (Elijah)
Psalm 89:19-37 – Mr. Pack is David

Isaiah 11:1 – Mr. Pack (Elijah) is the “twig”
Isaiah 11:2-5 – Mr. Pack (Elijah), not Jesus Christ is described
Isaiah 40:1-3 – Mr. Pack (Elijah) “speaks comfortably to Jerusalem”
Isaiah 41:2 – Mr. Pack (Elijah) is “the righteous from the east”
Isaiah 41:25 – Mr. Pack (Elijah) is the one “from the north” who “from the rising of the sun…call”
Isaiah 58:1 – Mr. Pack (Elijah) is the one to “Cry aloud, spare not…”

Ezekiel 34:23-24 – Mr. Pack (Elijah) is “My servant David”
Ezekiel 34:29 – Mr. Pack (Elijah) is “a plant of renown”
Hosea 3:5 – Mr. Pack (Elijah) is “David the King”

Joel 2:23  – Mr. Pack (Elijah) is the “teacher of righteousness” mistranslated as “former rain”

Zephaniah 3:2 – Mr. Pack (Elijah) Jerusalem “obeyed not [his] voice”

Habakkuk 2:2 – Mr. Pack (Elijah) is “he may run who reads it” “rush to call it out” “making it plain”

Haggai 1 – Mr. Pack (Elijah) is working with Jesus Christ to talk to the people

Zechariah 2:3 – Mr. Pack (Elijah) is “another angel”
Zechariah 3:1 – Mr. Pack is “Joshua the high priest”

Malachi 3:1 – Mr. Pack (Elijah) is the messenger
Malachi 4:6 – Mr. Pack (Elijah) will remove the “curse” of Revelation 22:3

Matthew 24:43 – Mr. Pack is the “goodman of the house”
Matthew 25:6 – Mr. Pack (Elijah) gives the cry announcing the Bridegroom

Luke 12:43 – Mr. Pack is the servant “to be found so doing” and Jesus Christ comes to him
Luke 14:17-24 – Mr. Pack (Elijah) is the servant of the Great Supper

Mark 13:34 – Mr. Pack (Elijah) is the Porter (the Watchman)

John 10:3 – Mr. Pack (Elijah) is the Porter

Revelation 10, 11 & 16 – Mr. Pack (Elijah) is the Seventh Angel/Messenger (now)
Revelation 10:3-4 – Mr. Pack (Elijah) utters the Seven Thunders (maybe)
Revelation 10:7 – Mr. Pack ends the Mystery of God
Revelation 10:9-11 – Mr. Pack (Elijah – as John) eats the book and “prophesies again”
Revelation 11:1-2 – Mr. Pack (Elijah – as John) measures the Temple
Revelation 22 – Mr. Pack (Elijah) is the angel talking with John
Revelation 22:10 - Mr. Pack is the one to “unseal” Revelation

Sunday, March 27, 2022

My Panic Attack behind the Pulpit – Reflections and Confessions of an Ex-Evangelist

My Panic Attack behind the Pulpit – Reflections and Confessions of an Ex-Evangelist (Part 1)
Kevin Denne

October 1, 2012, is a day I’ll never forget.

I was the main speaker for our morning church service. Our annual convention, the Feast of Tabernacles, was kicking off and it was the first day. For the membership, this event was a high point of our year. People had gathered from surrounding states. The mood was upbeat, and people were overjoyed to have congregated together.

Yet, as I started my sermon, I had a panic attack.

It was one of the scariest moments of my life. I was on stage in front of hundreds of people. And I was suddenly gripped in a series of feelings that I had never felt before.

Admittedly, I had no idea what I was experiencing at the time. There was an occasion or two before where I experienced some of this, but not to this level.

It was 10 years ago, and I remember it as if it was yesterday. I had no idea it was going to happen. I had spoken in front of large audiences many times before. It came on suddenly and out of the blue. 

What I Was Feeling

My heart was beating out of my chest. I felt clammy. I began to sweat.

It’s hard to describe but there was a feeling of pressing, impending doom. A suffocating tightness in my chest. It was like my world and the room were closing in.

It literally crossed my mind that I had to walk off the stage. I wanted to run. But I couldn’t. Here I was in front of 200+ people.

Could people tell? I asked myself, as I simultaneously tried to keep delivering my message. Surely, they can tell.

Ninety grueling minutes. The structure of my sermon helped. Knowing that I just had to follow the outline. Get to the next series of scriptures.

Waves would come back throughout the message. But I kept going.

An hour and a half later, I got through it. I was exhausted and defeated. Yet I survived. 

The Ripple Effects

As I walked off that stage around 12:30 pm that day, I felt relieved and scared. Relieved I made it through. Scared because I had no idea where this came from or what it was.

It shook my world. I had no idea what to do with it.

It undermined me in many ways. When would this happen again, I thought? It’s like it became some sort of lurking monster in the closet.

I never spoke to anybody about it. Not my closest friends (didn’t have many, to be honest). Not even my wife. 

No Way Out

As I look back, a fair question is: Why didn’t I address this, then or later? Why didn’t I walk off the stage and deal with this?

I am sure there are many reasons, but I was in survival mode. I did not want to be humiliated. The concept of walking off the stage in the middle of a sermon would have been catastrophic, or that’s what I believed at the time. It would have been the talk of the Feast site. Frankly, it would have been the talk of the whole church. Since I was a “senior minister,” whatever that meant in hindsight, a PR campaign of some sort would surround my wife and my family.

There was no clean way out of this. So, in the end, I concluded I had to work through it, and by work through it, I knew that meant ignore it, bury it, lock it away. Survival mode.

For years, I didn’t even feel I could speak to my wife about this. Not that she wouldn’t have been supportive. It’s that you didn’t talk about things like this because they didn’t happen to God’s people, spiritual people, normal people…so if it happened to me, then I must not be those things. 

The Ecclesiastical Climate

To provide some context, from a church culture perspective, talking about anxiety or having a panic attack or even emotional health in general, was not acceptable. It just “wasn’t done.” To be open about one’s mental health, or worse, emotional struggles, would never happen.

See, God’s spirit is one of a “sound mind.” And, if you don’t have a sound mind, well, then you are in trouble. You’re weak. You are not close enough to God.

Then there was the additional level of being in the “ministry.” There was this pressure to be perfect. Granted, we would all admit or say the words that nobody was perfect and that everyone fell short, including ministers. But, when ministers actually did fall short, or need help, it really wasn’t accepted or supported, and it was seen as weakness and shortcoming, plain and simple.

So, what did you do with any weaknesses you had? You covered them. You buried them. As deep as you could.

You didn’t address them. You sent them as far down as possible, and you piled as much stuff on top as you could, hoping they wouldn’t surface too often. 

The Chronological Context

In 2012, I had been absolutely run ragged. A campus (or, more properly, a compound) was being built.

The church had received large sums of money due to new teachings from the leader. In 2008, the infamous “Clarion Call” sermons were produced. This essentially laid out a timeline that led brethren to believe they should give all their money before Jesus returned. (Incidentally, the range of time given at that time explained that it was impossible for Jesus to return after 2021. He would most certainly arrive before 2021. That, evidently, didn’t happen.) But by 2011, the “Common” doctrine was instituted. An even more disgusting and onerous financial doctrine was yoked upon the necks of church membership. It was now doctrine for the Church’s apostle to tell people to sell all and send it to him. And many did, perhaps most did.

By 2011, the Church had bought land. By 2012, construction had begun. It was an incredibly stressful time. My youngest son was born in July of that year, and instead of looking back with joy at that time, I instead don’t remember much of his birth or first few months. It was marred by stress and constant turmoil and worry. Within that same timeframe, I was present during an instance that occurred to my brother, in a roomful of grown men, that I will never forget and for which I wish I had said something. It is and will always be one of my most vivid and awful life memories. (Perhaps that’s content for another time.)

It got even worse in the years ahead, but that, too, is a topic for another chapter.

The simple point? It was an incredibly stressful time.

The Mask

Ironically, I have pictures of this very event when I had this panic attack (included here). It’s fascinating for me now to try to look at them as an outsider and see if anything was going on. I don’t believe you can tell in the photo how close to meltdown I really was.

Like at no other point in my life, I had to keep the mask on. I had to play the part I was required to play.

See, this was all part of something I was thrust into in my 20s. I was told I was going to be a minister really early on. I had to step up. Be mature beyond my years!

I was always pushed to be somebody I wasn’t. I was too young-looking, I had to look older. I had to part and comb my hair a certain way. I had to stop wearing shorts around the lay members (mature men don’t show their legs!). I had to wear fuller dress pants, whatever that meant. I had to remove “youngish” ways of speaking. Etc. Etc.

Put on the mask, Kevin.

I did.And it almost ruined me. 

Authenticity Will Not Remain Buried

This panic attack was my mind trying to break out of the inauthentic existence it had found itself in. Cognitive dissonance was raging through my mind like an out-of-control wildfire. I just hadn’t learned to identify it yet.

It took me several more years to figure this out, but I did. On some level, as I write about this for the first time, I am still figuring it out now.

I would pay a lot of money to travel back in time to this event. I would talk to myself and explain what was happening. I would give myself permission to accept what was going on and guide myself in making steps to improve my situation. I may have even tried to convince myself to tell the brethren in that moment exactly what was going on. Despite the shock and the gasps, I’d be willing to bet that many in the room could have related. I would tell myself to open up to my wife about it afterward and receive her support, to not go it alone.

When you are in a bad place in life, your body and mind will respond.

The authenticity of you will not remain buried. And although I buried my true self so very, very deep, I am slowly uncovering each layer and getting back to the real me.

NOTE: Kevin is the son-in-law of Dave Pack 

Thursday, March 24, 2022

Dave Pack: "IF you haven't SOLD ALL - I counsel you to DO IT. You Only Have 8 Days Left!


Well, folks, you can soon kiss your butt goodbye! The time is finally here! Woo Hoo! Only less than 8 days to go! 

Dave delivered his awe-inspiring message Wednesday night at his weekly Bible Study and the faithful sat there like idiots lapping it all up. This was sermon 355 in his never-ending series.

Dave instructed his people to SELL ALL (for like the 500th time) and if they haven't done it by now things are going to be REALLY bad for them.

From an RCG source (emojis are by the source)

He finishes Part 355 by saying:

"God revealed the mystery - things His little group would never see till they got to the END of the series...

Be READY - we're gonna talk this Sabbath... 

IF you haven't SOLD 💰💰ALL 🤑🤑 - I counsel you to DO IT - you do NOT want to go in THERE (pointing at the 1st little glass period of 30 days).

So we MAY have SOME AMONG US..... IF you DON'T think THIS IS God's Church - get STRAIGHTENED OUT💰💰 RIGHT NOW OR.... 

Maybe move on and face your eternity one way or the other, down a different path.

But I'm gonna say with just 8.5 days to go - MEET GOD'S CHECKLIST💰🤑...

I'll see you, Sabbath"

Dave Pack Is Getting Electrified!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If there has ever been a Church of God leader locked into a perpetual Groundhogs Day loop, it has to be Dave Pack. Other than Bob Thiel, the church has never had a leader with such an abysmal prophetic failure as Dave Pack has. Not one thing he has said about his "christ" returning has happened, not even after 350+ sermons, Bible studies, and stupid articles. Dave's "christ" has had his bags packed and waiting by the pearly gates for years now and still hasn't been able to return because Dave has not figured out the right time.

On March 22, one of Dave's fanboys sent out the following to the faithful:

"Dear brethren,

Warm greetings from Headquarters!

God’s people are ⚡electrified⚡ after the message last Sabbath.

Please NOTE that Mr. Pack is planning to give another Bible Study tomorrow, Wednesday, March 23. A second study will likely follow this coming Sabbath.

He wanted to LET YOU KNOW that IF you were ☠️INSPIRED☠️ by the previous message, he is JUST getting 🔥warmed🔥 up!" (From an RCG source, emoji's where added by source)

These stupid little sound bites used to "electrify" the brethren are getting so predictable.  This Saturday after he delivers another mind-boggling sermon that is shocking beyond measure, his "christ" will still not be returning on time.


Sunday, January 23, 2022

There's Always Time:


Did Someone Order a Miracle?

"I still have no Omicron, and to me that's a POWERFUL miracle"
Apostle David C Pack
 Part 345 Opening 

Yet Apostle Dave disappeared from the pulpit for 9 weeks after the Feast of 2020 and when he "reappeared" - he said...


(It Delta Dawned on him to fess up evidently)

"One of the tidbits just relayed to me was that the reason Dave Pack has been missing for 9 weeks is that he had COVID. Should we have expected less since he held Feast of Tabernacles on his cult compound in Wadsworth that became a super spreader event?

After Dave announces he has not spoken in 9 weeks, he says at the 38:30 mark (Sermon 273) - 

"I got COVID I just never told anybody about it...."

 Psychologically, and being God's Man of Faith and Power on Earth, I believe Dave still struggles with why he got Covid in the first place.  He certainly is incapable of admitting to any normal reason for it.  He had to go scripture hunting to excuse and justify why ALMIGHTY HE got Covid. And of course, he finds one! We just don't know which one it was. (Claiming not yet to have gotten Omichron perhaps genuinely surprises him having already had Delta?)  Nonetheless, everything with Dave has to be spoken of "according to the scriptures". 

"There's actually a prophecy. Why I would not speak for a while... Finally I realized there was a prophecy where I wasn't supposed to speak."

Hear Apostle Pack mock and threaten the Splinter Church next door to the RCG Feast Site.

(Hit play symbol twice)

Dave Pack belittles and mocks brethren who choose not to attend the FOT, and mocks another COG

David C Pack is the premier prophecy spewing clown act in the Slivered Churches of God. He is dangerous to those with whom he comes in contact with and they with him.  The man in incapable of admitting scores of past mistakes both in his abuse and misuse of the scriptures or the trail of tears he has left behind him wherever he has set foot. 

If he did contract Omichron, would he tell the Church? 

There is a personality disorder running amuck in Wadsworth, Ohio

The Restored Church of God will not end well

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Dave Pack "...has unashamedly led his membership on a wild farcical Adventist ride that has been nothing short of shameful"


I was just cleaning my desk out and found an old CD of one of Dave's sermons. I miss Dave, so I had to play it.

What did Dave have to say? He asked do you know what makes God's church different than all the other Christian churches? We obey all that God commands us to do including obeying the traditions established by the righteous servant and apostle Herbert Armstrong.

He then went on to explain that a number of ministers and members had left the church in the last two weeks. One of the ministers was found to be quite bad in his conduct but Dave and headquarters never knew.

To fix this situation from never happening again, he went on to quote Paul who told the brethren to mark them that are disorderly and sow division. This is a command the THEY have to obey he told them, even if that person is a minister.

It only takes one quick glance into the RCG to see who is perpetrating great disorder and division.

For the past 10 years the "all brethren reunited" and "greatest story never told" series has amounted to at least half of all of those sermons being either completely thrown away or completely reinterpreted. I would say that is division.

For the past 10 years Dave has defined himself as the person or role fulfillment of at least a dozen named individuals in the Bible. That means 12 people just got kicked out of the Bible to make way for Dave. I would call that division.

How many marriages, how many families and how many homes did Dave divide in half for his take of the money via "Common"? That is called division.

How many people were terminated, excommunicated and publicly humiliated for calling out his lies? That is disorder.

Who has unashamedly led his membership on a wild farcical Adventist ride that has been nothing short of shameful? That is a disorder which creates much disorder.

Dave Pack: "we are "swimming in metrics"


From an RCG source

According to the master, prophesy is an "enigma" and an "obscure saying". So, I suppose this means that God was simply drawing our attention to these enigmas for the last six years, not actually solving them through His chosen apostle of glory. Huh, you still get disfellowshipped for respectful disagreement with his interpretations. I'm confused, is God's authority behind His word or the man He so obviously has chosen? Interesting times.

Also of note, shout it to the whole world... we are "swimming in metrics"... we are IN the season of the anti-christ. But not to worry, 100 Billion people will soon be resurrected to face the judgment of David C Pack in a 75 day window in an environment of paradise.

We are left to ponder the addition of a new glass to the table and an ominous question mark indicating its time signification. 

A personal note: I know most of the people sitting in that hall, attending these insane Bible studies. They are in a hopelessly trapped position, unable to speak anything that would even remotely undermine the authority of the series while at the same time planning Church events months into the future, ie into a time which they are duty bound to believe and speak as though will be a time of prophetic fulfillment. Many of these individuals/couples/families have liquidated their assets and given the proceeds to the Church. They now live in homes owned by the Church and they derive their household income from the Church. One misstep or misspeak and they lose it all... they're out on the street with nothing. They have fallen into a trap that is very difficult to get out of. Pack has them right where he needs them, constantly lending their credibility to the derangement of the RCG with no ability to escape.

Saturday, November 6, 2021

Imagine if you will...

Apostle Dave Pack...


“This highway leads to the shadowy tip of reality: you're on a through route to the land of the different, the bizarre, the unexplainable...Go as far as you like on this road. Its limits are only those of mind itself. Ladies and Gentlemen, you're entering the wondrous dimension of imagination. . .
Next stop The Twilight Zone.”
― Rod Serling

Saturday, October 30, 2021

Dave Pack's Timeline Torn Asunder….By Himself

 Dave's Timeline Torn Asunder by Dave

Last week Dave had an elaborate timeline that includes 2.5 days, then 1 day, then 22.5 days, then 3.5 days.

This week, he literally tore it up in front of the brethren, as the audience uncomfortably laughs. 

This weeks timeline

How much longer, RCG brethren, will you endure utter FALSENESS being slapped in your face? 

From an RCG source

Sunday, October 24, 2021

5 Kingdoms and Ministerial Chess Moves - Dave Pack's Madness Intensifies

5 Kingdoms and Ministerial Chess Moves - Dave's Madness Intensifies

He can't stop. He's not able to stop. Almost weekly now he claims all this will end and his Jesus and the Father will usher in 5 Kingdoms. Dave Pack himself (the Elijah don't you know), will have great power.

5 Kingdoms. You read that right. We're talking Game of Thrones level drama. Hell, 
Nebuchadenezer is going to be resurrected as the golden head folks! 

Pictured we have him illustrating a 2.5 day period, then a 1 day, then 22.5 days, then 3.5 days, then 75 days, then 7 years, then a millennium. Simplicity in Christ, you see.

Just a week ago, he gave three parts to his un-ending sermon series. It culminated in part 321 where he claimed he was done and everything was about to come to pass.

Not even a week passed, and he had many more hours of nonsense to preach. Wednesday, part 322. Then, according to RCG, "a powerful element modifying timing came clear immediately after today's message was delivered." Translation, Dave was immediately wrong and had to correct himself. This lead to part 323 being delivered on Thursday, where he again claims the series is over. In fact, his very message is an oracle from a prophet who has been raised.

All the while, he must believe none of this is true because he is moving his ministers around like a frantic timed chess game. James and Sandra Rodrequiez have been moved from HQ to Colorado. (They are likely on their way to leaving RCG altogether if they have been sent out of headquarters.) Vidal and Christina Wachuku have been moved from Florida to Texas. The Jacksons have been moved from California to Florida. And the Rouzans (whose wife and son have already left RCG) have been moved from Chicago to California. Palmer has been moved to Atlanta and Garb has been moved to HQ from New Zealand. 

The madness continues. And people stay...tithing, giving their life savings.

From an RCG source

Monday, September 27, 2021

Dave Pack: Why He Cannot Be Right On The Return Of Jesus


I'm not sure if this is three or four years IN A ROW that Christ/The Father are supposed to come during the Feast/Last Great Day. As a former member and employee at Headquarters, I remember feeling so bad for the brethren who had to sit and listen to the endless sermons during the Feast. I felt even worse for those who were truly EXCITED that "this was finally it" and Christ was coming inside hours. The days preached about will often move during each message the Feast. Tonight. No, tomorrow. No, the Last Great Day. No, just after the Feast.

In 2020, Mr. Pack told brethren on the first day that they were not going home. I sat at the back of the room and mused to myself (but lacked the courage to actually say it to his face), "If you're not coming back from the Feast, Mr. Pack...may I please have the keys to your house and your security code since you won't need it anymore?" It was a private thought. I know I would have been walked to the door instantly. I wasn’t ready to leave. Yet.

I left RCG in March of this year and I have watched from afar (and heard from brethren still attending) that the roller coaster I got off of is still rolling around in an endless circle. It won’t stop. Only God can stop this machine that must keep going.

To those who are reading this and say, “They deserve it” – I would ask, “Where is your compassion?” There are a lot of really wonderful, kind, intelligent, and just plain ‘good’ people in RCG. They were sold a bill of goods by a man who has drifted from the truth he once proclaimed to uphold.

The greatest critic of David C. Pack on the face of the earth…is David C. Pack. Just go back and re-read some of the literature from years ago with his name on it and you would clearly see he convicts himself. That’s why brethren today cannot find that literature on the website or in print. The man has already accused himself.

The brethren are not stupid. The ministers are not stupid. The ministers are not wicked. They know something is wrong…the Bible tells them it’s wrong. “But where else am I supposed to go?” These poor people don’t know what to do but sit tight and wait it out.

When you are fully convicted that you are in the right place, following the right people…and things drift off course and you begin to realize, “maybe this isn’t the place” – that is a hard, hard thing to see. (I’m still struggling with it.) I invested so much in RCG for the almost 9 years I was there…that is a difficult thing to say, “Wow, I was wrong. And I don’t know what to do now.” The basis of all your beliefs are shaken to the ground.

To any harsh critics out there: Let me know what fundamental belief you held in your life for years and then realized it was wrong and were able to just shrug it off as no big deal…and say to yourself, "I should have known better."

But for those still in RCG...don't worry. After the Feast, there will be some silence by Mr. Pack while he confers with his inner circle for a while...then will have an exciting message to let you know, "everything is still right on track" and "nothing has changed." – The two most insulting phrases the man can utter…and he does after every failure…which means he has much opportunity to say those words.

But what do I know? After all, I’m just an antichrist.

M. Cebrian

PS – Jesus Christ will not be returning tomorrow. Why not?

Because it is impossible for David C. Pack to be right.