Showing posts with label COG false leader. Show all posts
Showing posts with label COG false leader. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Crackpot Prophet Says to Quit Lying To Yourself...Wut?????????


Ever since God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit sat around the heavenly banquet table while planning the foundations of the world when the subject of Bob Thiel kept popping up they laughed and laughed and laughed. They knew they had their hands full when they envisioned him. He had to be completely different than Herbert Armstrong, Rod Meredith, Dave Pack, and Gerald Flurry. In fact, he had to be so different that no one in the history of Christianity would ever be like him. No one! 

He had to be the most spiritually educated man the world would ever see. Even Jesus knew he had to take the back seat when Bwana Bob was to arrive on the scene. 

The Holy Trinity also knew they needed to inspire the mind of a person to design a bouncy chair for the great prophet and a Bible publisher that would print big thick Bibles. Even a carpenter had to be brought into the picture to design and build crooked bookcases. This one particularly made Jesus chuckle since he knew he was to become a carpenter centuries before Bwana Bob was to arrive on the scene.

As the Holy Trinity was sitting there chuckling, Lucifer, the Morning Star walked into the room and asked if he could have his input in the creation of Bwana Bob.  He said, mischievously: "I want to add a dash of narcissism, conceit, lack of self-awareness, and a huge dose of pride. After all, there will never be another human as magnificent and knowledgeable as the Great Bwana to be. In fact, I want him to be just like me! So much so that the world would be in awe and your true members would tremble at the thought of criticizing him due to his great awesomeness."

Flash forward to 2023 as the Great Bwana Mzungu continues to fill the world with shock and awe at how his lack of self-awareness, humility, and theological understanding is beyond pale. 

The Great Bwana Mzungu has reposted a video titled: Pride: Quit Lying to Yourself

Seriously dude! You are the LAST person on this beautiful green earth that needs to be preaching about pride and people lying to themselves. Ever since your narcissism was fed by the encouragement of Rod Meredith and a few other deluded men in the ministry, you have been lying to yourself and the entire church about how important you are. That importance however started to wear thin with Rod Meredith and the Living Church of God. The leadership and the members got sick of your narcissism, pride, and vanity that permeated every conversation. No one understands the Bible better than you did and the LCG leadership was somehow supposed to kowtow to your demands.

Then in complete arrogance and deep narcissism, you took a prayer by Gaylyn Bonjour and turned it into something he had no plan on it ever being used as. It was later used to justify in your deluded mind that this was the sure sign from your god that you were to start a NEW Church of God that was supposedly going to fulfill all prophetic utterances about the end times. Thankfully, it hasn't and never will.

Sadly in this day and age, the Church of God is filled with deceived and prideful men who lie through their teeth to the members. From Dave Pack to Gerald Flurry, Ron Weinland to Bob Thiel, the lies continue to pile up deeper and deeper. Never has the Church of God membership been subjected to so many deceitful lying false prophets in their midst. The martyrs who died confident in Christ had no idea such idiotic buffoons would destroy the church they died for as has been happening today in 2023.

Pride: Quit Lying to Yourself

‘The Atlantic’ ran an article titled “Quit Lying to Yourself.’ It explained that this was not good and does not lead to happiness. The BBC ran an article about dangers of self-deception. The Bible warns about lies, self-deception, and pride. Does the New Testament warn that Christians can be deceived? What did Jesus say was the truth? What did Jesus tell end-time Laodicean Christians to do? Dr. Thiel addresses these issues and more in this video.

There is nothing in the modern-day Church of God movement that compares to first or second-century Christianity. They would be appalled at the lies that Bwana Bob and Dave Pack tell on a regular basis. The Laodicean attitude is alive and well in the improperly named "continuing" Church of "god".

So, Great Bwana Bob Mzungu, stop lying to yourself and others. Practice humility and deny the pridefulness that consumes your every action. Disband your cult and turn your attention to your wife and sons as you grow old and who will be rejected by so many. Set yourself and your captives free!

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Dave Pack: We are in Serious Dilemma! All of our literature is wrong!


UPDATE: On March 9, 2021, I posted this about Dave's ongoing lies and how almost all of RCG's literature was then obsolete. Here we are in February 2023 and the lies continue unabated. Jesus still has not returned. Dave's material is still outdated. No great secret of God has ever been revealed. Every time Dave opens his mouth he discredits himself, invalidating any previous words of wisdom.

We are in a Serious Dilemma!

From an RCG source:

This is perhaps one of the more shocking quotes I have seen in the series yet. I would ask that the Website team post this on the homepage somewhere just so new members understand that nothing they read is actually what the church teaches. This is a long quote but stay with me!

All the RCG material on the “Gospel” is wrong in Dave’s eyes. (This was discussed for years while the series was going on, some small changes were made, but now it’s obvious to church members). In effect, God needs to use material filled with lies and inaccurate information to get people into His TRUE CHURCH. 

An important question for the members of RCG, “Does an all-powerful “God of Truth,” need to use lies and deception to get people into His organization or True Church?” If so, then where is the Biblical precedent for this? Especially, when Christ is “the Way, the Truth, the Life”? 

At the judgment seat, could you imagine God or Christ condemning people for deceiving others, when they themselves actually deceived people to get them into the church?

Dave states at the end of 294:

“Finally let's imagine that the kingdom of God did not come this year. Let's imagine it. This church is in a serious dilemma, and I want you to think about it. And I ran it by a half dozen ministers, and here are our options, because all of our literature currently teaches that the kingdom of God is built the way my Baptist father-in-law believes, Christ comes and builds the kingdom. All of our literature is written that way. Now here's option "Number One," Ready? Let our literature say that and it's FALSE! I've written, I don't know probably a million words about the gospel. I've got to alter those. When would I do it? We can't let it go out. It's not true! So that's option number one would just let it stay there out of the question. 

Option "Number Two," withdraw all of our literature on the subject of the gospel. The Awesome Potential of Man, What's the Kingdom. What's the True Gospel, How World Peace Will Come. And all the booklets that I wrote years ago that had been so productive. Hundreds of millions of our pieces of literature have gone out, just withdraw them and never talk about the Gospel again? Well, that's a problem because we have an open door in front of us and nobody can shut it! So we wouldn't be expected to do that. So neither of those options are realistic. Here's the third one. God says he wants to come as a "thief", as a "snare." He does not want the world to know it. He wants a little group to know it. So then what do I do? Rewrite the literature and tell the world what it appears. God does not want them to know? That's option "Number three," that doesn't sound like a very good option, but we'd have to do something, unless God revealed this extraordinary mystery that has been this series right before he intended to solve the problem Himself. Because here they are, again, leave the literature that's up--it's wrong! It was "a present truth." Mr. Armstrong taught things that were wrong and he taught all the other doctrines of God correctly. We believed them. We held to them, but I no longer could. What would our ministers counsel people who were reading booklets that are wrong? "Well, this was actually wrong, but we need to understand it should say this." Well, they'd say, if I were a prospective member, like I was 55 years ago, I'd said, "Well, why hasn't it changed?" Or the alternative? Remember, second alternative? Just cancel all that literature and never talk about the kingdom of God. Well again, no one could consider that a viable option.

And the third one is start rewriting it. Now that would even take a while. And then we would do, because the Work is booming. Make no mistake. We are booming right now! I've never seen anything like it! And we're poised to do big stuff. So what would we do just sit on that we're wonderfully positioned to explode! But then we would be telling people what God doesn't want known. So, there was no box on that list where you could check "none of the above." You got to go one of the three ways. Now I never mentioned that as a metric because I never thought of it as a metric until I came to understand the "mystery of God" is that the kingdom of God arrives in a totally different way than anybody we or anybody else ever thought.

But it's a "fact" and you've heard the proof. So the only solution it seems to me is that the kingdom has to come, or I got to choose one of those three things because I'm not going to sit back. Our "reserves are," I mean, you just can't believe how well we're doing. We never done this well! We're 22 years now and I mean, we're not going to go build more buildings. There's no time for that. What would we do? We have a wonderful staff. We don't have to spend time hiring more staff. We're well positioned. We're poised, we're oiled. We could go out and do a much bigger work, but the problem is we would be disclosing a secret God does not want it out. I don't know how I could do that in good conscience. So, God speed the day! It looks like our weight is very short for one more reason. And the "Mystery of God" has gone away in a greater way. For one more reason. Good night.


Thursday, August 4, 2022

Dave Pack: A Craptacular Addendum To His Latest Announcement


A Craptacular Addendum


The sun has set in Jerusalem as of 12:30 P.M. Eastern time which means I have thus far survived David C. Pack’s Av 7 preamble to the “not-really-a-50-day-count to Trumpets” epic craptacular.


I wonder if Dave went to bed feeling “uncomfortable” again last night. Oh, wait, yes he did. Part 387 is being delivered TODAY.


Boy oh boy. And here I thought “Tammuz” was going to be the biggest display at the Lima, Ohio, “David C. Pack Craptacular Hall of Failure.” Dave is the busy beaver making sure that “Av” greets people as they walk in the door.


I listened to Parts 385 and 386 and have to admit, I'm still unclear as to the "Elijahn period" and how that is counted since I thought Dave went searching for a missing "4 days" that would make his 50-day math work. But Daniel 12 does say, “…none of the wicked shall understand.”


No one needs to fully understand Dave. Just smile and nod your head, “Clear and powerful, sir,” if he ever asks you in the hallway.


The last article was ridiculously long. If you reached the end, then bless your heart. Dave rambled for 103 minutes and it was so “nonsense rich” that there is more to report on.



I have a few more notable quotes from “The Greatest Unending Story! (Part 386)” delivered this past Tuesday.


@ 1:42:52 I’m committed absolutely to this year. Or we’ve had an enormous coincidence. I figured this out right on Av 5. I just lucked out. Man, I just I won the lottery without buying a ticket. I figured this out right on time. What do you know? What a coincidence. You believe that? I can’t believe that. So, truly this time, time alone, the schedule, and dates, and your church calendar alone tell you this is the end of the series.



a remarkable concurrence of events or circumstances without apparent causal connection


Dave imagines a connection to dates in the Bible. He uses all his Precise Speculation skills to build a case of smoke and mirrors that "prove" his Nothing-burger. He throws his thought menagerie hastily at the membership, then gives them two options: 1) either; 2) or.


Either God is behind it all. Or it is simply a coincidence.


The invisible third option is that Dave is making it all up. It is not of God. It is not even a real event, so coincidence cannot apply here.


One of his “metrics” for this week was found in the book of Amos.


Amos 3:7

Surely  the Lord  GOD will do nothing, but  he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.


@ 1:39:35 It’s possible that revealing it to me now is God sort of saying, “You get this after all these years. You get this now. You get it and you told everybody.” I’m revealing it to you and maybe I’m supposed to realize it’s the beginning of being this prophet. I’m not sure, but it does say, “Who can but prophesy?” So, it’s been revealed to me and He does reveal it to prophets. Whether I am or I’m not now, “Who can but prophesy?” would suggest it’s close.


But you do not “get it,” Dave. I am certain I will be able to quote this in another article. Prepare to be tweaked in the future.


I never understood why he cannot read that verse and see that all we need to know to prepare for the Kingdom of God is right there in the scriptures. God revealed His plan ALREADY to everyone inside the pages of the Bible. That verse does not apply to a future-tense fulfillment for David “Passover” Pack.


Talk about over-reading. Sheesh.


One of  the “epic” points to the message was found in Daniel 12:4, “…knowledge shall be increased.” Would you like to know what that really means? Ready?


More people hear will hear this knowledge when it all happens! More people = increase.


Boy, that was certainly worth waiting 77 minutes to hear. Dave could have saved a lot of time by just opening a dictionary.



become or make greater in size, amount, intensity, or degree


Dave read Isaiah 41:2, “Who raised up the righteous from the east…” and repeats that is him functioning as Elijah. 


Does Isaiah 41 mention Elijah by name? No.

How does Dave conclude that “the righteous from the east” is Elijah? Because he says so.

How does Dave know he is that Elijah? Because he says so.


This is what Dave does. This is how The Restored Church of God operates.



This is a true, factual statement: "Nowhere in the Bible does God command anyone to count 50 days before The Feast of Trumpets." Dave spotted something in the Bible but did not realize it was just a fly that landed on the page.


This is a true, factual statement: “David C. Pack never found 4 days in the scriptures.” He had to round up from “time, times, and an half” by taking cotton balls and duct tape to pad the triangle so it would fit nicely inside the circle.


Both of those are pure imagination.


Brad, Ed, Jaco, Ryan, Ken, Tim, Carl, Jim, Andy, Salasi, Frank: You did not create the monster, but you play a role in feeding it kidnapped virgins. The monster only has power because you LET it. Maybe you can sleep at night because you wash the blood off your conscience as Pilate did.


Your continual enabling is not helping God’s people.


Every single one of you knows there is no “50-day count to Trumpets” and he never found “4 days” to even make the math work.


Please explain how that is "inspired preaching" and NOT lying.

Please explain how that is "God revealing to His servant" and NOT lying.

Please explain how that is "Bible truth" and NOT lying.


Write me. Call me. I want to know from any one of you. Help me to understand.


The Av 7 deadline has passed. By the time this is posted, Part 387 will already be underway.


Will you all continue “to agree with Mr. Pack” when he declares whatever else the next thing that “God led him to see?”

Marc Cebrian

See: A Craptacular Addendum

Thursday, June 30, 2022

Jon Brisby Hiding Tithing Amounts From "Unconverted" Spouses Of Members


Just when you think the deviousness of COG leaders cannot sink any lower, along comes one who actually does. Jon Brisby, the spiritual guru of the Church of God, The Eternal is now hiding tithe receipts from spouses of members who do not join his group.

From a reader here:

A new member has a wife who did not join the church. The wife called the main office to get a copy of tithe receipt for tax purposes. Jon B. had flagged the new member's account to NOT give tithe receipt to the wife so to help the man hide money. Have any of you ever heard of such a thing? Sounds like a cult!!

Amazon has this "biography" of him on his book page. Just like Bob Thiel, Brisby's narcissistic attitude and spiritual self-importance make him out to be a rags-to-riches type minister in Armstrongism. Riches is right, as members complain about his flashy cars, homes, and indulgent lifestyle.

Jon W. Brisby was raised in the Worldwide Church of God by parents, Don & Pat Brisby, who joined the church in 1959. In 1968, Don was recruited by Herbert Armstrong to work at the Ambassador College Press in Pasadena, CA because of his expertise in commercial color printing. That is how the Brisby family, much like the Beverly Hillbillies, made it to southern California from middle Tennessee. Jon attended the church's private grade school on the Ambassador College campus (Imperial Schools) from 1968-1972. His own experience as a child "at headquarters"—as well as that of his parents during this significant time period for the church—would leave lasting impressions.

After 1972, the family moved first to Denver, CO, then to Houston, TX, and finally made it back to Nashville, TN, where Jon graduated public high school in 1980. He chose to attend one year at Ambassador College in 1980-81 as a freshman, but did not return for a second year due to his personal conviction that things were not right in the church, even though he still held a personal respect for Mr. Herbert Armstrong.

He joined Church of God, The Eternal (a remnant fellowship) in 1981 at age nineteen, was baptized the same year, and finally found a spiritual home through the influence of Mr. Raymond C. Cole. It was Raymond Cole who showed him by example how a minister can both defend divinely–revealed truth and at the same time show loving and patient support to individual members. Without that particular personal example, it is very likely that Jon would have chosen to reject his "parents' religion" as a young adult, even as most of his childhood friends in the WCG had already done.

Jon married at age 24, had two sons, finished his business degree with the University of the State of New York, had a successful career in corporate middle management, and remained a devoted lay-member of the church. It was in 1996 that Raymond Cole pressed Jon to become a minister, a course that he never would have chosen of his own accord. He was ordained by Mr. Cole on the Feast of Trumpets in 1997 but did not jettison his corporate career until late 1999 when the church was in dire need of more full-time helpers. He moved his family to Eugene, Oregon that year and worked as Raymond Cole's ministerial assistant until Mr. Cole's death in 2001. Thereafter, Jon became Pastor and Director of Church of God, The Eternal, a position of service he holds to this day.

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Dave Pack: Brain Fart Heard ‘round The World

Brain Fart Heard ‘round The World


David C. Pack had to waft away the stench and admit, “Sorry folks, that was me.”


Yet another rushed “Prophecy Update” went out from The Restored Church of God last night. Before sunset in Wadsworth. This should telegraph to everyone that not even David C. Pack believes the words of David C. Pack.


Is this an outward show of a lack of faith? Perhaps he just doesn’t believe his Bible. Or the math. By just “hoping” and not “believing” what was taught, is he calling Jesus Christ and God the Father liars? Please ponder those things.


Let’s read:


We HAVE the picture, brethren. Events APPEAR close—actually very close.


Continue seeking God and doing His will, drawing closer to Him as the first kingdom draws closer. Paul’s words in the latter half of Romans 13:11 have been true for Christians in all eras, but have even more UNIQUE application for US. Truly “now is our salvation nearer than when we believed!”


REMEMBER the ever-present reality that we “see through a glass darkly.” Only one era of God’s people experiences the run-up to the Kingdom.


IF tonight passes, we at least wait for Tammuz 1 as previously thought; the case REMAINS strong. (There is even MORE PROOF Tammuz CANNOT change.)


But COULD we even move INTO IT? If the answer is yes, we are the people who “keep our lights burning” for HOWEVER long the wait!



There has been a consistent trend in how Dave approaches his own prophetic deadlines. He used to wait for it to pass and THEN do damage control. But as the years wore on and the failure rate sustained a rock solid 100%, he began to get RIGHT IN FRONT of his own date to wildly wave his arms, “I already knew it!” He did this at the Ministerial Conference. He did it again last night.


Let’s digest the announcement and read carefully.


We HAVE the picture, brethren. Events APPEAR close—actually very close.


Oh, really? What exactly is this based on? Was there a notable world event? An astrological anomaly? A literal fulfillment written about in God’s word? What is Dave looking at to give him the impression that anything is close or very close?


I am going to take that statement as hyperbole. And so should you.


REMEMBER the ever-present reality that we “see through a glass darkly.”


A quote from Andre the Giant comes to mind, “I don’t think you know what that means.”


At this point, folks in RCG should wonder if Dave is staring at the fridge and not into glass. The only thing he can see clearly is his own reflection because the biblical mirage always shimmers away before he gets close to it.


IF tonight passes, we at least wait for Tammuz 1 as previously thought; the case REMAINS strong. (There is even MORE PROOF Tammuz CANNOT change.)


The word “if” falls from the Inept Prophet’s mouth a lot these days. Elisha sat atop a hill and used that word with a captain of fifty. God answered the matter rather quickly. Maybe it is because Dave is Elijah and not Elisha that he is left on his own to twist in the wind.

If the men who wrote that announcement were more honest, they would have written, “When tonight passes…”


The words “at least” got snuck in there. The seed is planted for my earlier theory about Tammuz becoming a whole month of “waiting.”


The month of Tammuz itself “cannot change,” but the interpretation of timing and events will certainly change. Carve that one in blood, stone, and steel.


But COULD we even move INTO IT? If the answer is yes, we are the people who “keep our lights burning” for HOWEVER long the wait!


Anything “could” happen, especially when coupled with an “if” for good measure. Let me answer with less than 10 hours to go: Yes. The members of The Restored Church of God are going to keep waiting. And keep waiting. And keep waiting.


Another trick Dave uses after a long message of “can’t argue with it” and “impossible to see it any other way,” is he will slip some caveat right at the very very end that completely defuses his whole teaching. This reveals to everyone how uncertain he actually is: “for HOWEVER long we wait!”


Writers know that the last point you make is the one that sticks the most. Read the whole announcement again and here is what you leave with: You will be waiting after tonight.


The people in RCG have already been doing that since 2012. And 2013. 2014. 2015. 2016. 2017. 2018. 2019. 2020. 2021. When does it become “unfair” for God to expect anyone to tough this out?


As a non-prophet/non-psychic, I will use my superior non-telepathic skills to beam the idea into Dave’s head to send out another Prophecy Update before sundown tonight. I still have money on the table that “the entire month of Tammuz is still in play” will be the gist in the coming days.


No doubt another brain fart is coming. But this next one will be wet.

Marc Cebrian

See: Brain Fart Heard 'round The World


Friday, April 1, 2022

Crackpot COG Prophet Gets Bent Out Of Shape Over April Fool's Day


Our favorite Chief Overseer of his African brethren and the modern-day embodiment of Elisha, Elijah, Amos and Andy, Johsua, and the most important and doubly blessed man the Church of God has ever been privileged to have in its midst, is back today getting his wholistic knickers into a homeopathic twist:

Today, it is April 1st on the Roman calendar.
Many people call the first day of April, “April Fools’ Day.” Notice something about it:

Today is April 1 — April Fool’s Day, if you will…in more recent times it’s chock full of good-natured pranks. But watch out; any scams or pranks can end up being costly. Case in point: Back in 2005, KBDS-FM radio conducted an April Fool’s giveaway for a Hummer, but used a play on words to actually give away an R/C model of a Hummer. The winner, Shannon Castillo, was not amused. She filed suit for $60,000, the cost of a new Hummer.
Beware of tax-related fraud and scams
Have you ever pranked a coworker?
Implausible, unexpected event occurred, will have terrible business impact on you

With that in mind, it’ a good idea to be hypercritical of anything you read online today.

Like any good COG prophet, the Great Bwana doesn't have to search far to find something to back up his nitpicking nuttiness.

Nasty unconverted people not only play innocent jokes on each other on April Fools Day, but they cause tax scams and other issues.

It's all lies brethren when someone plays an April Fools joke on you. All Lies! Woe is me! Oh, the humanity! Lies! Lies! Lies!

However, there is one glowing thing that is missing from Bwana Bob's whinefest list...

What about the lies of self-appointed COG prophets and false teachers in the church, of which he is one? Are not their lies even more damaging to people than some silly pranks? Destroying the spiritual and even physical life of members is far more damaging.

Never in the history of the Church of God have we had so many self-appointed men who are preaching the most idiotic things the church has ever heard. From Dave Pack's ongoing vomit stream of his creature, he calls "christ", that supposedly is returning every Friday and Saturday for the last several years to Gerald Flurry's supposed possession of the new coronation stone that his creature called "christ" is going to come back and sit his holy butt upon. From Bob Thiel's self-appointment and his endless diarrhea stream of prophetic bullshit that no one in Africa or the rest of the world gives a rats ass about, to Ronnie Weinland's failed return of his "christ" in 2008 and every year since.  The Church of God has in its midst the biggest bunch of FOOLS the church has ever seen!

Sadly people in all of these groups sit there and listen to these raving lunatics and their spiritual diarrhea week after week. Lives are being damaged spiritually and physically as members are losing their homes and businesses due to these guys stealing their money during their prophetic push to end God's work here on earth. Many have even lost their lives due to these FOOLS!

Bwana Bob Thiel is one of the Church of God's biggest liars and apparently has been playing April Fools jokes on us for over 10 years now. But like any good April Fools joke, we can laugh at him with the derision he deserves.

Happy April Fools Day Bwana Bob! Continue to keep us entertained!


Thursday, March 24, 2022

Dave Pack: "IF you haven't SOLD ALL - I counsel you to DO IT. You Only Have 8 Days Left!


Well, folks, you can soon kiss your butt goodbye! The time is finally here! Woo Hoo! Only less than 8 days to go! 

Dave delivered his awe-inspiring message Wednesday night at his weekly Bible Study and the faithful sat there like idiots lapping it all up. This was sermon 355 in his never-ending series.

Dave instructed his people to SELL ALL (for like the 500th time) and if they haven't done it by now things are going to be REALLY bad for them.

From an RCG source (emojis are by the source)

He finishes Part 355 by saying:

"God revealed the mystery - things His little group would never see till they got to the END of the series...

Be READY - we're gonna talk this Sabbath... 

IF you haven't SOLD 💰💰ALL 🤑🤑 - I counsel you to DO IT - you do NOT want to go in THERE (pointing at the 1st little glass period of 30 days).

So we MAY have SOME AMONG US..... IF you DON'T think THIS IS God's Church - get STRAIGHTENED OUT💰💰 RIGHT NOW OR.... 

Maybe move on and face your eternity one way or the other, down a different path.

But I'm gonna say with just 8.5 days to go - MEET GOD'S CHECKLIST💰🤑...

I'll see you, Sabbath"

Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Second Witless Witness Ron Weinland Disgusted By Argumentative Spirit Directed Towards Prophets And Ministers Of The Church

Ron Weinland is not happy. There are people in his tiny little cult that have an "argumentative spirit" against him. How dare the dumb sheeple ever question God's chosen one! How dare they! This is the same thing that drives Bob Thiel bonkers as it does Dave Pack. How can anyone ever question these prophets in our midst? We would NEVER do that, would we? Seriously!

So again, this matter of strife and contention, argumentative spirit has no place in God’s Church and not amongst God’s people, against God’s people, and especially not toward God’s ministry. Sometimes it’s hard for people to grasp what we do when we fight that fight, because that is against God very powerfully so. That’s how He takes that. Because that’s what it is, it’s a spiritual thing. 

Maybe if all of these COG blowhards treated members right, stopped spiritually abusing them, stopped stealing their money, and stopped lying, then members would have nothing to complain about. However, once a COG prophet ordains himself to some lofty position they can never shut up.

Anyway, let’s go on over to John 17, because this message of these things should not exist in God’s Church, and especially toward God’s ministry, whether it be the prophets of old or within the New Testament and things that are said there, these are things that make very clear how the Body of Christ is to function, especially within the Church, and it is without contention, it is without divisiveness, it is with the spirit of oneness and unity of mind.

It is the ministry and church leaders who have divided the church. They are the ones causing division. If they weren't then there would be no Thiel's, Packs, Flurry's, and Weinland's flapping their pie-holes continually. 

The Armstrongite version of the Church of God was born out of division and an argumentative spirit and has been rocked by it internally from day one, even in the glory years so many fondly look back at. Unity has never been a teaching of the church. How can they be unified when they never mention the guy that is supposed to unify them in One Spirit?

Sideshow Bob Ridicules David Hulme For Starting A Splinter Group While Tripping Over The Same Rake


It's another sunny glorious day in California and Sideshow Bob is giving us more slapstick comedy by stepping on his proverbial rake. Who would ever have suspected that the Church of God, in these frightful end times, would have such a slapstick comedian as a prophet! We are truly blessed!!!!!!!!

A reader here sent this:

Bob has an article up on Vic Kubic's not being appointed again as President of UCG.  He goes over a brief history of UCG presidents and has this gem
"UCG’s first president, David Hulme, started his own church when he was not reconfirmed in 1998. His church is called:  COGaIC: Church of God, an International Community.' 
United Church of God: Victor Kubik not reconfirmed as president, though he wanted to be
Oblivious to the fact he did the same thing when he was not "confirmed" as a prophet.  

Hilarious! After Rod Meredith and the Living Church of God hierarchy turned their backs on his self-appointed prophethood and his wild demands that the church change their doctrines and beliefs to suit his interpretations, Sideshow Bob, in typical COG fashion, threw a self-righteous sanctimonious hissy fit and started his own new and improved Church of God.  

Rod Meredith and crew never confirmed Bob Thiel's legitimacy. That's part of the reason LCG refused to ordain him. They knew trouble was bound to happen if they did. Look at the mess Theil has created today as a non-confirmed church leader and you can see that Meredith was justified in rebuking him.

Rake on dude! Keep us entertained!

Saturday, February 12, 2022

UPDATE: COG Groups Waking Up To Bob Thiel's Deceptive Website Which Is Meant To Deceive Members


UPDATE:  See bottom page

COGNews has a rundown on Bob Thiel's new website that is using deceptive tacts to deceive COG7 folk and other Sabbatarian groups that his site is for all Sabbath-keepers. What he does with every single link on his site is send people directly to his crap. Bob gets really ticked off that no one in the Sabbatarian groups follows or recognizes him as a legitimate leader, this is why:

In July 2020 we reported that Bob Thiel had launched a new website: – Church of God 7th Day Sabbath Observing Christians, which is very similar to – Church of God 7th Day, based in Denver, which is the largest ‘Church of God 7th Day Sabbath Observing Christian’ group. 
The new website stated that it “… is intended to help people who wonder about the seventh-day Sabbath as well as those interested in learning about the different groups that claim Christ, but who also keep the seventh-day Sabbath.” 
The Bible Sabbath Association, established 77 years ago, does exactly that, believing in “promoting fellowship and co-operation between Sabbath-keeping people of various groups; on a non-denominational basis; to restore respect and honor for the Ten Commandments as a whole (with emphasis on the Fourth).” 
The purpose of the new website, however, appeared to be to draw to it people searching the internet for the words and phrases in its website title, or mistyping – then explaining the supposed doctrinal errors of other groups, and promoting the CCOG. 
On the 2nd of February 2022 CCOG’s founder, Bob Thiel, wrote that he “had began to embark on a potentially large expansion for the website.” So now that there is much more information on the new website, is it non-denominational, or a CCOG website in disguise? 
The home page on the menu bar has the title, Sabbath Keeping, Prophetic, and Church of God Resources, which suggests that the website is non-denominational, but all of the links on this page go to, which is Bob Thiel’s personal website that he has run since the time he was in the Living Church of God. His beliefs are those of the LCG, plus some additions where he says the LCG is wrong. 
Clicking on History on the menu bar takes you to the Continuing Church of God website. 
Clicking on Books provides a list of Books all written by Bob Thiel. 
Clicking on 7th Day Churches provides a list of various Sabbath groups, but the links all go either to or his Youtube channel. 
Clicking on Sermons provides a list of Sermons all given by Bob Thiel.

Bob has never been able to do anything on his own other than hanging on to the shirttails of others for information and legitimacy. As crazy as they are, both Flurry and Pack have at least come up with original things to entice their followers, Bob has been unable to do so and so he has to find ways to deceive other Sabbath-keepers into believing he is right. Even in this though, he is an abject failure.


To see first hand how deceptive Bob is in using the CG7 name he has advised a couple of his so-called "evangelists" in Africa that they do not need to stop using the CG7 Day moniker in their church affiliations.

Last week we mentioned some new Youth Bible Lessons and CCOG/CG7 Pastor Samuel Ofosu contacted me from Ghana and we have ordered a couple of sets of each of the six lessons we now have completed (that group is with CCOG, but since they were called CG7 before, when they asked to be part of CCOG, we did not require them to change their name, file legal registrations, etc.).

Sunday, January 30, 2022

The Most Significant Date In COG History


Other than the miraculous birth of Bob Thiel, which was planned before the foundations of the world had been set so that he could bring about redemption to the faithful in the end times, there is no other date in Church of God history as significant as December 7.

EDMOND—On the Sabbath of December 4, thousands of Philadelphia Church of God members around the globe marked the December 7 anniversary of the founding of the Church. 
In Edmond, Evangelist Stephen Flurry gave a sermonette reviewing the history and accomplishments of the “32-year miracle” of the Church. His father, Pastor General Gerald Flurry, delivered a sermon about Bible prophecy and the radical political movement to revolutionize the government of the United States.

The 32-year-old miracle came about because Lil'Stevie read his daddy's plagiarized Malachi's Message while camping at Robber's Cave, Oklahoma. The earth stopped at this moment, just like when Bob Thiel was born, as God's mighty plan was put into place.

Gerald Flurry always fails to mention how he was disfellowshipped for insubordination which removes his ordination rank in the church. A church that he was essentially a nobody in.

December 7 was the beginning of a spiritual war that the true church has supposedly been fighting, all thanks to Gerald Flurry and HWA. For some reason, they left Bob Thiel out. What a bummer!

“This day serves as a reminder to all of us that we are to be persistent in this spiritual war,” Ohio prospective member Adam Williams said, “and to never give up believing in God’s Word, like Mr. Armstrong and Mr. Flurry.” 
December 7 marks the date that Mr. Flurry and his assistant, Preaching Elder John Amos, were fired from the Worldwide Church of God for remaining loyal to the teachings of Herbert W. Armstrong and Mr. Flurry’s manuscript that would become Malachi’s Message. The Church has since raised up the ruins with 32 years of a Bible prophecy magazine; 29 years of youth camp, 28 years of a Bible prophecy radio/television program; 20 years of college; 18 years of holding copyrights to 19 books and booklets by Mr. Armstrong, including Mystery of the Ages; and
13 years of a K-12 schooling; as well as regional offices, personal appearance campaigns, a corporate airplane and other milestones. Philadlphia Church of God Celebrates 32 Years

Thursday, November 25, 2021

Its Thanksgiving And Whiny Prophet Is Ticked Off Again About Football And Gluttony


It is Thanksgiving here in America where people celebrate the freedoms that allow them access to so much they can be thankful for. 

Sadly, for some pretend COG leaders and self-appointed spokesmen, this day is not one that should be celebrated and if you do, you must REFUSE to participate in the Satanic observance of turning on your television and watching Satan's minions play football while being cheered on by scantly clad cheerleaders who are leading the men of God astray.

Where would we be without these hypocritical loudmouths with their endless spiel of pharisaical diarrhea?

Today, God's most highly chosen man from the entire history of Christianity is once more getting his homeopathic knickers in a knot. His very first paragraph is one whiny little bitch-fest of negativity:

Today is the national holiday in the USA called Thanksgiving. And despite certain claims, its specific origins are not pagan. But, of course, no Christian needs to celebrate national holidays like it if they do not wish to (cf. Romans 14). And the Bible does condemn gluttony. And with COVID-9 this year, government officials have warned about family gatherings.

I have never seen God's most amazing prophet ever decry the gluttony of members at the Feast of Tabernacles, at church picnics, or at the annual COG Christmas Party Weekends. Like many in the COG those are times of a foretaste of the kingdom to come and members should enjoy themselves to their best ability.

One thing that I have noticed on the day called Thanksgiving by those in the USA, is when I have been at many other places than the home I lived in, American football has been playing on television. 
For many, other than food and family, football is a major focus of the Thanksgiving holiday for many in the USA.

The heavenly realm is weeping at this very thought right now!  

The Chosen One then goes on to quote President Obama and others about their concerns over tackle football and then whines that real Christians should not be endorsing it.

He even goes on to quote that other authority on everything, Herbert Armstrong.

....the late Herbert W. Armstrong wrote:

Hostility toward the other is sin… 
Football (American football) is a violent body-contact sport. It is often played with an attitude of hostility and is dangerous and is fraught with physical injury. (Plain Truth, July-August 1984)
Wherever a game in sports involves ANTAGONISTS–in HOSTILE ATTITUDE to harm the other and/or to “GET” from the other–to get the best of the other–then a harmful, Satanic and evil attitude enters in, and the sport is EVIL, not good…football, 
(American football)…because football is such a violent body contact sport, it TOO OFTEN is played in an ATTITUDE OF HOSTILITY, and is too DANGEROUS and fraught with PHYSICAL INJURY . Therefore it must be BANNED so far as participation by God’s Church or people is concerned…This is sufficient to illustrate the application of the PRINCIPLE of God’s Law to sports. That participated in with an attitude of HOSTILITY toward the opponent is evil. That which HARMS mentally or physically an opponent is evil. 
Satan is the author of COMPETITION based on hostility, harm to the opponent, GETTING by taking FROM an opponent–to his harm or loss. God’s way is LOVE TOWARD neighbor equal to love of self. (Armstrong HW. Not all sports are banned. Pastor General’s Report, Volume 2, Issue 36, September 5, 1980)

And yet, Herbert watched American football, soccer, "professional" wrestling, and the Lakers basketball games, all of which are filled with attitudes of hostility and vile satanic COMPETITION which TAKES from the opponent. The hypocrisy of COG leaders is appalling but never shocking. 

The so-called doubly-blessed apostate then ends with this as he accuses all who watch football of being Laodicean. 

...many (including Laodicean Christians) are too selfish to stop watching and encouraging the playing of American tackle football. 
Christians should give God thanks, but not encourage violence in sports like American tackle football.

Everything in this world is Laodicean to these pathetic whiny little men leading Churches of God today.  "Laodicean" is the favorite perjorative of COG leaders, falsely so-called.

COG members were given brains so they could make their own decisions WITHOUT any of the spiritually bankrupt diarrhea that currently flows from the self-appointed leaders of COGdom today.

So give thanks for your blessings, enjoy your family and friends, enjoy good food and enjoy a game of football on television or in person. God isn't going to turn his back on you if you do, even if these whiny men say otherwise.