Sunday, January 30, 2022

The Most Significant Date In COG History


Other than the miraculous birth of Bob Thiel, which was planned before the foundations of the world had been set so that he could bring about redemption to the faithful in the end times, there is no other date in Church of God history as significant as December 7.

EDMOND—On the Sabbath of December 4, thousands of Philadelphia Church of God members around the globe marked the December 7 anniversary of the founding of the Church. 
In Edmond, Evangelist Stephen Flurry gave a sermonette reviewing the history and accomplishments of the “32-year miracle” of the Church. His father, Pastor General Gerald Flurry, delivered a sermon about Bible prophecy and the radical political movement to revolutionize the government of the United States.

The 32-year-old miracle came about because Lil'Stevie read his daddy's plagiarized Malachi's Message while camping at Robber's Cave, Oklahoma. The earth stopped at this moment, just like when Bob Thiel was born, as God's mighty plan was put into place.

Gerald Flurry always fails to mention how he was disfellowshipped for insubordination which removes his ordination rank in the church. A church that he was essentially a nobody in.

December 7 was the beginning of a spiritual war that the true church has supposedly been fighting, all thanks to Gerald Flurry and HWA. For some reason, they left Bob Thiel out. What a bummer!

“This day serves as a reminder to all of us that we are to be persistent in this spiritual war,” Ohio prospective member Adam Williams said, “and to never give up believing in God’s Word, like Mr. Armstrong and Mr. Flurry.” 
December 7 marks the date that Mr. Flurry and his assistant, Preaching Elder John Amos, were fired from the Worldwide Church of God for remaining loyal to the teachings of Herbert W. Armstrong and Mr. Flurry’s manuscript that would become Malachi’s Message. The Church has since raised up the ruins with 32 years of a Bible prophecy magazine; 29 years of youth camp, 28 years of a Bible prophecy radio/television program; 20 years of college; 18 years of holding copyrights to 19 books and booklets by Mr. Armstrong, including Mystery of the Ages; and
13 years of a K-12 schooling; as well as regional offices, personal appearance campaigns, a corporate airplane and other milestones. Philadlphia Church of God Celebrates 32 Years


Anonymous said...

32 years old?! I never heard of PCG/ Gerald Flurry until about 3 years ago when I discovered this website.

Tonto said...

Appropriate that PEARL HARBOR DAY and PCG share the same anniversary!

The W.A. said...

How can Dec. 7 be "the most significant date" when PCG points to Jan. 16 for all the amazing events in the world?

Anonymous said...

I will commemorate the birth of Bob Thiel annually now. Forget Christmas, our true saviors birthday will be over the top!!! I will toss a Thiel log in the fire, have gingerbread Bwana cookies, and holistic almond milk. Hark the Herald Angels sing, Bob Thiel is born this day, foretold from the foundations of the world, sent to redeem us back to the Father.

Hoss said...

Tonto wrote: Appropriate that PEARL HARBOR DAY and PCG share the same anniversary!

Yes, both were a date that will live in infamy.

Anonymous said...

I can't imagine anyone enduring Flurry's "crap" for 32 years. Just not being able to listen to and enjoy Led Zeppelin or Deep Purple Mark II for 32 years would be bad enough. This 32 year anniversary is about as dumb as celebrating the existence of shit!

Ordinary said...

Well I didn't hear every word in the video but..There was an article out years ago, and it was church literature like the Plain Truth magazine, that said that it was formed in the kids by the time they were nine years old that they would be homosexuals. Now the old teaching, which I believe the article mentioned, was that it is formed by something from the parents. Like dominant mother,smothering mother,weak father maybe overbearing father etc. That theory is actually still believed by people. In other words the kids CAN'T help how they feel. You look at people who are homosexuals and trace back to see if there was a problem in their family like I mentioned. And that old article mentioned. How many of the splinter groups even bring this up? As far as that theory goes ANYBODY could turn out to be a homosexual. Even some of the ones that make a big production out of it. Yes maybe they can change but it's not in them to want to. Let's have some understanding.

Ordinary said...

Sorry the above comment was for the "gay gene" post.

Phinnpoy said...

One was bombed, and one was a bomb1

Anonymous said...


The “short work” that Gerald Flurry said his PCG was prophesied to do is getting longer.

Anonymous said...

Flurry and the PCOG have destroyed more families and ruined so many lives. It will eventually fail, just like Jim Jones and the People's Temple did but likely go out taking several innocent people in it's wake.

Anonymous said...

Why has "the 32 year old miracle" used Stalin-commie police state tactics, and the equivalent of their iron curtain to keep their members in their organisation?

Anonymous said...

Most people who believe in God only do so because they were created.

Anonymous said...

You people are missing the obvious. The most important date in church history is HWA's first date with Ramona Martin. Because HWA fell so hard for Ramona, thousands of Church members were spared the horrors of the old D&R doctrine, which HWA had to change in order to marry Ramona.

Anonymous said...

HWA's first date with Ramona Martin

And didn't HWA's eventual divorce involve documents regarding his incest, which he didn't deny?

Anonymous said...

The purpose of false prophets is to lie, steal, destroy, and kill.

Gerald “That (False) Prophet” Flurry is just doing his job.

Sweetblood777 said...

Truly now they are receiving their reward. They will stand in amazement when Christ says to them "Depart from Me, I never knew you."