Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Evil Laodicean Delilah's With Smart Phones Are Seducing PCG Members To Sin While Entertaining Them!


More craziness from the Philadelphia Church of God:

“Be very careful about becoming unequally yoked with this world.” He kept trying to put fear in the members and singles as he said, “Don’t underestimate the power of the Devil to bring you into his team.” [Note from ESN: He is making the Devil out to be more powerful than God and contradicts the verse, “Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.” –I John 4:4] 
Brad Macdonald mentioned “Delilahs” in our life as maybe being: “a relationship with someone in the world, a relationship with a Laodicean family member, a sin we’ve become comfortable with; a speculation; your version of a church doctrine; an attitude of bitterness or resentment towards a minister or another members; maybe it’s your smartphone, or maybe it’s entertainment.” 
“Ask God for the will and power to smash the yoke that is binding you to that thing.” Exit and Support Network 


Anonymous said...

I laughed like I've never laughed before reading this article. 😆😅😂🤣

Anonymous said...

I think Brad may have specifically meant this website. It is obvious that they monitor it. I bet old Gerry comes unglued when his prophecies or predictions fail & they get called out. I recall he had a complete meltdown with fire & brimstone directed at Fox 25 after their report.

Sweetblood777 said...

I would ask the person giving those wise words "Are you talking from experience?

Anonymous said...

Why would a member have an attitude of bitterness or resentment towards a rights respecting minister or member?Hmm, let me think?

Anonymous said...

Extremely conservative people constantly see evil in innovation. They do not deal well with change, and tend to blame technology when they see a handful of people misuse the technology. The solution of extremely conservative religious leaders would be to create distrust for and get rid of the new, rather than teach proper harnessing and usage of advancing technology.

The leaders of the PCG must feel very threatened by cell phones, a form of technology which has been with us for over two decades. It appears that the aspect which they fear most is the ability of members to access the information superhighway, the internet. Internet today is our artificial intelligence, and can be very effective in raising our level of functionality, not only on the job, but also around the house. To forbid usage of this is to consign members to the stone age. Education elliminates superstition. The ability to fact check allows us to know truth. Again, what are Flurry and his lackeys really afraid of?

Occasionally we endured stupid sermons in original WCG. I can't recall any quite so ludicrous as the ones Brad MacDonald is preaching in current PCG.

Anonymous said...

It's amazing how many of the "men" in PCG leadership are terrified of strong Proverbs 31 women. You might even think they were raised by domineering mothers ruling the roost, and by weak and absent fathers who cared more about pleasing the WCG/PCG ministry than being strong and positive male role models for their families.

Tonto said...

Yeah, you might go to hell or thru the tribulation if you call your "Laodicean" mother , in another church group, and wish her a "Happy Mothers Day", and thanking her for putting up with all your crap as a kid, and bringing you into the world.

One known fact in a hostage or kidnap situation is to NEVER go somewhere with a perpetrator , say in their car to an isolated location. You are as good as dead if that happens, so you might as well fight it out right there. Flurry is doing the same thing in isolating the hostages, that a kidnapper, rapist, or criminal uses.

You will be destroyed, and used as human fuel, this is guaranteed.

Anonymous said...

Tonto mistakenly and optimistically wrote:

Flurry is doing the same thing in isolating the hostages, that a kidnapper, rapist, or criminal uses. You will be destroyed, and used as human fuel, this is guaranteed.

Unfortunately, this is not true. Flurry doesn't want to destroy you. Once you have been destroyed, you are useless to him. What Flurry wants to do is to enslave you. He wants you to give your money to him to fuel Jude Flurry's dance career and so many other extravagances. And he wants you to give your heart, mind, and soul to him to fuel his ego. Flurry wants to put you in chains, and for you to thank him for those chains.

Anonymous said...

Old people in the PCG were sexually immoral even without smart phones.

Anonymous said...


In January 1995, the APOSTATE Joseph W. Tkach, Sr. OPENLY threw out of the Worldwide Church of God virtually everything that his predecessor Herbert W. Armstrong had taught up to the time of HWA's death in January 1986.

That FALSE PROPHET Gerald R. Flurry in his own little PCG cult that he started in December 1989 DECEITFULLY edited, changed, warped, mangled, and perverted Herbert W. Armstrong's teachings while falsely claiming to be faithfully holding fast to all of them.

Some people who rejected the massive doctrinal changes of the WCG APOSTATE Joseph W. Tkach, Sr. went on to join the little PCG cult and ended up trapped and enslaved by that FALSE PROPHET Gerald R. Flurry and his gospel suppressing, family wrecking, sexually immoral, Irish dancing cult.

Anonymous said...

Or ‘government’

Anonymous said...

You have to understand that Brad MacDonald is preaching exactly what he is told.

Anonymous said...

Brad Macdonald had a cult.

PCG? Oh, no!

And in that cult he had some clout.

PCG? Oh, no!

With a closet-case here, and Delilah there
Here a queer, there a slut, everywhere a Flurrybot!

Brad Macdonald had a cult.

PCG? Oh, no!

Anonymous said...

Dead cat diversion 2:06. This is a rebels from a COG ministry led blog.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Anon 2:01, but I think this is screaming for a parody of Tom Jones' "Delilah" (Why, Why, Why, Delilah?).