God's most imortant mouthpiece ever to walk this earth is back telling his few African members and some gullible Americans how to keep the Feast this year. It is particularly pointed towards those that cannot travel. For those true Christians who could not travel to a holy designated feast site, Bob Thiel presents an alternative...pitch a tent in our living room and spend 8 days in it. You even have holy dispensation to sleep in a camper in your driveway! Woo Hoo! Best Feast Evvvvvvvvvvvvvvver!
Those who cannot may wish to consider the possibility to not sleep in their houses during the time of the Feast. If they are physically and financially able, they may wish to try to sleep in some type of temporary dwelling like a hotel, motel, camper, or a tent (including perhaps one in one’s own home). In ancient Israel, those who did not travel (as well as native Israelites that did) made ‘booths’ of branches on top of their roofs (Leviticus 23:40) and slept in them for the seven days of the Feast (Leviticus 23:42
), and some slept for the entire eight days (though th e Bible only mentions seven days). Staying in ‘temporary dwellings,’ of whatever sort, helps convey that this age is temporal and a new millennial age is coming.