Rod Meredith has sent out a letter to his baptized LCG members shame/blaming them about the decline in LCG's revenue stream. LCG members have been sending in less and less over the last couple of years as they witness the complete corruption in Charlotte and the financial abuse dished out by Lil Jimmy Meredith. Whats the point in sending in hard earned money when the Charlotte crowd spend it on redecorating offices (multiple times), taking extravagant trips and watching it being dumped in to a fraudulent "university." Add to this the rapidly declining health of Rod Meredith and you have the perfect storm starting to gather power.
My source from LCG writes:
Trouble in paradise?
It's really unfortunate that Rod Meredith can't draw the connection between his own horrible behavior and mistreatment of the members and the decline in LCG's income. I have seldom encountered someone with such a gross lack of personal insight.
This letter is emailed to active members. It's different from the co-worker letters which are posted on their website. RCM really seems quite desperate.
Rod Meredith writes:
Greetings from Charlotte, NC! Although I will
be writing the monthly co-worker letter early next week, I wanted to especially
write all of you brethren directly before the Passover. As Passover approaches,
it is incumbent—as we all know—to genuinely “examine” ourselves to see whether
Christ is in us and we are truly walking with God (2 Corinthians 13:5
). Each
one of us—as we grow older—need to face the fact that thousands of our former brethren have left the
church—many of whom we thought were “faithful” members. Therefore, with
terrible world events beginning to unfold and a genuine “testing time” just
ahead, we really need to be sure that we are fully within God’s will
and actually doing what Christ would do as He lives
within us. (i.e. God's will is that you give money)
So I
hope all of you will genuinely do this—and pray for one another, sincerely—and
hope that each one of us draws truly close to God in the way we should before
this Passover. Also, I hope all of you will try your best to “give generously”
in the upcoming Holy Day offerings. As Mr. Armstrong used to tell us, God does
not “expect us to give what we do not have.” But on the other hand, we should be as generous as we can as we realize
the regular “daily income” is “dragging” at this time. So I ask all of you to
think about this deeply and go “all out” to give as best you can so that God’s
Work may move forward and not just tread water!
No matter now Meredith and crew spin doctor this, the income of the LCG has dropped sharply. Failed personal appearance campaigns that do not bring in money-gives, financial abuse by HQ staff, nepotism that involves unqualified family members running the family business, horrendous public humiliation of church members, and a looming lawsuit because Meredith could not keep his vengeful mouth shut.
Could this be the start of the exodus to Davie Pack? Dave prophesied that his god was going to strike down LCG, UCG and PCG. Is Dave's god pulling the strings right now?