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“Let No Man Deceive You” or “Take your Crown”
By: Gregory E. Kaidannek
This is a brief overview in relation to doctrines that have been done away or altered in the Restored Church of God over the last several years by the Headquarters leadership.
Looking back today, it is not difficult to see that truth has been slowly departing from the RCG (hindsight is 20/20). After studying Haggai and Zechariah for a lengthy time (and a notable prediction) the Pastor General, began a new series at The Feast of Tabernacles in 2015 centered around “ the Temple of the Lords House being built IN the last days… (Isa 2; Micah 4)” and “…the first Dominion being set up” (Micah 4:8
). This later became 266 messages (and counting) titled “The Greatest Story Never Told” (NOTE: the word STORY as you continue to read). Along the way the narrative has changed, reversed, changed, reversed, changed, reversed etc. so many times in incredibly confusing fashion that very few brethren can keep up. Most do not even know or fully understand what they are supposed to believe anymore concerning the most important events yet ahead. When asked what they think of the sermons, most brethren still resort to “it’s amazing” or “wow” because they have nothing else to say. Regrettably most lack the necessary foundation in the truth. In the end, even most of the ministry can only repeat what they hear in sermons to the brethren (this is not to fault good men but to simply illustrate they cannot fully grasp it either).
Brethren are told to listen to the two or two and a half hour messages two times every time so that they can get all the details of what is being taught. Since when has the truth, simplicity in Christ, been so hard for someone with the Holy Spirit to understand? This process is purposely intended to program brains with the latest modes of thinking! Week after week messages are built on a foundation of circular logic, assertions, facts with no real proof, and along the way simple bait & switch techniques are used while brethren get overwhelmed by an avalanche of scriptures they “are not supposed to turn to” and Greek words.
This method is not new. It has not only changed prophetic understanding (1/3 of the Bible) but it has resulted in a series of doctrinal changes away from long understood and proven, core truths from the Philadelphian age of the Church under Mr. H. W. Armstrong.
God’s words to those of Philadelphia, “And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write; These things saith he that is holy, he that is true, he that hath the key of David, he that opens, and no man shuts; and shuts, and no man opens; I know thy works: behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it: for thou hast a little strength, and hast kept my word, and hast not denied my name. Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee. Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth. Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown. (Rev 3:7-11
This was a golden age of the Church that I grew up in. Many of you experienced this wonderful era of God’s Church just as did Mr. Pack. Contrary to the other Eras (except Smyrna) where God has criticism for their behavior, Philadelphia has none! Think, if Philadelphia had core Christian doctrines and the plan of God so wrong more would have been said by God in rebuke! In his first 30 reasons sermon (instrumental to those leaving the WCG in the 1990s) Mr. Pack even states the following, “if HWA was wrong on so many points, why was this the only era that was never criticized by God?” How soon we forget!
God’s truth is precious to Him and He wants His people to understand it. He corrects other eras for allowing false doctrines to enter or be taught – why not Philadelphia?
Laodicea, the age we all live in now, has the most warnings and rebukes of any Church era (we are deep into this era). John warned about a “spirit of error” in the last days. Paul talked about “evil men and seducers waxing worse and worse” both deceiving and being deceived themselves. It should not be shocking to those of us living in this age that truth is a hard thing to hold on to – for anyone – including Church leaders that once had it all. I firmly believe that the Restored Church of God did once – HAVE IT ALL! Sadly, I no longer believe this fact and you should re-consider as well after reading this letter.
Brethren even the Apostle Paul thought he could become a cast away – let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall! Mr. H W Armstrong, the Apostle to the 6th era, repeatedly stated things to the effect “brethren, if I ever get off track, you should reject me as Christ’s (God’s) Apostle.” Mr. Pack also stated something very similar (as part of a larger statement), "… if I became deceived, I will never tell you what I'm going to tell you now...I am telling you if I go off into strange ideas do not follow me. … don't follow me if I go off into weird ideas…”. Powerful statements indeed. Why else would Christ directly admonish those that had the truth from the 6th era to “hold fast what you have?”
Over the past several years truth has slowly bled from the Restored Church of God. Church growth has become poor (consider Feast sites not really changing in size), and the Church leadership wastes valuable time and effort sitting in daily meetings for 2-5 hours at a time. Ministers are expected to nod their heads in meetings even if they do not understand or agree. I know many have questions but never ask – I have spoken to several of them after meetings. It is well known amongst these men that only questions related to the latest narrative and framed in a way showing agreement are well received. If you disagree with anything based upon clear scriptural reasons or logic you simply cannot utter your question.
I was personally “corrected” multiple times for questioning and asking such questions on many of the points listed below. I never got answers outside of the narrative (which never made any sense in the first place) and never received any tangible proof. Several times I presented clear Biblical proof to the contrary of these new doctrines. Most of the time these efforts were simply tossed aside, and I was told “you lower your office” or “you know nothing.” Asking questions and counsel on doctrine is a futile effort as you are simply told “you are wrong” when they do not agree despite clear and long-established scriptural evidence. Since when has that been the standard in God’s Church?
Upon reflection it has become obvious to me that this was a root cause behind me being sent to the field in June 2019. In many ways I am thankful for this opportunity. I have enjoyed being in the field. God delivered me out of what was an impossible situation. It just was not the way I was expecting! My family and I are grateful for the opportunity to have been in the full-time ministry all this time, including our new assignment. We have truly enjoyed serving and spending time with brethren.
Regardless, I felt compelled to put this list together so that you can see for yourself what has been allowed to “slip” over time (Heb. 2:1
). I can no longer worship God in Spirit and in Truth if I am not hearing it (John 4:24
), nor can I continue to walk with those I do not agree with (Amos 3:3
). The Apostle Paul stated, “there must needs be heresies among you, that they which are approved may be made manifest (obvious) among you.” Each one of us must prove ourselves to God. Prove yourself, “a workman that need not be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth.”
Please review the list and take the time. You should. Be honest and ask yourself “have I held fast what I have?” And could my Eternal “crown” be in jeopardy? (new teaching is in bold – in some cases old teaching is not mentioned for obvious reasons):
1. Present Truth –truth can change depending upon how a man wants to read it vs. the truth that was delivered and canonized for all eras of the Church to learn i.e. General Epistle. **This has been the mantle by which anything can be changed on a whim.
2. Apostles can’t get doctrine wrong – i.e. infallibility vs. they can privately interpret and be in danger of becoming castaways – some can even be “ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth” – think 266 messages and counting.
3. Prophets do not have to be spoken to by an angel, receive an utterance, or a vision vs. God’s clear outline that they do (Numbers 12:6
1. Prophets can be wrong on multiple dates (over 2 dozen times Apr 2019-Jan 2020) while stating “on God’s authority” vs. Duet 18:22 stating you should reject them and not fear them. ** do not forget his latest prediction after re-announcing himself just this week!
2. A man can call himself a Prophet and then take it back and assume the role of Apostle after being wrong repeatedly then re-assume the role of a Prophet
3. An apostle’s job is to “forecast” future events vs. Preach the gospel, warn the nations, and teach the truth to God’s people
4. Apostles can also be Prophets at the same time (see Point 3)
5. That Prophet – Elijah - DCP vs Christ
6. Joshua is also Elijah vs. a Levitical Priest
7. OT Passover Date – 15th ABIB vs 14th (Lev 23)
8. “Evening” Exodus 12:6
no longer means exactly “between the evening" DUSK – the period between sunset and darkness vs the slaughtering of the lamb happened on the 14th and could never have happened on the 15th
9. Night to Be Much Observed is really the 21st of Abib vs 15th (Exodus 12:37-41
10. Predestination – God knew our names and engineered our births before the world was created (Calvinism) vs. God did not engineer rape, incest, divorce, adultery for 6000 years because He turns away from sin (Isa 59:1-2
) but Predetermined to Call those who “were of a poor and contrite spirit” when it was the optimum time for them to succeed
11. “Animal People” – people who were simply made “animals” from the beginning vs made in the image and likeness of God who He wants to eventually have an opportunity for Eternal Salvation
12. Bodies like Christ – not yet Eternal vs. Christ who is Eternal and was glorified like He was at the First after His Resurrection
13. Two Stage Salvation vs. Salvation = Eternal Life
14. Angels cannot be Holy vs. Anything in God’s presence or with His name is Holy (i.e. vessels, ground, days, garments, Throne, unconverted children, etc.)
15. Angels in Revelation are Saints
16. “Sure Mercies of David” – means David C Pack vs God’s Promise referenced multiple times in scripture to have a descendant of David sit on the throne until Christ does (Isa 55:3
; Acts 13:4
;II Sam 7:14-16
; II Sam 23:5
17. The Twig of Isa 11 – Elijah - DCP vs. Ancient Resurrected David (the tree is Jesse – trunk and roots – Ancient David is a twig and Christ grows out of the roots)
18. King David disqualified himself and lost his role in the Kingdom and David Pack will assume it – Psa. 89 vs. David was given an everlasting promise as a man after God’s own heart and Christ repeatedly made reference of him in a positive way in the NT
19. Last Great Day has two meanings – the 8th (Great) Day after the Feast of Tabernacles and ALSO the Last day of Unleavened Bread vs. ONLY the 8th (Great) Day after the Feast of Tabernacles
20. Secret coming of Christ “slipping from a cloud” vs like manner simply meaning Christ will come again in the clouds
21. 7th and 8th Heads are separate systems vs. there are 7 heads and the 8th Head is OF the 7th as part of the same system
22. Two Tribulations – a bad one and then a Great One vs. One Great Tribulation
23. Israel is resurrected twice – this generation and then all who have ever lived vs. Only once for all those who never had a chance
24. The Father is coming with Christ vs. much later - Rev 21:3
“Behold the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with men and they shall be His people and God Himself shall be with them and be their God.”
25. Three Kingdoms – 4 phases - each interrupted by uncontrollable evil vs. 1st phase Holy Spirit in us, 2nd phase birth of 144,000, 3rd phase all those who have ever lived get a chance
26. God of the OT who interacted with mankind is also the Father vs. only pre-incarnate Christ (the Word) because no one has seen or heard God (John 1:18
; I John 4:12
; I Tim 6:6
; Acts 7:38
27. Some people have seen and spoken to the Father vs. plain scripture stating otherwise (John 5:7
; John 8:58
; Exodus 3:14- 16
28. The Devil can Create vs. God is the Creator of Life
29. Clear scriptures were “over-read” vs. we believe God’s word for what it says because it is refined 7x, pure and perfect
30. We are going to the 3rd Heaven to receive salvation vs Meeting Christ in the air, being changed and ruling on earth
31. Revelation does not apply to us or the last generation before the Kingdom- seals, horsemen, beasts, etc. vs. it ties directly to Matt 24/Mk 13/Lk 21
32. Christ is not the Lord of Hosts – (see point 26 & 27)
33. Christ is not King of Kings – (see point 26 & 27)
34. There are 4 separate “thief in the night” events
35. There are 5 judgments
36. The Day of Christ is not the Day of the Lord
37. There are TWO days of the Lord
38. Unconverted rebellious adult children get first chances at salvation vs. they get treated as others do
39. Day of the Lord is just a day vs. one year
40. Grace is simply “gratefulness” vs. a gift to be grateful for (i.e. Eternal life which no man can earn). Unmerited pardon!
41. The Ezekiel warning after the Kingdom arrives vs. before the Kingdom and the sword is coming!
42. Ezekiel (also Elijah/Joshua at the same time), who has received salvation, but also a Prophet vs. a prophet has always been a position held by a man without yet having salvation
43. First commission NO LONGER includes the Ezekiel warning
44. Doing the Work is the Campus FIRST – then preaching a Gospel
45. Key of David may be government vs. knowing where the tribes of Israel and throne of David are today
46. Deut. 28/ Lev. 26 do not apply to this generation in Israel
47. All the NT saints who died in the faith must be resurrected back to physical life to go through a final test – some with gifts, some saved, but not yet God beings vs. they had their chance for salvation and may have lost reward if they never fell away
48. Christ is returning to Wadsworth (Joseph) not Jerusalem
49. Col. 2:16
– refers to a specific sequence events vs. Holy Days, Sabbath, New Moon (Being an outline) picturing the plan of God
50. Rev 10 – 7th angel is David C. Pack vs an actual angel
51. 7th angel sounds before 1-6 get to
52. All the angels of Revelation 2 and 3 are the same angels that blow the 7 trumpets vs. the angels that blow the 7 trumpets occur after the Church eras are complete
53. There are two New Heavens and New Earth Events
54. Old waste places and lands are healed for 1 year in the KOG then the Father changes out the “ball”/earth vs. a thousand years of utopia before a new heavens and a new earth
55. Parables are more literal than parabolic
56. David C. Pack was the first minister to ever teach “no man can know the day or the hour” vs an understanding, paragraph after paragraph in WCG literature stating otherwise dating back to the original Bible Correspondence Course
57. It is a sin to have hope – you must have faith –Ministerial Conference Lecture/Sermon 2019 vs. faith, hope and love.
58. Behemoth is a dinosaur vs. Baluchitherium PT March 1964 (pg 16, 41-42) (Job 40:14
–“ was made with you” – i.e. during the re-creation week)
59. If you believe that “no man can know the day or the hour” you have a lazy mind
60. Place of Safety applies only during the 2nd KOG
61. Elijah is the fig tree making Christ the vine in the statement – “every man will sit under his own vine and fig tree” vs. literal vines and fig trees in a utopian society
62. The word read in Revelation means “know again” meaning Revelation had to be revealed? vs. the book being revealed – the name of the book means Apocalypse – a Revelation – to rip the cover off and reveal, to disclose.
63. I Sam. 2:35
– faithful priest is David C. Pack
64. There is a second 70 year’s prophecy for Jerusalem in Jeremiah vs. the Ancient prophecy ending in 609-539 BC
65. Christ does not need to finish his 69th week (i.e. 3.5 years) vs. He needs to finish it
66. Blindly follow Church Government vs. Prove all things with an open Bible and HOLD FAST THAT WHICH IS GOOD (I Thess. 5:21
67. …more to come – error always begets more error
(**by the time you read the list it may already be out of date as things change so often)
Read and re-read the list. Add others if you can think of them. Do your research. Use old Church literature and free resources online from past literature produced by the Worldwide Church of God. Ask yourself the hard questions – “is this going to get better or worse?” “Do I honestly believe these new teachings?” “can I prove them?” “do I have faith in them or in a man?” “Does deception get better on its own?” “Should I continue to sit at the foot of a false prophet while he prophesies?” “What was my baptismal commitment? – the only reason to leave the Church is if truth has left the building”
I waited a long time before taking this step. It has been agonizing and I did my best to be patient. But I had to ask myself these same questions.
Brethren, God warns of those who “preach(es) another Jesus1, whom we have not preached, or if ye receive another spirit2, which ye have not received, or another gospel3, which ye have not accepted, ye might well bear with him” (II Cor 11:4
1) Based on the latest we have heard from the leadership of RCG - Christ was not the primary interactive God of the OT – a different Jesus than the one who said he was “I AM” (John 8:58
2) The sure word of prophecy led to 266 + parts of an ever-changing series where ~95+ % to-date has been thrown out under the guise of “present truth.” Versus admitting that the majority of it was private interpretation. In II Pet 1:21
it states that “… Not by the will of men, but Holy men of God who spoke as they were moved by the Spirit (of Truth)” which is supposed to “lead you into all Truth.” Which Spirit is at work? The Holy Spirit or Spirit of Error?
3) TWO stage salvation where you are part of the Government but not yet Eternal, and it is the Kingdom of God while a fire ensues! Versus the Gospel of the Kingdom of God – God beings fully born into the Eternal Family of God bringing a lasting true form of Government to a desperate world. A very different gospel indeed.
We are truly heartbroken. At one time we were convinced that Mr. Pack was being directly worked with by Christ – the fruits seemed evident. My family and I gave up everything – Country, career, family for a time, sold two homes, etc. – I had the wonderful opportunity of traversing the continent and the world going from congregation to congregation. As a dutiful, and faithful servant, I defended what was being taught. I believed I was “following him as he followed Christ.” We all thought that God would work out the “kinks” but over time I realized that nothing improved, it simply continued to get more and more confusing. God is not the author of confusion!
We then had to face reality, “you shall know them by their fruits.” Annual Church growth has all but dried up because the turnover rate has been unprecedented. No new broadcasting. No warning Israel. Massive doctrinal changes (not just prophecy). Books and Booklets retired see the appended list of cancelled or discontinued literature on a separate page below. It’s stunning! Decades of truth simply thrown out! In addition, we offer literature “out of date” to new understanding and many people continue to contact the Church based on this information.
After this I had to examine myself to see what I had also let slip and repent of it!
The timing of this letter is regrettable, but I could no longer allow my conscience to be seared. After seeing the June-July Pillar magazine’s assault on the Passover, watching a cunningly devised sermon from Headquarters attacking Christ and God (called “Seeing the Father) and listening to part 266 where Mr. Pack called himself a prophet (for the 2nd time and his prediction was wrong again), I simply felt compelled to act.
For many years I have prayed for Mr. Pack (and I will continue to do so) and for God to intervene. But for whatever purpose is being worked out, God has not yet chosen to do so. I am fully confident that He is the one in charge and is working out the final stages of His plan before Christ returns and ushers in a new era of peace and prosperity. I do not believe there is much time left in this age at all.
In the meantime, we must all remember each individual Christian has a work to do. I urge you all to – “work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.” Do not settle, “try the spirits”, “look to yourselves”, “prove all things” and do not allow “there is nowhere else to go” to be your answer. This is what brethren had to face in the 90’s. Do not limit God.
We plan to continue in God’s way of life - Laws, Sabbath, Holy Days etc. - all the way to the end and to do what we can in whatever part is given to us.
Feel free to contact me at your convenience. I would love to hear from you.
In Christ’s service,
Gregory E. Kaidannek
PS… I am not a perfect man and am not without my flaws. I battle attitudes and actions just like we all do. Life at HQ is not perfect, it never is when humans are involved. HQ will find a way to change the focus and intent of this letter. Believe me, after 8 years of being there I know first-hand. Your job is to look past any personal matters or attacks and to prove the truth - that is what matters!
Discontinued Items - List
1. Bible Introduction Course (BIC)
2. Bible Introduction Course – Is This the End? (Lesson 1)
3. Bible Introduction Course – Where Are We Going? (Lesson 2)
4. Bible Introduction Course – Who and What Is God? (Lesson 3)
5. Bible Introduction Course – Proof of the Bible (Lesson 4)
6. Bible Introduction Course – Who Will Rule the Earth? (Lesson 5)
7. Bible Introduction Course – Christ Opens the Seals (Lesson 6)
8. Bible Introduction Course – The Day of the Lord (Lesson 7)
9. Bible Introduction Course – Is Heaven the Reward of the Saved? (Lesson 8)
10. Bible Introduction Course – Who and What Is Man? (Lesson 9)
11. Bible Introduction Course – The Truth About Hell (Lesson 10)
12. Bible Introduction Course – When Is One “Born Again”? (Lesson 11)
13. Bible Introduction Course – Are the Ten Commandments in Effect Today? (Lesson 12)
14. Bible Introduction Course – Does God Require Tithing Today? (Lesson 13)
15. Bible Introduction Course – What Is the Old Covenant? (Lesson 14)
16. Bible Introduction Course – Preparing to Become the Bride of Christ (Lesson 15)
17. Bible Introduction Course – What Is the Holy Spirit? (Lesson 16)
18. Bible Introduction Course – Who Rules Earth’s Airwaves? (Lesson 17)
19. Bible Introduction Course – What Is Human Nature? (Lesson 18)
20. Bible Introduction Course – Repentance – Turning Your Life Around (Lesson 19)
21. Bible Introduction Course – About Water Baptism (Lesson 20)
22. Bible Introduction Course – Should You Keep the Sabbath? (Lesson 21)
23. Bible Introduction Course – Who Authorized Sunday Worship? (Lesson 22)
24. Bible Introduction Course – First in God’s Plan – The Passover (Lesson 23)
25. Bible Introduction Course – The Days of Unleavened Bread (Lesson 24)
26. Bible Introduction Course – The Feast of Firstfruits – Pentecost (Lesson 25)
27. Bible Introduction Course – The Feast of Trumpets (Lesson 26)
28. Bible Introduction Course – The Day of Atonement (Lesson 27)
29. Bible Introduction Course – The Feast of Tabernacles (Lesson 28)
30. Bible Introduction Course – The Final Judgment – The Last Great Day (Lesson 29)
31. Bible Introduction Course – Putting the Pieces Together (Lesson 30)
32. And There Shall Be Famines
33. And There Shall Be Pestilences
34. And You Shall Hear of Wars
35. Are These the Last Days?
36. Promised Protection – Secret Rapture or Place of Safety?
37. Herbert W. Armstrong – His Life in Proper Perspective
38. How Often Should the Lord’s Supper Be Taken?
39. The Bible’s Difficult Scriptures Explained!
40. The Bible’s Greatest Prophecies Unlocked! – A Voice Cries Out
41. The Mid-East in Bible Prophecy
42. Who or What is the Beast of Revelation?
43. The White Horse – Many Shall Come in My Name
44. The Red Horse – And You Shall Hear of Wars
45. The Black Horse – And There Shall Be Famines
46. The Pale Horse – And There Shall Be Pestilences
47. “What Is the ‘Seventy Weeks’ Prophecy?”
48. Abortion – Woman’s Choice or Modern Holocaust?
49. A Generation of Pleasure Seekers
50. Assault on the Family
51. The Alcohol Epidemic – The Tragic Curse of Alcohol Abuse
52. The Education Crisis
53. The Immorality Explosion!
54. The Twisted, Perverse and Bizarre
55. Witches, Wizards and Spirits – Grave and Growing Danger
56. The New Gambling Plague
57. The Tragedy of Drug Abuse
58. This Polluted Earth
59. The Worldwide Crime Wave
60. What’s Wrong With the Weather?
61. Why They Hate Us – Anti-Americanism on the Rise
62. Are We in the Last Days?