Sunday, September 20, 2020

Restored Church of God Letter on the Kaidannek Resignations

Church Administration 

Sun 2020-09-20 5:46 PM

Dear brethren,

Greetings from Headquarters. We trust that you had a profitable day of Trumpets. The Work continues to surge forward despite a world growing darker.

Yesterday evening, some of you received an email from either Brian Kaidannek or his son Greg, stating they are no longer in agreement with the teachings of God’s Church. These emails came not long after Mr. Pack’s recent comments were posted. Sadly, it appears that Brian Kaidannek followed his son out of the Church. Both men chose to forsake the assembling of themselves together on Trumpets, using the Holy Day to send divisive letters to their pastorates.

As has been the case with several other former ministers, their emails were the first indications of any disagreement. They now claim disagreement with scores of teachings, several going back to the very beginning of the series. Greg Kaidannek says that he once believed that The Restored Church of God was God’s Church yet does not explain when it ceased to be or where His Church is currently (of course, a unified Church will always exist somewhere on Earth—Matthew 16:18).

Brethren, it is sad for us to see any of God’s Sheep stray from the path. Your thoughts go out to the children who are now isolated. We serve a merciful God, but these divisive letters put these men on dangerous ground.

Though filled with error on even basic understanding, Greg Kaidannek’s letter is long and reasonably well written, proving much time and thought. He admitted thinking long and hard about writing it. Yet shocking to everyone here at Headquarters, he never uttered any concerns. The Headquarters’ contact for both of these men spoke with them biweekly. They had abundant opportunities to express disagreement or confusion but never did.

Greg Kaidannek’s portrayal of his time at Headquarters is flat wrong. As one who has been in scores of meetings, there is always a chance to ask questions. His problem was not questions; it was attitude. Personal spiritual issues (not prophecy) led to him being demoted in rank (which rarely happens) and given a field assignment over a small congregation. God is patient and merciful, so we hoped that this correction and re-assignment would help him develop the heart of a shepherd and learn to focus on others. His letter made it evident that he chose not to address his problems, but instead justified his transfer and allowed bitterness to set in.

Brian Kaidannek was fully aware of his son’s issues. He agreed this was the right move to help him. In private discussions at Headquarters, we were concerned that if Greg Kaidannek left, his father would follow him. Again, sadly, this proved accurate.

Brethren, please understand that the ministry must walk a fine line when giving you details when someone leaves. People can repent, and we hope and pray they do. We share as little as possible to protect the flock. Much more could be said, but it should not be necessary. God’s Government works hard to help His flock (no matter their rank) to make it to the Kingdom. When someone leaves the Church, they are forced to make a choice: (1) Honestly admit they no longer wish to address their spiritual problems or (2) Invent a “righteous” justification for leaving God’s Church.

They said they were “standing for the truth,” but sat safely behind their computers and sent emails filled with error and confusion. Greg Kaidannek claims that men at Headquarters are “afraid” to speak up. Again, I can personally attest to men having various questions answered in each of these meetings. These men have had every opportunity to speak their minds, ask questions, bring up concerns and, based on the content of their emails, have disagreed with God’s Church for years.

These men claim that they believe God is in charge and that He is working out the final stages of His plan before Christ’s return. They also profess to believe there is not much time left in the age. Everyone here is at a loss about what so-called “plan” they believe God is working out. If it is not what we are learning, then what is it? They appear to indicate they are going back to the “big T.” That means the Kaidanneks are looking for ten kings to come together in an increasingly fracturing Europe—and it must happen soon to start a 3.5-year countdown.

It is hard to comprehend how anyone can be honest with the scriptures and return to what we once understood. These men lost focus on the big picture and allowed confusion and self-deception to take them out of God’s Church. They should be thankful that our Creator can still get their attention in the fire, and we may see them soon.

As the age comes to a close, we must fight allowing ourselves to “doze off.” The repeated warnings to not fall asleep are given for a reason! Stay vigilant, stay close to God and continue to make yourselves “ready” for Christ’s Return.

While we transition the pastorate, please feel free to reach out to Church Administration with any questions that arise.

Warm regards,


The W.A. said...

Personal spiritual issues (not prophecy) led to him being demoted in rank (which rarely happens) and given a field assignment over a small congregation.

From what I've read here, didn't that once happen to someone else in RCG - the man currently in charge?

And if RCG no longer teaches the "big T" (can't call it the "Big 10" in Ohio, or some people will be confused), what is RCG teaching about the beast power these days?

Anonymous said...

The Golden Rule of ACOGs:
'It's 100 times harder to mint a new Armstrongite than to lose an existing one'
Thus the long term negative trend line since the peak way back in the 1970s

Anonymous said...

"..there is always a chance to ask questions."

What a joke. Try asking any minister a "question" that one should not ask, and all manner of abuse, if not disfellowship follows.
That one can ask questions is the outer face that they present to outsiders, but inside the church, it's a very different story.

PS, maybe Dave should call his church 'The Bonnie and Clyde Church of God,' ie, give us all your money, or no salvation for you.

nck said...

So, a) the writer knows "your thoughts"...... Objection your honor.

b) When a minister develops "spiritual issues", one gets assigned "a small" congregation..... "as demotion".

I would get out of any such displays of "leadership".


Anonymous said...

Greg called me in the past and talked down to me, boasted that he was gods minister, revealed that he had participated in a covert operation to gather information to use against me. To hell with him. Go get a real job boy.

Anonymous said...

Having been at HQ myself, I can personally attest that there are many lies in this letter. Sick.

Anonymous said...

So, what's the name of the new church Brian Kaidannek has started? These guys never just shut up, admit their error, and start attending an existing group. They always assume they were 100% right and righteous in coming to their last group, and that they only left when THAT group went off the track... so it is their ministerial duty to START THE TRUE CHURCH AGAIN!

Miller Jones/Lonnie C Hendrix said...

David Pack represents an aberrant extension of a flawed theology. His outlandish teachings are based on the very flawed teachings of Herbert Armstrong. And, as we all know, anything that is constructed over a rotten foundation will ultimately fail. The TRUTH is that Herbert Armstrong was wrong about TEN European countries, and Pack's guesses about the meanings of prophecies aren't any better! After repeated spectacular prophetic and doctrinal failures, it is a wonder that only two ministers left! Of course, when one has traveled that far down the rabbit hole, it's not hard to imagine one following that path all the way to hell!

Anonymous said...

So some Apocalyptic Millerites have a disagreement over the precise outplaying of events in the very vague Book of Revelation. And this sanctimony becomes congregation rending and may even be an issue of salvation. What could be a more wearisome cliché.

Maybe they should all consult the writings of Victor Houteff - the real Millerite master of timelines and eschatology.


"They said they were “standing for the truth,” but sat safely behind their computers and sent emails filled with error and confusion"

This was written by a man sitting safely behind a computer backing up the "21st Century Apostle" who sits safely behind a gate!

How do you cast a man as needing to "learn the heart of a shepherd" after you have trained him for many many years to be an advocate and enforcer of the "method"?

That is the glaring problem with men who depart and choose to start and do only what they have been trained to do only separated by a street or even an alley from the the "mother method".

The heart of the shepherd is only truly gained by a requirement of perspective ministers to be dropped off in the wilderness with one hundred sheep and with the only admonition of
to keep them all alive.

RCG church administration operating as sheep destroyers working under and strongly led by a man who is captive by another spirit now defines in a "true light" Brian and Greg Kaidannek. I will file that information with a metal handle and a swirl of water.

mortisrigori said...

Yet again Dave Pack hypocritically ignores his own booklet "Should accusers be answered". He answers, and then accuses. That is his standard operating procedure.

"As one who has been in scores of meetings, there is always a chance to ask questions. His problem was not questions; it was attitude." Translation: He asked questions, just not the correct questions yes men should ask. "Attitude" means that he did not blindly nod his head yes like all of the other bobble heads.

Tonto said...

Anyone in leadership or membership at the RCG , or any other toxic group of any kind with a sociopathic leader needs to watch the old classic movie "The Caine Mutiny" immediately, for insight on the confusion that they are involved in.

Anonymous said...

The Restored Church of God is a hate group, rather like the Orwellian named mobster financed ADL. They act holy and condemn others, but are run by the ultimate hypocrites who rake in money from naive dupes. It's all a self-righteous act backed up with a pile of fake literature financed by fools.

GrittyMan said...

I love the ending, "...Warm Regards." What warmth? This is an attack on someone's "attitude" and character.

COG idea of giving members or ministers an opportunity to "ask questions," is a farce. It is completely dictatorial - you ask questions, we give you the answer - you don't know, but we know and will gladly enlighten you. Where is the environment for actual dialogue, a discussion with many sides and perspectives? Dialogue is the art of thinking together, and to do that one must begin with no predetermined conclusion, that doesn't and can't exist within any COG.

Anonymous said...

Dave Pack is lead by a demon. How long will it take people in RCG to realize this?? How long will it take those in RCG to realize that when someone says "I heard a voice", and then xyz comes from it, it is not GOD or Christ speaking!!

Anonymous said...

Did DCP say he heard a voice?

Anonymous said...

Exactly along the lines what I think could be going on with Pack.

Remember as a young man he was repeatedly sent to partake in exorcists. If they were real demonic hauntings or not is neither here nor there. But at the least we see he had an interest and WCG perceived talent in that area.
It could have gone dreadfully wrong and years later this is the end result.
Notice No18 on the list as he clearly wants to take the place of King David. Very demonic behaviour.

Jack frank said...

So Packs attitude is like Jesus? Your kidding me David C Pack has gone to the pack. His a very naughty Minister. I know he had sex before Mrs Pack passed away. He loves his sex and his new Wife has many sex toys. His very Dirty! I have proof too. The mail was stolen from his Home in 2019.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 9:36AM said:
"Dave Pack is lead by a demon. How long will it take people in RCG to realize this??"

Unfortunately will take more goes back WAY before RCG

There were suicides in his old New York church areas..never explained..couldn't prove anything...B U T !!!!

Plus other eye witness accounts later from ex-HQ RCG employees....

that man brings serious E V I L with him

Phinnpoy said...

There's the possibility that h e's suffering from an untreated mental illness. I think he has bi-polar. His language in his postings are absolutely manic.