Ah, what would this world be without some minuscule, irrelevant Church of God splinter cult leader running off at the mouth about some perceived ill of society. These so-called "men of God" feel that it is their god given right to say stupid things about the society around them.
Our latest "authority" is a man who has never come up with anything original in his life, has people write his messages and lives off the moldy remnants of his daddy, Garner Ted who died twelve years ago. Looking at the Incontinent (Intercontinental) Church of God you will see Garner Ted's face on the main page with his relevant sermon of the day being featured. Only after you wade through several pages of Armstrongite bullshit do you find out that Garner Ted is dead.
Like his dad, Mark feels that his opinion is relevant and worthwhile for people to take notice of. This is a common mode of thinking of all COG leaders. Their opinions might hold some weight if these men were actually "godly" or ran churches that were spiritually, ethically and morally pure. The problem in these three areas is that not one single Church of God is ethically, spiritually or morally pure. The COG's are filled with some of the most morally bankrupt men imaginable. This is even more hypocritical considering the fact that every single one of these men and their churches claim to be the sole repository of God's knowledge on earth today. They feel they are God's personal instruments of wit and wisdom. We all have seen how well THAT has worked out over the last 80 some years!
A few morsels from Mark are:
"This is a week that will live in infamy. A majority on Supreme Court of the United States has officially flipped off God. They've held that their judgment supersedes His Law. However this monstrous miscarriage of jurisprudence plays out across our lives, there is no question that six of the justices just elevated their temporal authority above that of God."
"There appears to be no more remedy under the Constitution or in our judicial system to obey God in the face of those who would force the will of the sodomites upon us all. Certainly Christian ministers will have no protection for opting out of the performance of a queer matrimonial ceremony. They will face law-suits in Federal Court claiming discrimination and all kinds of pain and suffering on the part of the plaintiffs, they will be on the hook for civil damages at the least, and potentially punitive sanctions for having violated Federal Law."
Churches are not bound to marry anyone they don't want to. However, if a couple goes to the Justice of the Peace then they MUST marry them.
Mark then goes on to whine about Obamacare, even though most of his church members take full advantage of it:
The high court committed another breach of justice by ruling against the clear language in the Obamacare law, and saved it by doing so! Words, no matter how incontrovertibly clear, can simply be ignored by "justices" determined to vote their socialist, fascist ideology, regardless of the facts before them. They should be impeached and disgraced. But the limp wrists in Congress don't have the fortitude and won't do it. God will. His word has plenty to say about unjust judges, and that's exactly what they are.
Mark admits that he and the rest of the Church of God leadership are IMPOTENT little men INCAPABLE of EVER taking a stand on anything. They value their comfortable lifestyle and money-flow's more than speaking out the "truth" they claim to have complete ownership of. Its obvious that Mark is a coward, Gerald Flurry is a coward, Dave Pack is a coward and Rod Meredith is a coward. None of these men have the balls to do anything. If Mark and the leaders of the various COG's who feel they are Elijah's/apostle/prophets had the where-with-all then they would STAND up and proclaim their message no matter what. Publishing their tripe in their own rags or Facebook pages is no warning at all.
What has happened this week opens up cracks in the foundation of the United States that may never be repaired. We keep waiting for someone to call them out, to speak the truth, to take them on. Someone with the position and power to go head to head. What we find is that there is no one who is in such a position. There simply is no higher office than the presidency and no judicial power above that of the Supreme Court. We can rebel against such government tyranny on a personal, and in our case on an organizational level, but we cannot force them to be honest or to honor the oath of office they so routinely violate.
One reader on a Facebook page made this comment about Mark and the other COG leaders spouting off right now:
The passage that condemns gays also condemns divorce, adultery, liars, and a whole lot more, but these self-righteous piss-asses can't see past the one item on a long list. How many of these "leaders" have had adulterous affairs? What ever they propose to do to gays, should be done to them as well...
Marks few remaining members encourage him on with these wonderful remarks. The same old smugness that has permeated Armstrongism is still alive and well!
Ignoring the fact that Garner Ted was an adulterous whore monger, a man writes:"Keep up the the great work... The truth hurts those who have not been called by The Eternal. The Intercontinental Church of God proclaims that truth. I am reminded of our Savior's words in John 8:7"He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone." We all know that God's TRUE prophets have always been castigated, maligned and even killed down through the ages because those of this world didn't like what they said. "God's word is sharper than a two-edged sword"..... We know the "world" isn't being called now. They must play their little "evil" games.... Thank you for the updates every week.... Stay strong and God bless you all"
Of course how can we leave Satan out of all of this?"Welcome to the United States of Sodom and Gomorrah."
If Mark Armstrong, Gerald Flurry, Dave Pack and Rod Meredith were actually men who were deeply ethical, deeply spiritual and morally pure, then and only then would people sit up and take notice of them. Since they rule over their own dens of sexual impurity, greed and avarice and have done NOTHING to stop it all, absolutely NO ONE cares what they think."Score One more for Satan! Disgusting.."
You can read his drivel here.