Herb and crew wanted the perfect specimens of manhood filling up the college and church. Even people with glasses did not make the cut in the ideal white world of the chosen people.
COG magazine quotes courtesy of SHT
Exposing the underbelly of Armstrongism in all of its wacky glory! Nothing you read here is made up. What you read here is the up to date face of Herbert W Armstrong's legacy. It's the gritty and dirty behind the scenes look at Armstrongism as you have never seen it before! With all the new crazy self-appointed Chief Overseers, Apostles, Prophets, Pharisees, legalists, and outright liars leading various Churches of God today, it is important to hold these agents of deception accountable.
Yesterday Pat Robinson said that his prayers had diverted the hurricane away from Virginia Beach southward to the heathens in the Carolinas. (He may not have used the word "heathens" but his lack of concern for anyone but himself is no different than that of the COGs.) It is the nature of those who think they alone have religious truth to despise others.Pat Robertson is just like the Churches of God who pray every year that "satan" be restrained from sending hurricanes and bad weather to Feast sites.
photo: SHT
General Guidelines: In most modern cultures, coats, collared shirts, ties and nice slacks are considered appropriate attire for men on special occasions. This may vary in tropical climates, yet, in all climates there is a distinction between what is appropriate and what is not. 1 Timothy 2:9–10explains that ladies should dress “in modest apparel, with propriety and moderation.” This does not include the trendy and immodest apparel that is commonplace for many women in our society today: short, tight, form-fitting dresses, necklines displaying cleavage, bare shoulders, backless dresses, belly-baring tops, etc. Our challenge as Christian men and women is to come out of this world (2 Corinthians 6:17
) and recapture true values so we can be lights to a world that has lost its way (Matthew 5:14–16
). This is especially true as we gather to celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles—picturing Christ’s glorious reign on earth!
September 1, 2018
So Flurry is claiming to be Jewish of the tribe of Judah. Because of Judah in Genesis chapter 49, it was prophesied that the "sceptre shall not depart from Judah." Flurry must also believe he is Shiloh. Shiloh means "whose right it is." The throne of David was to be "overturned, overturned, overturned, and shall be no more (overturned), until he comes (Shiloh) whose right it is." From Ezekiel 21:27. That means from King David's Jerusalem, overturned to Northern Ireland, overturned to Scotland, overturned to London England, and will be no more overturned until Shiloh overturns it to Jerusalem again. But something is wrong because if Flurry hallucinates that he is Shiloh, he has instead overturned it to Edmond, USA.
So he must hallucinate he is Jesus "the anointed" aka Shiloh, whose right it is, forever and ever. And Jerusalem must now be Edmond, USA. But that is the wrong place. And he did not ride a cherub through the clouds, in his majesty, through the heavens, to our rescue either.
Time for Philadelphians to get back to the reality of their bibles to program their minds as to the knowledge of God, instead of allowing Flurry to program their minds with his hallucinations to enrich himself thereby. Time all COG mentally deceived realized that a burnt offering would be a crisp $100 note burnt round the edges including portions of the serial number, before offering it. My wife has been burnt monetary wise by Flurry's PCG who promised in writing (we kept the letter) to provide a receipt for honest auditing purposes for monies contributed, but did not, which was poor stewardship on their part. Highly questionable we think. Two years went by, we complained, and they tried to foist the blame on us for not complaining earlier. We thought the loot vanished into the ether. We then realized it had effectively disappeared into the ether. No more of our loot materialized into Flurry's PCG "ether."
Whenever we paid tithes to COG churches [offshoots], God did not rebuke the devourer in our fruit trees as promised in Malachi 3:11. This is the test for whether or not tithing is being placed in the wrong hands and/or the "ether." So none of them preach that taboo, obviously. Our cups didn't overflow either. Flurry's did! --Peter Holt.
“This is the ritual law that Hashem has commanded: Instruct B’nei Yisrael to bring you a red cow without blemish, in which there is no defect and on which no yoke has been laid.This is sure to soon send the two resident self-appointed prophets of idiocy in the Church of God (James Malm and Bob Thiel) as they twist their self-righteous prophetic knickers all in a knot. The two resident Jesus deniers believe this is proof that prophecy is coming alive. The myths of Judaism are just as valid to these two guys as is the Mayan and Catholic myths are.
What Is Appropriate Dress at the Feast?
General Guidelines: In most modern cultures, coats, collared shirts, ties and nice slacks are considered appropriate attire for men on special occasions. This may vary in tropical climates, yet, in all climates there is a distinction between what is appropriate and what is not. 1 Timothy 2:9–10 explains that ladies should dress “in modest apparel, with propriety and moderation.” This does not include the trendy and immodest apparel that is commonplace for many women in our society today: short, tight, form-fitting dresses, necklines displaying cleavage, bare shoulders, backless dresses, belly-baring tops, etc. Our challenge as Christian men and women is to come out of this world (2 Corinthians 6:17) and recapture true values so we can be lights to a world that has lost its way (Matthew 5:14–16). This is especially true as we gather to celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles—picturing Christ’s glorious reign on earth!
BeachwearBeachwear at the Feast for ladies should be a modest one-piece or a modest tankini (covering the mid-section); and for the men, no Speedo-type swimsuits, except when pool facility rules require them. Fathers and husbands have a responsibility to be leaders in the family to teach and guide regarding what is appropriate and what is not (Ezekiel 22:26).
Special MusicIn most Western-culture settings, the appropriate clothing for men doing special music is coat and tie; for ladies, a dress or skirt and blouse that are modest and conservative. Because being on an elevated platform or stage at the Feast makes hemlines appear higher than they actually are, a good rule of thumb when performing special music is for a dress or skirt to at least reach the knees, including when seated. Avoid high slits in a dress or skirt. If dress attracts undue attention, it will draw the minds of those in the congregation away from their focus on the music and worship of God. For sake of example, those chosen to be on the special music list at the Feast should dress appropriately and modestly, based on these guidelines above, at all times, even when not performing.
No, but there will be a great "candy store in the universe" when LCG members become gods and are given rods to rule their worlds with a strong spanking hand!Dear brethren, it is important that we keep this vision in mind. The world may see us as delusional, but if the Bible is the word of God, which we know it is, then we are not so crazy. We are following in the footsteps of biblical figures who went before us. We are following the faith of Abraham, the courage of Daniel, and the steadfastness of Noah.We are not there yet, but this we can know for sure: We are all going to die, and either there is a resurrection or there is not. There is no middle ground. Either the Bible is true, or it is not. Again, no middle ground. We are here because we believe the Bible and we believe there is a resurrection—and we believe that the resurrection is to an eternal life of service and action. There is no great “candy store in the sky” to merely gratify our senses.
Oh yes, life in the family of God involves joy and pleasure, for we read in Psalm 16:11, “In your presence is fullness of joy; at Your right hand are pleasures forevermore.” But this is not separate from work, productivity, and service. “Jesus answered them [those who criticized Him for healing on the Sabbath], ‘My Father has been working until now, and I have been working’” (John 5:17). God the Father and Jesus Christ have never retired—and neither will we quit. How wonderful it will be to have bodies that do not break down with age and to live productively in a harmonious eternal family!We must keep these things in mind as we struggle through daily life, and we must recognize how short this physical life is! We must follow the example of those who paved the way for us:
"These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off were assured of them, embraced them and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth. For those who say such things declare plainly that they seek a homeland. And truly if they had called to mind that country from which they had come out, they would have had opportunity to return. But now they desire a better, that is, a heavenly country. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for He has prepared a city for them" (Hebrews 11:13–16).