There has been a discussion of a closed Facebook group today about a child molester that was apart of the Worldwide Church of God many years ago. This person was a deacon at that time and served in the Auditorium PM services. Rumors were already swirling around at that time about how he had abused boys at Imperial Schools on camping trips to Camp River Glen and other places. Like almost all indiscretions in the church it was covered up. Even though it was covered up, the kids talked about it and still do to this day.
Many years ago I heard first hand accounts from guys he abused. That's why it was interesting to see it pop up again on a Facebook group. This time it was brought about by the discovery of an article that the person wrote for the March/April 2008 Tomorrow's World magazine that the Living Church of God publishes.
This person help form Global Church of God so that Meredith could step into it soon after he lost the defamation lawsuit that Leona McNair brought against him. Meredith stayed in the WCG so that they would pay for and litigate the lawsuit even though he was in total disagreement with the church of God at that time. In 1992 the Worldwide Church of God finally made an out of court settlement with Leona McNair for $750,000.00.
While this lawsuit was winding down, the pedophile was helping form Global Church of God in the background. Once it was formed, Meredith with righteous indignation revealed he was leaving WCG to move into the Global Church of God where his salary continue to be paid.
Whether this person went on to continue to abuse boys in Global and Living I have no idea. Why Meredith kept him in leadership positions when it was well known around Pasadena BEFORE either of Meredith's two splinter groups were formed has always mystified church members.
Meredith started his war on sex while he was still as student in Pasadena. Later he became overtly preoccupied with homosexuality, so much so that he cannot preach a sermon to this very day with out mentioning homosexuality, fornication, adultery, and any other sexual deviance that he can imagine in his mind. As we all know, that mind has a VIVID imagination when it comes to sex!
The church has had numerous pedophiles that have been prosecuted over the decades. Countless adults have told their stories on Facebook and other web sites exposing the church hypocrisy.
A person would think that after all these decades of well know abuse, and witnessing the costly court trials that the Catholic Church and other churches have been drug through, that it would be a wake-up call for the left-over Church of God's. Sadly, many still cover up and/or ignore what is happened and is STILL happening.
Meredith and others have been screaming for decades about the child molesters in the Catholic Church, yet turn a blind eye to the ones in their own midst.
How many more lives need to be destroyed?
non, il est tout à fait vrai ! imbécile crédule !
Meredith did know about this and several others. I won't name names obviously but my mom's ex husband was extremely abusive towards her, me and my brothers, and molested and sodomized us all while Mr. Meredith knew him very well. He was encouraged in the 70s to move to Idaho and then later on to the Southeast.
Hmmmm all the previous comments and conversations here are gone?
I have not deleted anything. Perhaps the original person who commented did, but I do not remember that happening
These People set my family with a known convicted Pedophile
Mr Tyler set up my family with a convicted Pedophile he met while visiting him in jail he went on to abuse our 3 yr niece who suffers today with the scars of child abuse shame on these people they are evil.
child abusers
.wwcog. h.w.ahole. harmstrong..strongarmed those who were weak. He hated Mrs. Armstrong because God called her first, convicting her & educating her of the sabbath, while exposing pagan Sunday sungod worship.He raged at her over it. Then, eldest son Richatd being groomed for the ministry, and what's Hope's of a father son team were killed off due to the tragic car crash that took Richard's life in 1958. Garner Ted got far far too many ungodly whippings disguised as just discipline. And what of Dorothy and Beverly?, the 2 daughters of herbert & Loma? I've read all the incest gossip stories, maybe it happened, maybe not. I hope they found some peace in their adult lives. I didnt know the Armstrongs personally, however, having been affiliated w/wwcog since 1964....well, Armstrong did preach the gospel,straight from the bible,he did share & keep truth of the holy days,pagan holidays,etc. he also felt entitled to throw the church under the bus in favor of world travel,raiding church coffers, sparing no expense, living in luxury him & Stan Rader,Robert Kuhn,few other tight ends at the top.And left the sheep fold gate wide open to the bloodthirsty wolves in sheeps clothing....
.wwcog. h.w.ahole. harmstrong..strongarmed those who were weak. He hated Mrs. Armstrong because God called her first, convicting her & educating her of the sabbath, while exposing pagan Sunday sungod worship.He raged at her over it. Then, eldest son Richatd being groomed for the ministry, and what's Hope's of a father son team were killed off due to the tragic car crash that took Richard's life in 1958. Garner Ted got far far too many ungodly whippings disguised as just discipline. And what of Dorothy and Beverly?, the 2 daughters of herbert & Loma? I've read all the incest gossip stories, maybe it happened, maybe not. I hope they found some peace in their adult lives. I didnt know the Armstrongs personally, however, having been affiliated w/wwcog since 1964....well, Armstrong did preach the gospel,straight from the bible,he did share & keep truth of the holy days,pagan holidays,etc. he also felt entitled to throw the church under the bus in favor of world travel,raiding church coffers, sparing no expense, living in luxury him & Stan Rader,Robert Kuhn,few other tight ends at the top.And left the sheep fold gate wide open to the bloodthirsty wolves in sheeps clothing....
Let's not forget, the day of the Lord is at the door. The dead know nothing. And we all like sheep have gone astray . We all will stand and be judged according to our deeds, amen? It's time to repent, receive forgiveness and come out from among the wicked.
The Armstrong's and their splinter groups are sorely ignorant of scripture. The Armstrong's marketing plan was, "We are different, so we are better" . They, like the Adventist's have taken what they want to read and ignore the rest fro scripture. It's all about making money and making once genuinely sincere Christians, "Jewish" instead of Christian. The Sabbath keeping cults are once again exposed for their ignorance of the scriptures. The “tradition of men” and “doctrine of men” which plagues the Adventist’s and the Sabbath keeping cults is the erroneous idea that certain days, belong to the Pagans and on those days, the people of God are *forbidden to worship God!* That is so grossly ignorant that a 1st year seminarian would know better. God Himself commanded that HIS PRIEST’S worship him 365 days a year , every day, *TWICE A DAY, NO MATTER WHAT THE HELL THE PAGANS DID ON THAT DAY. Exodus 29: 37
Are there records of a court case with this man?
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