Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Church of God, The Eternal's Jon Brisby Sinks To A New Vile Low

One of the vilest teachings of the church that was brutally enforced over the decades was the "divorce and remarriage" doctrine/teaching.  Countless stories have been told over the decades of loving couples and families ripped to pieces by the Church of God's vile stance.  Most had probably thought those days were long gone, but it is not.

This letter was posted on Exit and Support and describes the vile and unChristian teachings of Jon Brisby:

I wanted to write and thank you for helping people who have left or will leave the "Armstrong cult groups." I was born into the WWCG. It helped to destroy my whole family--my parents, my siblings, and up until this year, even me. We all made some mistakes and bad choices on our own but Herbert Armstrong and his ministers, splinters, and even some members, helped destroy my family emotionally, just with the judgmental attitudes, being made to feel we were in "hot water" with God, telling us that outsiders were of the world, etc. My most recent minister Jon W. Brisby (Church of God, the Eternal) has even told me that my lack of financial comfort is the result of my "not living in a pleasing enough way for God." I was also told that my family is the "church" now and no longer my kids, since they are not members. Luckily, my kids grew up against the Armstrong teachings and have their own beliefs. As for me, I am finally what I consider to be "out of the dark" of these Armstrong worshippers. I emailed my minister two weeks ago and explained my decision to leave. He has yet to respond. 
Church of God, The Eternal (COGE) is a small group. The lead minister is Jon W. Brisby (age 55). He has some wild ideas. A married couple came to the group from LCG a few years ago. They had been married for about 18 years. Brisby soon found out that the man had been married briefly to someone else when he was a really young man. They divorced and his ex married someone else. Anyway, this married couple of 18 plus years were instructed to split up and live separately but not get divorced. Jon Brisby told him that if his ex wife happens to die then and only then can he and his current wife live as a couple again. The couple have remodeled their home and made it into a duplex. They each live in one of the side by side units. They are allowed to go back and forth to each other's apartment for meal times but not allowed to sleep, shower or linger at each other's place. At the Feast of Tabernacles and Pentecost they were not permitted to sit together for services. This couple is in their 50's also.
There is another man, a single man around age 60. This man was also married but years ago his wife left him and married a Seventh Day Adventist. Brisby told him he must never remarry. This man said God would not allow him to marry unless his ex died. Brisby stays in total control of the dating and marriage relationships in the group. He comes off as very intensely and genuinely kind, but if he feels you cross him, then he gets an attitude and can be very arrogant. 
--Kandice Cunning (Child survivor of WCG; Former member of COGE)
Church of God, the Eternal has on its page the following which is used as a weapon to stop members from writing such things as was done above.  They seek to create the myth that all of the things they teach are directly from Christ, passed down through the apostles to Bisby and others today.  To deny what they teach is blasphemy and denial of the truth which separates the "rebellious" from God.

What God gave to Moses, He gave to Christ. What Christ taught to the apostles, He commissioned them to proclaim in their designated areas. What Christ and the apostles taught was the same as was revealed to Paul. And what all those servants taught is exactly what was given to an end-time servant (Matthew 28:19–20). For those who will hear, our purpose is to honor and proclaim that same way of life—the faith once delivered. In that way is found no part of the way given to Gentiles—people of the world (Deuteronomy 12:1–3; 4:1–40, Acts 14:16). We want the ways of God. We are not interested in any of the traditions or customs of this world. God’s servant of these last days at no time made the pagan customs of this world a part of the doctrine. The spirit which introduces change, and/or a relaxation of the doctrine is as much at work today as it was in the past. The called of God must be on guard incessantly. That spirit is a deceiver. He will do anything to destroy.
One concluding observation seems to be necessary. Those who believed and loved the Truth of God have remained strong, loyal, and faithful. On the other hand, it seems that everyone who was “argued” into acceptance of the “faith once delivered” has failed ultimately. It, indeed, seems like God is separating those who believe and love the Truth from those who must surely have accepted only on the basis of their own personal intellectual prowess.
Satan and his demons hate the ways of God. They will do anything to disrupt, challenge, and destroy. Such behavior is a manifestation of who and what the true people of God are all about. They persecuted Christ. In like manner they will do the same thing to those in whom Christ lives. The faithful of God will count it a privilege to suffer for the cause of righteousness. They will be persecuted and lied about with abandon, but these chosen children of God will know who they are. They love the Truth and will for no cause allow themselves to turn from it. They are the ones who will endure to the end.
Who are we? We are estranged members—a remnant (Romans 9:27–33; 11:1–5, Isaiah 1:8–9, Revelation 12:13–17)—from the apostate body (2 Thessalonians 2:1–3) who sincerely love God’s revealed Truth from the heart (2 Thessalonians 2:10), willing to remain faithful to the end (Matthew 24:13). That Truth which was taught by Christ (John 14:6; 12:48–50), that Truth which Christ commissioned the Twelve Apostles to teach (Matthew 28:20). Which was the same message taught by the Apostle Paul (Galatians 1:6–16, 1 Thessalonians 2:12–14). Which was the same message taught by an end-time servant (Matthew 28:19–20). Which had significant beginning with Moses (Hebrews 4:1–3). The Truth which is now obeyed from a spiritual premise (2 Corinthians 3:1–11).
These are the people that God’s true ministry desires to serve. It is our purpose to give you our energy and our love.  Letter from Raymond Cole


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Byker Bob said...

I’m not terribly surprised by this. Many people remember the early to mid ‘70s as a time when liberal ministers and members revolted against HWA, and left the church. And, this was in spite of the doctrinal changes that HWA had made, partially addressing some of the widely held concerns of the ministry. But, there was also a smaller and lesser-known conservative backlash. Raymond Cole would not allow visiting ministers to take the guest spot and preach on the sabbath in his churches unless they had brought along and would wear a white dress shirt. This was told to me by an elder who worked for Mr. Cole. When the D&R doctrine was modified, Mr. Cole believed that HWA had made a grave error, and had in essence left his own church. He stuck to the original teaching, and started COGE. Jon Brisby is adamantly sticking to the things that Raymond made a federal out of. For those who wondered, that’s where this happy horsecrap is coming from.


Anonymous said...

The bibles 'prove all things' does in fact mean "arguing" with at least ourselves in our own minds. It does mean "using our own personal intellectual prowess." These complaints of arguing and intellectual prowess is the minister claiming the right to lord it over members faith.
There's no 'love of the truth' in this grievious sin.

Reading the Bible, God punishes people for their physical behavior. King Saul being a good example. God condemned and replaced him with David by listing specific physical sins. God does not punish people for their beliefs ie, He is not a thought policeman. Unlike many ministers, God Himself respects the separation of church and state.

Anonymous said...

Evil bastards.

Alan Dexter said...

If you are going to be a member of some paticular church it would be best NOT to let the ministry know your private life. Keep your personal life secret & separate from church members.

Unknown said...

My advice to all six people who belong to this tiny dysfunctional group.... GET OUT!

What About The Truth said...

It is a disconcerting to hear of another example of people abiding by the directives of men with no understanding and foolishly not even proving them or there so called understanding.

The true understanding of D & R is very simply laid out by Christ and Paul. The main cause of all the problems was the putting away of a spouse who pleased to dwell. This was the causation of adultery when one or both then go on to marry another after the putting away action.

In a age when most of these churches believe they are in the peak of their enlightenment of all knowledge we have an example like the one in this letter where an 18 year marriage is broken up by a man under the false authority of Jesus Christ. The RCG causes division in marriages by their 50% money grab, which causes the breakup of marriages as well and is caused by a man who puts himself in place of Christ. And these wreckage of marriages are all justified by men who operate with corrupt theology.

God said; "My people are destroyed (Cutoff, ruined) for lack of knowledge Hosea 4:6. This happens when the membership (My people) trust in men with no basic understanding of scripture let alone the deep things (Mind) of God. This will continue to happen when people believe and obey a false government that is in no way shape or form, for their spiritual edification.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, I have had my dealings with the man who heads up this organization. The lady who wrote the piece for this post is correct in her assessment of his character. At first, he is kind, cordial, etc..., but then begins to exude arrogance. If you get on his bad side, he is a totally different animal. Many times he has stated that he will always win when it comes to anything that arises in his church. I have seen this happen first-hand many times when he is in complete error. Some who may read this that attend there may think they have never seen this behavior, but they have. They have just not scratched far enough below the surface to see and choose to look the other way. Fear is a powerful motivator sometimes to keep people doing nothing. Afterall, have not many been indoctrinated to believe that the minister is always right, even though the Bible tells us contrary?

Since the time this man took the reigns in 2001 from Raymond Cole, there has been much error. My suggestion to any brethren currently attending there that is reading this post, if you have any doubts about anything that has come up during your time there; go back and revisit old material (letters, audio, etc...), and compare it the word of God. You were called and baptized. You have a measure of the Holy Spirit, and my Bible tells me that you have the ability to distinguish right from wrong.

Just because a group keeps a specific Holy Day different from others, is not a requirement to stay in an organization if there is error. Nowhere in your Bible will you find that requirement. You are however, tasked with knowing what is wrong, and what is right.

Summerwind said...

From now on I am on my own as far as church. I read, pray on my own, not saying I will never set foot in a church again. But no more controlling groups or cults. I probably wouldn't even join any church officially. My church is the bible now. I left COGE as of March 31, this year, 2018.

Anonymous said...

Good for you Candice. I left in 2009 after spending most of my life in COGE. I have not changed what I choose to keep religiously, but like you; I will not be apart of a group that is under complete control being driven, instead of led. That is not the spirit of Christ at all.

Jason Guthrie said...

I attended this church from the age of 13. They were a much larger group then. Raymond Cole and Bryce Clark both ministered. It was a much different atmosphere then. This goes back to late 80’s, early 90’s. Then there was a split in the late 90’s. From that point on EVERYTHING was about which side you were on. My marriage was sabotaged by Raymond Cole and his goon squad ( deacons) simply because my wife and her family backed Raymond and my parents backed Bryce. Notice that I did not say I backed anyone. I watched however as people that had been friends for years turned on me like a pit of vipers simply because they chose to step into something God had joined together. I have never reconciled with my wife and have since remarried. I think the main area these people miss is that bulk of Christ’s teachings and examples were how to treat others.
I still believe a lot of the doctrine but not the politics!

Jason Guthrie

Jason Guthrie said...

I attended this church from the age of 13. They were a much larger group then. Raymond Cole and Bryce Clark both ministered. It was a much different atmosphere then. This goes back to late 80’s, early 90’s. Then there was a split in the late 90’s. From that point on EVERYTHING was about which side you were on. My marriage was sabotaged by Raymond Cole and his goon squad ( deacons) simply because my wife and her family backed Raymond and my parents backed Bryce. Notice that I did not say I backed anyone. I watched however as people that had been friends for years turned on me like a pit of vipers simply because they chose to step into something God had joined together. I have never reconciled with my wife and have since remarried. I think the main area these people miss is that bulk of Christ’s teachings and examples were how to treat others.
I still believe a lot of the doctrine but not the politics!

Jason Guthrie

Anonymous said...

Raymond and the women in the office. Anyone knows if this was a true at the time ? Mr Clark was brave standing up to bad behaviour? What really occurred and happened with Raymond and Clark ? Answer as Anonymous . I’m new to The group and need more information as a guide. Why Clark left cole? Appreciate your help. Love 💕 to all in both groups. Brisby seems to be off track in some messages about Christ in flesh. Seems little odd that teaching . Cole said in a message he Christ comes back every now and then think about it. I’m confused or deceived ? Not happy Brisby is selling a book about Armstrong. Freely u have recived freely give. Why try and recover funds for his own project and name. Cole refused to write books! His not following Cole and claims to follow. Maybe there will be another separation soon- as Cole reinforced in messages over many years. Man go off course but God don’t change men change. No last day warning messages in both groups in regards to United States 🇺🇸 in prophecy. Hwa 📻 church of God stepped out in faith had a message and it’s come to pass . That book was 💯 % correct . Brisby told two leading ministers there not allowed to speak about prophecy. I do believe nations are mentioned and we can know and do know there modern identity. May the sheep 🐑 not fear man 👨. God has already shown us and these truly belong unto us and our children. Prove all things- follow God not man !

Anonymous said...

Jason Guthrie as above can you help?

Anonymous said...

I, too, was in CGE in the 90s and BCG after that. It does not matter whether RCC had a problem with a woman in the office, and it doesn't matter why BGC left. What matters is that RCC began his campaign about "who and where is Christ since His physical days in the flesh." He began to make himself the pope, the ultimate authority, usurping the authority of Gods Holy Spirit in the lives of the members of the Church of God. It was a test for the members; some supported him no matter what he said or did and others left.

We need to fight that child in us that always longs for another man to tell us right and wrong. We go from one broken organization to the next giving the minister veneration that belongs to God alone, or, we criticize and pick at him and don't give him the love and respect due a brother in Christ. Since we have Gods Spirit, we must work out our salvation with fear and trembling as well as with love for our brethren. We need to stop looking for someone to tell us what to do, and stop being so angry at the ones who failed us when we put them on a pedestal. We shouldn't have put them in the place of God in the first place. I am sure God will deal with them for their abuse, but we need to set aside childish things and take personal responsibility, have faith, trust God, and go to Him for direction.

That said, it is really hard to be alone and not have fellowship on the sabbath.

Anonymous said...

mixed up turn out. I’m holding to the original truth given to HWA including The knowledge of phrophesy given to Armstrong. To be told that our country here in the United States could be the beast of revelation is a lie. It’s lack of knowledge by the leadership claiming to hold fast and at the same time destroying the original revealed truths Mr Amstrong taught us all. To suggest hwa was wrong is the subject of end time events go back and read the old good news magazine and his books before 1975. His sermons are still valid today we the church are dead spiritually because we refuse to hold fast.

Anonymous said...

Them Monday Pentecostal groups rejected Mr Armstrong on end time events. The USA is not part of a beast but all nations have drunken from her cup. It’s Rome ! It’s members should question and study more why them rejected Armstrong was to look different from other groups. The keys of phrophecy where revealed to mr Armstrong in a book called revelation unrevealed at last. the seals trumpets 🎺 were Devine Revelation . If we reject this you rejected Christ. I feel God will allow a new group to have a Monday Pentecost and the original teaching on phrophesy . The radio church of God was not started in error. We have followed and departed over time from revelation. Let’s hold firm the original beginning true. Don’t let men take crowns of correct understanding from our heads. Let no man take your crown 👑.

Anonymous said...

The Book of Revelation Unveiled at Last go re read this book and allow Jesus Christ to show you. Blow the dust off your bible follow God not a man!

The Book of Revelation Unveiled at Last by Herbert W Armstrong. Church of God the Eternal members should know better and repent of not holding fast the correct teachings.

Yes it's a Monday Pentecost but we have lost much truths over the years. Time to get back to the fact Christ put truth into the church under HWA!

Anonymous said...

Cole said Herbert W Armstrong was God's true servant. The REVEALING of CHRIST Christ is the REVEALER -NOTE : John NOT the Revelator

We hear the expression so commonly — and erroneously — "John the Revelator." But JOHN is not the Revelator. This is not the Revelation of John, it is the Revelation of JESUS CHRIST. It is CHRIST, not John, who does the explaining, the revealing. That is another vital KEY to understanding. So it originated with Almighty God the FATHER. God gave it to CHRIST. Christ sent and signified it by His angel unto His servant John — so John is merely a SERVANT, who BARE RECORD — that is, who RECORDED the Revelation in WRITING. He was merely the private secretary — the stenographer, so to speak — not the Revelator.
And now notice, John bare record — or recorded in writing — THREE THINGS: 1st, the Word of God; 2nd, the Testimony of Jesus Christ; and 3rd, all the things that he, John, saw!
And so the Book of Revelation, like all Scripture, is the plain Word of GOD. But part of it is the direct saying, or quotation, of Jesus Christ — the very words of Christ Himself. If you have a "red-letter" Bible or New Testament, printing all the words in red which Christ spoke directly Himself, you'll find a good many passages in the Book of Revelation are printed in RED. And then, John recorded the things that he SAW, in VISION, or, as it is worded, in SPIRIT. Most of the actual PROPHECY of the Book is contained in the things that John SAW, in VISION — and most of these things are SYMBOLS.
And then, the third verse states: "Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand."
A BLESSING is pronounced on you for READING these words — provided you are submissive and obedient to KEEP those things which are written therein!
The beautiful salutation begins with verse 4, continuing through the remainder of the first chapter. The dominant keynote of the Book — its subject, its theme — is struck in the 10th, or MIDDLE verse of this chapter.

It is IMPORTANT to get our bearings — to get off to a right START — to get the FUNDAMENTALS straight.

The Book of Revelation Unveiled at Last members of the church of God The Eternal go re read ! Bethel Church of God memeber go re read.

I call on you all to remember the truth given Once given unto the saints. Hold fast . Do the 1st Works cry aloud and lift up your voices like a trumpet.

Dan said...

Wow this is a real good read . I think we have all been given in CGE mistaken impression that Cole was the One with new truth and Mr HWA was in error .

Anonymous said...

The Nickels article that is linked in the post, is accurate in regards to many thousands who attended an 8 day event for the DUB in 1962. The actual Good News article can be found here...

This is why God allowed the church to fall apart. We never held fast to D&R Monday Pentecost and the teachings of Herbert W Armstrong . Never forget the church is build upon a foundation that never changes . Brisby and others know this but will not get back to the Original because the members don't wish to take time off Work.

Anonymous said...

Italy signs massive deal with China despite cautions from France and Germany. Rome ancient Silk Road from China into Europe is what Mr Armstrong said would happen. He said Rome Would rise again . My friends it's time ask questions.

Anonymous said...

Robert J. Litz Told me personally that his been told to keep his mouth shut -with regards to speaking on last day events as related in the bible. Many unhappy members. And many support him in the efforts of Armstrong teachings here in states. The bible teaches to one the gift of phrophesy to another healing ect. God is the one that uses a man for different roles at different times in church history.

Chance said...

Turkey 🇹🇷 ? In phrophesy message at the feast ? Really sorry to hear he was told to shut up

Anonymous said...

Insider information please post here-

Anonymous said...

Prophetic Speculation under the Microscope By Mr Brisby. Well a book called -The United States and Britain in Prophecy is this also Prophetic Speculation?

Read this Book

Hold Fast all things as we have been taught. This book has a special message for the end time church please re read and see the new light . HWA was ahead of his time- and did know that this key would be lost and was lost. God's own people have lost it again today. Because we refuse to listen to his end time servant .

Anonymous said...

Hi from South Africa. I agree with your comment. Can we leave and join your group? What is your name? I feel alone but knowing there are others inside church of God the Eternal that are unhappy because of wrong interpretation by brisby. He has lost the testimony of Jesus Christ which is called the spirit of prophecy. And yet claiming that Christ is come in flesh and comes back every now and then. Think about it brethren. Raymond gave Clark the subject of prophecy and never spoke against Herbert Armstrong but always insisted God gave him the truth. Would God allow truth and error to exist in the radio church of God when Mr Armstrong was proclaiming a message about our modern day identity? Did Christ lie?

Anonymous said...

Brisby should know better than say our United States is the beast of 10 nations. He seems to have his own views while at the same time speculating himself.

Anonymous said...

That is the only thing I ever heard Bisby say that is right. It is the best of all the natjns!

Anonymous said...

Best thing ? you dude ok joe ?

Anonymous said...

Guide us Lord help us to know all things

Anonymous said...

Kenya member hear i seek new group hold to radio church teachings were is it?

Anonymous said...

The only Monday Pentecost keeping groups -
Church Of God Santa Rosa
Bethel Church Of God
Renewed Church Of God
Church Of God,The Eternal

freely ye have received, freely give.

Anonymous said...

1 Corinthians 1:11
“For it hath been declared unto me of you, my brethren, by them which are of the house of Chloe, that there are contentions among you.” Is Christ divided?

Anonymous said...

Christ is not divided but His own People are. The only hope as a group or body you need the faith Once Delivered . This was once given Once under Herbert W. Armstrong. God's own Sheep would be stunned—dumbfounded if they knew and would re study The United States and Britain in Prophecy. The Radio Church of God had a mission & Message with the aim to make known the truth hidden from other ages. The truth was lost to ancient Israel the Key was found in this book. My Question to you all as the sheep - ( If you had lost a child of yours, you’d be desperately seeking to find that child Right?) Why would you not seek to find the Lost Key that spiritual Israel has Lost or being lost. If you claim to hold fast the faith Once Delivered and will not believe' The Original teachings on the subject of Prophecy you reject The Bible not a Man But a God. Of Course every man will and does make mistakes in his own life time. Such as the Time Frame expected to come to pass or happen to take place. Remember These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off, God allowed his own people to see and understand the truths but the timing is in God's time. Did Not the Apostles Thought that Jesus was Coming in Their Day? What about the disciples also? All along, God has designed things so that God's book would always be relevant to God's people because the Bible is pointing to an event that is yet to happen. It is to happen in the last days of this Earth's history.Bible were written especially for the last generation of this world. Daniel was promised that knowledge about the book would be increased and people would run to and fro, in the book to understand its meaning in the last days-The book is sweet as honey because their understanding is suddenly increased. However when they start living through the experience of the last days, as described in the little book, it will be a very bitter experience! It's wishful thinking Mr HWA never has the truth in the Radio Church of God . Go re read this book and the link below- copy paste.

With deep love your devoted supporter

Anonymous said...

John Bisby has demon problems. He is a vile man who is leading people astray. His demonic filth needs to be thrown in the trash where it belongs

Jack said...

why is wrong? What is Jon Done ?

chang wong said...

Raymond Cole had 21 new truths? Really ? Why don't you all keep the original revealed truths . Did God lie to you all? Will you follow Christ or a man? Jon has the The Fear of Prophecy. This group is Not following the Radio Church of God teachings . What a real shame i'm in China and know it's a Monday Pentecost . I will keep searching for the correct Church of God

Anonymous said...

THE COMING CHURCH SPLIT IS PROPHESIED AND WILL SURELY HAPPEN . No wonder your all told you can't understand last day prophecy.

Anonymous said...

good to see no Armstrongism with Jon. He hates Armstrongism deep down in his heart. His trying to free many with old truth. Cole has new truth. Get with the new out with the old!

sam said...

shut up or get out!!!

Courtney said...

I will break the pride of your power,God already begun to break the pride of American power . Will you believe this long range end time message. It was PROPHESIED to come to pass.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

A Must Read for Church Of God The Eternal
Why does God command we give Him offerings?
Are there different types of offerings we should be giving?
How should New Testament Christians observe offerings?
How often should we give Holy Day offerings?

Anonymous said...

Abraham, Israel and Prophecy
• God’s promises to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob of physical blessings are being fulfilled currently in the twelve
tribes of Israel.
• God’s promise to Abraham of “Grace” for all mankind is fulfilled through Abraham’s descendent, Jesus Christ.
• Salvation is offered only to the faithful descendents of Abraham. However, any individual regardless of race or
sex becomes a “spiritual descendent” of Abraham through conversion.
• The key to understanding the prophecies of the Bible is to know who the descendents of the twelve tribes of
Israel are in this current age.
• The Jews represent only one tribe of Israel and the promises to Abraham of wealth and power are not fulfilled
in them alone.
• The “lost ten tribes” are not lost, only ignored by history and current academia. A significant percentage of the
following tribes can be proved to be found in the following nations:
o Manasseh (Joseph) United States
o Ephraim (Joseph) Great Britain, Canada and Australia
o Reuben France
o Zebulon Netherlands
o Issachar Finland
o Naphtali Sweden
o Benjamin Norway
o Dan Ireland and Denmark
o Gad ? central Europe: Luxembourg, parts of Germany and/or Switzerland?
o Asher ? South Africa and/or Belgium?
o Levi scattered among other tribes, predominately Judah, some as ministers or
o Simeon scattered among other tribes,

Silvers said...

Many have already left - Were shall we go ?

Imperial Schools said...

Jon is great . We at Grace Communion International fully understand his view point on prophecy
But Know this Church Of God The eternal -JESUS ANNOUNCED
God wants everyone to live forever in love…

We pray Jon will seek the good philosophy of Christ. His trying to help his Church Group in this way as follows 1) In with the new 21 New truths! 2) Out with the old Herbert W. Armstrong Revelations of Truths.

No Church eras - we agree we are all One Body. Join us

Bob said...

Jon has the desire to share the good news of the grace of God in Jesus Christ inside his group with change. Well done. Now it's time to tell others about his modern miracle

Anonymous said...

Has this group lost it's mind? Has Christ left this Group and moved on ?

Anonymous said...

Bethel Church of God is not teaching the 21 New truths. Church of God, The Eternal said ( He ) Christ comes back to earth every now and then from time to time. HWA Never taught such . But the Jehovah's Witnesses do.

Anonymous said...

No one else believes what Mr. Armstrong originally taught about Truth.

New International Version
Do not treat prophecies with contempt

New Living Translation
Do not scoff at prophecies,

English Standard Version
Do not despise prophecies,

Berean Study Bible
Do not treat prophecies with contempt,

Berean Literal Bible
Do not despise prophecies,

New American Standard Bible
do not despise prophetic utterances.

King James Bible
Despise not prophesyings.

Christian Standard Bible
Don't despise prophecies,

Contemporary English Version
or ignore prophecies.

Good News Translation
do not despise inspired messages.

Holman Christian Standard Bible
Don't despise prophecies,

International Standard Version
Do not despise prophecies.

NET Bible
Do not treat prophecies with contempt.

New Heart English Bible
Do not treat prophecies with contempt,

Aramaic Bible in Plain English
Do not reject prophecy.

GOD'S WORD® Translation
Don't despise what God has revealed.

New American Standard 1977
do not despise prophetic utterances.

Jubilee Bible 2000
Despise not prophecies.

King James 2000 Bible
Despise not prophesying.

American King James Version
Despise not prophesyings.

American Standard Version
despise not prophesyings;

Douay-Rheims Bible
Despise not prophecies.

Darby Bible Translation
do not lightly esteem prophecies;

English Revised Version
despise not prophesyings;

Webster's Bible Translation
Despise not prophesyings.

Weymouth New Testament
Do not think meanly of utterances of prophecy;

World English Bible
Don't despise prophesies.

Young's Literal Translation
prophesyings despise not;

Anonymous said...

Revelation 2:5

Consider how far you have fallen! Repent and do the things you did at first. If you do not repent, I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place.

Anonymous said...

Sound's like that group has lost the plot

Richard said...

The Trunk of the Tree be wise it was prophesied to happen to the United States. , we're stiff necked and a rebellious people a people that have never heeded a warning, Crisis at the Top- ubelief; living in an age of unbelief-A great military crisis is yet to
occur in the Middle East-You Can Understand Bible Prophecy! The Bible reveals God's "sure word of prophecy. No prophecy is of any private interpretation. Many professing Christians fail to comprehend the simple fact that since God inspired HWA . You can & do Know Identities of nations.

Anonymous said...

I was told that The United States And Britain In Prophecy book is conjecture without firm evidence . Jon think's it's British Israelism .

I will not Embrace His Foundation and take on faith once for all delivered. God's revelation concerning the doctrinal content of our faith is from Radio Church Of God finished under Herbert W. Armstrong.

We need only to hold fast the beginning . We should Not be Thinking Differently!

Jason said...

Apply these keys

Only the upright in heart will be able to understand Bible prophecy: "None of the wicked shall understand, but the wise shall understand" (Dan. 12:10).
If you will diligently apply these vital keys, then you, too, can understand the important prophecies being fulfilled now and those that will be fulfilled in the very near future.
You need to grasp the truths contained in biblical prophecy.

Anonymous said...

RIGHT? Church of God, The Eternal is a remnant of the Worldwide Church of God still teaching the original doctrines first proclaimed by Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong?

We accept these doctrines as the divine revelation of Jesus Christ WRONG!!! to His Church of the last days, given through the inspiration of a chosen servant; teachings that were blessed by God, producing an annual growth of 30% over four decades, with incredible blessings in the lives of those who practiced the same in faith.

Anonymous said...

“And whether one member suffer, all the members suffer with it” (1 Corinthians 12:26).

Jean said...

Examine Yourself With the Word of God . The Way of Life that God revealed to us. Trust your Bible Only not other books of men

Anonymous said...

if this is a modern miracle i'm not following wrong teaching . I loved the Radio Church of God. I'm 84 years old and still listen to Mr Armstrong online in his Sermons from radio church of God. He had power and true authority. Johnny-come-lately has not the foundation of Radio Church of God. Seems that his asleep to World events and the time in which we live.

Anonymous said...

Brisby doing a lot of talking in sermons not many scriptures anymore! Cole is the super man HWA was batman. I don't buy into his way of thinking. Hope there is a New group with all radio church of God teachings? Does anyone know of another Group?

Anonymous said...

Bisby is just one more in a long line of false teachers of Armstrongism. He is a Pharisee because of all the legalistic crap he teaches. While he may be giving lip service to grace, he still does not understand it. Stay away from this splinter cult!

Blake said...

Raymond Cole had Series Stroke's. Which caused him to make small little changes over time. His own mind was seriously influenced by them. He Ended up falling in Love with an office secretary. Sending Her love letters and cards. She left the Church. Bryce Clark told him he needed to repent and stop making a fool out of himself. This has all been covered up over the years. After this event Cole was very Nasty and in the process of time had lost respect for Clark. He was forced out Not by Choice of his own. Something happened at that meeting which caused Clark to drop me like a hot potato.Jon Brisby was picked as an Replacement and made Minister . Mr Cole referred to Brisby as His Joshua. It appears now that he is to his followers what the Pope of Rome is to the Catholic Church. Bible truths are in a dying state, ready to die. We must strengthen them. We must remember how we received and People sometimes change and corrupt the Truth, but the Truth lives on through scattered believers. heard them, and hold fast, and repent of our lukewarm and lazy attitude toward the Truth. As it says on the entrance to Ambassador College, "the Word of God is the foundation of knowledge." The Bible is the source of Truth, not a man, and not an organization of men

Anonymous said...

Yes, it's about finances, but it's also about control and some other things.

Anonymous said...

There is nothing about this group that is even slightly Christian.

Anonymous said...

Bank your tithes and offerings, No Good news here. I'm new to this little group for about 17 request financial statements and prove all things.

George said...

New Testament ministry was put in trust of the gospel (1 Thessalonians 2:4). Ministers are
ambassadors for Christ (2 Corinthians 5:20). They are made able ministers of the New
Covenant (2 Corinthians 3:6). They belong to a ministry received of the Eternal (Colossians
4:17). Since Christ is the head of the Church, it is His responsibility to guide the Church. The Church is to preach the good news. Mark 13:10
And the gospel must first be published among all nations. 1ST NOTE Romans 10:18) reminds us that "their sound is gone out into all lands, and their words unto the ends of the world;" and he tells the Colossians (Colossians 1:6) that the gospel was come unto them, and was bearing fruit and increasing in all the world. Do you see this Fruit Today? NO of course Not! Keep God's tithes and offerings hold them back until The Minister changes his tune. God will not bless a message about oneself. But a message of Hope for the Good News!

Finch said...

Why don’t other Ministers in this group contend for the truth? All of them are preaching to the converted. What reward is that? Go into all the work declared the good news of the coming Government of God!

Anonymous said...

Sermon Message for Members of Church of God The Eternal Members. Copy paste

Anonymous said...

love his voice message is spot on the bible.

Anonymous said...

did you hear about a couple caught having sex at local pot luck ? ACCORDING to my friend in BCG .

Anonymous said...

Remember Mr. Cole said that ministers are not to legislate faith or coerce, but that their duty is to speak the word of God powerfully.

Sheina said...

I feel deeply ashamed this couple inside CGE had sex at Church potluck. A Minister Apparently was watching them for some time . Now inside this church it's become Swingers Club. Some Brothers and Sisters behavior should stop. Forsake the foolish don't keep company with sexual sinners. Why is this couple still allowed to attend Services.

Sarah said...

Everyone makes mistakes, both big and small . It's ok to Repent and move on.

Anonymous said...

Laodiceans were being criticized for their neutrality or lack of zeal (hence "lukewarm"). shame of your nakedness - they are unable to recognize their bankruptcy . Behold, I stand at the door, and knock. The door in the painting has no handle, and can therefore be opened only from the inside Revelation 3:14-22

Anonymous said...

This coming Monday Pentecost Christ is standing outside the door. Christ is no longer in lukewarm Church CGE. The Lamp or lampstand is gone from its place. Will you follow and seek Christ or a Man?

Anonymous said...

Anyone who criticizes Jon Brisby or questions him is called an “enemy . I have been told to just walk out and leave don't ask Questions if your not happy. After 20 years of
paying our tithes and in support now we are told to just walk out. Cole never ever treated us like that. Godly evaluation you will see both sides to his actions and behavior. Ask him many Questions and Evaluate every man as Cole told us all over many years. Biblical Prophecy was changed under Jon Brisby.

Anonymous said...

God's tithes for Minister to travel the World eating and drinking to a good life! ARMSTRONG Never traveled like this. What a waste of funds. No message of good news for the world . Merchandise his own for his own!

grace said...

he sleeps with foreigners -free willy but has bedbugs special holiday girls his wife will catch them.

Anonymous said...

Grace could you Elaborate? How do you know ?

Anonymous said...

Minister Free Willy Love it.

L .Hernandez said...

There is always an element of truth exposed when things are looked at with a critical eye

Anonymous said...

Ok so we now know why he has red, itchy welts. So that is why kim called In professional pest control. This infestation is a sign ?

angel said...

Just What Do You Mean – Faith Once Delivered? Number 7 -Note His speech pre-emptive strike With the intention of countering an anticipated enemy offensive. Is the that group in a War? Maybe the other Ministers helpers are not happy. Truth has been lost . This group has been hijacked from the inside out. New truth we don't need ! Old truth needed - This is what the LORD says: “Stop at the crossroads and look around. Ask for the old, godly way, and walk in it. Travel its path, and you will find rest for your souls. But you reply, ‘No, that’s not the road we want!’ Jeremiah 6:16 . Deuteronomy 32:7
Remember the days of old, consider the years of many generations: ask thy father, and he will shew thee; thy elders, and they will tell thee.
The call, however, was in vain. The people chose to travel still in the broad way that led them to destruction. Think out it study pray seek & shall find.

Anonymous said...

When i'm in Services Mr Willy Blushing His funny face. “Oh, whiskey he just about Laughs too. Lot's of willy hand shakes his a funny fellow . But his our dear leader we love him. Keep up good work Mr Willy we love ya.

Anonymous said...

free willy in church ow dear . sounds funny shhhh

Vincent said...

Disgusting his willy is not fee! Woah this Man is pretty cool ye sure. NOT! The Missing Dimension in Sex show's the truth.

Anonymous said...

We all should Embrace Radio Church of God Foundation. Radio Church of God Broadcast - 1941

Biblical Prophecy!

Herbert W. Armstrong got his start on the airwaves. Today there is no fruit in this group!

Anonymous said...

What “21 new truths” are some of you claiming that Jon Brisby is teaching?

Anonymous said...

The 21 new truths are not from God but are directly from Satan. this group is nothing more than a cult following a self-appointed preacher/guru who lies about God and ignores everything that Jesus accomplished!

Anonymous said...

EXACTLY what are the 21 “new truths” that I see some talking about? Please be specific and don’t speak in generalities.

Anonymous said...

An example Jesus is here already in the flesh. Is Come here now ''Present tense'' He Christ Comes back to earth every now and then claimed Raymond C Cole. Just What Do You Mean – Faith Once Delivered? #1-7 will give you a clear picture
Jon W. Brisby; Eugene, OR., 1-26-2019 on website!

New truth - your not allowed TO KEEP Thanksgiving Day IT'S pagan. Mothers day and
celebrating fatherhood such as Father's Day & Mother's day is not allowed.

Herbert W. Armstrong never said it's Wrong. Man made teaching of Cole!

Anonymous said...

Another Jesus is here? Herbert W. Armstrong was sure right about that- Radio Church of God Broadcast - 1941
Herbert W Armstrong

Truth Is Free NEVER FOR SALE .

Anonymous said...

So in what sermon did Raymond Cole state that Christ comes back every now and then? I’d really like to hear that one.

Anonymous said...

Why is Jon Brisby selling his new book ? Herbert W. Armstrong gave freely to the public . Free of charge ?

Anonymous said...

Sermons were removed from Church Library. Some have been edited over the years.

Anonymous said...

A Peculiar Treasure: The Enduring Legacy of Herbert & Loma Armstrong will be sold to General Public?

Goes to show no open door set before this Group.

church office said...

I request this page be closed or shut down by Administrator ! You have been given admonishing advice.

no name said...

Yes Subtle changes I note. Thank you for the page. I can hear errors also. Seems many inside Church of God, The Eternal today are too wrapped up in the world and conforming to it. The ways of the world hold more importance than the ways of God and spending time with Him. The desire to “get ahead” in the world takes our time away from God. Less time reading God’s Word ( Lazy Bible Study's) means less foundation upon which to build belief leading to a lukewarm attitude not based on Truth of God’s Word, Mixing mingling of belief is what Babylon was all about. lovers of their own selves, and members pleasures with NO pattern of good works. Satan deceived Eve in the Garden now Satan is doing that inside the Body of Christ. Knowing good from evil is Not easy but by the tree and Fruit you can and should see. I agree we need to get back on track and do 1st Works as Under Mr. Armstrong God's True servant. The only logical conclusion is that Jon B. He is just following a man . We should only follow a man if the truth is not corrupt. Oregon -Anonymous Member

Anonymous said...

He is just trying to make thing's more acceptable . That will not hold Water with God.

Anonymous said...

A vast majority of you are saying things and providing ZERO proof to back it up.

I’m EXACTLY what sermon(s) did Raymond Cole say that Jesus Christ occasionally returns to earth?

Back up your claims with EVIDENCE. Not heresay, not “my aunt Jamima’s second cousin heard billybob say”...EVIDENCE.

Or you really have nothing but anger which makes me wonder whether COGTE as some of you refer to it is actually the true church...

Anonymous said...

Where (in what sermon or writing) was it said that the US is to form the beast of Revelation?

Can you all please start posting specific evidence supporting your claims?

Anonymous said...

I stopped attending because of Brisby. He is dumber than a rock. Can’t stand his sermons.

Anonymous said...

If you claim to be listing to Cole and Jon Sermon's over the years you have not done your home Work. The EVIDENCE is in the hearing of your ears. What about the change over the years with Prayer Requests not being made public in Monthly Letters ? Do you expect God to heal your Members that don't Pray for your brothers and sisters? In the early day's Raymond listed Names and Associated health conditions at the requests of Brethren that were Sick. Praying For Each Other is a Christian duty toward others. The excuse used is this as follows: It's a circle of prayer and we should not use it! No wonder God's Divine Healing (fruits) don't take place.
Go Back on the original news letters of Cole. You will see names and a list of people to pray for (Church Members) NO Prayer Requests are published any more in News letters. Just another small Change over the years.
Read this

EVIDENCE is in the reading and hears if your mind is open.

Anonymous said...

2 Thessalonians 2:11 New King James Version (NKJV)
And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie,

The Lie - Christ is come has come here Present tense Already.

I'm 88 Years Old and still have my marballs God's Holy Spirit show's me the truth Christ .

Anonymous said...

Jon told us all that US is part of the Beast of Revelation . Just ask him if you claim to know him personally. You all Should know better because we were all taught by HWA. The Original teaching was correct ( Germany & Europe will be the beast Power) How can Ephraim and Manasseh the birth right Nations be part of the Beast! The United States is Manasseh and our power will be Broken soon . God's foreordained plan for Germany. Scripture reveals that a European power, under German political leadership, will increasingly play the role of world superpower and impose its "global framework" and "universally binding rules" as we approach the end of the age and the United States continues to decline. This is what Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong foretold from Bible prophecy more than 50 years ago
Satan Has full Power over Germany Today. Just Watch this

Anonymous said...

join this group for church sex great group for daily fix. I in this church in 2012 and seen many Exchange Partners.

dave said...

You stoped attending were did you go? Which Group?

Anonymous said...

Now Jon Brisby has a website of his own . We need to watch for a man of sin . Jon now set himself up in a temple showing himself to be God .
Acting like God. He thinks Christ is working in his flesh and Jesus is come in his ministry.

Funny farts said...

We will pray for your soul and Jon is not a rock but like Jesus . His working miracles for God.

Anonymous said...

Brisby is nothing like Jesus and most certainly does not have Jesus working through him. Brisby is nothing more than a pimple on satan’s butt!

Anonymous said...

Your enjoying Willy ?

Anonymous said...

Good advice

Anonymous said...

Excuse me please. Jon is Christ in flesh is here today in ministry of Church of God the Eternal. We all believe newly added truths from handed down faithfulness of his end time Ministry. We need to respectfully love and follow them and believe new truth. I’m trusting his faith and 21 additional clarifications of revelation. Yes Jesus did use and come into his flesh. And devil gave free Willy his name. But it should be Jesus in flesh.

Anonymous said...

Our little fellow ship is happy healthy and blessed. Your blog is the work of satanic . We love this little church it’s fun and lots of yummy food . Family is love we should love Mr Brisby. Church is like love at first sight. Mrs Brisby is funny. Her jokes keep us entertained after services. But her cooking is literally looking like unbeatable foods lately.

Anonymous said...

Mrs Brisby cooking is delicious .

Sammy said...

Jon is very much looking like Jesus . But Jesus didn’t get any speeding tickets. Jesus just walked brisby drives.

Dick said...

Just accept Brisby please his working for Jesus.! And we do see Jesus in his body . Every Sabbath Service Christ in come in brisby fleshy body . Open your eyes and see Christ. Mrs Brisby also has same Jesus working in her . But lately her cooking has been terribly unpleasant.

Anonymous said...

Brisby private life is a life of speeding fines and speeding. His car is Jesus on wheels.

Anonymous said...

Satan always uses the fun people in the church to lead people astray. He also uses bad cooking. Fast flashy cars of pastors are a sign of disrespect to members. Anyone who thinks it is cool is destined to the Lake of Fire.

Anonymous said...

The last time I had Mrs. Brisby's cooking was at a potluck. I had gas all through the service and could not concentrate on the words coming to us from Jesus.

Anonymous said...

You people are about disgusting. This blog is satanic! Mr. Brisby is God's faithful servant and should not be mocked.

Anonymous said...

My Church and Minister are Fun . Don't say it's of the Devil! The devil is in the world. Not in God's True Church. Jesus is strong and would never allow Mr. Brisby to be led off course.

Anonymous said...

Switzerland, Thank you so much for the Insight

Anonymous said...

Mr. Bob Zeiler Bethel Church of God, Has Marked Jon Brisby for all the errors.

Weston said...

Apparently the 21 new truths are Jesus is come . Christ has come back so we must already be in The World Tomorrow. This is exactly what Worldwide Church of God taught after the changes. So if we say IS come we are already in Kingdom of God. This Church very Unlearned in scripture. Jesus don't come back from time too time. Matthew 24:23 (NIV) At that time if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Messiah!’ or, ‘There he is!’ do not believe it.

Anonymous said...

Stupid saying his Jesus in flesh. His NOT the Real Jesus but a fake one.

Anonymous said...

This really makes sense. Because in service on sabbath days it’s smelly. Mr Brisby farts 💨 a lot .

Anonymous said...

stupid people you know Mr Brisby is God’s spokespersons on earth today. Jesus Christ speaks through him. We obey in faith without asking questions. That’s respectful to our dear minister. I don’t know much about scripture yet just new to this great group of loving genuine people. But a few are highly and mighty and seem to be somewhat stupid. We should still be allowed to have makeup I miss this as a woman.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I do really appreciate The changes with added revelation. Thank Jesus Christ for revelation to mr Cole. Now passed onto Mr brisby. We are a living moving church . Water moving power of change 21 additional truths.

Anonymous said...

Are you suggesting his an angel which never farted?

Anonymous said...

So off track . Don’t your membership even know biblical teaching. What a childish comments

Anonymous said...

How many members are with Jon Brisby? Which nations are included in worship?

Thomas said...

I struggle to comprehend new truth. I do enjoy listening to Mr Armstrong’s radio broadcasts Online. I don’t think there was any need for any other Ministers to add or take away from his understanding. So many times we are told in Gods word to hold fast or do 1st works. Keep the truth simple. Adding additional dimensions to what was revealed is not a good idea. I’m in the process of establishing the old foundations. I can certainly tell you no group or Monday Pentecost church of God today believes what Mr Armstrong taught originally. What a real disappointment tho God promise that it’s still in existence some please today.

Anonymous said...

What are the additional truth? I’m shocked this has been allowed. The devil sure is an angel of light. He will blind many just like in the past. If I was in this group I would run away fast to another group. Such as bethel church of God. There Doctrine is of the bible.

Anonymous said...

You could request that information from Church office and ask for financial statements. Under the law it’s a requirement for them to provide this information to both members and non members.

Anonymous said...

Remember it’s ok to have make up on your face. I use it and nothing is said . Brisby are chill with it. No big deals. He just preach but don’t enforce so it’s cool.

Anonymous said...

It would seem my church has departed from correct understanding and teaching .

Anonymous said...

Thank you

Anonymous said...

Just What Do You Mean – Faith Once Delivered? #8
Great White Throne Judgment“ Now we are told it's non Salvational. Are we not in the Called of God? Are we not in the state of being saved. His faithful followers will be kings and priests those kings and priest are Learning Now. The acquisition of knowledge or skills through experience, study, or by being taught now should show us the correct time line of events. For God is not the author of confusion, Did he not tell us in the end we would understand perfectly. Or are those truths hidden and closed ? Has God hidden this knowledge from the 1st fruits? Are we not in the time of the end were the “ words are closed up and sealed until the time of the end.… Just accept it's 100 years. The bible strongly indicates 100 years. But your Minister said maybe NOT maybe SO. Does God give you the spirit of doubt ?

Anonymous said...

What’s this bad cooking all about? We all know them brisby live on hamburgers .

Church member said...

We are dangerously reflecting that teaching in the new teaching of Raymond Cole. I ignored his statement because I knew after his serious stroke the teaching was added. He said Christ comes back every now and again. But I know the saints we ONLY see him in the Kingdom. So yes of course it’s a dangerous doctrine to uphold. Should be dropped. Mr Armstrong taught us differently- beware of false Christ and False Ministers . Yes Ministers can and do go off course. But the truth never changes. Let’s admit out false doctrine. Get back on track.

Old timer said...

My assessment of our ministry is lax with no authority to help our congregation in achieving the highest standard of Dress Code. Skimpy dresses and leggings.

Old timer said...

My assessment of our ministry is lax with no authority to help our congregation in achieving the highest standard of Dress Code. Skimpy dresses and leggings.

Anonymous said...

3:56 AM And unable to sleep, I feel Spiritual asleep. I honestly feel Jon won't Listen to my Questions. What's the point if a Minister can't answers Questions. Congregation feels lost and some are not happy. Where shall we go ?

Anonymous said...

Could this be The man of sin? Interesting and ongoing debates in Church. Now I Know why! should we distinguish what is valid and what is NOT -I must say free speech, gone over the line ( The Minister) Hates “free speech” and your views. He always wins . Justified himself rather than others. Problems inside "YES" Oh! Spirit of God, give faith this morning. Win us all from self; knit us all to Christ; may we be saved now by his Truths, and be saved in eternity from man of Sin.

Anonymous said...

Grace International here Hello Friend's of The Church of God Mother.

We send our Warm love to you all and your Minister Mr Jon. Brisby.

Great News to hear you now doubt 100 Years of Great White Throne Period.

Anonymous said...

This website exposes the sordid underbelly of HWA haters.

So the ministry made mistakes in prophecy-which they were NEVER called to interpret prophecy.

And I get they exceeded their authority in your personal lives-they were never called to that either.

But you all for the most part pitched out the baby with the bath water and what’s left is consumed by hate.

Anonymous said...

SO...what I see here is a whole lot of people who apparently tossed out the proverbial “baby with the bath water” due to what most of you describe as either poor behavior by the HWA ministry or prophetic speculation failure which as I seem to gather-was never a commission given...

So you got angry and gave it all up-did it mean so little to you if you really did believe to begin with?

Anonymous said...

prophetic speculation by some Yes! But it will never change the fact God rules in the Kingdoms of Men. A house divided against itself, cannot stand. United States of Europe, the European state, Leader Germany Head of the Roman Empire will Rise again as sure as the Sun sets. You are all asleep ! Did Not the book The United States and Britain in prophecy by HWA Come to pass? Of Course it has how many sea gates are left Today? You Ministers can't play games with God!

Anonymous said...

Jon Brisby and his new book don't tell you the full real story. Here is a link for Church of God The Eternal Members.

Anonymous said...

Bethel Church of God would be a better option . No New 21 teachings .

Anonymous said...

what an eye opener . Mr HWA Was given baptism by Baptists Minister.

Anonymous said...

"who and where is Christ since His physical days in the flesh." He Mr Cole began to make himself the pope, Jon Brisby still believes that Christ is come. This Places then above God and the people there called to serve. Oregon Church of God' The Eternal Member ! Not happy it's part of the 21 New truths .

Anonymous said...

I really value New truth. Cole and Jon are truth Ministers. We like to see changes this group is growing in Grace. Grace is Joy. No Works just Grace Free from Law

Bill said...

Fear them not, therefore: for there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; and hid that shall not be known. What I tell you in darkness, that speak ye in light: and what ye hear in the ear, that preach ye upon the housetops" (Matthew 10:26-27).

The apostle Paul declared, "And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather REPROVE THEM ["EXPOSE THEM," as the Moffatt and other translations say!]. For it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret" (Ephesians 5:11-12). Paul wrote to Timothy, "Some men's sins are open beforehand, going before to judgment; and some men, they follow after. Likewise also the good works of some are manifest beforehand; and they that are otherwise cannot be hid" (I Timothy 5:24-25).

God says, "For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God?" (I Peter 4:17).

Those who worship a "man" -- Herbert Armstrong or any other man Cole-- will be judged by Almighty God. Those who "idolize" a man and lie to cover up his misdeeds -- will suffer the plagues of God. Isn't it time we quit following mere men, and looked to Christ, keeping our eyes on Him (Psalm 25:15) instead? God help you to really understand this essential truth.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Armstrong listed 18 restored truths in a sermon Entitled Mission of the Philadelphia Church Era, Now Brisby has 21 teachings that Cole made. =39 Truths in total. The Laodicean Church has less & far more wrong.

Timothy Michael Devine said...

Mr. HWA was indeed raised up by God. It is good advice to listen to his radio programs. Listen to this! God used him to head-up the SARDIS era of God’s churches. His organization gave rise to the spiritual conception of the man whom would emerge on the world’s scene as a powerful leader, as foretold in both the Old and New Testaments of the Bible. As far as splinter groups are concerned, remember, Christ is not divided. The Worldwide Church of God was infiltrated in the very beginning by men who would become the ministers after graduation from Ambassador College.

Anonymous said...

Christ is not divided. The Radio and Worldwide Church of God were infiltrated at the very beginnings. Those men became the ministers after training and graduation from Ambassador College. Look more closely at your leaders.

Anonymous said...

Christ is not divided. The Radio and Worldwide Church of God were infiltrated at the very beginnings. Those men became the ministers after training and graduation from Ambassador College. Look more closely at your leaders.

Timothy Michael Devine said...

Mr. HWA was indeed raised up by God. It is good advice to listen to his radio programs. Listen to this! God used him to head-up the SARDIS era of God’s churches. His organization gave rise to the spiritual conception of the man whom would emerge on the world’s scene as a powerful leader, as foretold in both the Old and New Testaments of the Bible. As far as splinter groups are concerned, remember, Christ is not divided. The Worldwide Church of God was infiltrated in the very beginning by men who would become the ministers after graduation from Ambassador College.

Anonymous said...

Most Ministers had no respect for HWA after graduation from Ambassador College. I don't even remember Jon Brisby little strange

Anonymous said...

This is what Mr. Armstrong said would happen—decades ago. Mr. Armstrong concluded that 1973 article by writing, “Britain’s entry into the European Community portends a tragic situation. Britain will be faced with a dilemma.”

Britain faced that dilemma, just as Mr. Armstrong predicted.

Jon Brisby should know better !

Anonymous said...

Brisby told me we need to wait and see if comes to pass. It’s already happened now he should declare Mr Armstrong was correct on this Long range Biblical forecast. Jon should not believe everything Raymond told him. Go back to your beginning and hold fast the beginning.

Anonymous said...

I attended this Church of God for a short period of time. Once I discovered wrong teachings I left. I'm not at all surprised the membership is unhappy with his Direction and View point's on Bible prophecy. I could never find were Mr. Herbert Armstrong taught us PROPHECY was DOCTRINE. I was taught Prophecy Is Conditional. I Challenge the Skeptics to re read a book called : How To Understand Prophecy by Herbert W Armstrong. Of course he Understood the Short range and Long rage prophecy. But Herbert Armstrong said it this way Quote- (Bible prophecies already fulfilled in the past and the other for the analysis of Bible prophecies yet to be fulfilled in the future.) Cole & Brisby said we never understood in the past both Short and Long range Prophecy. That's simply not accurate because it was plainly stated in his book called How To Understand Prophecy
Herbert W Armstrong

How to Evaluate Prophecy

We have explained several Biblical principles concerning prophecy: duality, prophetic time lapses, symbolism.
Now we propose to explain logical systems that you can use to evaluate Biblical prophecy.
Actually, we must present two such logical systems — one for the analysis of Bible prophecies already fulfilled in the past and the other for the analysis of Bible prophecies yet to be fulfilled in the future.

Here were the Short and Long Range Prophecy's . Nothing New at all ! But you say it's part of the 21 New truths under Cole. Not True!

Anonymous said...

Ecclesiastes 1:9 New International Version (NIV)

What has been will be again,
what has been done will be done again;
there is nothing new under the sun.

Gerhof said...

Sure has come to pass just as HWA said it would. Now it's clear the UK was in Bible Prophecy, Will Jon acknowledge the long range fulfilment and HWA Was sent from God?

Anonymous said...

Britain will be faced with a dilemma it sure has come to pass!

Sam said...

There in his new series currently on the website entitled: Just what do you mean the faith once delivered? He attempts to detail 21 new teachings that Mr. Cole taught differently than HWA did.

Sam said...

You must go to their website and listen to the current sermon series entitled: Just what do you mean the faith once delivered? Jon Brisby details 21 new teachings that are different than what HWA taught.

Sam said...

I have listened to almost every Raymond Cole message there is and the only one he comes close to saying something like that in is in the series currently being played on the website entitled: An analysis of the book of Jude. All the messages are relatively the same because he was in a state of declining health (strokes very near). Check out #14 or 15 I believe. It sounds as if he almost says he is Christ returned. I don't pay any mind to the statement because of one: his declining health, and two: He was still jaded by the split of his assistant minister Bryce Clark. You can easily gather that by the many veiled accusations. If he were here today under good circumstances, I'm confident if asked that he thought he was Christ, he'd emphatically say no.

Sam said...

The book is not as much for profit as it is for a smear campaign for every other minister that came out of WW. Think of it as marketing to get members for their group. It paints everyone else bad, they as the one true remnant.

Sam said...

Sermons were not only removed, but very vital articles, and some of Mr. Coles monthly letters modified. Pretty convenient for someone who is dead and cannot return to contest the removal or change of what he intended in letters.

Christian said...

The light of God shines on error. You have been given admonishing advice from the word of office, or Connie, Angela, Carrie, Terrie, Tim or Jon.

Sam said...

Jon will not listen, neither did he to mine. Rather than ask where you should go, assess what you must hold onto. Stay grounded and settled in that even if you find yourself having to keep the Sabbath and Holy Days at home or with a small disbanded amount of brethren. We are called to stand fast. The Bible says not to be dismayed when you see false teachers revealed. Tho it will be hard, it is worth holding onto. I did even these 10 years later after leaving.

Sam said...

Sadly Jason passed away shortly after this post. I know his family. I can help if you need.

AU said...

(AU) Just What Do You Mean – Faith Once Delivered? #9 SPOT ON . Mr. Jon Brisby is the The Voice of Christ ! Was not (He Christ) in The MIDST of each of the 7 Churches? Christ had Come & Is Come . Past & Present .
Raymond C Cole was Right! He had the mind of Christ.

Anonymous said...

your deceived

Anonymous said...

All it’s members have wrongly brought into a lie. Christ is not even among them. Where’s the open door ? Christ is outside this group. Brisby has no key of David his understanding is closed.

Anonymous said...

have a feeling that a big willy 9 is coming

Anonymous said...

Bryce G. Clark should of been your Minister not willy.

Anonymous said...

The Church of Laodicea , I am rich, and increased with goods = Automobile yacht, This situation is worth investigating by members. Many of the Laodicean Christians compromised stop planting the church at Laodicea by not giving tithes and offerings

Anonymous said...

so much errors now in interpretations.

Anonymous said...

services are fun i get to eat my Tootsie Roll. i know it's spiritual sin to have sugar.

Sam said...

I hope more wake up and see the light. What's this free willy thing?

Christian said...

Jon said in sermon message it's a spiritual sin to have sugar of any kind. Why are your youth eating Tootsie Roll in services?

Anonymous said...

I love eating in church. Candy is ok . Sabbath service today helps kill my boredom in church. I sin most days candy is not sin . Only white sugars are banned in our house. Mom said Jon makes stupid religion rules but we ignored him. He doesn’t say anything to me. So chill out .

Teen said...

How rude and disrespectful are you people. Why are young people calling him free Willy ? Was that why the rainbow symbols disappeared on website years ago. I miss our old rainbow on website.

Sam said...

I have a close connection to many in this group because I grew up in it from the time it came to be in 1975. I left some time ago, but all those that I know that are still there, are very dear to me. Some day I hope to be able to speak to many of them again.

We are told by the Apostle John to "try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world". I think most of us over the years have simply read over this scripture so fast and moved on, that we have failed to understand the significance behind it. John said "MANY" false prophets have gone out into the world. He did not say that a few went out into the world, but "MANY". His admonishment in the statement to you and me, is that we must try them all, regardless of their claims of legitimacy or appointment.

In regards to the latest addition of messages on the "faith once delivered", or as it has been labeled "Just what do you mean - faith once delivered"? I think some very legitimate questions need to be asked concerning the much speaking on this topic. If Jude chose to write so little about something known as the "faith which was once delivered", which amounted to one verse in an admonishment to contend for it. Does it not seem that Jude knew his audience, and knew that they knew what he was referring to, without actually having to detail every little nuance? After verse 3, the rest of his chapter is to take note of those who would corrupt it, which seems to be the bigger problem at hand. Why then, unless everyone who listens to Mr. Brisby are dumb sheep (which I do not believe for a second), do they need messages ad nauseam about things that are not even contained within the Bible? Many times he has used the word "provocative" to describe what he is talking about. That word alone should frighten people because if he is using it to describe what he talking about, then yes...what he is talking about is provocative and should be a gigantic red flag for anyone.

I get not wanting to look at things for what they are. I understand. The churches we belong to can become like family to us, especially if it has been a family for 40 plus years. No one wants their family shook up and possibly split apart, but if we are called to follow Christ, then should we not follow Christ rather than man? Better to be in the wilderness wandering than to be in a physical building and lost. God said he would never leave us or forsake us, so I choose to take him at his word.

If the time is coming that those who attend here are going to be pushed off center, then it will be God's will. He has concern and cares for his sheep, but when our focus is removed from his son and transferred to men, he will do what it takes for those that are his in order to bring them back to the simplicity that is in his Son.

Until then, for those who are genuinely concerned for these beloved brethren, the best we can do is pray for them and be there for them if the time comes.

Jude 1:1-3 (KJV)
1 Jude, the servant of Jesus Christ, and brother of James, to them that are sanctified by God the Father, and preserved in Jesus Christ, and called:
2 Mercy unto you, and peace, and love, be multiplied.
3 Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.

Sam said...

I remember that rainbow symbol very well. It was my brother-in-law that designed it for the website.

Anonymous said...

The state of our little Family

Isaiah 3:16

Because that daughters of Zion have been haughty, And they walk stretching out the neck, And deceiving with the eyes, Walking and mincing they go, And with their feet they make a tinkling,
fastened on the ankles,
present day, Church of God The Eternal think there is no harm in worldly Jewelry on ankles.

Totally Inappropriate for Ministers Wife .

Anonymous said...

YES the Symbol of rainbow was changed. I like the old symbol the new one looks very Protestant.

Anonymous said...

Vote Brisby out of Office!

Sam said...

You can not vote him out. That was done away with in 2001. He owns everything including all of the tithe accounts and anything that has been bought under the name of the church including his condo.

The only thing the brethren can do is to ask him not to speak anymore (which they should for their spiritual good) but they will not. If he stops speaking, he is gone and all of those brethren of ours will be lost without a building to go to.

Anonymous said...

remnant under dictatorship.

out west said...

Sam were would you send your tithes to since your on your own?

Which other group would be the Better option ?

Anonymous said...

No one else believes what Mr. Armstrong originally taught about Truth. Even that servant has no authority to ADD Or change what Christ gave.

New truth is adding to what has already been revealed.

21 added truths not needed for Salvation .

I would like to find the true Church any help ?

Sam said...

The tithing thing is a personal decision for each individual when they find themselves in a such a position as many are.

I know that Mr. Cole stated in a letter back at the beginning of cogte (1975), that there are times that the Church will go thru things like this, and that the duty of you and I thru it, is to simply hold on to the truth. I believe it is more of a question of asking God to help you hold on, versus where do I go? When problems happen, we need time to sort. That being said, I would not let holding onto a Monday Pentecost keep you from loosely fellowshipping with someone who may keep a Sunday. I believe there is ample Bible proof to support that, weve just been misled. That's another subject.

I pay my tithe where I feel I am fed now, that's the best I have been able to do.

Anonymous said...

The true Church today is scattered my friend. It is a spiritual organism, the body of Christ made up of many members in particular. You will know them by their fruits. Not because they say I keep this day or that day, or I do this or that, but their fruits. Yes, they will be keeping Gods primary laws, but the fruits should be what we are looking at.

We have been conditioned for decades now that Christ must be in a box (building) only, not so. Christ is in "the midst" of the churches.

Anonymous said...

I believe The Church of God International has fruit.

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