Australia Hit With Fire, Hail, Dead Animals, Darkness in one Week: On Anniversary of Ten Plagues
January 22, 2020
In the midst of raging wildfires, hailstones the size of baseballs pounded Australia in a mix of elemental opposites echoing the Egyptian plague. As if that reminder of the Exodus were not enough, a massive dust storm turned night into day. These and other phenomena created a pre-Messiah show of wonders in the hard-hit continent down under conspicuously timed to coincide with the week when Jews around the world read the section of the Torah relating the story of the plaques in Egypt. …
While the fires continued to burn in the southeast, the capital city Canberra, Melbourne, and other areas were hit by hailstorms raining down golf-ball-sized chunks of ice.
"Someone actually telephoned me from the State of Washington yesterday and asked what she could take to fight this coronavirus. I told her that since I had not seen anyone with it, I was unsure, but did (upon her insistence) suggest two herbal formulas which have helped people with other viruses."
Note: Typical fear, it seems that God might forget ME in all this and some reassurances need that "A thousand may fall at your right side. Ten thousand at your left hand, but it will not come near YOU" .(Ps 91:7
) "Hide me in the grave until thy wrath be past" doesn't seem an option anyone would want to face. (Job 14:13

"In what seems to be an unprecedented move related to the Chinese New Year, government officials have cancelled celebrations in several cities:"
Why does this always have to be so difficult?
Exodus 33:11 11The LORD would speak to Moses face to face, as one speaks to a friend.
It's the best and only way , if you're there, to show that stated willingness that none perish but that all come the knowledge of the truth, isn't it? I do suspect it is a conditional kind of unconditional love however.
Asking for a friend...