Saturday, November 23, 2024

Self-Appointed Modern Day Crack-pot Zerubabbel Expects You To Believe Who He Thinks He Is

It's another sunny day in California, and our resident self-appointed crackpot false prophet to the Churches of God is trying to thump his puny chest, proclaiming he is someone he is not. It never ceases to fascinate me why the Church of God is filled with so many of these unimportant morons who think they are God's gift to the church. None of them have ever uttered anything truthful or accurate when they spout their nonsense. Every single one of them has gone by the wayside, widely mocked and quickly forgotten. This is what is guaranteed to befall our current liars leading the Restored Church of God, Philadelphia Church of God, Church of God Preaching The Kingdom, Church of God Faithful Flock, and especially the improperly named "Continuing" Church of God.

The Great Bwana to Africa and the occasional Caucasian, the HIGHLY IMPORTANT Dr. Bob Thiel, is back tooting his Zerubabbel horn, expecting us to believe he is the modern manifestation of the prophet Zerubbabel and Joshua.

The stupidity shines brightly below:

Zerubabbel and Joshua for 21st Century? 
A 6th century BC governor of Judea/Jerusalem was named Zerubabbel. He is mentioned in books by Ezra, Nehemiah, and Haggai. All had opposition doing the work of God. Zerubabbel is sometimes mentioned with one named Jeshua/Joshua. 
Could prophecies associated with Zerubabbel apply to Jesus or Herbert W. Armstrong? 

No, they did not. Fact. A Church of God myth.

Do prophecies tie this Joshua in with Garner Ted Armstrong? 

No, they obviously did not. Fact. A Church of God myth. 

Might Zerubabbel and Joshua be a type of the two olive trees, the two witnesses? 
What did the old Worldwide and Radio Church of God teach about Zerubabbel and Joshua? 
Since Zerubabbel seemingly saw the first temple of Solomon, yet laid the foundation for the second temple that Jesus returned to, would the final Zerubbabel be around until about the time that Jesus returned? 

Whether this is true or not, one fact is assuredly true, this person will NOT be anyone tied to an Armstrongist Church of God.  

What about the old temple and Ambassador Auditorium? 

What about it? It's a physical building built with money hoodwinked from sincere people conned into believing God was supposedly going to live there and sanctify it. God did neither. If it was sanctified, then why did it fall into the hands of another pseudo-Christian sect/cult that practiced holy barking, pogoing, and could turn teeth into gold? 

Never fear, though. It's about to be sold again, so maybe it will be the Germans as they prepare to use the building as their operation HQ for when they invade the United States and set up concentration camps. Maybe Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg will announce the overthrow of the United States from the stage. This is Armstrongism, after all, and in it anything is possible!

Is the temple Jesus is returning to the true church? 

One thing is for certain: when Christ does return, it will be to millions of justified and sanctified Christians around the world. He is not returning to Petra or Pella or some desert community in Jordan where a bunch of batshit crazy American religious frauds have led their followers to.  

If Herbert W. Armstrong established the first part of the Philadelphia era, would not Zerubabbel be around to help establish the second part, the Philadelphian remnant in the 21st century? 

The Philadelphia remnant is a Church of God myth used to make followers feel special and called out. It is a guaranteed FACT that this remnant is NOT the improperly named "Continuing" Church of God. That is an immutable FACT!  

Might the end time Zerubabbel be from a Roman Catholic background and Joshua from a church of God background, but who has remained with Laodicean too long? 

Just because the Great Bwana Bob was a former Catholic does not make him a modern-day Zerubabbel. He is a liar to say such a thing. Is Joshua supposed to be Aaron Dean, who has remained too long in a heretical splinter group? The Kitchen's think so. Or, is Joshua going to be Ron Weinland? This is Armstrongism, after all, so the scenarios are endless. 

Could Herbert W. Armstrong have been the signet ring as one group asserted? 

No. Fact. Another Church of God myth.

Are there dualities and prophecies that relate to both ancient Zerubabbel and the Continuing Church of God? 

The chances of this happening are about as good as Garner Ted being resurrected to come back and save the church! The dual prophecy myths of Armstrongism most assuredly do NOT point to a self-appointed crackpot prophet or the improperly named "Continuing" Church of God. This also is an immutable FACT! 

Who is preparing for the short work of Romans 9:28

It is NOT Bwana Bob Thiel. That is a FACT!  

Dr. Thiel provides insights to these topics.

Dr. Thiel provides deluded mind farts as if they are God-given insights. God no more delivers this crap to Bob's mind than He does to Gerald Flurry or Dave Pack. 

Why are the Churches of God filled with so many of these liars? Why do these self-appointed prophets never act like Biblical prophets?

Here is the reason why:

...Biblically and historically, true prophets spoke out boldly against injustice and exploitation. They spoke on God's behalf when his people went astray and forgot the poor.

Like a good comedian, true prophets punch up. Not down.

The Biblical prophets spoke truth to power, not condemnation to the downtrodden and marginalized.

True prophets in 2022 [and 2024] would be speaking out about the needs of refugees, the homeless, and people in poverty around the world. They would be speaking out against war and violence. They would speak out loudly and boldly against politicians, corporations, and churches who refuse to help the poor and the downtrodden.

(As a fun exercise - have a read through the book of Amos and see how much these words resonate, or not, with the words of the so-called "prophets" of your church today).

There are a whole lot of people who call themselves "prophets" but most of them barely acknowledge poverty, exploitation, or injustice.

Truly they are charlatans.

Jesus knew this, and that's why he warned that there will always be a bunch of false prophets and fake teachers running their mouths off who will "deceive many people" (Mt. 24:11).

In Biblical times, there were two types of prophets.

Firstly, there were those “prophets” who feasted at the King's table because they had been co-opted to speak well of evil leaders (1 Kings 18:19). They were bringing smarmy words of favor and influence and prosperity to the king and his cronies. And the king lapped it up. Like a sucka.

Secondly, there were those who were exiled to the caves, or beheaded (like John the Baptist) because they spoke out about the injustice or immorality of their leaders (1 Kings 18:4). The king didn't like them very much. He tried to have them knee-capped.

So how can you tell the difference?

You will know false prophets by their fruit and their focus. That focus is you.

Some come with a message that makes you feel AMAZING - God is going to "enlarge your tent" and "expand your influence", he's going to "give you great favor" and "bless you mightily"…

Others come with a message that makes you feel FEARFUL, like “the end times are upon us”, “prepare for the apocalypse”, “buy more gold quickly, hide yourself away from the chaos”…

Save yourselves, come with us to Petra, and hide from the chaos. Sound familiar?

Notice how the focus is always you at the center? Not Jesus or those who are suffering.

[Note: Of course God blesses. Of course God gives people favor, and even gives them influence sometimes. But these were not the main priorities of the Biblical prophets. This did not form the core of their message.]

I would suggest to you that many church leaders today, Q-Anon adherents, and other so-called "prophetic leaders" of the evangelical church have become the false prophets of this generation. We have gone astray.

Let’s instead consider what a true prophet sounds like. Here is a sampling of Biblical prophets just to remind you what they sound like:

“Hear this, you who trample the needy and destroy the poor of the land!”

Amos the prophet (Amos 8:4)

“Seek justice, correct oppression; bring justice to the fatherless, plead the widow’s cause.”

Isaiah the prophet (Isaiah 1:17)

“Woe to him who builds his house by unrighteousness, and his upper rooms by injustice”

Jeremiah the prophet (Jeremiah 22:13)

“Behold, this was the guilt of your sister Sodom: she and her daughters had pride, excess of food, and prosperous ease, but did not aid the poor and needy.”

Ezekiel the prophet (16:49)

“He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God.”

Micah the prophet (Micah 6:8)

"Thus says the Lord of hosts… do not oppress the widow, the fatherless, the immigrant, or the poor…”

Zechariah the prophet (Zechariah 7:9-10) 

Have you EVER heard a Church of God self-appointed prophet preach like this? The answer to that is a bold NO!

Got it? It's pretty clear to anyone who has immersed themselves in these scriptures what true prophets sound like. True prophets are not babbling on about the “deep state”, conspiracy theories and Donald Trump. The teachings of many modern day evangelical church leaders just do not resonate with God's heart for justice and Shalom, the way the Biblical prophets did.

So who will you listen to? I invite you to turn your ear towards people who echo the prophets of the Bible, speaking truth to power, and grace and love to the downtrodden.  HERE'S THE PROBLEM WITH MOST MODERN DAY PROPHETS...

The simple fact remains. Do not believe the lies of the Church of God false prophets, especially those who claim mantles of Hebrew prophets.  These are charlatans who are unable to put their confidence in Jesus. They have to look backward to the Old Covenant times (much like the Israelites looking longingly back at all the leeks and foods they were missing) for solace and comfort and for titles they think they fit. Unwilling to revel in peace and contentment in Christ, they expect us to follow them down the dark paths they are currently upon.

And the people of Israel also wept again and said, “Oh that we had meat to eat! We remember the fish we ate in Egypt that cost nothing, the cucumbers, the melons, the leeks, the onions, and the garlic. But now our strength is dried up, and there is nothing at all but this manna to look at.”

The manna set before Armstrongism and its followers has been soundly rejected by its current apostles, prophets, chief overseers, pastor generals, and presidents. They prefer the garlic, melons, and "comfort" of Old Covenant times over the freedom, peace, and assurances of being People of the Way.

Friday, November 22, 2024

What is Grace Communion International?


Formerly the Worldwide Church of God, GCI has experienced one of the largest changes in teaching of any Christian Denomination. In this video we examine their beliefs today. 00:00 Change in Beliefs 00:30 History of Grace Communion International 02:58 Core Teachings 03:12 God Family 03:45 Sacraments 04:23 Scripture 05:05 Creation & Evolution 06:41 Sin & Salvation 07:06 Predestination & Calvinism 07:43 Pentecostalism & Tongues, Word of Faith 08:35 Eschatology 09:07 Hell, Eternal Punishment, & Conditional Immortality 10:22 British Israelism 11:01 Marriage, Sexuality & Divorce 12:25 Abortion 12:55 Worship Style 13:37 Alcohol, Tithing 14:13 Sabbath 14:56 Festivals 15:32 Holidays 15:51 Food Laws 16:04 Day Christ Died, War, Voting 16:27 Church Government 17:06 Women in Ministry 17:19 Affiliations & Statistics

Ready To Harvest

Christian Denominations explained in a neutral and concise way. Let's look into what these denominations have in statements of faith, published position papers, magazines, and websites and provide a concise, unbiased, and accurate description of the denomination that allows evaluation and comparison. Denominations and churches tend to have certain things that they focus on, and when you want to simply find out what they believe on other areas, you have to do a lot of digging. At Ready to Harvest, we've done the digging so you can have a detailed and information-dense description of much of the most important things a denomination teaches in a clear and short video.

Blest and Happy is The Man


This was one of my most despised songs out of the purple hymnal, that is, till now.  Check this out

Blest and Happy Is The Man

This would have been great to sing to in the Auditorium!

Check out Nathan Frampton's other music here:

Remember this crap?

Weasel Words: When COG False Prophets Try And Cover Up Their Failures


The following letter was on Exit and Support Network and is about how Gerald Flurry is trying with all his might to cover up his uttered false prophecies. The author's term of "weasel words" is quite accurate. Armstrongist leaders and false prophets have been well-documented for the lies and false prophecies they have uttered, starting with Herbert Armstrong and Gerald Waterhouse. See: Herbert W Armstrong's Prophetic Record.

This is not limited to Gerald Flurry, though. Bob Thiel does this constantly. Dave Pack does this on a daily hourly basis as everything he utters is invalidated a few hours later by some new vision or brain fart. Then there is Ron Weinland! Has there ever been a bigger liar and failure than him? Oh, wait, there is Alton Billingsley. He is like all of the resident whack-a-doodle COG prophets all wrapped up into one.

GF Backpedaling and Using Weasel Words:

November 20, 2024

Many already know that Gerald Flurry (who labels himself a ‘prophet’) dogmatically stated, “a Joe Biden presidency is contrary to Bible prophecy.” That statement should have been the end of the PCG as a “church” and the end of this letter.

But since the election of Trump, he’s now backpedaling and digging in deeper.

His latest article in the November 14, 2024 Trumpet (“Trump Victory: Fulfilled Prophecy!”) is full of weasel words that you won’t find any prophet using in the Bible. Case in point:

“I know these prophecies will be fulfilled, I am 99.9 percent sure my understanding of them is correct, and anyone can prove them!”

After dogmatically telling the membership from the pulpit and in writing for years that he is a prophet and God speaks to him, this article walks back previously incorrect “prophecies” by downgrading the language–Flurry is now just a news forecaster. GF writes:

“This has been one of my consistent forecasts, based on Bible prophecy, over the past four years.”

It’s remarkable that a man who tells PCG members that he is a prophet (amongst other titles) won’t state in unequivocal and detailed terms exactly what the prophecy is that God revealed to him: there is always an “out” and always use of weasel words.

Another turn in messaging that no member will admit to: for almost the entire existence of the PCG they claimed America was in an unrecoverable downwards spiral that would end in the Tribulation, slavery and captivity “within three to five years” (something they then rescheduled at the end of every three to five year timeline with a new twist). This new, politically-oriented fascination with Trump is a complete and 180-degree pivot from that messaging. GF writes:

“Prophecy says that Donald Trump is going to lead a resurgence in America.”

The PCG has NEVER prophesied about a “resurgence.” So, were they wrong then, or now? And if it was a prophecy, was God not aware of what was going on?

It couldn’t be clearer that Flurry is just making things up as he goes along and shoe-horning political figures into “Bible prophecy.” After all, he’s done this historically with “the strong man of Europe”; previous Popes, the identity of the King of the South and other assigning of Bible roles and titles, all of which had to be revised.

The Bible is full of admonitions about false prophets, and a self-proclaimed prophet only needs to be wrong ONCE to be discredited.

God is not the author of confusion; he doesn’t have to “revise” or provide “clearer understanding” of His prophecies. As a former member, I’m ashamed of the members of this “church” that have laid both common sense and understanding of the Bible at the doorstep as they continue to support this nonsense. –E. L.


Thursday, November 21, 2024

LaNisa Frederick: Cult Survivor to Hollywood Star


Welcome to the Apostate Sisters Interview Series! Today, we’re sitting down with the incredible LaNisa Frederick—award-winning actor, voiceover artist, writer, and fellow survivor of the Worldwide Church of God. 🌟 From her roles in Brooklyn 99, Young Sheldon, The Goldbergs, and A Black Lady Sketch Show to co-creating the hilarious and insightful Instagram series Hashtag Booked, LaNisa’s career is as dynamic as her story. In this episode, LaNisa shares her journey growing up in the WCG, navigating life as a Black cult survivor in Hollywood, and using her art to heal and spark dialogue. We also dive into her upcoming podcast, Black and CULTivated, where she amplifies the voices of Black and Brown cult survivors. Join us for an empowering and laughter-filled conversation as we unpack cult life, creativity, and reclaiming autonomy. Don’t forget to like, subscribe, and hit the bell to support our channel! 💬 Share your thoughts in the comments—we’d love to hear your stories. ✨ Links ✨ 📌 All things LaNisa: 📌 Follow LaNisa Frederick:   / lanisafrederick   📌 Learn more about Hashtag Booked:   / hashtagbooked   LaNisa's Business Inquiries: Maritza Cabrera Limitless Management 📌 Support Apostate Sisters on Patreon:

Finding Freedom From The Mosaic Law


Rob Kelly was 30 years a member of the Worldwide Church of God - this is his testimony on finding freedom from the Mosaic Law! His story is one that highlights the faithfulness of God to all who "diligently search for the God of all Truth", Jesus Christ. Lyn Rees

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

LCG Admits They Are Not Doing That Great Of A Job With Their Message


And, it has taken them this long to realize this?

Members of the Living Church of God Council of Elders met for three days of meetings this week. Many topics were covered, but there was much discussion on how we can reach a broader audience. We are probably reaching more people than is evident from those who respond by requesting literature, but we recognize that we are only reaching very small segments of the populations in the countries where we have a presence—and that there are more than 8 billion people on earth today. Please beseech God to open doors for us to reach a far greater audience than we currently are reaching.

Monday, November 18, 2024

You Have Been Warned! The wrath of Satan the Devil, the Great Tribulation will be launched on YOU, to CORRECT YOU!

Oh Noes!!!!!!!!! It looks like tough times are ahead.

So it is highly unpopular to say the Worldwide Church of God is alive today. Robbed of earthly possessions, high persecuted, slandered and maligned, this Church is yet alive. And these OTHER CHURCHES are feeling they are now being CHALLENGED. Which like the work of Jezebel, they are being challenged by the Elijah work. FIRE SHALL PURIFY THIS MATTER.
So those doing the will of God, will receive the promise. Those supporting OTHER CHURCHES, are embracing the work of SCATTERING, and this God is NOT PLEASED WITH.
And because you are attending with daughters of Babylon, you wont be able to escape what is coming.
IT DOES NOT MATTER HOW MANY OF GOD'S PEOPLE ARE WITH YOU INSIDE THESE GROUPS! God's People, the membership of the Worldwide Church of God, are to COME OUT OF HER and be SEPARATED FROM HER, not the other way around!
We do not need to support the SCATTERING of the flock! We need to see these organizations shut down, and everyone of God's people come together back as the Worldwide Church of God. These churches may pretend to have God's name on them, but they are not ordained of God! The ministry were ministry of the Worldwide Church of God! COME BACK MEN! REPENT!
The membership were the membership of the Worldwide Church of God! COME BACK BRETHREN! REPENT! OBEY GOD, and do the will of God NOW, TODAY, so you may receive the promise!
Otherwise YOU WILL BE CAUGHT UNABLE TO ESCAPE, or UNWILLING TO ESCAPE, and the wrath of Satan the Devil, the Great Tribulation will be launched on YOU, to CORRECT YOU. Some of you may repent TOO LATE! SO PAY HEED! Samuel Kitchen 11/16/24