NOTE: Due to the ongoing melt down of Dave Pack it has been suggested that this post be reposted.
If I Ever Go Off Into Strange or
Weird Ideas...
"I want to make a statement, if I became
deceived, I will never tell you what I'm going to tell you now...I am telling
you if I go off into strange ideas, misconduct, rebellion, you name it, don't follow me. I want to tell you that
now, because if I start doing that I'm gonna try to get you to follow me! I'm gonna come to you and tell you it doesn't apply, it doesn't
mean me, no, no, no, no, no, no, it's OK to follow me because ABCD and XY and
Z. Do
you understand what I'm saying? Listen to me now, when I tell you don't follow me if I go off into weird ideas, or if I get off into other things that are total absolutely
unscriptural conduct, because
if I do I'm gonna paint it
with a different face and try to get you to follow me. Do you understand what I'm saying brethren? Please remember that,
because I promise you that if I become deceived, I'll forget it, and I'll want you to forget
it...And I hope you'll remember it well enough to quote it right back to me...But I'll tell you what, I'm not going anywhere."
David C Pack
December 12, 1998

Actually Dave, I totally
understand what you are saying and just did quote it back to you as
instructed. That time you foresaw has arrived and indeed, you are
uttering both strange and weird things about yourself. If I read all the
letters sent to you by former employees and members correctly, you also have
tendencies to act in unscriptural ways but I am pretty sure you don't see that
side of this coin. What chance is there you will see the trail of tears
you have left for decades when you are struggling to figure out just what
"filthy rags" you, as the fulfillment of Haggai's Joshua the High Priest
might have to remove. The idea that all you can come up with is that you
sinned not leaving the splinters soon enough or not starting your own church
soon enough is...well...a strange and weird idea to say the least

So the time has come to
tell you that your current ideas about just where you fit in the Biblical
scheme of things has come. It is time to tell you, as instructed, that
your ideas about you being foretold in the minor prophet Haggai or Zephaniah is
truly a strange and weird idea. I have to admit, you do follow the A, B,
C and X,Y and Z format in explaining this ridiculous concept as you predicted
so at least thanks for sticking to the format so we could recognize it and call
you out on it as instructed.
First of all, you have
been in "rebellion" for as long as I have known you. Now I
understand one man's rebellion is another man's faithfulness, but let's face have never done well working for anyone that told you what to
do. Men such as yourself simply can't take instructions, correction or
advice. I have chatted with a few of your close staff who confirm that
you taking advice is not a strong point. It tends to enrage you. I
recall your sojourn in New York City where you were sent to work under
Mr.___________ as your one last chance to get your team player skills
together. I asked Mr. _________ how you were doing working for and with
others but not in charge and not having the final say. He said you were
doing fine for now and what you needed to do to get through it, but when you
were ever back on your own you'd fall back into all that you have since fallen
back into. Now that man was a Prophet for sure. He said,
"People don't change much." And this is true. Some get worse.
The idea that you are
foretold in the scriptures some 2500 years after the fact is simply weird and
strange. It is also a lie. You are truly the master of making a scripture
mean what it never meant. From declaring that "houses" in
Haggai is really splinters to your nutcase idea that all the tithes of the
splinters need to flow unto you because it belongs to you is simply
insane. Ok, I mean strange and weird to stick to your terminology and
what we had to look out for in you. You even have the amount
calculated I imagine because you know as well as I do that it has never been
about the numbers with you , but it really is. Remember redrawing church
boundries so you could have a larger congregation without actually having new
folk come along? I do. The minister next door only found out when
the member showed him the letter telling him he has been switched to your
congregation . Kinda strange and weird even back then.
But back to the current
strange and weird ideas. It was kinda neat to see how you explained that
HWA knew he was at first a type of Zerubbabel (which means 'born of
confusion" btw) and in the next paragraph he knew he was Zerubbabel and
not just any type, and finally ended up not knowing who Joshua the High Priest
would be. Funny, I recall it being plainly GTA according the HWA when he
was hoping Ted would get rid of his filthy rags and return to his duties in the
church. Gerald Waterhouse was real big on GTA and the filthy rag
theory. So in a very short time, you evolved HWA's thinking back then to
match and pave the way for you now. Strange and weird huh?
The more bad news is that HWA also was never spoken of in any scripture but I
know you'd not believe such a thing. I mean what's the chance that out of
billions, it is YOU? I hesitate to say that since Haggai was never
written for much into the future as you think. Prophets, real or
imagined, sane or insane do not write about events outside their perceived
lifetimes. What good would that be? I could go back to the Book of
Lamentations and see my entire experience with WCG foretold and how I would
evolve and endeavor to help the brain dead in the COGs wake up a bit but I
don't have the energy. Jeremiah lived a rather melancholy life so it
would be stretching his intent I think.
Loved your phrase,
""I want to make a statement" Making
statements about you has never been difficult . Once you see yourself in
the Bible how can it be any different?. Of the 24 times the Apostle Paul
is referred to as an Apostle, he calls himself one 22 of those and Luke, his
side kick, the other 2. Other than that , no one thought so or at least
mentioned it. Kinda like yourself. Kinda like Gerald Flurry with
whom you have much in common. The taking of title in the WCG slivers is just
short of astounding. Where do you guys come from?
"I wanna talk
about me!"
other epistle author in the Bible wrote like Paul. This would be true on a
number of levels, but one aspect is of particular interest when we are
considering how Paul views himself. He had a way of drawing attention to
himself with his usage of personal pronouns. When it comes to how often he uses
words like, "I", "me", "my", or "mine",
the overall rate in his epistles is almost three times that of his next closest
And so it
is with yourself. Please don't take any comparison with the Apostle Paul
as a compliment from me. Or you don't know me very well on this
Now I am
betting you are saying " doesn't apply, it doesn't mean me, no,
no, no, no, no, no, it's OK to follow me because ABCD and XY and
Z." But, we're on to you and this is the very circumstance you
said could come up and you told us all just how to react. I am
doing you the very favor you begged the brethren to watch out for.
am just reminding your, so far, brain dead followers that you said it and that
you would do everything in your power to convince them you aren't getting into
strange and weird ideas. Well, you are and you have and it's time to pony
up as they say.
continued to say concerning youself..." Please remember that, because I
promise you that if I become deceived, I'll forget it, and I'll want you to forget
it you have and I imagine you really wish we'd all forget it too just as you
said. I have to say, this prophecy of how you would be and act when you
got all strange and weird was really right on. Since you are
incapacitated in memory and bound and determined to see yourself as Joshua the
High Priest or whatever as spoken of by the Prophet Haggai, it is our job to
keep the balance as yours has completely left you. You can't get upset as
you told the brethren to be on the look out for just this kind of deviance from
the norm. And so we do.
It is not
necessary to go through Haggai with you or anyone else to prove that the Bible
does not speak of you, you are not any Joshua the really spoken of High Priest
and all your detailed analysis of the book is not really what the book was all
about. They don't call it anal--ysis for nothing Dave. You weave a
great yarn, but a yarn it is and it won't take long for it to unwind as did the
machinations of the not really the Two Witnesses Ron Weinland or the not really
"That Prophet" Gerald Flurry. many times do the WCG
leftovers have to learn this lesson?
I drove
through Wadsworth this past week and sincerely thought to stop in and have a
chat but I was told you'd call the police and I don't have time for that.
I guess you don't want to debate after asking you three times huh?
At any
rate, I thought it was time to quote you back to you as you asked for such a
time as this. Your foresight and insight into how you would behave in
such a case of going weird and strange was very well spoken. I'm proud of
you for speaking so plainly before the time of the actual weird and strange
beliefs and I am thankful the Internet preserved your prophetic words for so
When you
recover your senses, you will thank me. We can hug and make up because
that which was lost will have been found and your sanity will, like
Nebuchadnezzar ,have returned. I hope it does not take seven years but it
is what it is and will be what it will be. I'm here for ya when your mind
comes back.

closing, a word about your very last statement. "But I'm not going
anywhere." I'm a pretty intuitive guy. I know what people mean
between the lines when they write or speak. "But I'm not going
anywhere" is meant to calm the troops after such dramatic
statements. It is actually a subconscious ploy , whether you know it or
not, to get to say all this dramatic "don't follow me if I get weird and
strange, but of course I will never get weird or strange," so now you can
now actually start getting weird and strange and they won't think it is weird
or strange.. After all, you just told them how you would behave and then
assured them you'd never actually do that and then you get to do it and they
don't get it. Brilliant! It's like the tassels and ribbons that
warriors used to put on the ends of the spears. In battle they would wave
them around and it was just natural for the human eye to follow the pretty
ribbon and tassel as it was waved in their face. Well it was pretty until the
actual spear point was shoved into one's chest. Distractions and
disclaimers are the tassels and ribbons on the end of a very dangerous
just thought I'd quote you back to you for such a time as this in your
thinking. I really don't want to see anyone else get hurt with religion
done badly and mental problems being mistaken for spirituality and truth.
Was that harsh?
contact Dennis at: