Above is a picture from 1960 of the Feast of Tabernacles in Big Sandy.
How dare those men be seen in short sleeve shirts or not wearing a tie!
Open neck collars, GHASTLY DAYS!
Women with exposed arms! Lord have mercy!
Yet, the legalistic lords and masters of Living Church of God are demanding that men and women dress according to THEIR expectations.
photo: SHT
General Guidelines: In most modern cultures, coats, collared shirts, ties and nice slacks are considered appropriate attire for men on special occasions. This may vary in tropical climates, yet, in all climates there is a distinction between what is appropriate and what is not. 1 Timothy 2:9–10explains that ladies should dress “in modest apparel, with propriety and moderation.” This does not include the trendy and immodest apparel that is commonplace for many women in our society today: short, tight, form-fitting dresses, necklines displaying cleavage, bare shoulders, backless dresses, belly-baring tops, etc. Our challenge as Christian men and women is to come out of this world (2 Corinthians 6:17
) and recapture true values so we can be lights to a world that has lost its way (Matthew 5:14–16
). This is especially true as we gather to celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles—picturing Christ’s glorious reign on earth!
Dress standards have changed. Men used to wear ties and white shirts to Boston Red Sox games even in the middle of summer day games.
My parents used to dress to the nines just to take a plane trip.
So convention has definitely changed, even in "worldly" society!
The LCG-Armstrong-Doomsday-Cult should share their 'knowledge and truths that have been suppressed for 1900 years' with ACADEMIA.
Why should our universities remain in the dark on vital 'truths' like the 'true ancestral identity of UK & USA'?
Let's get this information out there!
Weston, Pack & Flurry should get together and compare notes.
In Armstrongism, societal evolution is always relabeled. They call it “degeneration”. So, those of us who keep pace with the trends of the day —— are we not men? Apparently to the COGlodytes, we are DEVO.
Anon-9:59 We could name their getting together a Convention of "Loony Toons",,my apologies to Porky Pig, Petunia and the rest of their buddies.
It was out there Anon 9:55 many years ago. You only have to read British newspapers reporting on the coronation of Queen Elizabeth. Openly discussing Britain being a part of ancient Israel.
OMG Connies mummie is Margo Robbie in Panam.
I don't know about Pack, but no one can hold a candle to Flurry. Not even the church of Bob.
As far as clothes go, we should go back to apostolic Christianity and wear robes - or if that is too far back, then to the 1700s and men can wear long powdered wigs and women uncomfortable corsets - and keep your ankles covered women!
For reference consult the enlightening video - Amish Paradise by weird Al Jankovich:
I am shocked! One man even unbuttoned his long sleeve shirt and rolled it up a little! It is a ghastly thing to see such disrespect by so many in one picture. It is apparent Satan was already at work in the church. We must remember this could have been taken at hour 3 of a 4 hour Gerald Outhouse sermon.
So how about some current info on required attire by UCG etc.
I've heard nothing from them so far for the Feastes
I attended my first two Feasts at Big Sandy. Ministers said on hot days inside the metal building that it was OK to take off your coat. So there was a little mercy then.
I remember on very hot days in the summertime, there were a few instances when the "minister" from the pulpit would give the men "permission" to remove their suit-coat and loosen their tie so they wouldn't pass out from the heat. Yes, I said "permission".
LCG is just plain L7. Like, squaresville, Dude!
Testing post for verification that this works. That's all.
To alleviate the chance of someone else using my moniker, I'll be using this verified account from now on here. I've also reserved a personal blog space in case I ever feel I need it, or to post materials/writings/opinions that fall outside the purpose or scope of Gary's fine blog such as random musings or off-subject interests (or something too long for here). (I chose a distinctly familiar title due to my collective past ;) ) .
GASP!! A conservative RELIGIOUS organization expects certain moral standards from its members!
Yes, a conservative religious organization which has meddled in ever area of a members life for years. Members are treated like ignorant little children incapable of doing anything right without a ministers approval. Even religious beliefs are regulated with hundreds of booklets, articles, etc where it is all thought out in black and white which discourages members to think for themselves.
There is a difference between "expecting certain moral standards from its members", and strangling the life out of a member with imposing and destructive burdens.
Throughout the tenure of Armstrongism, it's been power, control, and authority without relent, using fear and eternal destruction as the springboards to uncontrolled wealth and power.
A line is drawn when "certain moral standards" choke a person to physical and mental impairment, where even the most simple of decisions required ministerial "approval". No apologist movement in favor of Armstrongism can ever wash the atrocities away.
The incongruity was infuriating. You couldn’t wear certain clothing styles when they first came out, but it was perfectly acceptable to wear them when you purchased them at second-hand stores five years later! Stoooo-pid!
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