Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Satan Tries To Wreck Havoc In The Last Remaining True Church

It's another day in COGland and Satan, that big bad old meanie, is getting blamed for persecuting the one and only remaining true Church of God. The last remaining church that is spoken of in scripture and preordained at the creation of the world to carry out an end-time work is being persecuted, just as scripture says. Even worse, its self-appointed prophet, divinely set apart at creation, and doubly blessed leader is suffering intense persecution that no COG has ever experienced in 2,000 years! Oh, the horrors!

Satan is such a devious little squirt that he inspired the web hosting company that the Great Bwana to Africa and the only doubly-blessed prophet to ever lead a Church of God uses to blacklist him!

The Great Bwana starts off by mentioning the show "Blacklist" and how it deals with a "blacklist" of criminals that the FBI tracks down and usually eliminates. Satan is soooooooooooooooooo angry at the amazing work that Bwana Bob is doing that he is seeking to find any means he can to stop Bwana Bob from fulfilling his self-appointed mission. The Great Bwana now claims his web hosting company placed his videos and sermons on a blacklist, all thanks to Satan!

Of course, our resident crackpot prophet claims that this action is mentioned in scripture, specifically about his end-time "work" being inhibited from preaching some kind of a "gospel".

Being on a computerized “blacklist” can eliminate access to information, including biblical truth. Opposers of Jesus used the Satanic tactic of ‘guilt by association,’ which Jesus denounced and added something:

34 The Son of Man has come eating and drinking, and you say, ‘Look, a glutton and a winebibber, a friend of tax collectors and sinners!’ 35 But wisdom is justified by all her children. (Luke 7:34-35
Being put on a real ‘blacklist’ or even being lumped in with those who are disreputable highly impacts those who do not possess godly wisdom.

How dare Satan lump him in with other disreputable people and churches!  How dare he!!!!!!!!!!!!

Not only that, someone out in cyberspace accused Bwana Bob of spamming people! 

Why mention that here? 
Because of an incident this week. 
Let’s begin with some background. 
In July 2020, the Continuing Church of God announced that we had another URL and website: 

Because Bwana Bob has no legitimate reason to exist and because his church is not known by anyone in the world, he sought to align himself as close as he could with the Church of God 7th Day. People looking for the real site will also be forwarded on to the personality cult of Bwama Bob and assume they were being led to the truth.

The purpose of the site was to have free information that keepers of the seventh-day Sabbath might be interested in. 
Until a couple of days ago, all seemed fine. 
Yet, on Sunday, January 30, 2022, we received an urgent email from the legal department from our web hosting company that a web monitoring site placed that URL on its “blacklist” and we had to agree to make various ‘corrections.’ We were told that if those were not made to the web monitoring site’s satisfaction, the site would be removed from our hosting company. But, the hosting company stated that instead of immediately removing the website, since we had been reliable long-term customers they could give us 72 hours to try to get off the blacklist. 
So, I prayed about it and then contacted the web monitoring site to try to find out what was happening and to ask for details. 
The web monitoring site responded by stating there was an allegation about something to do with spamming. Yet, it was a false allegation as that was not anything that we ever did.

So where do you think this led the mind of the Great Bwana to wander off to? Satan! Big old meanie!

We had done nothing wrong, but were facing removal because of falsehoods. The fact that the web monitoring company representative stated he was “mystified” this matter got this far suggested Satanic involvement. 
The Apostle Paul wrote:

12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. (Ephesians 6:12
When facing the powers of darkness, the Apostle Paul wrote for Christians to do the following:

13 Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. 
14 Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness, 15 and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace; 16 above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. (Ephesians 6:13-17)

This was a sure sign of the "famine of the word"!!!!! Ghastly days, times are rough!

The Great Bwana says:

So, I strove to do the above and we won– this time. 
The timing of all of this was very interesting as we had began to embark on a potentially large expansion for the URL, which is our Church of God 7th Day Sabbath Observing Christians website. 

Even this past Friday, I had someone else working with me on that project. Then, Sunday, the site was facing elimination–a limited type of “famine of the word’ (cf. Amos 8:11-12).

Someone needs to contact the legal department of the real Church of God 7th Day and let them know a silly little upstart of Armstrongism is appropriating their name in order to divert potential contacts that think they are contacting the real COG7 to end up contacting a crackpot splinter cult of Armsgtrongism! 

This was another censatorial type of persecution we have faced.




Miller Jones/Lonnie C Hendrix said...

Satan gets blamed for a whole lot of stuff with which he had absolutely NOTHING to do!

Anonymous said...

The Uyghurs of China can explain to Bob what persecution is.
The North Korean population can explain what it is.
The people of Myanmar can explain what it is.
The minorities within Iran, Pakistan, Iraq and the Islamic world can explain.
The Jews and Christians who lived in the old Soviet Union and East Bloc nations can explain.
The Armstrong cog movement has never experienced persecution in any form even close to those who have suffered as the above mentioned peoples and groups.
To even apportion ‘persecution’ as Bob Thiel does to his ‘troubles’, shows a stunning disconnect from reality and ignorance and minimises the genuine suffering endured by untold millions.

Anonymous said...

Is it even possible that Bob doesn't recognize that his owning borders on gross misrepresentation, and at the very least is deceptive and fraudulent (in other words, un-Christian), as there are a couple of churches -- much larger than CCOG, by the way -- that informally go by the name "CG7", while Bob's church has no "7" (nor "Seventh") anywhere in its name?

Continuing Church of Fraud... that's about the size of it.

But what's good for the goose is good for the gander. If Bob thinks it's ethical for him to maintain, should another COG group hurry up and register As of Wednesday afternoon, is still available. Maybe the Church of God Seventh Day should register to help steer the innocent away from dangerous Bobism.

Stevereno said...

That was the evilest Satan could do?? I guess he's getting old. What is he now? Between now 6000 and eternity, I think.
But ol' Bob can take Satan no matter what! But, Bob, don't fall for the "pull my finger" trick. All old guys do that

Anonymous said...

.info domains can't be snatched by corporations claiming copyright or trademark. Flurry can't stop as an anti-PCG site.

That means that if someone wanted to establish a site, and to use it to give the lowdown about Bob, Bob couldn't stop it, unless he might be humble enough to admit that he's too obscure to be called a "public figure" and that as a result the stricter application of libel laws would apply, meaning that anything on would need to be meticulously and scrupulously fact-checked, unlike the free-for-all we find on Banned.

Anonymous said...

"censatorial" ???

Anonymous said...

It's the history of the ACOGs that many of their ministers, including their leading ministers, persecuted genuine Christians in their groups.

Anonymous said...

its self-appointed prophet, divinely set apart at creation, and doubly blessed leader

Who could that be? Who would that be referring to?

Anonymous said...

its self-appointed prophet, divinely set apart at creation, and doubly blessed leader

No. Bob wasn't divinely set apart at creation. He was divinely set apart when he decided that, even though he was ill, he was going to appear before Rod Meredith and other frail, at-risk, elderly leaders instead of observing the Biblical practice of quarantine.

Tonto said...

If Thiel's church is the "true church", then I want to be completely sure that Im attending an UNTRUE CHURCH!

Hoss said...

Again from an archive, years ago - I listened to an HWA World Tomorrow program, which was about Job. The gist of it was that Satan can only do what God allows, and if you are the victim, God must be trying to get your attention. As with Job, once he found his error and corrected it, things were better.
The Hebraic perspective is similar - something bad is happening, it might be our fault, let's find what or who it is and fix it, then things will be better.
Bob's perspective here seems to be "It can't be ME, I'll blame Satan!"